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Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu criticizes world's 'silence' on Gaza rockets

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Israeli premier criticizes world's 'silence' on Gaza rockets

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday criticized what he described as the world's "silence" over recent rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip, drawing a quick response from his country's closest ally, the U.S.

Netanyahu, speaking at his weekly Cabinet meeting, said he hadn't heard anyone condemn three rocket attacks from Gaza over the past two weeks. The rockets caused no damage, nor any injuries.

"It will be interesting to see if this silence continues when we use all our strength in exercising our right to defend ourselves," Netanyahu said. "It should be clear: the hypocrisy that is sweeping the world will not chain our hands from defending the citizens of Israel."

In Germany, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said U.S. officials had spent "a lot of time talking about this" during Israel's recent war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

"This is not the first time that I've stood at a podium like this and strongly condemned rocket attacks by extremists in Gaza against innocent Israeli citizens," Earnest said. "Clearly, the United States stands with the nation of Israel as they defend their nation and their people from these attacks."

Netanyahu's comments come amid strained relations with U.S. President Barack Obama.

Early Sunday, the Israeli military carried out an airstrike in the Gaza Strip in response to the latest rocket attack from the Hamas-ruled territory. There was no immediate damage or injuries caused by the strike.

A local jihadi organization that supports the Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the recent rocket attacks. The group, in struggle with Hamas, has said its recent attacks are in retaliation for a Hamas crackdown.

Israel considers Hamas responsible for any attacks that originate from Gaza, and announced Sunday that its crossings into Gaza will be shut down in response to the latest incident.

This story has been corrected to show that there were no casualties reported in the Israeli airstrike.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-08



Ineffectual rockets that hurt noone are supposed to draw global outrage?


It's hypocrisy to condemn the deaths of 500 children but not to condemn a hole in an empty field?


"Defending" your country involves bombing civilians in their thousands in a neighbouring state?

Mr Netanyahu, you're a barrel of laughs.


"Defending" your country involves bombing civilians in their thousands in a neighbouring state?

It's Israel's country. There is no Palestine country. Israel is occupying land that it not only has owned for at least 3,700 years (according to the Old Testament which Muslims also proclaim) but that was given back to Israel by UN and international decree after WWII.

The so-called Palestinians never had a country. They were war-like nomadic wanderers who Israel allowed to squat where they are much to Israel's chagrin. There has never in all of history been a country called Palestine.


If some militant group were to launch missiles into San Diego from Tijuana on a daily basis, damage or no damage, casualties or not, even the most liberal idiots would be crying for Obama to send in the marines. But we have hypocrites who hate Jews who laungh when this happens to Israel.


Hypocrisy indeed. No nation on earth would allow these terrorist scum to target their civilians. Hatred of Jews is not just a thing of the past.

You're right, no nation on earth would tolerate terrorists targeting their civilians.

15,000 rockets. The attacks have killed 50 people and injured more than 1900 people. They have caused property damage and widespread psychological trauma and disruption of daily life among the Israeli populace. No country on earth would let Islamic terrorists get away with this, Please stop lying about the damage that they cause.


"Defending" your country involves bombing civilians in their thousands in a neighbouring state?

It's Israel's country. There is no Palestine country. Israel is occupying land that it not only has owned for at least 3,700 years (according to the Old Testament which Muslims also proclaim) but that was given back to Israel by UN and international decree after WWII.

The so-called Palestinians never had a country. They were war-like nomadic wanderers who Israel allowed to squat where they are much to Israel's chagrin. There has never in all of history been a country called Palestine.

there was never a country called israel until 1947

Why display your ignorance so blatantly? There was the United Kingdom of Israel and other historical Israelite and Jewish kingdoms thousands of years ago. Jews have lived in these areas continuously ever since.



Ineffectual rockets that hurt noone are supposed to draw global outrage?


It's hypocrisy to condemn the deaths of 500 children but not to condemn a hole in an empty field?


"Defending" your country involves bombing civilians in their thousands in a neighbouring state?

Mr Netanyahu, you're a barrel of laughs.

Wow, the hatred and ignorance is on full display. You find it amusing that a bunch of violent lunatics fire missiles into Israel? What country would accept such an attack and not act to protect itself? What are you talking about an empty field for? The rockets were fired at a civilian residential area. The fact that the missile fell short this time was luck or poor Iranian production technique.

Gaza is an armed state crisscrossed with tunnels and with schools and hospitals used as munition storage places or operations. Israeli has not intentionally targeted civilians as do the jihadists of Gaza.

