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For many months we have had television promotions for "HD", especially at TV7. I am still waiting.

Although promotions att state that TV&HD is operating and has been for many months, this is actually not the case.

On True, channel 114 is supposed to be ThaiTV7 HD, but that is not the case. HD is defined as 1920×1080p resultion with a

screen ratio of 16/9.

Thai "HD" (at least Channels 3, 5 and 7) are actually 4/3 (not 16x9) with the top and bottom cropped, running at a 720i resultion

(interlacedto make the picture appear 720 when it is actually480.

You can test this easily enough on your TV, especially if you have TrueVision. Set the True box's HD setting to 1080p; but set the "On Receiving 4/3 Signal" "Piller Box"

ANYTHING except "Stretch".

You will see the picture totally distorted.

I wonder when real HD might reach us?


It's unlikely to be 720i - no broadcast standards support this. 720p is still considered HD, and indeed is used by several European broadcasters. Aspect ratio has no relevance to whether a signal is HD.


I do not have True Visions but they only list channels 11-82 as being HD on there web site - and for channel 7 it is channel 45. Sat/cable still provide 4/3 versions for those without HD sets.


There's two parts to the euqation: what the broadcast medium can support (720P, 1080i) and then what the actual content was originally recorded in. In many cases, even though you're watching a "HD" channel, the content is only SD anyway... even ads.


Truevisions is not broadcasting free tv in HD (1920x1080) but only in SD with lowest quality. To obtain free tv in highest HD quality you must use DVB-T2 (Terrestrial) or if you want to use satellite you will need C-BAND not KU-BAND dish.

Anyway check out this thread http://pantip.com/topic/33769062


Go to below TrueVisions webpage to see their complete channel lineup based on their Platinum package (or pick any package by clicking the appropriate package icon at the top of the page).

The lineup shows which channels are in HD and be sure to take note of the channels identified with a double asterisk as those are HD channels but TrueVisions' broadcast of them is in SD. Meaning of a single asterisk (i.e., cable only) and double asterisk (ie.., HD channel broadcast in SD) are at the bottom of the page.



Thanks for the current channel list.

As shown Channel 7 HD is found on there channel 5 with the other free channels (1-10).

There channel 114 is clearly marked as SD transmission.

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