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Video of US officer who drew gun on black teens raises tension

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Video of officer who drew gun on black teens raises tension
DAVID WARREN, Associated Press

McKINNEY, Texas (AP) — A police officer's actions raised tensions and led to a protest Monday in the Dallas suburb of McKinney, where some community activists accused the officer of racism while others urged calm until the facts are investigated.

The officer was videotaped pinning a black teenager in a swimsuit to the ground at a suburban pool party just moments after drawing his handgun on other black teens.

Jahi Adisa Bakari, the father of another teenage girl at the party, said he would press for the officer to be fired, saying he "was out of control."

But Benét Embry, a black local radio personality who witnessed the incident, said it was "not another Ferguson" or "another Baltimore," referring to other police encounters that have left suspects dead and fueled a nationwide "Black Lives Matter" movement.

"This was a teenage party that got out of hand," Embry said.

Police said the youths did not live in the area and did not have permission to be at the pool in McKinney, an affluent, predominantly white city.

According to neighbors, Embry said, a woman who lives in the community reserved the pool for a party. The homeowners' association limits the number of guests each homeowner may have at the pool to two. But about 130 people, mostly kids, showed up for the woman's party, he said.

At one point, several kids began jumping over the fence to get into the pool area and were causing a disturbance, Embry said, and a couple of fights broke out.

While he did not agree with the officer's profanity or belligerence, Embry said, police were right to respond.

"That's what they are supposed to do — protect us," he said. "I don't know any other way he could have taken her down or established order."

The officer has been placed on administrative leave. In a statement, the police department said the video "raised concerns that are being investigated."

City spokeswoman Anna Clark identified the officer as 41-year-old David Eric Casebolt, who joined the police force in August 2005.

Prior to that, he served almost two years as a state trooper, according to records from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.

Casebolt took eight hours of cultural diversity training at Collin County Community College in February 2009. He has also taken courses in racial profiling and use of force.

As police broke up the crowd, the officer pulled the bikini-clad girl to the ground, then used his knees to pin her down. He also pointed his gun at other teens and cursed.

The girl claimed the officer told her to walk away but forced her down after "he thought we were saying rude stuff to him," according to an interview she gave to television station KDFW.

"He grabbed me, twisted my arm on my back and shoved me in the grass and started pulling the back of my braids," Dajerria Becton, 15, told the station. "I was telling him to get off me because my back was hurting bad."

"I understand how he was feeling, everybody surrounding him," she said. "I don't think he should have pulled a gun out on 15-year-old kids."

Brandon Brooks, the teen who recorded the video, told KDFW that tensions rose after a white woman and a black teenager at the party had an altercation. He said the white woman told the teen "to go back to Section 8 housing," a reference to federal housing aid given to low-income families.

The comment holds extra significance in McKinney, which has been the target of lawsuits accusing its housing authority of racially segregating Section 8 housing. One long-running lawsuit was settled with a consent decree in 2012 that aimed to open up the predominantly white west side to subsidized housing.

Brooks said that the officer was "out of line" and that he felt compelled to keep filming when Casebolt pulled out his gun.

"At that point, my heart did drop and I was scared that someone was going to get shot and possibly killed," he said.

Most people were released, except for one man arrested for interference with the duties of a police officer and evading arrest, police said.

McKinney Mayor Brian Loughmiller said city officials plan to meet with community leaders to discuss the incident.

"We really need to come together as a community," the mayor said.

On Monday night, hundreds of demonstrators marched from an elementary school to the pool in protest of Casebolt's actions. Some carried signs that included the phrases, "My skin color is not a crime," and, "Don't tread on our kids."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-09

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"Jerk" is too mild a name for this short little over-weight power-hungry over-compensator.

Did he get out of the wrong side of the bed that morning or is a group of mildly milling black teenagers just too much for him to contain himself.

He strikes me as the sort that would stand on the bonnet of a stationary car and pump 15 rounds into the occupants.

High on cowboy dreams.

High on his self-awareness that he has a badge and a uniform.


The video makes clear the cop thinks he's The Flash.....

This cop needs some vacation time at Happydale.

Thanks for the video link.

I don't understand why the cop was focused on subduing the black gal and several other youths and I don't approve of his language.

