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Thaksin in Montenegro to request larger passport book

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Instead of headliner Thaksin get new passport, it should be renamed the official Thaksin hate pages. The fact is that after his sentence Thaksin have been let into every bloody country he wanted to visit. After a few months of hesitations among the big countries, like the US and UK, he gets his visa now wherever he want to go. Obviously not Thailand. The reason for Thaksin beeing able to do this, is that countries looks at his sentence as political. I dont have any this or that about his sentence and confiscation of some of his money, but i do understand why he can travel freely. Thaksins case is in no way exeptional in history. What i dont understand is this dislike/hatred among expats here towards the man, i must laugh, what on earth has he ever done to you? I mean back off, seriously.


Where does the article suggest he is getting Montenagran citizenship? Why so many post about a Montenegro passport? Certainly he is just renewing at the Thai embassy in Montenagro, correct? Is this escaping most of you?

Sorry, you clearly weren't here at-the-time, or don't remember ...



Thaksin's possession of a Montenegrin passport, following an investment there, has been widely reported and confirmed, not least by himself.

Google is your friend !


Instead of headliner Thaksin get new passport, it should be renamed the official Thaksin hate pages. The fact is that after his sentence Thaksin have been let into every bloody country he wanted to visit. After a few months of hesitations among the big countries, like the US and UK, he gets his visa now wherever he want to go. Obviously not Thailand. The reason for Thaksin beeing able to do this, is that countries looks at his sentence as political. I dont have any this or that about his sentence and confiscation of some of his money, but i do understand why he can travel freely. Thaksins case is in no way exeptional in history. What i dont understand is this dislike/hatred among expats here towards the man, i must laugh, what on earth has he ever done to you? I mean back off, seriously.

What did Thaksin ever do for expats married to Thai, with a work permit and residing in Thailand would be a better question.

He has property in many countries and doubt he is subject to a 90 day report to immigration.

The man is a hypocrite!


Where does the article suggest he is getting Montenagran citizenship? Why so many post about a Montenegro passport? Certainly he is just renewing at the Thai embassy in Montenagro, correct? Is this escaping most of you?

Newbies reading and believing Shin propaganda stick out a mile.

He has a Montenegro passport and has had for many years, fact.

How can a fugitive on the run from a prison sentence renew his passport in a Thai embassy abroad? Is there a "safe house" that fleeing fugitives use to pick up their travel documents?

I do mine down Khaosan. PM me for info.


Instead of headliner Thaksin get new passport, it should be renamed the official Thaksin hate pages. The fact is that after his sentence Thaksin have been let into every bloody country he wanted to visit. After a few months of hesitations among the big countries, like the US and UK, he gets his visa now wherever he want to go. Obviously not Thailand. The reason for Thaksin beeing able to do this, is that countries looks at his sentence as political. I dont have any this or that about his sentence and confiscation of some of his money, but i do understand why he can travel freely. Thaksins case is in no way exeptional in history. What i dont understand is this dislike/hatred among expats here towards the man, i must laugh, what on earth has he ever done to you? I mean back off, seriously.

What did Thaksin ever do for expats married to Thai, with a work permit and residing in Thailand would be a better question.

He has property in many countries and doubt he is subject to a 90 day report to immigration.

The man is a hypocrite!

My good friends at immigration, who have to follow Thai law; when I asked them to stop this nonsense and can I get citizenship, told me I could , but the cost was not worth it and I was not on their watch list and they made everything as easy as they could for me.


And there was me thinking his daughter's nick name was 'Ming-ing' ...

Edit - Actually, I'm being unfair - having just checked Google, she's really rather pretty - shame about her old man though ...

Yes, but she is a lesbian..... and ever since his father caught the son smoking ganja and 2500 drug dealers were shot dead within 3 months.. all the Bangkok lesbians were terrified he would find out about her ...! True story..!


Immigration do have computers and records. All the paper shifting is to keep them employed.

When they have known you for a very long time, twenty years in my case, they do make life as easy as they can. Report by post and renew visa annually.


"....... have been let into every bloody country he wanted to visit. .

I don't believe Mr. T has actually been stopped from entering Thailand. As he hasn't stepped foot in the country could this mean that he doesn't want to actually visit Thailand?


And for newbies, before Thaksin , reporting 90 day was a joke, I did , just pop in to immigration and say hello.

Few I knew did.

Visa renewal, much the same, hello, this needs updating.

Thaksin clamped down on foreigners in Thailand, hates competition and his ego was wounded by U N.


Conquer the world (minus Thailand) clap2.gif


But as we all know, Thailand has never envisioned conquering the world. Hell, a lot of people I met while living in the USA still confuse Taiwan and Thailand, so even getting recognized is pretty difficult.


Must be really pissing him off by now all that money and he cant return to his homeland and I am sure like most Thais just love the peace and good food everywhere and the beach and easy life too bad a hole. But a product of a society with absolutely no rules and any rules are made up as they go by the elite of course for the elite and to hell with anyone else.


Just realised who was asking, I better do it for you. Posted earlier in this thread I believe also.


Well, thanks very much for the link. Interesting article. It would seem that there indeed easier ways of getting a passport from a EC country. Just need half a million EURO. Mind you the article doesn't mention other conditions and with 'democracy' and 'freedom of expression', 'freedom if information' convicted criminals might be excluded when too many questions are asked. Your "many of the EU countries offer easier, cheaper citizenship options" seems a bit misguided.

So, would Thaksin be learning Portugese by now, or Spanish? Maybe on Cyprus the chance of meeting friends and such is higher?

