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Video of US officer who drew gun on black teens raises tension

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In this particular simulation the officers being trained engage in a virtual reality scenario of responding to a home break-in call. At one point what appears to be the perp (african american) bursts out of the home right in front of one of the officers. They make eye contact, then the perp throws something at the officer and charges directly towards him. The simulation stops there and the class then discusses appropriate force options.

I think this scenario is closely analogous to what happened in McKinney - at its basic level both officers are confronted with a potential perp charging directly at them.

Was the 'perp' a nearly naked teenage girl in broad daylight.

If not your post is apologist rubbish.

You are aware that we are talking about the bigger male kid with a ciggy who charged the cop just prior to him drawing his weapon and not his actions with the young girl, right?

He got sacked for beating a nearly naked teen in broad daylight.

No need to discuss anything else the nutcase did.

What we should be discussing is why 3 other police haven't been suspended.

The ones that were standing around failing to protect the teen girl from a deranged and armed madman.

No excuse, I want 3 more police to answer for their failings.

Piker! Why not go for all of their heads?

PS: He wasn't sacked, he resigned. She wasn't naked and she appeared to be carrying a towel in the video which she could have wrapped around herself. It was "broad daylight", so you get credit for that brilliant observation.

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The cop was only correct on one single point, only one- drawing the weapon when he had a feign approach from the the man with the cig.

I have actually had the pleasure of watching a LAPD video of their Force Option Training Class in which they use a virtual reality Force Options Simulator (FOS).

In this particular simulation the officers being trained engage in a virtual reality scenario of responding to a home break-in call. At one point what appears to be the perp (african american) bursts out of the home right in front of one of the officers. They make eye contact, then the perp throws something at the officer and charges directly towards him. The simulation stops there and the class then discusses appropriate force options.

I think this scenario is closely analogous to what happened in McKinney - at its basic level both officers are confronted with a potential perp charging directly at them.

The lesson taught in the training course by the instructor and the group acting as the Use of Force Review Board was that this is NOT a situation which justified drawing a weapon because it was "not a deadly threat" (a direct quote).

Make of that what you will!!

I have actually trained LA county Sheriff's department and LEA around the world in use of force continuum, escalation, weapons retention, etc, out of JTF6, EPIC, DOD, DOS, other, and direct National advisory roles. I have some years actually doing this.These similar standards are actually also employed in dignitary protection- low, mid, and high threat.

The kinder, "new" LAPD may be trying to revise the means by which officers stumble down the path of bad decisions following this above nexus that we are discussing, but the point remains valid, I think, that the officer seemed unaware he was actually fomenting the very situation he was responding to, and that the proximity, and likely intent seemed established when someone entered his personal AO. There is just no indication of any capability. The officer drew his gun, which in retrospect seems excessive, and immediately scanned his area to reassess the environment around him, that was previously obscured while he was doing some dumb ass shit on the ground with that kid. If that officer had not done this I would have failed him. It is only regrettable that this action, in context with his stupidity and unprofessionalism overall, winds up reinforcing his overall behavior. No, this action was the only thing he did correctly.

IMO, the Force Review Board sounds like a Board to Force a Review of generally recognized SOP. If anyone muses that deadly threat is only and always apparent immediately is a fool. Deadly intent or not should always be determined before firing a weapon, but this is not the same threshold as drawing a weapon. This man noted a peripheral force quickly approaching, drew his weapon, thereby repulsing the approach, noting it posed no threat, he scanned his area. Perfect. The problem is he is otherwise a jackass. I could actually see using this as a teaching example of how delicate and 'iffy' a decision could be in the field, under duress.

Good post. The only thing I have a problem with is that we cannot know what transpired between Ms Becton and Cpl Casebolt (at a distance in the video and without legible audio or video). So you are forming a conclusion with minimal information unless you have other sources about what transpired. If you do could you share it with us?

Suppose she had assaulted him, for example?

Don't you think it would be fair to hear his side of why he attempted to detain/arrest her? I know I would like to hear it before forming an opinion. As she was unharmed, he had obviously used one of the lower levels of the force continuum, yes? The lowest being, of course, that he simply had ignored her. Then we wouldn't be here discussing it would we be? Also, the MSM, the activists and Al Sharpton wouldn't have something to sensationalize.

Sure. You are correct and the process of a court proceeding would agree with you. I dont really speak to this point though. I generally speak to the fact that a picture is worth a thousand words, and while not complete as you point out, the video does add some context. The cop escalated it. This could be debated but the presence of the other cop in the beginning provides a bit of context to indicate cop #2 actually escalated things. It is my opinion. My real issue is narrowly related to the drawing of the weapon, the most provocative act. I just think it would not have had to happen if this cop was not running around like he was on roid rage. However, irrespective of this, the feigning dash to the cop's periphery is an act that warrants a defensive rescan of the area, just as he did.

I dont disagree with any of your points, only that I think it may not have needed to happen, and he was correct in drawing a weapon. Of course, I could be wrong. As I age this seems to happen more frequently. Based on our various posts I would venture to say that you and I agree but that I narrowly focused my comment on one thing and I confused the issue.


So I guess your listening to a member of the community and actually experienced it from start to finish is out of the question:


Not dissimilar to some posters here.

Such a good witness, she didn't know if it was a gun or a tazer.

Completely distorted view of events, eg the boys "attacked" the cop.

Her testimony is worthless and merely shows how blindly biased some people can be.

The bottom line is the cop himself knows he was out of line and resigned. His boss knows he was out of line and is considering what action to take. The girl's lawyer knows he was out of line and so will probably relish suing.

How people can keep defending him with distortions of events is beyond me.

Witness is so good she even knows that the cop didnt intend to use the gun.

But she does open up something, why did the cop draw his gun and not his taser?

I suppose it doesnt matter, all other cops chatting away fine and none of them had a weapon out, only the one cop who thought it was an episode of The Hunger Games.

And if you look at 2.00 of the video, the big white guy in blue shorts approaches the cop from one side, slightly behind, and then goes completely behind the cop. The cop didn't care about the white guy. That same white guy stands menacingly close to the cop later, when the cop is manhandling the girl...that didn't faze the cop either.

This is not a particularly astute observation. This is a great stretch as their is further context regarding this man in the video. You narrowly extrapolate one moment, one act, and suggest that this sets up a contrast on his bias. The man already established a degree of screening on part of the cop, who are taught to evaluate situations and areas immediately for threats to self, then others, before proceeding. yes, the man could have been a threat, but was likely checked off his mental to do list earlier in the scenario. I think the cop may have finessed bias, on another point, but this point you make does not achieve that goal.

"Menacing[ly]" has a legal weight under law and this man hardly rose to any semblance of that threshold. However, in rhetoric, your use of it here shows exactly how language can be used to indict absent facts. Perhaps you note something I just miss; I just dont see it.


That was not the last sentence in my reply, Genius.

I've never claimed to be a genius, but at least I can understand the reference was to the last sentence quoted, not the last sentence in your post...

Well then, you are probably the only one that does understand that twisted excuse.

You edited my reply, omitting a crucial sentence in a way that distorted the meaning of my reply. Very bad forum etiquette and it shouldn't take a genius to get that, should it?

But to answer your silly question: It is not my responsibility to pass judgment on Cpl Casebolt's handling of his detain/arrest of Ms Becton. She was unharmed is the bottom line. Maybe she learned something about showing respect to law enforcement officers and to not violently resist arrest.

It was not the two girls' right to interfere with Cpl Casebolt. That is now bystanders can get harmed and there could be unintended consequences.

Maybe she learned something about showing respect to law enforcement officers and to not violently resist arrest.

