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SOME MEMBERS of the junta-appointed National Reform Council (NRC) are now making moves to support Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's continuation in power.

They must be in a cushy job ........ coffee1.gif

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but seriously ...... I believe the general has worked extremely hard to push Thailand forward and instill some form of governance.

It may not be to everyones liking, but it certainly a whole lot better than the previous three PM's.

As far as the majority of thai's are concerned .. he is doing a good job and can stay as long as he wishes.

To late for this poor fellow they already got to him. When they take you to one of them re-ed places do they put a helmet on your head with lots of wires and then someone throws a switch? My lights dimmed the other day.


Although I believe that the NRC has the countrys best interest in mind when they propose something like this. But they are going at it in a completly wrong way.

This is exactly what the people who are against Prayuth has been expecting and will now blow all horns in saying that Thailand will not go back to "democrazy".

I do think that Prayuth has no interest in being PM for longer then necessary, but of course to get something done in this country takes a very long time.

Anyways, I hope they will go ahead with new elections next year and the continuation of Prayuths reform will be one alternative for the people to vote for.


but seriously ...... I believe the general has worked extremely hard to push Thailand forward and instill some form of governance.

It may not be to everyones liking, but it certainly a whole lot better than the previous three PM's.

As far as the majority of thai's are concerned .. he is doing a good job and can stay as long as he wishes.

On what evidence do you base your post?

Sounds like a paid commercial to me. Reminds me of the old Brylcreem commercial "A little dab will do you"


''One NRC member said the public could start collecting some 20,000 to 30,000 signatures demanding that Prayut stay on for another two years to ensure the reform process could be completed. He said this would not be initiated by NRC members, as they could be accused of having a vested interest.''

Is this statement not initiating it?


If the NRC want the PM to serve another 2 years just come out and say it. There is no point posturing that it would look bad, and they need someone else to go out and collect signatures. Everyone knows its come from you, so appointing someone to go collect signatures is just a waste of time and fools no one.

As someone mentions above, i am not quite sure how they will do this though without a full referendum as even if they did go out and collect 20-30K signatures, I am sure it would be possible for others to go out and collect signatures saying otherwise.

Except that whenever the total of signature collectors/counters getting together gets to 5 it will be judged to be a political gathering, the paddy wagons will turn up and they will be taken away!


"SOME MEMBERS of the junta-appointed National Reform Council (NRC) are now making moves to support Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's continuation in power." WOW! didn't see that one coming! (sarcasm for those who don't know). Would love to see some of the signature collection events: "You want to keep your job?" .... "Yes"..... "sign here"


What would happen if a group of students and intellectuals collected 20,000 - 30,000 signatures with an opposing view? Arrest them for undermining the government? Surely this is a matter for the populous and a much better and fairer way would be to go to the polls!

Beat me to it :)


It's easy to lose the plot with the National Reform Council. Most of the articles about them are vague about what reform actions are being implemented or considered. This article, in the last paragraph, says

"It should also be made clear what reform needed to be carried out, such as anti-corruption measures and reducing social and economic disparities, while clear penalties must be stipulated if reform failed. Wanchai added that measurable criteria were needed to gauge the success or failure of reform."

So one year into the process, and the clarity is not there.

I have assembled my own list of reform related actions that seem evident from the news reports:

LIST OF REFORM ACTIONS June 2014 to June 2015

1) Initiating impeachment and other legal actions against the former PM (Yingluck), cabinet members and legislators who were involved in the amnesty bill, or the attempt to amend the constitution

2) Making payments due to farmers

3) Arresting one high level police official on charges of corruption

4) Drafting a new Charter

5) Cracking down on illegal fishing practices after being threatened with international sanctions

6) Cracking down on trafficked migrants after receiving further international criticism of inaction

7) Arresting one high level Army officer on charges related to trafficking

8) Removing farmers from land that is supposed to be in reserves

9) Identifying one case of land encroachment by a large scale development

10) Compiling a list of 100 corrupt officials, and possibly taking administrative action against 45 of them, although very few details are publicized

11) Revoking Thaksin's passports and beginning process to revoke police rank based on his status as a convicted criminal

12) Identifying several land officials in one region involved in improper land deals

13) Attempting price controls for lottery tickets

14) Possible increases in land related taxes

There may be significant actions I have missed.