The days of you and your pals being able to blame Israeli for the actions and strategies of jihadists are over. Now that the world has seen what ISIL/ISIS has done in Iraq and Syria, the barbaric actions exchanged between Hizbollah and ISIS/ISIL, the kidnappings and murders by Boko Haram in Africa and the long list of bombings at mosques and schools in Pakistan, most of the world now understand what Israel is facing.


Delusional religious claptrap that has no place in the modern world. A religious text is not a title deed and the land was not given back to Israel by the UN.

Israel is a racist, apartheid state populated with Europeans and Russians of Khazar origin. Israel is to Judaism as the Islamic State is to Islam.

Ok. Here's where your repeat of the old Nazi version of the Jewish history falls apart:

- There is no argument that a state of Israel previously existed. It has been historically proven. It went by names such as the Kingdom of Israel and Judea and Samaria. Historical Israel at various times was significantly greater than modern Israel. Again that is demonstrated in the historical record.

Those historical records also show the extent of the ancient Greek, Persian and Roman Empires. If you are going to accept the validity of these Empires, then you must accept the history of Israel because they share the same history records.

- The last time Israel disappeared was when the Turkish Empire expanded to gobble up the middle East. Just as Israel disappeared, there was no Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt etc. It also consumed Greece and stretched into Bulgaria, Albania, Romania and the Crimea. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed and as Turkey's domination of the region receded, the former colonial properties regained their aspirations. Just as arab nationalism grew, so too did aspirations for a recreation of Israel. Israel had just as much a right to exist as Syria, Egypt, Iraq and all the other countries that sprang to life after the collapse of the Turkish colonial rule.

- You call Israel a racist apartheid stated, but it is clear that you have bo idea as to what apartheid means. Everyone in Israel has the right to vote, to access the same hospitals, the same educational system and the same civil rights. Under apartheid in South Africa, the aforementioned did not exist. The use of the term apartheid is an insult to the "Blacks" and "Coloureds" who suffered under apartheid.

- Yes there is racism in Israel, however it is to be expected when there is such a diverse make up of a population. It encompasses Africans, Russians, Arabs, Europeans and North Americans to name some of them. There is no argument that many of Israel's Arabs have racist views. However, it is understandable as the Arab population of Israel is made up of the almost 1 million people people who come from families who lost everything when they were forced out of their former homelands. You forget that Egypt gave its nationals of the jewish faith 72 hours to leave. Jews from Iraq and Syria were slaughtered in the streets. Israel had to pay ransoms to Yemen and Ethiopia to allow their jews to leave. So yes, it is to be expected that these Arabs of the jewish faith will hold some strong views.

Your statements are tinged with hate. What's next? Are you going to claim the Protocols of Zion are truthful?


I do have differences with Netanyahu and some posts here.

1) Waiting with response to the rocket attacks is a mistake.

2) Waiting for damage or victims of such attacks is a mistake.

3) This waiting is an encouragement for further attacks. And they will follow.

4) Expecting the World response to these rocket attacks is futile even if there will be damages or victims on Israeli side.

5) Expecting the World to respond in a positive way to Israeli retaliation is equally futile.

Israel must clearly declare a tit for tat policy re any rocket attack against it. And start to strictly adhere to it.

Never mind the victims statistics. If Arabs feel they are losing this game - they can stop it any time.

Israel Politicians will never win the hearts or minds of the World Politicians. Under any circumstances. They should stop expecting it.



Ineffectual rockets that hurt noone are supposed to draw global outrage?


It's hypocrisy to condemn the deaths of 500 children but not to condemn a hole in an empty field?


"Defending" your country involves bombing civilians in their thousands in a neighbouring state?

Mr Netanyahu, you're a barrel of laughs.

Wow, the hatred and ignorance is on full display. You find it amusing that a bunch of violent lunatics fire missiles into Israel? What country would accept such an attack and not act to protect itself? What are you talking about an empty field for? The rockets were fired at a civilian residential area. The fact that the missile fell short this time was luck or poor Iranian production technique.

Gaza is an armed state crisscrossed with tunnels and with schools and hospitals used as munition storage places or operations. Israeli has not intentionally targeted civilians as do the jihadists of Gaza.

The days of you and your pals being able to blame Israeli for the actions and strategies of jihadists are over. Now that the world has seen what ISIL/ISIS has done in Iraq and Syria, the barbaric actions exchanged between Hizbollah and ISIS/ISIL, the kidnappings and murders by Boko Haram in Africa and the long list of bombings at mosques and schools in Pakistan, most of the world now understand what Israel is facing.

Wow, the anti-Muslim rhetoric and the the pro-Zionist obfuscation and diversion is in full swing here.