The vital question is whether the officer, all police officers throughout the country, and the far out right wingers have learned anything from this unfortunate incident. It is encouraging that Corporal Casebolt resigned, the chief of police there roundly criticized him, yet it is discouraging that the right keep trying to invent a riot that never took place and continues to try to scold and blame the kids at the scene



Several young civil rights protesters were attacked by police dogs on May 3, 1963 in downtown Birmingham. The young man in this picture was believed to be Ullman High School student Walter Gadsden, according to a 1963 Jet Magazine interview and local activist, Ullman classmate Ronald Jackson. (AP/Bill Hudson)

Black Americans learned generations ago that standing idly by while the police trample their civil rights and human rights is passe' if not self-destructive. Look at all the well-mannered middle class African-American residents of the community being self-restrained and self-contained, shocked but composed. However, it's been the reality for some decades now that when cops do this they get bit back.

All the girl in this instance did was to figuratively roll up a newspaper and tap the berserk cop on his snorting snout.

The police need to face the reality that their generations of brutal opposition to black civil rights and movements has cost them irreparable harm throughout the United States and the world.

Irreparable damage.

Police need to recognize who and what they represent to black Americans from the beginning of American time. The McKinney police chief has demonstrated that there are police who learn and that are writing new chapters to American racial policing. The hard core right continues however to be unable to face and accept reality, which is why so many of 'em have self-deported to elsewhere yet they keep on banging on.

Irreparable damage.

Certainly, with people like you with an agenda of devisiveness, it will never be repaired.

So, kids did not jump over the fence to crash the pool party and there was no reason to place the 911 call in the first place?

Were you another of these people who were there and can give us an accurate, eyewitness account. Take that back. With you that would be a contradiction in terms

BTW, who was it, exactly, that tried to "invent a riot that never took place"?

Can you give us a link or something?

Not dissimilar to some posters here.

Such a good witness, she didn't know if it was a gun or a tazer.

Completely distorted view of events, eg the boys "attacked" the cop.

Her testimony is worthless and merely shows how blindly biased some people can be.

The bottom line is the cop himself knows he was out of line and resigned. His boss knows he was out of line and is considering what action to take. The girl's lawyer knows he was out of line and so will probably relish suing.

How people can keep defending him with distortions of events is beyond me.

Witness is so good she even knows that the cop didnt intend to use the gun.

But she does open up something, why did the cop draw his gun and not his taser?

I suppose it doesnt matter, all other cops chatting away fine and none of them had a weapon out, only the one cop who thought it was an episode of The Hunger Games.

And if you look at 2.00 of the video, the big white guy in blue shorts approaches the cop from one side, slightly behind, and then goes completely behind the cop. The cop didn't care about the white guy. That same white guy stands menacingly close to the cop later, when the cop is manhandling the girl...that didn't faze the cop either.

This is not a particularly astute observation. This is a great stretch as their is further context regarding this man in the video. You narrowly extrapolate one moment, one act, and suggest that this sets up a contrast on his bias. The man already established a degree of screening on part of the cop, who are taught to evaluate situations and areas immediately for threats to self, then others, before proceeding. yes, the man could have been a threat, but was likely checked off his mental to do list earlier in the scenario. I think the cop may have finessed bias, on another point, but this point you make does not achieve that goal.

"Menacing[ly]" has a legal weight under law and this man hardly rose to any semblance of that threshold. However, in rhetoric, your use of it here shows exactly how language can be used to indict absent facts. Perhaps you note something I just miss; I just dont see it.

Fair comment...accepted unreservedly.


This is not a particularly astute observation. This is a great stretch as their is further context regarding this man in the video. You narrowly extrapolate one moment, one act, and suggest that this sets up a contrast on his bias. The man already established a degree of screening on part of the cop, who are taught to evaluate situations and areas immediately for threats to self, then others, before proceeding. yes, the man could have been a threat, but was likely checked off his mental to do list earlier in the scenario. I think the cop may have finessed bias, on another point, but this point you make does not achieve that goal.

"Menacing[ly]" has a legal weight under law and this man hardly rose to any semblance of that threshold. However, in rhetoric, your use of it here shows exactly how language can be used to indict absent facts. Perhaps you note something I just miss; I just dont see i

Apropos to nothing... but maybe some perspective: I have read the the larger, middle aged man to which you guys are referring, (I did hear his name but its gone now...) was the original 911 caller. He sure seemed to have an intense interest in watching Casebolt subdue the teens close up and personal...


So, kids did not jump over the fence to crash the pool party and there was no reason to place the 911 call in the first place?

Maybe kids jumped the fence, maybe not. We do not have that info definitively.

What I do know for a fact is that every party I went to in high school, and every pool party my daughters (2) hosted for their HS friends was WAY over-attended (I think if you have a party in HS and its NOT crashed it is not considered a 'success' - like you were not cool enough to draw the crashers!! LOL!!). Sometimes a party of ten friends became a writhing teen mob of 50 high and drunk kids (not all but 50-75%)... Never had a serious issue (yeah, broken furniture, spills and barfs for sure!) and never had cops come. Why?

Because my wife, my neighbours and I were reasonable people and could handle a group of teens without freaking out! On the following day parents were contacted, reparations were made and life went on. No need for 911.


So, kids did not jump over the fence to crash the pool party and there was no reason to place the 911 call in the first place?

Maybe kids jumped the fence, maybe not. We do not have that info definitively.

What I do know for a fact is that every party I went to in high school, and every pool party my daughters (2) hosted for their HS friends was WAY over-attended (I think if you have a party in HS and its NOT crashed it is not considered a 'success' - like you were not cool enough to draw the crashers!! LOL!!). Sometimes a party of ten friends became a writhing teen mob of 50 high and drunk kids (not all but 50-75%)... Never had a serious issue (yeah, broken furniture, spills and barfs for sure!) and never had cops come. Why?

Because my wife, my neighbours and I were reasonable people and could handle a group of teens without freaking out! On the following day parents were contacted, reparations were made and life went on. No need for 911.

I doubt that Mr. Benet Embry, a supposed resident and eyewitness, would lie about the incident on national TV (but that's been known to happen):

Thank you for the anecdote. Were your pool party experiences in a mixed-ethnic situation in McKinney, Texas in mid-2015 by any chance? (if you get my drift)


So, kids did not jump over the fence to crash the pool party and there was no reason to place the 911 call in the first place?

Maybe kids jumped the fence, maybe not. We do not have that info definitively.

What I do know for a fact is that every party I went to in high school, and every pool party my daughters (2) hosted for their HS friends was WAY over-attended (I think if you have a party in HS and its NOT crashed it is not considered a 'success' - like you were not cool enough to draw the crashers!! LOL!!). Sometimes a party of ten friends became a writhing teen mob of 50 high and drunk kids (not all but 50-75%)... Never had a serious issue (yeah, broken furniture, spills and barfs for sure!) and never had cops come. Why?

Because my wife, my neighbours and I were reasonable people and could handle a group of teens without freaking out! On the following day parents were contacted, reparations were made and life went on. No need for 911.

Good points Mike....similar experience here......the HS parties I wewnt to, and then my daughter....and consider that many of my daughter's friends were Samoan, Tongan, and Maori (you may have an idea of Auckland, NZ lower socio-economic groups), it could get a bit out of hand....but at the end of the day, having a sensible adult monitoring and taking charge, no cops were ever needed.


What we should be discussing is why 3 other police haven't been suspended.

The ones that were standing around failing to protect the teen girl from a deranged and armed madman.

No excuse, I want 3 more police to answer for their failings.

This sort of rhetoric is about as helpful as those on the opposite end of the discussion saying that the incident was 100% justified.

You have Caseboilt's head served up promptly on a platter and you are advocating destroying three more families?They may share some culpability in not diffusing the situation but the most that should be required would be a departmental review of what to do if one of your colleagues loses it!! LOL!!


This is not a particularly astute observation. This is a great stretch as their is further context regarding this man in the video. You narrowly extrapolate one moment, one act, and suggest that this sets up a contrast on his bias. The man already established a degree of screening on part of the cop, who are taught to evaluate situations and areas immediately for threats to self, then others, before proceeding. yes, the man could have been a threat, but was likely checked off his mental to do list earlier in the scenario. I think the cop may have finessed bias, on another point, but this point you make does not achieve that goal.

