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Video of US officer who drew gun on black teens raises tension

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Yes, yes, exactly. The situation seemed well in control by a police officer doing community policing- cop1 I will call him. He was validating their protests, their antics, yet sternly trying to exert authority and control when a piece of crap emotional mess of a man in uniform (cop 2) stumbled into the scene and like a wolf on patrol began looking for prey. There is a reason the camera immediately transferred to the cop at issue and stayed with him. It was as if the observers already took for granted that something out of control would happen from this cop. It is basic human body language he conveyed. He was hungry, emotional, and dangerous. This cop was expressing his emotion on citizens. Indeed, he even bitched about the unbearable burden of having to wear 30 lbs of gear- pussy! I would wear a single piece of equipment at work that weighed as much.

I get that cops are concerned and rightfully so. I get that certain populations of people are more prone to violence- this is a fact irrespective of how PC the topic is. But in this instance the cop perpetrated the entire affair. And why could those children not gather on the sidewalk. What was the purpose of commenting on the black girl's ass? Had the ass not been in the view this might hardly have been meaningful but it was stated as soon as she turned to walk away.

I believe black racial divides are being actively agitated in America and there is numerous examples of this happening, and the black population responding as an aggrieved body. Sure, when anyone is told they are a victim they race to embrace the label these days. There is considerable incentive to be a wounded population. Besides the benefits, there is no accountability for actions. This cop is a piece of crap but when those two young black men drew up on him the way soi dogs round about and draw up on the ankles he was correct in drawing his weapon and scanning his area. However, he did all of this. He brought on this entire issue. He should never be entrusted with a public service job again.

I would note there is little prophecy in the world or history but it is inescapable that a certain political savvy class of people keenly predicted these balkanization events within the past 7 years. They were not predicted based on tangible distortions in American access to opportunity rather they were predicted based on elected officials deportment, the relationship of organizations to color revolutions around the world, and the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict. The US media rarely identifies what is actually taking place in America these past few years and it is basically a widespread, wholesale assault on white America. Indeed, a major push is now present in all schools to teach a required pillar of black militant theology theory regarding "White privilege-"

all White people are guilty by virtue of being born white and black people, by definition, can never be racist because they ostensibly do not control the apparatus of state. How utterly vacant and diabolical.

Edit: My post just hit as one posted ahead of mine suggesting exactly what I speak of. However, this is not the curricula of white privilege, this is an example of the self loathing that the curricula is designed to trigger in white people. First it was a corruption of blood for slavery. Then it was affirmative action in the great society. Now it is a larger net cast to forever label white people guilty just for being born. If one thinks this is extreme or sensational posting read the news, look at the facts. What I assert is widespread and endorsed through the Dept Education. White privilege? This is dark, dark stuff. The only thing that can evolve from this is war and conflict. Why? Because there is nothing left to give.

the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorized the Community Relations Service at DoJ which the hard core right sees instead as "diabolical" not to mention "vacant." The post is yet another post from the moon that requires being 100% corrected then dismissed for the rubbish that it is.

The Justice Department's soft side: How one federal agency hopes to change Ferguson

The Community Relations Service is just one part of four Justice Department operations here.

But the Community Relations Service — a 50-person, $12 million-a-year unit — is entirely different from those three larger operations. It has no investigative authority. Its mediators have been in St. Louis quietly working on disputes long before Brown’s death thrust Ferguson into the global consciousness.

And its goal, said Director Grande H. Lum in an interview last week with the Post-Dispatch, isn’t to make arrests or file lawsuits, but to give all sides a private place to talk, and, hopefully, solve their own problems.

“Those are the longest-lasting solutions — when the people themselves resolve their own disputes,” Lum said. His unit, he said, allows “people to speak.”


One issue about the cop in McKinny Texas is why he chose to ignore the menacing strong black guy every racially oriented right winger sees at every black event to instead assault a 15 year old girl wearing a two piece pool setup who is a quarter the cop's size. A cop has to shoot a black guy, every time, always??? The only armed people at this incident were the cops, to include one bizzare cop who should never be allowed near a police firearm as has only now become unmistakably apparent.

The teenagers at the summer pool party were broadly and consistently compliant. It was the frantic and disoriented cop who was dashing and tumbling about scaring the wits out of everyone at the scene. The 15 year old girl was decidedly manhandled by the disoriented cop who was not in control of his faculties. The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene.

"The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene."

Had you not watched the video or do your biases make you blind or are you simply a liar?