However, what strikes me about this list is that the vast majority are not systemic reforms. Systemic reforms happen when there are changes such as: reorganized agencies; disbanded agencies; new agencies; new regulations; new multi-year programs based on strategies and plans; significant changes in budget allocations; and of course new constitutional provisions and major laws.

I am not seeing those kinds of changes, with exception of the new Charter, which appears to be in serious risk of being rejected by the critical stakeholders.


"Reform" just means suppressing the red shirts and preventing the Shinawatras from ever getting power again. There will be no real reform, of course. Corruption will increase, not decline, just as it did after the last coup. What else would one expect when the most corrupt organization in Thailand, the military, takes control?

Only a complete fool would have believed Prayut's schedule to hand over power after elections. If at all possible, he will never hand it over.


Khun PM i would love to see you for two more years. Do not let up on your corruption campaign. But i think it is even to wide spread to be corrected in two years. I hear you talk the talk now it is time to walk the walk!


Not achieved much to date besides a lot of talk & appallingly thought out press released comments. :-/

Who been put behind bars so far !

can't even control the cost of a lottery ticket :-O

Not enough or any decent/honest men in the country to make reform work :-/

And a zillion corrupties removed from their job....And 400.000 rai nationalpark will be reclaimed 2015. 600.000 2016.

Clean up on the beaches, sidewalks. Reduced crime, shake up of the police force.

No shootings and demonstrations

Fixed the rice debacle. Fixing the budget

I think they did a lot of things just without the Shinawatra marketing....Working instead of speaking.


"Reform" just means suppressing the red shirts and preventing the Shinawatras from ever getting power again. There will be no real reform, of course. Corruption will increase, not decline, just as it did after the last coup. What else would one expect when the most corrupt organization in Thailand, the military, takes control?

Only a complete fool would have believed Prayut's schedule to hand over power after elections. If at all possible, he will never hand it over.

Just too bad that corruption is already decreased and huge amounts of money seized.

But even if you would be right....Alone preventing the Shinawatras would be good enough for me


Inappropriate - Most Definitely,j

A Surprise - Hardly.

Just the start of a carefully ochestrated plan to keep the PM in power and trying to justify it.

Time now for some very favourable opinion polls.

if there is a referendum of the Thai people then there is nothing much more to say - they will have spoken - simple

Why not call it an election, have some alternative choices, and make it 3 years?

Oh yeah, cos the people would all vote for Thaksin, as usual.


"Reform" just means suppressing the red shirts and preventing the Shinawatras from ever getting power again. There will be no real reform, of course. Corruption will increase, not decline, just as it did after the last coup. What else would one expect when the most corrupt organization in Thailand, the military, takes control?

Only a complete fool would have believed Prayut's schedule to hand over power after elections. If at all possible, he will never hand it over.

Just too bad that corruption is already decreased and huge amounts of money seized.

But even if you would be right....Alone preventing the Shinawatras would be good enough for me

Shinawwatras is just a name for the poor majority of Thai voters. If not them it will be someone else. You might as well realize this. It is not who the poor majority are that is the problem it is whoever they run against. The poor majority always stays the same only the competition changes.


No shootings and demonstrations

I don't know about you, but where I come from, the right to demonstrate publicly is - since 1949 - manifested in the constitution -- for a good reason. Maybe Thailand needs just more than the half decade that has already passed to learn that.


"Reform" just means suppressing the red shirts and preventing the Shinawatras from ever getting power again. There will be no real reform, of course. Corruption will increase, not decline, just as it did after the last coup. What else would one expect when the most corrupt organization in Thailand, the military, takes control?

Only a complete fool would have believed Prayut's schedule to hand over power after elections. If at all possible, he will never hand it over.

Just too bad that corruption is already decreased and huge amounts of money seized.

But even if you would be right....Alone preventing the Shinawatras would be good enough for me

Since you're so sure about what you're saying, you wouldn't mind telling us your sources for those statements, would you?


"Reform" just means suppressing the red shirts and preventing the Shinawatras from ever getting power again. There will be no real reform, of course. Corruption will increase, not decline, just as it did after the last coup. What else would one expect when the most corrupt organization in Thailand, the military, takes control?

Only a complete fool would have believed Prayut's schedule to hand over power after elections. If at all possible, he will never hand it over.

Just too bad that corruption is already decreased and huge amounts of money seized.

But even if you would be right....Alone preventing the Shinawatras would be good enough for me

and what's good for you is what's important, 67 million Thais and their rights and freedoms be damned.