"Menacing[ly]" has a legal weight under law and this man hardly rose to any semblance of that threshold. However, in rhetoric, your use of it here shows exactly how language can be used to indict absent facts. Perhaps you note something I just miss; I just dont see i

Apropos to nothing... but maybe some perspective: I have read the the larger, middle aged man to which you guys are referring, (I did hear his name but its gone now...) was the original 911 caller. He sure seemed to have an intense interest in watching Casebolt subdue the teens close up and personal...

It may be Sean Toon, identified in this The Guardian Article:


The resolution not quite enough for a definite confirmation, but there is a high resemblance, IMHO:


He seems to be performing a sort of guard duty during the entire duration of Cpl Casebolt's detain/arrest of Ms Becton. He would know what transpired in the distance between Cpl Casebolt and Ms Becton because he was in very close proximity to them when Cpl Casebolt decided to take her into custody.


So, kids did not jump over the fence to crash the pool party and there was no reason to place the 911 call in the first place?

Maybe kids jumped the fence, maybe not. We do not have that info definitively.

What I do know for a fact is that every party I went to in high school, and every pool party my daughters (2) hosted for their HS friends was WAY over-attended (I think if you have a party in HS and its NOT crashed it is not considered a 'success' - like you were not cool enough to draw the crashers!! LOL!!). Sometimes a party of ten friends became a writhing teen mob of 50 high and drunk kids (not all but 50-75%)... Never had a serious issue (yeah, broken furniture, spills and barfs for sure!) and never had cops come. Why?

Because my wife, my neighbours and I were reasonable people and could handle a group of teens without freaking out! On the following day parents were contacted, reparations were made and life went on. No need for 911.

I doubt that Mr. Benet Embry, a supposed resident and eyewitness, would lie about the incident on national TV (but that's been known to happen):

Thank you for the anecdote. Were your pool party experiences in a mixed-ethnic situation in McKinney, Texas in mid-2015 by any chance? (if you get my drift)

And again, the apologists (this time in another video) try to excuse the rogue cop by saying those two boys came up behind him....if "behind" is 6 o'clock, those boys weren't even at 3 o'clock...somewhere between 2 and 3 is accurate.

BTW...is "American Indian" an acceptable term?


I doubt that Mr. Benet Embry, a supposed resident and eyewitness, would lie about the incident on national TV (but that's been known to happen):

Thank you for the anecdote. Were your pool party experiences in a mixed-ethnic situation in McKinney, Texas in mid-2015 by any chance? (if you get my drift)

I hadn't seen that before, thanks.

So they DID jump the fence... en masse it seems!

What I took from Mr Embry was that he lives in a nice neighbourhood where a pool party went way out of control and he was disturbed by Casebolt's actions with respect to the one girl. His was a very reasonable take. I'd wager that if he was chaperoning the event none of it would have escalated beyond the pool!

My daughters' pool parties were about as mixed as you can get - asians, africans, jamaicans... the neighbourhood was very similar to Mr. Embry's but no private security.

I don't think 'McKinney, Texas in mid-2015' has much bearing on my analogy after watching Mr. Embry describe his neighbourhood.


So, kids did not jump over the fence to crash the pool party and there was no reason to place the 911 call in the first place?

Maybe kids jumped the fence, maybe not. We do not have that info definitively.

What I do know for a fact is that every party I went to in high school, and every pool party my daughters (2) hosted for their HS friends was WAY over-attended (I think if you have a party in HS and its NOT crashed it is not considered a 'success' - like you were not cool enough to draw the crashers!! LOL!!). Sometimes a party of ten friends became a writhing teen mob of 50 high and drunk kids (not all but 50-75%)... Never had a serious issue (yeah, broken furniture, spills and barfs for sure!) and never had cops come. Why?

Because my wife, my neighbours and I were reasonable people and could handle a group of teens without freaking out! On the following day parents were contacted, reparations were made and life went on. No need for 911.

I doubt that Mr. Benet Embry, a supposed resident and eyewitness, would lie about the incident on national TV (but that's been known to happen):

Thank you for the anecdote. Were your pool party experiences in a mixed-ethnic situation in McKinney, Texas in mid-2015 by any chance? (if you get my drift)

And again, the apologists (this time in another video) try to excuse the rogue cop by saying those two boys came up behind him....if "behind" is 6 o'clock, those boys weren't even at 3 o'clock...somewhere between 2 and 3 is accurate.

BTW...is "American Indian" an acceptable term?

In what context and acceptable to whom? I prefer "Redskins", but I'm not a big fan. biggrin.png


saying those two boys came up behind him....if "behind" is 6 o'clock, those boys weren't even at 3 o'clock...somewhere between 2 and 3 is accurate.

This has bothered me as well. The most concise description was by arjunadawn when he said 'periphery'.


saying those two boys came up behind him....if "behind" is 6 o'clock, those boys weren't even at 3 o'clock...somewhere between 2 and 3 is accurate.

This has bothered me as well. The most concise description was by arjunadawn when he said 'periphery'.

Actually, not to blow my own trumpet, but "between 2 and 3 o'clock" is pretty accurate....but "periphery" is good too, just slightly vague.....nonetheless, both descriptions blow "from behind" out of the park.


Well then, you are probably the only one that does understand that twisted excuse.

You edited my reply, omitting a crucial sentence in a way that distorted the meaning of my reply. Very bad forum etiquette and it shouldn't take a genius to get that, should it?

But to answer your silly question: It is not my responsibility to pass judgment on Cpl Casebolt's handling of his detain/arrest of Ms Becton. She was unharmed is the bottom line. Maybe she learned something about showing respect to law enforcement officers and to not violently resist arrest.

It was not the two girls' right to interfere with Cpl Casebolt. That is now bystanders can get harmed and there could be unintended consequences.

Maybe she learned something about showing respect to law enforcement officers and to not violently resist arrest.

The vital question is whether the officer, all police officers throughout the country, and the far out right wingers have learned anything from this unfortunate incident. It is encouraging that Corporal Casebolt resigned, the chief of police there roundly criticized him, yet it is discouraging that the right keep trying to invent a riot that never took place and continues to try to scold and blame the kids at the scene



Several young civil rights protesters were attacked by police dogs on May 3, 1963 in downtown Birmingham. The young man in this picture was believed to be Ullman High School student Walter Gadsden, according to a 1963 Jet Magazine interview and local activist, Ullman classmate Ronald Jackson. (AP/Bill Hudson)

Black Americans learned generations ago that standing idly by while the police trample their civil rights and human rights is passe' if not self-destructive. Look at all the well-mannered middle class African-American residents of the community being self-restrained and self-contained, shocked but composed. However, it's been the reality for some decades now that when cops do this they get bit back.

All the girl in this instance did was to figuratively roll up a newspaper and tap the berserk cop on his snorting snout.

The police need to face the reality that their generations of brutal opposition to black civil rights and movements has cost them irreparable harm throughout the United States and the world.

Irreparable damage.

Police need to recognize who and what they represent to black Americans from the beginning of American time. The McKinney police chief has demonstrated that there are police who learn and that are writing new chapters to American racial policing. The hard core right continues however to be unable to face and accept reality, which is why so many of 'em have self-deported to elsewhere yet they keep on banging on.

Irreparable damage.

Certainly, with people like you with an agenda of devisiveness, it will never be repaired.

So, kids did not jump over the fence to crash the pool party and there was no reason to place the 911 call in the first place?

Were you another of these people who were there and can give us an accurate, eyewitness account. Take that back. With you that would be a contradiction in terms

BTW, who was it, exactly, that tried to "invent a riot that never took place"?

Can you give us a link or something?

The following link takes you to a post that is the absolute opposite of my arguments and which is in itself riotously inventive, to understate the matter....


The post, as with every other from the extreme fringe right, fails in the absolute to recognize that the history of racial policing in America has irreversably harmed policing in the United States. Irreparable harm and damage to the police by the police throughout the United States....and globally.


And too often it is the police who riot. In McKinney, it was a one police officer riot, which was all that it took. Since then the right has been trying to find a kids' riot and just cannot do this, neither can it create a kids' riot because all the "witnesses" are bogus too.