However, having said that, I am impressed by his situational awareness with regard to the big, fast guy with the cigarette that was jockeying for position behind him as he was dealing with her. The guy had absolutely no business, IMHO, approaching the cop from behind and I could see how he could have been as a serious potential threat to the officer (officer starts to draw his firearm - 7:19 on the video and before as he jockeys). He was also much bigger and older than the other kids and didn't seem to fit into the crowd. He is last seen being chased by another officer:


Do you have anything actually meaningful and pertinent to add, Publicus?


I see a bunch of rift faff hoodlum losers getting treated the way they deserved to be treated. Treatment would be the same whether they were back or white. Oh wait, white people typically don't act this way . . . so it must be another example of picking on the blacks. Wateva.


I see a bunch of rift faff hoodlum losers getting treated the way they deserved to be treated. Treatment would be the same whether they were back or white. Oh wait, white people typically don't act this way . . . so it must be another example of picking on the blacks. Wateva.

Whites dont act that way? Jeeezus what planet do you live on.


I don't know that that is true. Teenagers of any color can be pretty poorly behaved. Black teenagers don't have a monopoly on stupid, that's for sure.


The video makes clear the cop thinks he's The Flash.....

This cop needs some vacation time at Happydale.

Thanks for the video link.

I don't understand why the cop was focused on subduing the black gal and several other youths and I don't approve of his language.

However, having said that, I am impressed by his situational awareness with regard to the big, fast guy with the cigarette that was jockeying for position behind him as he was dealing with her. The guy had absolutely no business, IMHO, approaching the cop from behind and I could see how he could have been as a serious potential threat to the officer (officer starts to draw his firearm - 7:19 on the video and before as he jockeys). He was also much bigger and older than the other kids and didn't seem to fit into the crowd. He is last seen being chased by another officer:


Do you have anything actually meaningful and pertinent to add, Publicus?

Solicitous and speculative....pointedly so besides.

One can stop the video hundreds of times to speculate on what one sees.

To begin with for instance and this is all I'll say, the big guy definitely appears not to be a part of the particular teenage crowd but that's as obvious as obvious can be isn't it. The big guy is someone who was there and either got caught up in the commotion or walked into it....you should ask him, which you can't do, yet it's the only way looking at a video to begin to account for the big guy's presence. That's if one wants to account for his presence, which I do not care to try to do.

I did note that when the stressed out cop strutting aimlessly in the street barked in the direction of two people to sit down, a black kid and a white guy, the kid sat down and the white guy just kept milling around at the spot. That tells me everyone on the scene knew exactly what was going on and what it was all about. Another racial cop.

The cop has been on the force ten years and he's a corporal which is about right for one who is developing through the ranks. Figure in a couple of more years maybe at the most he'd have himself a shooter's trophy too. In other words, the guy with the gun needs an ordinary job with ordinary stresses that doesn't involve having a gun in the vicinity of summertime pool partying teenagers or of anyone else.

This didn't happen with white kids and that is the reality of it, the fact of it. No ifs ands or buts about it. Another racial cop.


Unbelievably Fox News pay Mark "You can take one of these niggers, drag 'em into the alley and beat the shit out of them and kick them." Furman as an "expert" on policing! **

Boy was he squirming this morning trying to make this hothead cop look like he was doing what he was supposed to.


** Actually it's not that unbelievable either, is it.


What an unbelievable bunch of out-of-control thugs these kids are, dressed for swimming and carrying lethal towels. Sitting on the ground when ordered, which we all know is a ninja ruse. So outrageous that some of them even called the cops "Sir". Can you believe that?


I do not understand many finer points:

1) What does the color of these hoodlums got to do with events?

2) These 'kids' may be treated as children with their birth certificates checked, - but don't they look as big as the cop?

3) Were they not complying with repeated orders to get on the ground?

4) Weren't they too numerous for one cop who tried to control the situation?

But nobody is interested in this. All I hear is: - "kids", "black", "gun", "tension", "officer" and "white".

As if the media is hell bent on arousing tensions mentioned above. I wish them luck.


The video makes clear the cop thinks he's The Flash.....

This cop needs some vacation time at Happydale.

Thanks for the video link.

I don't understand why the cop was focused on subduing the black gal and several other youths and I don't approve of his language.

