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Have a 20 yr old veneer on one of my front two top teeth. It's a front veneer, the tooth was shattered with stone as a child. I think it has a metal pile or something holding it into the tooth.

Anyway, it's yellow and gunky, as these things happen to be after 20 years.

Got a teeth clean in the dentist today, asked about whitening my teeth. They said it would be bleaching, done over a few hours, cost 4,900b.

But the yellow veneer would stick out even more then because it would have been whitened by the bleach solution, so would look even more yellow. Their quote for a new front veneer... only 1,000 baht.

This was a nice clean dentist, with the main dentist being Singaporean and speaking better English than most English people.

Now that sounds cheap. I doubt it would be the same quality as the one that's lasted 20 years.

Anyone had experiences, recommendations, cost info for a decent front tooth veneer. (one of the top front two teeth).



It doesn't sound right, a half decent quality veneer will set you back around 8 to 12k and my understanding is you can't bleach a veneer anyway

Even the bleaching over a few hours doesn't sound right, I got my teeth bleached before I got veneers done and it was done at home over a period of 7 days using a "pro" kit I got off the dentist doing my veneers


Yes, price is suspicious. :D

They said that they can't be bleached, which is what they warned me about the bleaching, that the yellowish veneer would stand out even more with whitened/bleached teeth.


Veneers come in two types, composite and porcelein . Composite is cheaper but not as good ... they stain, chip etc. For that low price must be a composite that they meant and even then, still too cheap.

A porcelein veneer will indeed run something like 8-11,000 baht.

With any veneer, it will not bleach. So the thing to do is to do the bleaching first and then get a veneer to match.

I did that process at the Bangkok Dental hospital some years back and was very happy with the result. they also clealry explained all of the above to me. I don't recall the cost and anyway it was years back, but you can email and enquire. http://www.dentalhospitalbangkok.com/services.php


Porcelain veneer about 10k baht. (Rough estimate for choppers. Had incisor done for 15k) in house whitening should take 45 minutes. Get it done first then match the veneer.

Did you get quoted for a ceramic or lower grade material? Even at 1000b sounds dubious.


To confuse things.

Just got an email back from my mother, whom I had asked about it. (I was 15 the last time the dentist did it).

"remembered about your tooth - its shouldn't be a veneer you would have a post in it cos you had a corner attached to your tooth I think where it was chipped off"

So it seems it isn't a veneer that I need or have. The dentist said 'filing' and not 'veneer' in fairness.

The top front tooth chipped off the front corner, but also the front face of it shattered off, so whatever it is I have (filling or veneer) covers the whole front face of it, and the whole front corner where the tooth chipped off.

Will have to check if regular fillings (if that's what I have) are much cheaper than veneers.


Fillings arer much cheaper than veneers, of course.

But if you have a "post" there then it sounds like this is a crown. ???


Thanks Sheryl. The first step now is trying to figure out just what it is that I have. biggrin.png

Latest guest is a ceramic or porcelain crown.

If anybody has experience getting one of these in BKK (recommended place? cost?), please let me. Cheers.


If you have an existing post then you also have a 'crown'

For a front tooth you should almost definitely get a porcelain crown......since it will be visible your whole life, but I am not you, or a dentist. You need to see somebody before you will know how much it will cost exactly or what options you have.

Bear in mind, any dentist may reluctantly attach a new crown to an existing/ older post, so you may have to pay an additional 'retreat' fee to remove the post and install a new one to be sure it is sound. They will not give you a quote or idea of price until they have examined the situation.

I used the 'smilegallery' in Udom Suk, they were excellent and professional , although a little over the going rate


I think 1000 you were quoted was for direct bonding on that tooth. Porcelain veneer usually cost 9000-11000 per tooth

  • 3 months later...

1000K does indeed sound like direct bonding to the tooth. I had some areas of toothbrush erosion near the gumline filled in that way and it worked out well for a few years until the color of the teeth darkened, and then the filled areas stood out as being whiter.

It did cure me of overactive tooth brushing, but not drinking of red wine.

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