PS from the FT article

UK: talk about 'premium visa's, not citizenship / passports

Portugal: invest 500,000 EURO, learn the language and apply for citizenship and passport after six years.

Spain: 'golden visa' program, no info on passport

Malta: 1.25m EURO, be in country 1 year for citizenship/passport

Cyprus: 5m EURO for citizenship/passport, no further details

The article seems to conclude St. Kits and Nevis are interesting.

Then there's also Cambodia. For an investment of US$265,000 and no other requirements, one can gain that hotly contested purple Cambodian passport. This figure is according to the investment guide to Cambodia, 2012 edition.

Perhaps Thaksin could buy himself a Cambo passport and be a little closer to home. Just a thought.


I did personally know Thaksin many years back, but am not willing to disclose how or why!

Do you guys still keep in touch?



But there is still no place like home, especially when you was so big, but now in your own country you are so small, I bet that hurts, so you need to stay in the public eye, or you will just disappear and become an old Thai memory, and that is a big face loss for you and your family,


But there is still no place like home, especially when you was so big, but now in your own country you are so small, I bet that hurts, so you need to stay in the public eye, or you will just disappear and become an old Thai memory, and that is a big face loss for you and your family,

".........in your own country you are so small......l"

Small?. I would say his opposition absolutely obsesses over him. They probably see him in their sleep. He is their ultimate boogieman.

If all was forgotten and he was allowed to re-enter Thailand tomorrow and run for PM....He would probably win.


Immigration do have computers and records. All the paper shifting is to keep them employed.

When they have known you for a very long time, twenty years in my case, they do make life as easy as they can. Report by post and renew visa annually.

Did you also just write

"My good friends at immigration, who have to follow Thai law;"

and afterwards

"I did personally know Thaksin many years back, but am not willing to disclose how or why!"

Maybe you should first take time to get the story you want to present here a bit more consistent


But there is still no place like home, especially when you was so big, but now in your own country you are so small, I bet that hurts, so you need to stay in the public eye, or you will just disappear and become an old Thai memory, and that is a big face loss for you and your family,

".........in your own country you are so small......l"

Small?. I would say his opposition absolutely obsesses over him. They probably see him in their sleep. He is their ultimate boogieman.

If all was forgotten and he was allowed to re-enter Thailand tomorrow and run for PM....He would probably win.

I guess that's why Heybruce frequently tells us that 'history teaches us' and we should not forget.


But there is still no place like home, especially when you was so big, but now in your own country you are so small, I bet that hurts, so you need to stay in the public eye, or you will just disappear and become an old Thai memory, and that is a big face loss for you and your family,

".........in your own country you are so small......l"

Small?. I would say his opposition absolutely obsesses over him. They probably see him in their sleep. He is their ultimate boogieman.

If all was forgotten and he was allowed to re-enter Thailand tomorrow and run for PM....He would probably win.

I like to "boogie', favourite John Lee Hooker!


"....... have been let into every bloody country he wanted to visit. .

I don't believe Mr. T has actually been stopped from entering Thailand. As he hasn't stepped foot in the country could this mean that he doesn't want to actually visit Thailand?

Thaksin as a Thai citizen cannot be stopped from entering Thailand - with or without a Thai passport.


I did personally know Thaksin many years back, but am not willing to disclose how or why!

Do you guys still keep in touch?


Seems the sarcasm / bait went over like a pregnant pole-vaulter cheesy.gif .


Immigration do have computers and records. All the paper shifting is to keep them employed.

When they have known you for a very long time, twenty years in my case, they do make life as easy as they can. Report by post and renew visa annually.

Did you also just write

"My good friends at immigration, who have to follow Thai law;"

and afterwards

"I did personally know Thaksin many years back, but am not willing to disclose how or why!"

Maybe you should first take time to get the story you want to present here a bit more consistent

What story is that, a replay of Cassius Clay - I am the greatest?


But there is still no place like home, especially when you was so big, but now in your own country you are so small, I bet that hurts, so you need to stay in the public eye, or you will just disappear and become an old Thai memory, and that is a big face loss for you and your family,

".........in your own country you are so small......l"

Small?. I would say his opposition absolutely obsesses over him. They probably see him in their sleep. He is their ultimate boogieman.

If all was forgotten and he was allowed to re-enter Thailand tomorrow and run for PM....He would probably win.

He IS allowed to return to Thailand and of course he will just as soon as that pesky 2 year jail sentence gets whitewashed and the other 15 outstanding charges get whitewashed.

Of course the small matter of being a convicted criminal fugitive who broke the law doesn't matter to you does it?


Perhaps the only people who are less relevant these days are Justin Bieber, Dick Cheney, Mariah Carey, and Tobey McGuire. Who is this guy, and why would we care? Does anyone, even the people of the northeast take this weasel seriously anymore? My friends from Issan just roll their eyes when his name is mentioned. Whatever juice this wimp once had has been exhausted with his repeated antics, and his divisive spirit.


But there is still no place like home, especially when you was so big, but now in your own country you are so small, I bet that hurts, so you need to stay in the public eye, or you will just disappear and become an old Thai memory, and that is a big face loss for you and your family,

".........in your own country you are so small......l"

Small?. I would say his opposition absolutely obsesses over him. They probably see him in their sleep. He is their ultimate boogieman.

If all was forgotten and he was allowed to re-enter Thailand tomorrow and run for PM....He would probably win.

He IS allowed to return to Thailand and of course he will just as soon as that pesky 2 year jail sentence gets whitewashed and the other 15 outstanding charges get whitewashed.

Of course the small matter of being a convicted criminal fugitive who broke the law doesn't matter to you does it?

What possible difference does it make whether it matters to me ?

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