However, having said that, I am impressed by his situational awareness with regard to the big, fast guy with the cigarette that was jockeying for position behind him as he was dealing with her. The guy had absolutely no business, IMHO, approaching the cop from behind and I could see how he could have been as a serious potential threat to the officer (officer starts to draw his firearm - 7:19 on the video and before as he jockeys). He was also much bigger and older than the other kids and didn't seem to fit into the crowd. He is last seen being chased by another officer:


Do you have anything actually meaningful and pertinent to add, Publicus?

The white guy with his crotch on the girls head is bigger than the cop too.....was he even spoken to?


The situation in US become so ridicules that every time cop and a black person are interacting

in any manner of keeping the peace, it become a racial incident,

Cop are afraid to do their job as every move they make is being filed and scrutinized now,

and such attitude will cost lives, cops lives.....


What an unbelievable bunch of out-of-control thugs these kids are, dressed for swimming and carrying lethal towels. Sitting on the ground when ordered, which we all know is a ninja ruse. So outrageous that some of them even called the cops "Sir". Can you believe that?

And the absolute rudeness, just asking for trouble, when two of the kids returned the cop's dropped flashlight.

The black girl probably had a sawn off shotgun in her bikini.


What an unbelievable bunch of out-of-control thugs these kids are, dressed for swimming and carrying lethal towels. Sitting on the ground when ordered, which we all know is a ninja ruse. So outrageous that some of them even called the cops "Sir". Can you believe that?

Your lounge in check comment on what ' kids ' are doing or not doing, shows that you know

nothing of the dangerous job cops are facing everyday while policing ' kids ' in the US,

' kids" now days are armed and dangerous, most of them are high on some kind of

drug, and most would provoke the cops in some kind of bravado act and earn bragging

rights, cops have every right to protect themselves in anyway they can...


Interesting that the other police officers seem to be in control, trying to calm the situation and act like you would expect a police officer to act in such a situation.

The crazy one is rushing around, shouting obscenities and threatening people. I don't know if that was race driven, stress driven. mood driven or a combination. Manhandling a young bikini clad girl the way he did, for no apparent significant reason should raise big concerns.

The adults, including the other police officers, present all look somewhat concerned about his behavior. As though they want to calm him down but don't know how.

Something is seriously wrong with the way police are trained and managed if they act like this. There seems to be a "police by fear" culture which will never ever work. That only leads to confrontation and further detachment from the people who they should protect, serve and who are actually their bosses.

No way should this guy be allowed back out policing without some serious checks.


if she shut her mouth and had some respect for the law , if she didn't resist and complied with the officers orders, then none of that would have happened.

As for the guy that came up behind the cop, he clearly made a gesture with his hand that could be construed as going for a weapon. I give the office credit for reacting as fast as he did against the possible threat. He immediately holstered his firearm after the guy ran off and the other officers pursued him.

It is a tough job being a cop, and I would never want to do it. I just thank God there are people out there that will do it. Sure there will always be some that go too far and they deserve to be responsible if they make a bad judgement call or go too far.

IMO this is not one of those cases.

If all of this anti-cop culture keeps going the way it is, the streets will be a lot more dangerous than they already are, and they are plenty dangerous now!!


What an unbelievable bunch of out-of-control thugs these kids are, dressed for swimming and carrying lethal towels. Sitting on the ground when ordered, which we all know is a ninja ruse. So outrageous that some of them even called the cops "Sir". Can you believe that?

Your lounge in check comment on what ' kids ' are doing or not doing, shows that you know

nothing of the dangerous job cops are facing everyday while policing ' kids ' in the US,

' kids" now days are armed and dangerous, most of them are high on some kind of

drug, and most would provoke the cops in some kind of bravado act and earn bragging

rights, cops have every right to protect themselves in anyway they can...

My apologies for being a privileged whitey, surrounded by wealth, luxury and entitlement, protected from the realities of this world by a legion of minions, slaves, servants. What is this 'danger' you talk about? Is it from "most" kids? In bikinis? Ahh, I get it. You are talking lounge, sorry, tongue in cheek, aren't you.