Firstly, it is quite clear that I am laughing at the silly and disingenuous outrage of Netanyahu. To try to spin that into "hate" for Israel and amusement at rockets is typical of the pro-Zionist...you say "hate" to draw short of the "antisemite" hackneyed label.

You then go on about Boko haram et al! What's that got to do with Netanyahu's laughable speech or my justified criticism of him?


Off-topic, inflammatory, troll posts and replies removed.

Stick to the topic and THIS THREAD is about Gaza's missiles being fired at Israel.

Continued inflammatory, off-topic posting will earn suspensions.


Over and over it continues and it'll never end. Rockets are fired into Israel, they retaliate, Hamas hides within civilians and Israel gets blamed. Yep, that sounds like the usual script.

What country would accept this constant attack? Not even saying Israel is 100% clean either, as they have their issues, but every country has the right to defend itself - this cannot be disputed.

Oh, btw, not interested in a history lesson or it's done because_______ (fill in the blank).



Ineffectual rockets that hurt noone are supposed to draw global outrage?


It's hypocrisy to condemn the deaths of 500 children but not to condemn a hole in an empty field?


"Defending" your country involves bombing civilians in their thousands in a neighbouring state?

Mr Netanyahu, you're a barrel of laughs.

Maybe he is but for a different reason? Too much talking for my liking...

On the other hand, some posters here get lots and lots of 'likes' for using excessively cheesy.gif emoticons when Arabs use rockets ineffectually,

change their choice of emoticons to clap2.gif for effectively used rockets by the same Arabs, but reserve to indignation when Israelis

"defend" themselves against their "neighboring state".

Time to start talking about antisemitism and islamophobia. But count me out.coffee1.gif

A local jihadi organization that supports the Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the recent rocket attacks. The group, in struggle with Hamas, has said its recent attacks are in retaliation for a Hamas crackdown.
...looks like Hamas and Israel are both on the same side this time...but that doesn't matter... lets start the obfuscation now..
Israel considers Hamas responsible for any attacks that originate from Gaza, and announced Sunday that its crossings into Gaza will be shut down in response to the latest incident.
Maybe Netanyahu is softening us up for another attack on Gaza, and hoping for repercussions from other Palestinians. He's much better at managing and manipulating the conflict than genuinely discussing peace. If all goes according to his plan, round up the usual Hamas suspects even though as last year the Hamas leadership were not to blame for the initial pretext incidents. Wait for the retaliation. Then under the smokescreen fulfill some of the aims of the new extreme right wing Israeli coalition. Mark Regev will take over from there with his book of cliches.
Perhaps if Israel relieved the blockade of Gaza as part of last year's ceasefire agreement, it would lessen the tensions, rather than close border crossings thus upping the anti...which is just collective punishment for 1.7 million Gazans, when Hamas is not responsible.

IMO, what is wrong about this stuff is that I mention often that the Palestinians are not all that smart. They have a big shortfall in average IQ when compared to the Ashkenazi Jews who inhabit Israel. But, and it is a big but; even a cockroach will try and do things that do not provoke bigger animals and get it killed. They are not so stupid that they would trade holes in the desert for destruction of their homes. Nothing is that stupid.

I know for absolute certain that Israel has many agents and informants operating inside Gaza. Many claim this is proxy war being fought by the Iranians. Well, the Iranians have 8 missles, two of which are shoulder fired, and all are guided which have never made their way to Gaza. doesn't make sense at all. Russia is selling Iran some if the new 300 version of their guided missle to Iran and none of them will make it to Gaza.

A day or two ago, ISIS activity was reported in Gaza and they were attacking Hamas. Possible but, doesn't pass the smell test for me. They would have had to be already there and not well armed.

The only damage is a couple of holes in the desert. Just not likely to trade these holes for their own lives and the lives of their family no matter how much those sirens unnerve the Israelis living in Southern Israel.

A local jihadi organization that supports the Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the recent rocket attacks. The group, in struggle with Hamas, has said its recent attacks are in retaliation for a Hamas crackdown.
...looks like Hamas and Israel are both on the same side this time...but that doesn't matter... lets start the obfuscation now..
Israel considers Hamas responsible for any attacks that originate from Gaza, and announced Sunday that its crossings into Gaza will be shut down in response to the latest incident.
Maybe Netanyahu is softening us up for another attack on Gaza, and hoping for repercussions from other Palestinians. He's much better at managing and manipulating the conflict than genuinely discussing peace. If all goes according to his plan, round up the usual Hamas suspects even though as last year the Hamas leadership were not to blame for the initial pretext incidents. Wait for the retaliation. Then under the smokescreen fulfill some of the aims of the new extreme right wing Israeli coalition. Mark Regev will take over from there with his book of cliches.
Perhaps if Israel relieved the blockade of Gaza as part of last year's ceasefire agreement, it would lessen the tensions, rather than close border crossings thus upping the anti...which is just collective punishment for 1.7 million Gazans, when Hamas is not responsible.