Fox News Is Unraveling As Their “Objective Witness” To McKinney Pool Party Is A Convicted Felon

Sean Toon told Fox he never heard anyone say to the kids to go back to their Section 8 public housing, yet it turns out he himself was the guy at the scene who said it.

Toon and his slap happy wife are the star witnesses at Faux in the bogus claim no one said anything to the kids about Section 8. Toon was in fact the guy who said it. His wife was in the fight before the main video was recorded, the very fight that caused Toon to call 911.

Indeed, the deeper the right wing go into the McKinney incident seeking to blame everyone except Corporal Casebolt, the deeper the right goes into its contradictions and desperation to grant amnesty to Casebolt, while trying to convict the kids.

What Toon has failed to mention, though, is that he was part of a group of adults that, according to teens at the pool party, initially made racist comments to the mostly black youths, sparking a violent fight.

“I’m 100% sure that he said, ‘You should go back to the Section 8 [public] housing where you’re from because you don’t belong in our neighborhood,'” Grace Stone, a 14-year-old white McKinney resident who defended her black friends, told BuzzFeed News. “That’s when I went off. He had no right to say that. That’s when [one of Toon’s female acquaintances] came up to me and said, ‘You don’t talk to adults like that.’ She was saying I needed to do something with my life and find a nice path for myself."


Imagine That: Man Who Called 911 For McKinney Pool Party Caught Lying And Was Convicted Of Torturing Animals [Video]



Yes, yes, exactly. The situation seemed well in control by a police officer doing community policing- cop1 I will call him. He was validating their protests, their antics, yet sternly trying to exert authority and control when a piece of crap emotional mess of a man in uniform (cop 2) stumbled into the scene and like a wolf on patrol began looking for prey. There is a reason the camera immediately transferred to the cop at issue and stayed with him. It was as if the observers already took for granted that something out of control would happen from this cop. It is basic human body language he conveyed. He was hungry, emotional, and dangerous. This cop was expressing his emotion on citizens. Indeed, he even bitched about the unbearable burden of having to wear 30 lbs of gear- pussy! I would wear a single piece of equipment at work that weighed as much.

I get that cops are concerned and rightfully so. I get that certain populations of people are more prone to violence- this is a fact irrespective of how PC the topic is. But in this instance the cop perpetrated the entire affair. And why could those children not gather on the sidewalk. What was the purpose of commenting on the black girl's ass? Had the ass not been in the view this might hardly have been meaningful but it was stated as soon as she turned to walk away.

I believe black racial divides are being actively agitated in America and there is numerous examples of this happening, and the black population responding as an aggrieved body. Sure, when anyone is told they are a victim they race to embrace the label these days. There is considerable incentive to be a wounded population. Besides the benefits, there is no accountability for actions. This cop is a piece of crap but when those two young black men drew up on him the way soi dogs round about and draw up on the ankles he was correct in drawing his weapon and scanning his area. However, he did all of this. He brought on this entire issue. He should never be entrusted with a public service job again.

I would note there is little prophecy in the world or history but it is inescapable that a certain political savvy class of people keenly predicted these balkanization events within the past 7 years. They were not predicted based on tangible distortions in American access to opportunity rather they were predicted based on elected officials deportment, the relationship of organizations to color revolutions around the world, and the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict. The US media rarely identifies what is actually taking place in America these past few years and it is basically a widespread, wholesale assault on white America. Indeed, a major push is now present in all schools to teach a required pillar of black militant theology theory regarding "White privilege-"

all White people are guilty by virtue of being born white and black people, by definition, can never be racist because they ostensibly do not control the apparatus of state. How utterly vacant and diabolical.

Edit: My post just hit as one posted ahead of mine suggesting exactly what I speak of. However, this is not the curricula of white privilege, this is an example of the self loathing that the curricula is designed to trigger in white people. First it was a corruption of blood for slavery. Then it was affirmative action in the great society. Now it is a larger net cast to forever label white people guilty just for being born. If one thinks this is extreme or sensational posting read the news, look at the facts. What I assert is widespread and endorsed through the Dept Education. White privilege? This is dark, dark stuff. The only thing that can evolve from this is war and conflict. Why? Because there is nothing left to give.

the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorized the Community Relations Service at DoJ which the hard core right sees instead as "diabolical" not to mention "vacant." The post is yet another post from the moon that requires being 100% corrected then dismissed for the rubbish that it is.

The Justice Department's soft side: How one federal agency hopes to change Ferguson

The Community Relations Service is just one part of four Justice Department operations here.

But the Community Relations Service — a 50-person, $12 million-a-year unit — is entirely different from those three larger operations. It has no investigative authority. Its mediators have been in St. Louis quietly working on disputes long before Brown’s death thrust Ferguson into the global consciousness.

And its goal, said Director Grande H. Lum in an interview last week with the Post-Dispatch, isn’t to make arrests or file lawsuits, but to give all sides a private place to talk, and, hopefully, solve their own problems.

“Those are the longest-lasting solutions — when the people themselves resolve their own disputes,” Lum said. His unit, he said, allows “people to speak.”


One issue about the cop in McKinny Texas is why he chose to ignore the menacing strong black guy every racially oriented right winger sees at every black event to instead assault a 15 year old girl wearing a two piece pool setup who is a quarter the cop's size. A cop has to shoot a black guy, every time, always??? The only armed people at this incident were the cops, to include one bizzare cop who should never be allowed near a police firearm as has only now become unmistakably apparent.

The teenagers at the summer pool party were broadly and consistently compliant. It was the frantic and disoriented cop who was dashing and tumbling about scaring the wits out of everyone at the scene. The 15 year old girl was decidedly manhandled by the disoriented cop who was not in control of his faculties. The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene.

the tiny girl

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .


Yes, yes, exactly. The situation seemed well in control by a police officer doing community policing- cop1 I will call him. He was validating their protests, their antics, yet sternly trying to exert authority and control when a piece of crap emotional mess of a man in uniform (cop 2) stumbled into the scene and like a wolf on patrol began looking for prey. There is a reason the camera immediately transferred to the cop at issue and stayed with him. It was as if the observers already took for granted that something out of control would happen from this cop. It is basic human body language he conveyed. He was hungry, emotional, and dangerous. This cop was expressing his emotion on citizens. Indeed, he even bitched about the unbearable burden of having to wear 30 lbs of gear- pussy! I would wear a single piece of equipment at work that weighed as much.

I get that cops are concerned and rightfully so. I get that certain populations of people are more prone to violence- this is a fact irrespective of how PC the topic is. But in this instance the cop perpetrated the entire affair. And why could those children not gather on the sidewalk. What was the purpose of commenting on the black girl's ass? Had the ass not been in the view this might hardly have been meaningful but it was stated as soon as she turned to walk away.

I believe black racial divides are being actively agitated in America and there is numerous examples of this happening, and the black population responding as an aggrieved body. Sure, when anyone is told they are a victim they race to embrace the label these days. There is considerable incentive to be a wounded population. Besides the benefits, there is no accountability for actions. This cop is a piece of crap but when those two young black men drew up on him the way soi dogs round about and draw up on the ankles he was correct in drawing his weapon and scanning his area. However, he did all of this. He brought on this entire issue. He should never be entrusted with a public service job again.

I would note there is little prophecy in the world or history but it is inescapable that a certain political savvy class of people keenly predicted these balkanization events within the past 7 years. They were not predicted based on tangible distortions in American access to opportunity rather they were predicted based on elected officials deportment, the relationship of organizations to color revolutions around the world, and the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict. The US media rarely identifies what is actually taking place in America these past few years and it is basically a widespread, wholesale assault on white America. Indeed, a major push is now present in all schools to teach a required pillar of black militant theology theory regarding "White privilege-"

all White people are guilty by virtue of being born white and black people, by definition, can never be racist because they ostensibly do not control the apparatus of state. How utterly vacant and diabolical.