Yes, yes, exactly. The situation seemed well in control by a police officer doing community policing- cop1 I will call him. He was validating their protests, their antics, yet sternly trying to exert authority and control when a piece of crap emotional mess of a man in uniform (cop 2) stumbled into the scene and like a wolf on patrol began looking for prey. There is a reason the camera immediately transferred to the cop at issue and stayed with him. It was as if the observers already took for granted that something out of control would happen from this cop. It is basic human body language he conveyed. He was hungry, emotional, and dangerous. This cop was expressing his emotion on citizens. Indeed, he even bitched about the unbearable burden of having to wear 30 lbs of gear- pussy! I would wear a single piece of equipment at work that weighed as much.

I get that cops are concerned and rightfully so. I get that certain populations of people are more prone to violence- this is a fact irrespective of how PC the topic is. But in this instance the cop perpetrated the entire affair. And why could those children not gather on the sidewalk. What was the purpose of commenting on the black girl's ass? Had the ass not been in the view this might hardly have been meaningful but it was stated as soon as she turned to walk away.

I believe black racial divides are being actively agitated in America and there is numerous examples of this happening, and the black population responding as an aggrieved body. Sure, when anyone is told they are a victim they race to embrace the label these days. There is considerable incentive to be a wounded population. Besides the benefits, there is no accountability for actions. This cop is a piece of crap but when those two young black men drew up on him the way soi dogs round about and draw up on the ankles he was correct in drawing his weapon and scanning his area. However, he did all of this. He brought on this entire issue. He should never be entrusted with a public service job again.

I would note there is little prophecy in the world or history but it is inescapable that a certain political savvy class of people keenly predicted these balkanization events within the past 7 years. They were not predicted based on tangible distortions in American access to opportunity rather they were predicted based on elected officials deportment, the relationship of organizations to color revolutions around the world, and the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict. The US media rarely identifies what is actually taking place in America these past few years and it is basically a widespread, wholesale assault on white America. Indeed, a major push is now present in all schools to teach a required pillar of black militant theology theory regarding "White privilege-"
all White people are guilty by virtue of being born white and black people, by definition, can never be racist because they ostensibly do not control the apparatus of state. How utterly vacant and diabolical.

Edit: My post just hit as one posted ahead of mine suggesting exactly what I speak of. However, this is not the curricula of white privilege, this is an example of the self loathing that the curricula is designed to trigger in white people. First it was a corruption of blood for slavery. Then it was affirmative action in the great society. Now it is a larger net cast to forever label white people guilty just for being born. If one thinks this is extreme or sensational posting read the news, look at the facts. What I assert is widespread and endorsed through the Dept Education. White privilege? This is dark, dark stuff. The only thing that can evolve from this is war and conflict. Why? Because there is nothing left to give.


What an unbelievable bunch of out-of-control thugs these kids are, dressed for swimming and carrying lethal towels. Sitting on the ground when ordered, which we all know is a ninja ruse. So outrageous that some of them even called the cops "Sir". Can you believe that?

If people actually wanted to listen to REAL eyewitness's that saw the whole event unfold because they own a house there they would know that the 7 minute video is NOT representative of what happened, the real eyewitness who called the police AND WAS BLACK said the area does not have any racism in it at all but these guy came in uninvited and being disruptive he called the cops on them

As for the girl and the others maybe if they actually did as they were told by the officer then this stuff may not happen, you can see she disregarded the officers instructions time and time again.

The left wing media is taking the USA down a very slippery slope, just as in Baltimore soon many other officers will say screw this we cant even do our without being accused ourselves.

quick bit of advice

When the police shows up follow instructions to the T its the smart thing to do.


if she shut her mouth and had some respect for the law , if she didn't resist and complied with the officers orders, then none of that would have happened.

As for the guy that came up behind the cop, he clearly made a gesture with his hand that could be construed as going for a weapon. I give the office credit for reacting as fast as he did against the possible threat. He immediately holstered his firearm after the guy ran off and the other officers pursued him.

It is a tough job being a cop, and I would never want to do it. I just thank God there are people out there that will do it. Sure there will always be some that go too far and they deserve to be responsible if they make a bad judgement call or go too far.

IMO this is not one of those cases.

If all of this anti-cop culture keeps going the way it is, the streets will be a lot more dangerous than they already are, and they are plenty dangerous now!!