We could be looking at the formation of years of a "Military Dynasty".

In this dynasty...the position of PM would be passed from one Military leader to another...a Military Monarchy if you will...

All the while talking about a Democratically elected PM...Constitution...and such while plotting to never relinquish power back to a civilian government...

Just saying...wai2.gif


We could be looking at the formation of years of a "Military Dynasty".

In this dynasty...the position of PM would be passed from one Military leader to another...a Military Monarchy if you will...

All the while talking about a Democratically elected PM...Constitution...and such while plotting to never relinquish power back to a civilian government...

Just saying...wai2.gif

The military dynasty (in existence since 1932) shall be terminated by the people before this decade is through.


"......they feared the Kingdom would be trapped in the same old cycle of conflict"

The notion of 'political conflict' as expressed in this quote is confusing. In all mature democracies there is political diversity, political debate and posturing...Credible electoral processes and parliamentary procedures help to regulate these realities.

But some see this as "...conflict".....They will be sorely dissapointed if they think they can 'reform' such facts out of existence.....As many political philosophers have mentioned, "Democracy is messy"....But until someone finds a better way, it is the best way.

Well if the Thaksin goons threaten to burn down Bangkok and even try it and the police does nothing than this is a bit more conflict than other mature democracies have.

Beside the West should better shut up when it is about democracy.....USA 2 party system with 2 parties that are both bought and it simply doesn't matter what is vote for.

Europe...old parties who clearly don't work in the interest of the population. A vote every 4-5 years and some promises and than they do something complete different. Left or right they do almost exactly the same politics.

The only exception in Europe are Switzerland Hungary and Greek....the last two not so the success story.


SOME MEMBERS of the junta-appointed National Reform Council (NRC) are now making moves to support Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's continuation in power.

well, is anyone honestly surprised by this?


"......they feared the Kingdom would be trapped in the same old cycle of conflict"

The notion of 'political conflict' as expressed in this quote is confusing. In all mature democracies there is political diversity, political debate and posturing...Credible electoral processes and parliamentary procedures help to regulate these realities.

But some see this as "...conflict".....They will be sorely dissapointed if they think they can 'reform' such facts out of existence.....As many political philosophers have mentioned, "Democracy is messy"....But until someone finds a better way, it is the best way.

Well if the Thaksin goons threaten to burn down Bangkok and even try it and the police does nothing than this is a bit more conflict than other mature democracies have.

Beside the West should better shut up when it is about democracy.....USA 2 party system with 2 parties that are both bought and it simply doesn't matter what is vote for.

Europe...old parties who clearly don't work in the interest of the population. A vote every 4-5 years and some promises and than they do something complete different. Left or right they do almost exactly the same politics.

The only exception in Europe are Switzerland Hungary and Greek....the last two not so the success story.

my guess is that what you don't understand about democracy could fill a shipping container.


Can't see that much has been done to curb corrupt politicians. Not now, not in the past. Whilst I despise the levels of alleged cheating carried out by political parties (and the last one seemed to take the biscuit), if they aren't going to make any significant changes or arrests and just waste time while the economy suffers under military rule to the possible benefit of other some other fat cats, I say scr*w it, maybe they should let the cheating politicians back in. I really don't know which is the lessor of 2 evils anymore


Well if the Thaksin goons threaten to burn down Bangkok and even try it and the police does nothing than this is a bit more conflict than other mature democracies have.

Beside the West should better shut up when it is about democracy.....USA 2 party system with 2 parties that are both bought and it simply doesn't matter what is vote for.

Europe...old parties who clearly don't work in the interest of the population. A vote every 4-5 years and some promises and than they do something complete different. Left or right they do almost exactly the same politics.

The only exception in Europe are Switzerland Hungary and Greek....the last two not so the success story.

I have had a lapse of memory. Would you help me? Was anyone burning down anything when the Junta took over? Didn't the red shirt protests occur in 2010? And the junta take over in 2014? You seem to link the two together when in fact the occurred 4 years apart but maybe I'm forgetting something.


I am all for it, i will take that long for all the trails of those old cronies that were arrested to be over - having been asociated with Thailand since the seventies, I think this is a better time in its history - Now let the bleeding hearts cry about 'What about Democracy' ....................... coffee1.gif


20,000 to 30,000 signatures and the PM gets to stay.

As of April 1, 2015 the Royal Thai Military had about 300,000 active frontline personnel. General Prayut remains PM!


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