Edit: My post just hit as one posted ahead of mine suggesting exactly what I speak of. However, this is not the curricula of white privilege, this is an example of the self loathing that the curricula is designed to trigger in white people. First it was a corruption of blood for slavery. Then it was affirmative action in the great society. Now it is a larger net cast to forever label white people guilty just for being born. If one thinks this is extreme or sensational posting read the news, look at the facts. What I assert is widespread and endorsed through the Dept Education. White privilege? This is dark, dark stuff. The only thing that can evolve from this is war and conflict. Why? Because there is nothing left to give.

the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorized the Community Relations Service at DoJ which the hard core right sees instead as "diabolical" not to mention "vacant." The post is yet another post from the moon that requires being 100% corrected then dismissed for the rubbish that it is.

The Justice Department's soft side: How one federal agency hopes to change Ferguson

The Community Relations Service is just one part of four Justice Department operations here.

But the Community Relations Service — a 50-person, $12 million-a-year unit — is entirely different from those three larger operations. It has no investigative authority. Its mediators have been in St. Louis quietly working on disputes long before Brown’s death thrust Ferguson into the global consciousness.

And its goal, said Director Grande H. Lum in an interview last week with the Post-Dispatch, isn’t to make arrests or file lawsuits, but to give all sides a private place to talk, and, hopefully, solve their own problems.

“Those are the longest-lasting solutions — when the people themselves resolve their own disputes,” Lum said. His unit, he said, allows “people to speak.”


One issue about the cop in McKinny Texas is why he chose to ignore the menacing strong black guy every racially oriented right winger sees at every black event to instead assault a 15 year old girl wearing a two piece pool setup who is a quarter the cop's size. A cop has to shoot a black guy, every time, always??? The only armed people at this incident were the cops, to include one bizzare cop who should never be allowed near a police firearm as has only now become unmistakably apparent.

The teenagers at the summer pool party were broadly and consistently compliant. It was the frantic and disoriented cop who was dashing and tumbling about scaring the wits out of everyone at the scene. The 15 year old girl was decidedly manhandled by the disoriented cop who was not in control of his faculties. The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene.

the tiny girl

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

Izzat a quote from someone? You'd need to be specific, accurate, honest cause if one wants to laugh it up over an invented quote, it would come across as pretty silly and desperate. Desperation can cause certain people to try desperate things, such as inventing quotes then slapping one's own knee in a put-on hysterical thrill.

My reply above to the post I quote is in the same vein as in this post and the invented "tiny" girl quote along with its knee-slapping self thrills. The nestled post I quoted includes the contorted invention that,

"The US media rarely identifies what is actually taking place in America these past few years and it is basically a widespread, wholesale assault on white America. Indeed, a major push is now present in all schools to teach a required pillar of black militant theology theory regarding "White privilege-" all White people are guilty by virtue of being born white and black people, by definition, can never be racist because they ostensibly do not control the apparatus of state. How utterly vacant and diabolical...this is an example of the self loathing that the curricula is designed to trigger in white people."

This extremist right wing notion of "self-loathing" is an invented psychological concept of the far right who assign it and its concocted negatives to the liberals, most people in the Democratic party, the MSM, all local school boards and let's not forget the US Department of Education and many more additional and "diabolical" components of contemporary society.

So would the chief of police in McKinney be a "self-loathing" white in contemporary America? And how would we know Chief Greg Conly is a "self-loathing" liberal, or that he is a "self-loathing" anything. Do we get a right wing diagnosis of the chief from afar? Did Chief Conly write a confession that he is a "self-loathing" white cop who is determined to right all the racial wrongs of America in one act and in one deed, by accepting Casebolt's resignation from the force? What do we need to do to admit or to confirm a self state of "self-loating" that would satisfy the extreme whacko far out right in its mangled thoughts and invented accusations?

The crackpot far right can't give us any answers to this because it's still working on inventing the bogus questions and creating a new bizarre pseudo medical category. It is in fact the tired old rehash of the long rejected "reverse racism" the right invented decades ago and has resurrected since the 2008 election.


Yes, yes, exactly. The situation seemed well in control by a police officer doing community policing- cop1 I will call him. He was validating their protests, their antics, yet sternly trying to exert authority and control when a piece of crap emotional mess of a man in uniform (cop 2) stumbled into the scene and like a wolf on patrol began looking for prey. There is a reason the camera immediately transferred to the cop at issue and stayed with him. It was as if the observers already took for granted that something out of control would happen from this cop. It is basic human body language he conveyed. He was hungry, emotional, and dangerous. This cop was expressing his emotion on citizens. Indeed, he even bitched about the unbearable burden of having to wear 30 lbs of gear- pussy! I would wear a single piece of equipment at work that weighed as much.

I get that cops are concerned and rightfully so. I get that certain populations of people are more prone to violence- this is a fact irrespective of how PC the topic is. But in this instance the cop perpetrated the entire affair. And why could those children not gather on the sidewalk. What was the purpose of commenting on the black girl's ass? Had the ass not been in the view this might hardly have been meaningful but it was stated as soon as she turned to walk away.

I believe black racial divides are being actively agitated in America and there is numerous examples of this happening, and the black population responding as an aggrieved body. Sure, when anyone is told they are a victim they race to embrace the label these days. There is considerable incentive to be a wounded population. Besides the benefits, there is no accountability for actions. This cop is a piece of crap but when those two young black men drew up on him the way soi dogs round about and draw up on the ankles he was correct in drawing his weapon and scanning his area. However, he did all of this. He brought on this entire issue. He should never be entrusted with a public service job again.

I would note there is little prophecy in the world or history but it is inescapable that a certain political savvy class of people keenly predicted these balkanization events within the past 7 years. They were not predicted based on tangible distortions in American access to opportunity rather they were predicted based on elected officials deportment, the relationship of organizations to color revolutions around the world, and the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict. The US media rarely identifies what is actually taking place in America these past few years and it is basically a widespread, wholesale assault on white America. Indeed, a major push is now present in all schools to teach a required pillar of black militant theology theory regarding "White privilege-"

all White people are guilty by virtue of being born white and black people, by definition, can never be racist because they ostensibly do not control the apparatus of state. How utterly vacant and diabolical.

Edit: My post just hit as one posted ahead of mine suggesting exactly what I speak of. However, this is not the curricula of white privilege, this is an example of the self loathing that the curricula is designed to trigger in white people. First it was a corruption of blood for slavery. Then it was affirmative action in the great society. Now it is a larger net cast to forever label white people guilty just for being born. If one thinks this is extreme or sensational posting read the news, look at the facts. What I assert is widespread and endorsed through the Dept Education. White privilege? This is dark, dark stuff. The only thing that can evolve from this is war and conflict. Why? Because there is nothing left to give.

the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorized the Community Relations Service at DoJ which the hard core right sees instead as "diabolical" not to mention "vacant." The post is yet another post from the moon that requires being 100% corrected then dismissed for the rubbish that it is.

The Justice Department's soft side: How one federal agency hopes to change Ferguson

The Community Relations Service is just one part of four Justice Department operations here.

But the Community Relations Service — a 50-person, $12 million-a-year unit — is entirely different from those three larger operations. It has no investigative authority. Its mediators have been in St. Louis quietly working on disputes long before Brown’s death thrust Ferguson into the global consciousness.

And its goal, said Director Grande H. Lum in an interview last week with the Post-Dispatch, isn’t to make arrests or file lawsuits, but to give all sides a private place to talk, and, hopefully, solve their own problems.

“Those are the longest-lasting solutions — when the people themselves resolve their own disputes,” Lum said. His unit, he said, allows “people to speak.”


One issue about the cop in McKinny Texas is why he chose to ignore the menacing strong black guy every racially oriented right winger sees at every black event to instead assault a 15 year old girl wearing a two piece pool setup who is a quarter the cop's size. A cop has to shoot a black guy, every time, always??? The only armed people at this incident were the cops, to include one bizzare cop who should never be allowed near a police firearm as has only now become unmistakably apparent.