Finally someone that is normal and can see it for what it was, I just shake my head when i see people defending the wrong side that girl did not follow and officers instruction that alone is a crime she should done as she was told PERIOD.


FWIW, about five years ago in Carrollton, another Dallas suburb, a group of black teenagers mobbed and took over an apartment complex's pool. They congregated outside and when a white resident asked them to make way so he could get to his apartment, the "children" shot him dead. If these kids were invading and mobbing a residential community's pool, there is ample precedent for it being a highly dangerous situation. If I was a cop and someone like that black guy with the cigarette dangling out of his mouth tried to come up around me, I would react just the same. Might get fired, but at least I would still be alive.


Yes, yes, exactly. The situation seemed well in control by a police officer doing community policing- cop1 I will call him. He was validating their protests, their antics, yet sternly trying to exert authority and control when a piece of crap emotional mess of a man in uniform (cop 2) stumbled into the scene and like a wolf on patrol began looking for prey. There is a reason the camera immediately transferred to the cop at issue and stayed with him. It was as if the observers already took for granted that something out of control would happen from this cop. It is basic human body language he conveyed. He was hungry, emotional, and dangerous. This cop was expressing his emotion on citizens. Indeed, he even bitched about the unbearable burden of having to wear 30 lbs of gear- pussy! I would wear a single piece of equipment at work that weighed as much.

I get that cops are concerned and rightfully so. I get that certain populations of people are more prone to violence- this is a fact irrespective of how PC the topic is. But in this instance the cop perpetrated the entire affair. And why could those children not gather on the sidewalk. What was the purpose of commenting on the black girl's ass? Had the ass not been in the view this might hardly have been meaningful but it was stated as soon as she turned to walk away.

I believe black racial divides are being actively agitated in America and there is numerous examples of this happening, and the black population responding as an aggrieved body. Sure, when anyone is told they are a victim they race to embrace the label these days. There is considerable incentive to be a wounded population. Besides the benefits, there is no accountability for actions. This cop is a piece of crap but when those two young black men drew up on him the way soi dogs round about and draw up on the ankles he was correct in drawing his weapon and scanning his area. However, he did all of this. He brought on this entire issue. He should never be entrusted with a public service job again.

I would note there is little prophecy in the world or history but it is inescapable that a certain political savvy class of people keenly predicted these balkanization events within the past 7 years. They were not predicted based on tangible distortions in American access to opportunity rather they were predicted based on elected officials deportment, the relationship of organizations to color revolutions around the world, and the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict. The US media rarely identifies what is actually taking place in America these past few years and it is basically a widespread, wholesale assault on white America. Indeed, a major push is now present in all schools to teach a required pillar of black militant theology theory regarding "White privilege-"

all White people are guilty by virtue of being born white and black people, by definition, can never be racist because they ostensibly do not control the apparatus of state. How utterly vacant and diabolical.

Edit: My post just hit as one posted ahead of mine suggesting exactly what I speak of. However, this is not the curricula of white privilege, this is an example of the self loathing that the curricula is designed to trigger in white people. First it was a corruption of blood for slavery. Then it was affirmative action in the great society. Now it is a larger net cast to forever label white people guilty just for being born. If one thinks this is extreme or sensational posting read the news, look at the facts. What I assert is widespread and endorsed through the Dept Education. White privilege? This is dark, dark stuff. The only thing that can evolve from this is war and conflict. Why? Because there is nothing left to give.

the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorized the Community Relations Service at DoJ which the hard core right sees instead as "diabolical" not to mention "vacant." The post is yet another post from the moon that requires being 100% corrected then dismissed for the rubbish that it is.

The Justice Department's soft side: How one federal agency hopes to change Ferguson

The Community Relations Service is just one part of four Justice Department operations here.

But the Community Relations Service — a 50-person, $12 million-a-year unit — is entirely different from those three larger operations. It has no investigative authority. Its mediators have been in St. Louis quietly working on disputes long before Brown’s death thrust Ferguson into the global consciousness.

And its goal, said Director Grande H. Lum in an interview last week with the Post-Dispatch, isn’t to make arrests or file lawsuits, but to give all sides a private place to talk, and, hopefully, solve their own problems.

“Those are the longest-lasting solutions — when the people themselves resolve their own disputes,” Lum said. His unit, he said, allows “people to speak.”


