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Remarrying A Thai!


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Hi All,

The way I read the rules is that if I remarry I can obtain a Non 'O' (maybe even Multiple entry) at a consulate outside of Thailand which then can be repeated after 3 months as I dont have the required 400k for the 1 year extension.

I got divorced from my crazy wife 2 weeks ago. We are on better terms now than we have ever been and she has offered to help me out with my now screwed up visa situation by remarrying. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation as this? Do I have to go through the whole marriage process again (declaration from embassy, translation, MFA, District Office ect.) or is there a 'period of grace' for people that *cough* regret getting divorced?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Edited by lordsux
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Hi All,

The way I read the rules is that if I remarry I can obtain a Non 'O' (maybe even Multiple entry) at a consulate outside of Thailand which then can be repeated after 3 months as I dont have the required 400k for the 1 year extension.

I got divorced from my crazy wife 2 weeks ago. We are on better terms now than we have ever been and she has offered to help me out with my now screwed up visa situation by remarrying. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation as this? Do I have to go through the whole marriage process again (declaration from embassy, translation, MFA, District Office ect.) or is there a 'period of grace' for people that *cough* regret getting divorced?

Thanks in advance for any help.

I cannot answer your visa question, but I have been in a similar situation. Some years ago I married a Thai-Chinese woman and we moved to the US. We stayed together about 5 years, but fought like cats and dogs. We got divorced and moved apart, living about 15 minutes away from each other. For the next year and a half we were together every night, with her staying over at my place. We had almost no fights and, like you, we were on better terms than we ever were before. The only thing that ended it was my going away to grad school out of state and then eventually meeting someone else. What I think made the difference, and I have heard similar stories from others, is that we each had our own space to fall back on. Anyway, that is how it worked for us. I am telling this to you because you might find that if you get remarried and move back in together you will be back in the status quo ante before you know it. Good luck on the relationship and the visa!

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Priceless, totally priceless - I can hardly type this for laughing:

"I got divorced from my crazy wife two weeks ago"

And now want to remarry?.

Nothing to do with visas is it?.

If you get divorced cos' your wife is 'crazy' and then want to remarry her two weeks later, then you really, really need some serious therapy.

Visa chai mye?.

Hey, you might end up 'Feeding the ducks" but you will have a valid 'o' visa.

Personally, I would keep walking and / or running and never look back!.

Good luck - don't complain if one morning you are part katoey.


Hi All,

The way I read the rules is that if I remarry I can obtain a Non 'O' (maybe even Multiple entry) at a consulate outside of Thailand which then can be repeated after 3 months as I dont have the required 400k for the 1 year extension.

I got divorced from my crazy wife 2 weeks ago. We are on better terms now than we have ever been and she has offered to help me out with my now screwed up visa situation by remarrying. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation as this? Do I have to go through the whole marriage process again (declaration from embassy, translation, MFA, District Office ect.) or is there a 'period of grace' for people that *cough* regret getting divorced?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Good to know that someone else other than myself finds the situation amusing.

Coulthy, I would remarry only for the visa, simple as that! I didnt get divorced for fun!!!

qualtrough, you describe the exact situation that our relationship is in. Things have been great since we signed the divorce papers...in fact too good to be true! Maybe its just the calm before the storm.

My employer is trying to sort a work permit out for me so hopefully I will not have to remarry, but if remarrying is what it takes to enable me to stay in Thailand then thats the route I will take.

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You Sir,

Are madder than a drunken rat.

You really think that you divorced someone because she is mental/ crazy and then 2 weeks later it is all o.k. again?. EEEEHHhhhhhh?.

Why exactly did you decide to divorce her?.

You Sir, need some nembutol.

Listen, what would you say to a woman who wanted to go back to an abusive husband / boyfriend purely for visa reasons?.

You will deserve exactly what you get.

And don't ever meet me in a bar and moan when it goes wrong the second time.

I will give you 5 baht and point you at telephone and suggest,"Go call someone who actually does give a f*l*k".

Really, why the scary bit to remarry a crazy woman?. What are you scared of not to stay here?.