The teenagers at the summer pool party were broadly and consistently compliant. It was the frantic and disoriented cop who was dashing and tumbling about scaring the wits out of everyone at the scene. The 15 year old girl was decidedly manhandled by the disoriented cop who was not in control of his faculties. The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene.

"The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene."

Had you not watched the video or do your biases make you blind or are you simply a liar?

This was around 00:50 in the video as former Cpl Casebolt was beginning his "persons of interest" sequestration on the grass (as it seemed to me):


Yeah, I know. We all really don't see the same scene even though we make be watching the same one.

But this example of that is ridiculous. And no, I don't think former Cpl Casebolt is asking the young man if he had a nice time at the pool party.

He dealt similarly with a few other males before eventually approaching Ms Becton where they both implicitly agreed to proceed to perform antics - in public and recorded - which would end his career with the McKinney PD.


I would note there is little prophecy in the world or history but it is inescapable that a certain political savvy class of people keenly predicted these balkanization events within the past 7 years. They were not predicted based on tangible distortions in American access to opportunity rather they were predicted based on elected officials deportment, the relationship of organizations to color revolutions around the world, and the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict. The US media rarely identifies what is actually taking place in America these past few years and it is basically a widespread, wholesale assault on white America. Indeed, a major push is now present in all schools to teach a required pillar of black militant theology theory regarding "White privilege-"

all White people are guilty by virtue of being born white and black people, by definition, can never be racist because they ostensibly do not control the apparatus of state. How utterly vacant and diabolical.

the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorized the Community Relations Service at DoJ which the hard core right sees instead as "diabolical" not to mention "vacant." The post is yet another post from the moon that requires being 100% corrected then dismissed for the rubbish that it is.

The Justice Department's soft side: How one federal agency hopes to change Ferguson

The Community Relations Service is just one part of four Justice Department operations here.

But the Community Relations Service — a 50-person, $12 million-a-year unit — is entirely different from those three larger operations. It has no investigative authority. Its mediators have been in St. Louis quietly working on disputes long before Brown’s death thrust Ferguson into the global consciousness.

And its goal, said Director Grande H. Lum in an interview last week with the Post-Dispatch, isn’t to make arrests or file lawsuits, but to give all sides a private place to talk, and, hopefully, solve their own problems.

“Those are the longest-lasting solutions — when the people themselves resolve their own disputes,” Lum said. His unit, he said, allows “people to speak.”


One issue about the cop in McKinny Texas is why he chose to ignore the menacing strong black guy every racially oriented right winger sees at every black event to instead assault a 15 year old girl wearing a two piece pool setup who is a quarter the cop's size. A cop has to shoot a black guy, every time, always??? The only armed people at this incident were the cops, to include one bizzare cop who should never be allowed near a police firearm as has only now become unmistakably apparent.

The teenagers at the summer pool party were broadly and consistently compliant. It was the frantic and disoriented cop who was dashing and tumbling about scaring the wits out of everyone at the scene. The 15 year old girl was decidedly manhandled by the disoriented cop who was not in control of his faculties. The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene.

"The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene."

Had you not watched the video or do your biases make you blind or are you simply a liar?

This was around 00:50 in the video as Cpl Casebolt (former) was beginning his "persons of interest" sequestration on the grass:


Arjunadawn to Maxyakov, regarding post by Publicus:

I regret I do not see the point nor the relation to [his] referencing the beginning of the Civil Rights Act, etc., nor the pejorative associated with the vacuous us of "right winger" More specifically, impugning me as "hard core right" reminds me why I do not see this poster's posts unless otherwise cited by another poster, such as yourself. It is one thing to disagree or even have disagreeable points but its entirely another, and inferior, to make any point seem the better by pejorative or ad hominen attack. Indeed, in the case above this attack took place in the first sentence. The character of a man is often revealed in the measure of his words.

How about this? How about posters actually addressing the issue, or not, rather than inventing a new one, a strawman, for which one then takes aim and hurl innuendo and outright character assault (not you, MaxYakov)? After all, there never was a mention of the civil rights act or community programs as vacant or diabolical in my earlier post; it was not even inferred. Instead, the re tasking of the Civil Rights Division under Obama, which has resulted in whistle-blowers, leaks, protests and the like, was the singular point referenced as decidedly diabolical and vacant. Basically, a position I do not have, never asserted, and would not defend, was posted in my name, I was indicted, judged, and convicted for this fiction, and it took place entirely in the mind of the proceeding poster.

Conclusion: I remain correct. If it could be remotely argued my point is equivocal it still cannot be sustained that the Civil Rights Division exists in such a way as to bring shame and disrespect upon the division, the Justice Department, and the original intent of the civil rights great society goals. IMO, that the mindset of white privledge and the militancy that minorities by defintion cannot be racist permeate the entire mission of the DoJ Civil Rights Division. I have on occasion tried to intellectually bridge the divide between myself and such posters but inherently absent from the discourse is objectivity, and in this absence all efforts will fail.

Even if we could argue to a standstill that yes, the civil rights division is racially biased or no, they are not, we are still left with a no confidence vote in a vital element of an important government agency; but it is hardly color blind.


Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department, pg. 232, Stop Enforcing the Law Unequally https://books.google.de/books?id=oUBNlz9goJQC&pg=PA231&lpg=PA231&dq=justice+department+civil+rights+division+agitates&source=bl&ots=V-9abtcMxF&sig=Jp1Gxh7EDuniW-qZF1_joEzVOyI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEcQ6AEwBmoVChMIp6Cj_a-MxgIVQ75yCh1OfQC9#v=onepage&q=justice%20department%20civil%20rights%20division%20agitates&f=false






I would note there is little prophecy in the world or history but it is inescapable that a certain political savvy class of people keenly predicted these balkanization events within the past 7 years. They were not predicted based on tangible distortions in American access to opportunity rather they were predicted based on elected officials deportment, the relationship of organizations to color revolutions around the world, and the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict. The US media rarely identifies what is actually taking place in America these past few years and it is basically a widespread, wholesale assault on white America. Indeed, a major push is now present in all schools to teach a required pillar of black militant theology theory regarding "White privilege-"

all White people are guilty by virtue of being born white and black people, by definition, can never be racist because they ostensibly do not control the apparatus of state. How utterly vacant and diabolical.

the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorized the Community Relations Service at DoJ which the hard core right sees instead as "diabolical" not to mention "vacant." The post is yet another post from the moon that requires being 100% corrected then dismissed for the rubbish that it is.

The Justice Department's soft side: How one federal agency hopes to change Ferguson

The Community Relations Service is just one part of four Justice Department operations here.

But the Community Relations Service — a 50-person, $12 million-a-year unit — is entirely different from those three larger operations. It has no investigative authority. Its mediators have been in St. Louis quietly working on disputes long before Brown’s death thrust Ferguson into the global consciousness.

And its goal, said Director Grande H. Lum in an interview last week with the Post-Dispatch, isn’t to make arrests or file lawsuits, but to give all sides a private place to talk, and, hopefully, solve their own problems.

“Those are the longest-lasting solutions — when the people themselves resolve their own disputes,” Lum said. His unit, he said, allows “people to speak.”


One issue about the cop in McKinny Texas is why he chose to ignore the menacing strong black guy every racially oriented right winger sees at every black event to instead assault a 15 year old girl wearing a two piece pool setup who is a quarter the cop's size. A cop has to shoot a black guy, every time, always??? The only armed people at this incident were the cops, to include one bizzare cop who should never be allowed near a police firearm as has only now become unmistakably apparent.

The teenagers at the summer pool party were broadly and consistently compliant. It was the frantic and disoriented cop who was dashing and tumbling about scaring the wits out of everyone at the scene. The 15 year old girl was decidedly manhandled by the disoriented cop who was not in control of his faculties. The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene.

"The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene."

Had you not watched the video or do your biases make you blind or are you simply a liar?