IDF spokeswoman says Israel is to reopen border crossings to and from Gaza that were closed following rocket attack on Ashkelon.


Senior Hamas source sends message via Egypt minutes after rocket attack blaming Salafists; Ya'alon says 'Hamas still responsible.'

Last week, a Qatari official revealed that Israel is freely allowing Qatar to send materials to Hamas through the border crossings, despite the obvious security risks and Qatar's open sheltering of Hamas leaders

As Hamas claim to be in full control of Gaza, it is right that they be held responsible for any rockets fired from Gaza.

Just an idea but shouldn't you wait till spreading lies/obfuscation before the facts!

Israel doesn't need to get involved in the internal fighting of Gaza, better they kill each other. But BiBi sees that Hamas controls Gaza better than Abbas control the West bank, so surely it is in Israel's interest for Hamas keeping in control.

Hamas as much as, if not more so than Israel don't want to fight Israel yet!


Why is the "world" (in reference to the "world's silence") always seem to single out the USA? How about the UK, France, Germany, and the rest of western Europe? Asia and Australia? The UN? Everybody expects the US to be the world's policeman, but when the US does just that, everybody is upset that the US is meddling. Can't win.

Study: Israelis, Palestinians Would Gain Billions From Peace
JERUSALEM — Jun 8, 2015, 2:46 AM ET
By ARON HELLER Associated Press

A new study says that Israelis and Palestinians would gain billions of dollars from peace.

The RAND Corp. study published Monday indicates over the next decade Israelis would gain $120 billion from a peace deal. The Palestinians would gain $50 billion, marking a 36-percent rise in their average per-capita income.

In contrast, a return to violence would see the Israeli economy lose some $250 billion in foregone economic opportunities, while the Palestinians could see their per-capita gross domestic product fall by as much as 46 percent.

The findings are in line with long-time arguments that peace is in the economic interest of both sides.

C. Ross Anthony, director of RAND's Israeli-Palestinian Initiative, says he hopes the research will offer "alternatives to the current destructive cycle of action, reaction and inaction."



Just to be clear, further off-topic, inflammatory, troll posts will result in suspension. That includes replies to off-topic posts.

Stay on topic.

A local jihadi organization that supports the Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the recent rocket attacks. The group, in struggle with Hamas, has said its recent attacks are in retaliation for a Hamas crackdown.
...looks like Hamas and Israel are both on the same side this time...but that doesn't matter... lets start the obfuscation now..
Israel considers Hamas responsible for any attacks that originate from Gaza, and announced Sunday that its crossings into Gaza will be shut down in response to the latest incident.
Maybe Netanyahu is softening us up for another attack on Gaza, and hoping for repercussions from other Palestinians. He's much better at managing and manipulating the conflict than genuinely discussing peace. If all goes according to his plan, round up the usual Hamas suspects even though as last year the Hamas leadership were not to blame for the initial pretext incidents. Wait for the retaliation. Then under the smokescreen fulfill some of the aims of the new extreme right wing Israeli coalition. Mark Regev will take over from there with his book of cliches.
Perhaps if Israel relieved the blockade of Gaza as part of last year's ceasefire agreement, it would lessen the tensions, rather than close border crossings thus upping the anti...which is just collective punishment for 1.7 million Gazans, when Hamas is not responsible.

Assuming Hamas does not condone the latest attack, and that it was a splinter/radical group withing Gaza which launched it - that's believable. Granted Hamas is in a tough spot even in the best of times, governing a tiny district which has so many gaping drawbacks - in infrastructure, arable land, resources, hospitals, parks, content people, etc. So let's assume Hamas was not behind the attack. Then it's incumbent upon Hamas to police its territory thoroughly - to root out the type of insurgents who would cause harm to Gaza (via retalitary action by IDF). How dynamically is Hamas searching for, and rooting out radicals? If Hamas knows of a group setting up rocket launchers in a field near the border with Israel, would Hamas immediately get security forces to run out an arrest them? Doubtful.

And that's why it appears Hamas is partially complicity with, or at least tolerates radicals tossing bombs over the fence towards Israel. Or perhaps Hamas will claim it is too weak to effectively shut it down. No matter how you view it, it's a sad situation.

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