Answers please on a plain postcard .

Baa maak!.


Good to know that someone else other than myself finds the situation amusing.

Coulthy, I would remarry only for the visa, simple as that! I didnt get divorced for fun!!!

qualtrough, you describe the exact situation that our relationship is in. Things have been great since we signed the divorce papers...in fact too good to be true! Maybe its just the calm before the storm.

My employer is trying to sort a work permit out for me so hopefully I will not have to remarry, but if remarrying is what it takes to enable me to stay in Thailand then thats the route I will take.

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Have you seriously considered why your ex wife would want to do

you this favour, two weeks after divorcing her. :o

Somehow I dont think she has your best interests at heart.

You should be seriously worried for your safety, not to

mention your sanity.

Maybe its just the calm before the storm. :D:D:D

And I can just imagine your ex sitting with best friends Lek and Noi, who are

berating her with " Befo you sign paper you should hap do this and hap do that "


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You would be crazy to get remarried so quickly, especially so shortly after getting divorced. The only reason you should remarry is if you still get along well after a considerable period of time and even then only if you want to have kids and raise a family. There are other simpler ways to get a visa and/or WP. Don't do it....but if you do please be sure to post periodic follow-ups for our entertainment :o

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One thing about a relationship: When it is finished it is finished.

BB King got it right, "The Thrill is gone".

And, my old Mum got it right also when her kids(myself included) used to moan

about our love lives - she said," Never look back".

You are looking in fear for some reason known only to yourself to remarry a nutter.

Have think.

Have a look at why you want to do this.

Be a bit more honest why?. I am sure someone here can help you out if you front up.

Pet chop giin juup.....



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I believe I'm correct in saying that there's a 12 month waiting period after a divorce, before a lady can marry again....maybe someone else can confirm this 100% ?

Yes, there is a 12 month waiting period ...not sure if it makes a difference when you marry the Divorcee again... :o

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I believe I'm correct in saying that there's a 12 month waiting period after a divorce, before a lady can marry again....maybe someone else can confirm this 100% ?

Yes, there is a 12 month waiting period ...not sure if it makes a difference when you marry the Divorcee again... :o

No 310 day "waiting period" for divorcees remarrying. However you need not to have been judged mentally incapacitated, so in this case I would make sure I went to the nearest clinic to obtain "a certificate of sanity". :D

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I believe I'm correct in saying that there's a 12 month waiting period after a divorce, before a lady can marry again....maybe someone else can confirm this 100% ?

Yes, there is a 12 month waiting period ...not sure if it makes a difference when you marry the Divorcee again... :o

No 310 day "waiting period" for divorcees remarrying. However you need not to have been judged mentally incapacitated, so in this case I would make sure I went to the nearest clinic to obtain "a certificate of sanity". :D

Agree on the sanity check :D

However, if the woman get's a Doctor's certificate showing she isn't pregnant, you don't have to wait. Not sure about the process for re-marrying your ex though :D I suppose if the test showed she was pregnant, but it was by the ex who she wants to now re-marry. Yeah, your'e right, they'd ask for a sanity certificate :D

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Hi Lukmar,

Errm......ROTFLMAO what does that mean?. An acronym unfamiliar to me.

However, as young pilot some centuries ago I was taught : KISS.

Keep It Simple Stupid. There are old pilots - there are bold pilots.

There ain't no old bold pilots.

Naw-my Mum is 77 years old - she don't no jive no people. Speaks it as she sees it!.

(And if you are ever in N.E. Scotland look her up for a dram - she is a well travelled lady).



BB King got it right, "The Thrill is gone".

ROTFLMAO - While I was reading this thread I was thinking about the BB King song that went

"Nobody loves me but my mother,

and she could be jivin' me too"

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Ah-ha- my thanks for the info:

We would say, "Falling about in stitches (Of laughter) ".

But why remarry a nutter for visa reasons?. I would be happy to leave.

If that was the option.........



Errm......ROTFLMAO what does that mean?. An acronym unfamiliar to me.

ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off :o:D

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