This was around 00:50 in the video as Cpl Casebolt (former) was beginning his "persons of interest" sequestration on the grass:


Maxyakov, I regret I do not see the point nor the relation to referencing the beginning of the Civil Rights Act, etc., nor the pejorative associated with the vacuous us of "right winger" More specifically, impugning me as "hard core right" reminds me why I do not see this poster's posts unless otherwise cited by a victim, such as yourself. It is one thing to disagree or even have disagreeable points but its entirely another, and inferior, to make any point seem the better by pejorative or ad hominen attack. Indeed, in the case above this attack took place in the first sentence. The character of a man is often revealed in the measure of his words.

How about this? How about actually addressing the issue, or not, rather than inventing a new one, a strawman, for which one then takes aim and hurl innuendo and outright character assault (not you, MaxYakov)? After all, there never was a mention of the civil rights act or community programs as vacant or diabolical in my earlier post; it was not even inferred. Instead, the re tasking of the Civil Rights Division under Obama, which has resulted in whistle-blowers, leaks, protests and the like, was the singular point referenced as decidedly diabolical and vacant. Basically, a position I do not have, never asserted, and would not defend, was posted in my name, I was indicted, judged, and convicted for this fiction, and it took place entirely in the mind of the proceeding poster.

Conclusion: I remain correct. If it could be remotely argued my point is equivocal it still cannot be sustained that the Civil Rights Division exists in such a way as to bring shame and disrespect upon the division, the Justice Department, and the original intent of the civil rights great society goals. IMO, that the mindset of white privledge and the militancy that minorities by defintion cannot be racist permeate the entire mission of the DoJ Civil Rights Division. I have on occasion tried to intellectually bridge the divide between myself and such posters but inherently absent from the discourse is objectivity, and in this absence all efforts will fail.

Even if we could argue to a standstill that yes, the civil rights division is racially biased or no, they are not, we are still left with a no confidence vote in a vital element of an important government agency; but it is hardly color blind.


Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department, pg. 232, Stop Enforcing the Law Unequally https://books.google.de/books?id=oUBNlz9goJQC&pg=PA231&lpg=PA231&dq=justice+department+civil+rights+division+agitates&source=bl&ots=V-9abtcMxF&sig=Jp1Gxh7EDuniW-qZF1_joEzVOyI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEcQ6AEwBmoVChMIp6Cj_a-MxgIVQ75yCh1OfQC9#v=onepage&q=justice%20department%20civil%20rights%20division%20agitates&f=false





I was addressing Publicus' reply(to your post)/statement, not your post. Do we have our replies crossed?


the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorized the Community Relations Service at DoJ which the hard core right sees instead as "diabolical" not to mention "vacant." The post is yet another post from the moon that requires being 100% corrected then dismissed for the rubbish that it is.

The Justice Department's soft side: How one federal agency hopes to change Ferguson

The Community Relations Service is just one part of four Justice Department operations here.

But the Community Relations Service — a 50-person, $12 million-a-year unit — is entirely different from those three larger operations. It has no investigative authority. Its mediators have been in St. Louis quietly working on disputes long before Brown’s death thrust Ferguson into the global consciousness.

And its goal, said Director Grande H. Lum in an interview last week with the Post-Dispatch, isn’t to make arrests or file lawsuits, but to give all sides a private place to talk, and, hopefully, solve their own problems.

“Those are the longest-lasting solutions — when the people themselves resolve their own disputes,” Lum said. His unit, he said, allows “people to speak.”


One issue about the cop in McKinny Texas is why he chose to ignore the menacing strong black guy every racially oriented right winger sees at every black event to instead assault a 15 year old girl wearing a two piece pool setup who is a quarter the cop's size. A cop has to shoot a black guy, every time, always??? The only armed people at this incident were the cops, to include one bizzare cop who should never be allowed near a police firearm as has only now become unmistakably apparent.

The teenagers at the summer pool party were broadly and consistently compliant. It was the frantic and disoriented cop who was dashing and tumbling about scaring the wits out of everyone at the scene. The 15 year old girl was decidedly manhandled by the disoriented cop who was not in control of his faculties. The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene.

"The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene."

Had you not watched the video or do your biases make you blind or are you simply a liar?

This was around 00:50 in the video as Cpl Casebolt (former) was beginning his "persons of interest" sequestration on the grass:


Maxyakov, I regret I do not see the point nor the relation to referencing the beginning of the Civil Rights Act, etc., nor the pejorative associated with the vacuous us of "right winger" More specifically, impugning me as "hard core right" reminds me why I do not see this poster's posts unless otherwise cited by a victim, such as yourself. It is one thing to disagree or even have disagreeable points but its entirely another, and inferior, to make any point seem the better by pejorative or ad hominen attack. Indeed, in the case above this attack took place in the first sentence. The character of a man is often revealed in the measure of his words.

How about this? How about actually addressing the issue, or not, rather than inventing a new one, a strawman, for which one then takes aim and hurl innuendo and outright character assault (not you, MaxYakov)? After all, there never was a mention of the civil rights act or community programs as vacant or diabolical in my earlier post; it was not even inferred. Instead, the re tasking of the Civil Rights Division under Obama, which has resulted in whistle-blowers, leaks, protests and the like, was the singular point referenced as decidedly diabolical and vacant. Basically, a position I do not have, never asserted, and would not defend, was posted in my name, I was indicted, judged, and convicted for this fiction, and it took place entirely in the mind of the proceeding poster.

Conclusion: I remain correct. If it could be remotely argued my point is equivocal it still cannot be sustained that the Civil Rights Division exists in such a way as to bring shame and disrespect upon the division, the Justice Department, and the original intent of the civil rights great society goals. IMO, that the mindset of white privledge and the militancy that minorities by defintion cannot be racist permeate the entire mission of the DoJ Civil Rights Division. I have on occasion tried to intellectually bridge the divide between myself and such posters but inherently absent from the discourse is objectivity, and in this absence all efforts will fail.

Even if we could argue to a standstill that yes, the civil rights division is racially biased or no, they are not, we are still left with a no confidence vote in a vital element of an important government agency; but it is hardly color blind.


Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department, pg. 232, Stop Enforcing the Law Unequally https://books.google.de/books?id=oUBNlz9goJQC&pg=PA231&lpg=PA231&dq=justice+department+civil+rights+division+agitates&source=bl&ots=V-9abtcMxF&sig=Jp1Gxh7EDuniW-qZF1_joEzVOyI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEcQ6AEwBmoVChMIp6Cj_a-MxgIVQ75yCh1OfQC9#v=onepage&q=justice%20department%20civil%20rights%20division%20agitates&f=false





I was addressing Publicus' reply(to your post)/statement, not yours. Do we have our replies crossed?

No, we do not. I did a poor job or responding through you to him as he is blocked on my end. Its not hard to see why. I regret my inartful use of mobile posting. No, my post was thru you to Publicus. I wrote as if I were speaking with you, about the post you replied to. I just f---d it up, sorry!


OLd news now. Can we move on now that the 15 minutes is over?

Obviously numerous posters have a specific agenda.

I think this thread has run its reasonable course.. That's simple to read and see.




OLd news now. Can we move on now that the 15 minutes is over?

Obviously numerous posters have a specific agenda.

I think this thread has run its reasonable course.. That's simple to read and see.


Don't you have some grass to dodge or something?


Yes, yes, exactly. The situation seemed well in control by a police officer doing community policing- cop1 I will call him. He was validating their protests, their antics, yet sternly trying to exert authority and control when a piece of crap emotional mess of a man in uniform (cop 2) stumbled into the scene and like a wolf on patrol began looking for prey. There is a reason the camera immediately transferred to the cop at issue and stayed with him. It was as if the observers already took for granted that something out of control would happen from this cop. It is basic human body language he conveyed. He was hungry, emotional, and dangerous. This cop was expressing his emotion on citizens. Indeed, he even bitched about the unbearable burden of having to wear 30 lbs of gear- pussy! I would wear a single piece of equipment at work that weighed as much.

I get that cops are concerned and rightfully so. I get that certain populations of people are more prone to violence- this is a fact irrespective of how PC the topic is. But in this instance the cop perpetrated the entire affair. And why could those children not gather on the sidewalk. What was the purpose of commenting on the black girl's ass? Had the ass not been in the view this might hardly have been meaningful but it was stated as soon as she turned to walk away.