One issue about the cop in McKinny Texas is why he chose to ignore the menacing strong black guy every racially oriented right winger sees at every black event to instead assault a 15 year old girl wearing a two piece pool setup who is a quarter the cop's size. A cop has to shoot a black guy, every time, always??? The only armed people at this incident were the cops, to include one bizzare cop who should never be allowed near a police firearm as has only now become unmistakably apparent.

The teenagers at the summer pool party were broadly and consistently compliant. It was the frantic and disoriented cop who was dashing and tumbling about scaring the wits out of everyone at the scene. The 15 year old girl was decidedly manhandled by the disoriented cop who was not in control of his faculties. The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene.


What an unbelievable bunch of out-of-control thugs these kids are, dressed for swimming and carrying lethal towels. Sitting on the ground when ordered, which we all know is a ninja ruse. So outrageous that some of them even called the cops "Sir". Can you believe that?

Your lounge in check comment on what ' kids ' are doing or not doing, shows that you know

nothing of the dangerous job cops are facing everyday while policing ' kids ' in the US,

' kids" now days are armed and dangerous, most of them are high on some kind of

drug, and most would provoke the cops in some kind of bravado act and earn bragging

rights, cops have every right to protect themselves in anyway they can...

The only people at the scene with guns were the police.

The airborne ranger wannabe cop went after a tiny 15 year old girl in a two-piece swimsuit while carefully avoiding physical contact with any males at the scene.

The cop lectured, scolded, biched as he dashed frantically about bossing innocent and compliant kids,

The teenage pool party goers had no weapons of any kind, no one fought or physically resisted the police except for one guy who was chased down and apprehended. The kids are not to blame here for a frenzied cop with a badge and a gun gone semi-berzerk, nor is this group of summer seeker kids to blame or to be associated with the criminal behaviors of other youths in Texas or elsewhere.

The far out fringe right are trying to find actual criminal conduct by the kids. Failing that, now the far out racial right are trying to invent evil wicked kids yet the right is wrong again.


What an unbelievable bunch of out-of-control thugs these kids are, dressed for swimming and carrying lethal towels. Sitting on the ground when ordered, which we all know is a ninja ruse. So outrageous that some of them even called the cops "Sir". Can you believe that?

Your lounge in check comment on what ' kids ' are doing or not doing, shows that you know

nothing of the dangerous job cops are facing everyday while policing ' kids ' in the US,

' kids" now days are armed and dangerous, most of them are high on some kind of

drug, and most would provoke the cops in some kind of bravado act and earn bragging

rights, cops have every right to protect themselves in anyway they can...

My apologies for being a privileged whitey, surrounded by wealth, luxury and entitlement, protected from the realities of this world by a legion of minions, slaves, servants. What is this 'danger' you talk about? Is it from "most" kids? In bikinis? Ahh, I get it. You are talking lounge, sorry, tongue in cheek, aren't you.

The number of police officers killed in the line of duty increased in 2014, a report by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund finds.

In total, 126 officers were killed in 2014. That's a 24 percent increase from 2013, when 102 officers were killed. the number of police officers killed by firearms also rose by 56 percent — from 32 in 2013 to 50 in 2014, and 54 so for in 2015.....

Dose that settle the argument, Mr rich and privileged white guy?


Oh, so to you EZZRA, most kids are high on drugs? HUMM. Can I borrow your crystal ball that allows you to know this? Aren't you assuming a bit to much to throw all the kids under the bus. What gives you the right to JUDGE. Oh that's right !!! You are more holy than the rest so it is your right to judge the rest. OK. I see. I get it.


Again, FWIW, a variety of news reports says that a mob of over 100 crashed the "pool party." The housing estate's policy clearly states that there should be no more than 20 people at a pool party. https://secure.associationvoice.com/ResourceCenter/DocViewer/10389?doc_filename=Amenity%20Rental%20Usage%20Policy.pdf&find=pool&doc_id=59648&print=1

There is a question whether the organizers, Tatyana Rhodes and her mother, Lasagna Burkes actually went through the process of formally asking to use the facility. They did apparently employ a DJ outside the area from which people crashed the pool and Tatyana was using the event to sell tickets to some musical promotion. All this from Dallas radio and TV.

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