I believe black racial divides are being actively agitated in America and there is numerous examples of this happening, and the black population responding as an aggrieved body. Sure, when anyone is told they are a victim they race to embrace the label these days. There is considerable incentive to be a wounded population. Besides the benefits, there is no accountability for actions. This cop is a piece of crap but when those two young black men drew up on him the way soi dogs round about and draw up on the ankles he was correct in drawing his weapon and scanning his area. However, he did all of this. He brought on this entire issue. He should never be entrusted with a public service job again.

I would note there is little prophecy in the world or history but it is inescapable that a certain political savvy class of people keenly predicted these balkanization events within the past 7 years. They were not predicted based on tangible distortions in American access to opportunity rather they were predicted based on elected officials deportment, the relationship of organizations to color revolutions around the world, and the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict. The US media rarely identifies what is actually taking place in America these past few years and it is basically a widespread, wholesale assault on white America. Indeed, a major push is now present in all schools to teach a required pillar of black militant theology theory regarding "White privilege-"

all White people are guilty by virtue of being born white and black people, by definition, can never be racist because they ostensibly do not control the apparatus of state. How utterly vacant and diabolical.

Edit: My post just hit as one posted ahead of mine suggesting exactly what I speak of. However, this is not the curricula of white privilege, this is an example of the self loathing that the curricula is designed to trigger in white people. First it was a corruption of blood for slavery. Then it was affirmative action in the great society. Now it is a larger net cast to forever label white people guilty just for being born. If one thinks this is extreme or sensational posting read the news, look at the facts. What I assert is widespread and endorsed through the Dept Education. White privilege? This is dark, dark stuff. The only thing that can evolve from this is war and conflict. Why? Because there is nothing left to give.

the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorized the Community Relations Service at DoJ which the hard core right sees instead as "diabolical" not to mention "vacant." The post is yet another post from the moon that requires being 100% corrected then dismissed for the rubbish that it is.

The Justice Department's soft side: How one federal agency hopes to change Ferguson

The Community Relations Service is just one part of four Justice Department operations here.

But the Community Relations Service — a 50-person, $12 million-a-year unit — is entirely different from those three larger operations. It has no investigative authority. Its mediators have been in St. Louis quietly working on disputes long before Brown’s death thrust Ferguson into the global consciousness.

And its goal, said Director Grande H. Lum in an interview last week with the Post-Dispatch, isn’t to make arrests or file lawsuits, but to give all sides a private place to talk, and, hopefully, solve their own problems.

“Those are the longest-lasting solutions — when the people themselves resolve their own disputes,” Lum said. His unit, he said, allows “people to speak.”


One issue about the cop in McKinny Texas is why he chose to ignore the menacing strong black guy every racially oriented right winger sees at every black event to instead assault a 15 year old girl wearing a two piece pool setup who is a quarter the cop's size. A cop has to shoot a black guy, every time, always??? The only armed people at this incident were the cops, to include one bizzare cop who should never be allowed near a police firearm as has only now become unmistakably apparent.

The teenagers at the summer pool party were broadly and consistently compliant. It was the frantic and disoriented cop who was dashing and tumbling about scaring the wits out of everyone at the scene. The 15 year old girl was decidedly manhandled by the disoriented cop who was not in control of his faculties. The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene.

"The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene."

Had you not watched the video or do your biases make you blind or are you simply a liar?

This was around 00:50 in the video as former Cpl Casebolt was beginning his "persons of interest" sequestration on the grass (as it seemed to me):


Yeah, I know. We all really don't see the same scene even though we make be watching the same one.

But this example of that is ridiculous. And no, I don't think former Cpl Casebolt is asking the young man if he had a nice time at the pool party.

He dealt similarly with a few other males before eventually approaching Ms Becton where they both implicitly agreed to proceed to perform antics - in public and recorded - which would end his career with the McKinney PD.

Do try to keep up thx cause Shawn Toon and his wife are the people lying to Fox besides and have been caught red handed doing it.

Continue telling me to watch the video I'd seen several times from the time it became available. That's a good one too.

Fact remains the iron knickers cop pushed his snout into a wringer and now he's among the increasing number of racial cops in the US who are beginning to be held accountable for their berserk actions and behaviors.

My continuing question is how many more snorting snout racial cops are there in the US who are in an immediate and pressing need of psychological racial counseling on an ongoing and extended psychiatric basis. How many racial cops are there in the USA who are no longer capable or qualified to run around or about with their badge and gun in hand among unarmed Americans.

Not whether, how many.


For those who think some lean toward hyperbole I submit the latest news from the US regarding the fomenting of a racial war for a very specific agenda:


This does not mean there is not/are not problems regarding race, perceptions and profiling but the context in which these things are happening within is decidedly manipulated.

Agenda? Division in the US is being actively encouraged by the same people who brought you the Arab Spring, Hong Kong, the Purple (1&2), Cedar, Blue, Orange Revolutions, Red Shirts, Rose Revolution and other insidious revolutions under the color of democracy. As one point alone consider the Open Society/Tides foundations' pumping of monies into community organizers and paying people to protest in the US. These are the same groups behind every recent revolution in the world, excepting the second Egyptian revolution where the people flipped the middle finger at Obama, Soros, et al.






Global precedent:






"15 minutes?" "Agenda?" Its hard to call a poster as having an agenda in the face of overwhelming manipulation of media and democratic institutions around the world. Indeed, there is a reason Russia has now banned these NGOs, and NGOs were the first kicked out of Egypt and sent packing to their caves in Thailand. NGOs are now the stalking horse for corporate elitists seeking to strangle and control central banks around the world, leverage resources, and reduce populations to no more than commodities of work and consumption. For Thailand, this narrowly averted disaster traced right back to Chatham House. Agenda? Do homework.


For those who think some lean toward hyperbole I submit the latest news from the US regarding the fomenting of a racial war for a very specific agenda:


This does not mean there is not/are not problems regarding race, perceptions and profiling but the context in which these things are happening within is decidedly manipulated.

Agenda? Division in the US is being actively encouraged by the same people who brought you the Arab Spring, Hong Kong, the Purple (1&2), Cedar, Blue, Orange Revolutions, Red Shirts, Rose Revolution and other insidious revolutions under the color of democracy. As one point alone consider the Open Society/Tides foundations' pumping of monies into community organizers and paying people to protest in the US. These are the same groups behind every recent revolution in the world, excepting the second Egyptian revolution where the people flipped the middle finger at Obama, Soros, et al.






Global precedent:






"15 minutes?" "Agenda?" Its hard to call a poster as having an agenda in the face of overwhelming manipulation of media and democratic institutions around the world. Indeed, there is a reason Russia has now banned these NGOs, and NGOs were the first kicked out of Egypt and sent packing to their caves in Thailand. NGOs are now the stalking horse for corporate elitists seeking to strangle and control central banks around the world, leverage resources, and reduce populations to no more than commodities of work and consumption. For Thailand, this narrowly averted disaster traced right back to Chatham House. Agenda? Do homework.

The thread is about an iron knickers racial cop in McKinney Texas snorting his berserk snout along with his gun at unarmed harmless middle class black kids who were at a summertime pool party crashed by other unarmed black kids who OMG climbed the fence en masse to get into the pool but were told by a convicted felon to go back to their Section 8 (public) housing while the guy's slap happy wife attacked a white girl who had been standing up for her black middle class friends who had invitations to the pool party.

The threads about the "diabolical" global conspiracy against white racial flying right wingers is somewhere buried in the TVF World Forum Index Pages, probably at this point around page 10 or maybe 15.

So kindly find a thread that directly addresses your very important and imperative life and death the world in the balance topic thx. Remember, it's your struggle against the "vacant and self-loathing" liberals in our midst so keep those torches high and sing out those hymns as youse guyz march through the dark night. After all, the "diabolical, vacant self-loathing" have nothing to fear, right?

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