This was around 00:50 in the video as former Cpl Casebolt was beginning his "persons of interest" sequestration on the grass (as it seemed to me):


Yeah, I know. We all really don't see the same scene even though we make be watching the same one.

But this example of that is ridiculous. And no, I don't think former Cpl Casebolt is asking the young man if he had a nice time at the pool party.

He dealt similarly with a few other males before eventually approaching Ms Becton where they both implicitly agreed to proceed to perform antics - in public and recorded - which would end his career with the McKinney PD.

Do try to keep up thx cause Shawn Toon and his wife are the people lying to Fox besides and have been caught red handed doing it.

Continue telling me to watch the video I'd seen several times from the time it became available. That's a good one too.

Fact remains the iron knickers cop pushed his snout into a wringer and now he's among the increasing number of racial cops in the US who are beginning to be held accountable for their berserk actions and behaviors.

My continuing question is how many more snorting snout racial cops are there in the US who are in an immediate and pressing need of psychological racial counseling on an ongoing and extended psychiatric basis. How many racial cops are there in the USA who are no longer capable or qualified to run around or about with their badge and gun in hand among unarmed Americans.

Not whether, how many.

The biggest liar I've found so far is you and that doesn't take a whole lot of effort.

Why don't ask the USA law enforcement officers one by one if they have iron knickers, are about to go beserk and have their snouts in a wringer and get back to us with the bottom line tally, eh?

Good Luck

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A post with an aberrant spelling of the officer's name has been removed. Such posts are inflammatory and off-topic.


Old iron knickers....

Corporal Berzerker.Casebolt saving the fair city from juvenile delinquents by sending them off to run for their lives.

Looks too like he's got an iron shaft up his back.

Bring back Officer Krupke.


Bring back safer times on U.S. streets.

Mr. Adrian Martin's interview with Sean Hannity:

"Martin said he was just trying to tell Becton that they were going to call her mother. Martin said that he was moving downhill and slipped forward toward the officer, then immediately backed up."

Tell Becton that they are going to call her mother? Remember that he had a cigarette in his mouth just as Cpl Casebolt pulled and Mr. Martin quickly backed away? How is he going to talk with a cigarette in his mouth? Oh, that's right. He's a ventriloquist!

Why did Mr. Martin run when Cpl Casebolt pulled his firearm if his intent was so innocent?

Shouldn't he have, instead, put his hands in the air and yelled "Hands up, don't shoot!"?

I'm getting the idea that Mr. Martin is not very smart. He is under the mistaken belief that he can outrun a bullet. Or is it that he didn't want to be apprehended? Anyway, he's lawyered-up so he'll have some help thinking (perhaps).

Mr. Martin is obviously a liar at least about the "moving downhill and slipped" (not to mention talking with a cigarette between his lips) which brings anything he says into question - just like Publicus' statements:


I'd be interested in seeing a background check on him. Or would that request be tantamount to some kind of "oppression"?


Old iron knickers....

Corporal Berzerker.Casebolt saving the fair city from juvenile delinquents by sending them off to run for their lives.

Looks too like he's got an iron shaft up his back.

Bring back Officer Krupke.


What is it with you that you hate law enforcement so much. With all the events going on in the world, it is mind boggling this incident was ever in the news. The liberal media and their moronic supporters jump on these incidents and make a big deal about nothing. Liberals must lead incredibly boring and uneventful lives.


Bring back safer times on U.S. streets.

Mr. Adrian Martin's interview with Sean Hannity:

"Martin said he was just trying to tell Becton that they were going to call her mother. Martin said that he was moving downhill and slipped forward toward the officer, then immediately backed up."

Tell Becton that they are going to call her mother? Remember that he had a cigarette in his mouth just as Cpl Casebolt pulled and Mr. Martin quickly backed away? How is he going to talk with a cigarette in his mouth? Oh, that's right. He's a ventriloquist! You must be a non-smoker! I'm a three pack a day smoker... I could easily talk with a ciggy, joint, or pen hanging out of my yap since I was 14-15 years old...

Why did Mr. Martin run when Cpl Casebolt pulled his firearm if his intent was so innocent? Because he's human and based on his interpretation of Casebolt's actions was unsure of what would happen next?

Shouldn't he have, instead, put his hands in the air and yelled "Hands up, don't shoot!"? In his mind I would think 'self-preservation' came before 'surrender'...

I'm getting the idea that Mr. Martin is not very smart. He is under the mistaken belief that he can outrun a bullet. Why would he think that? It is against police policy to shoot a fleeing suspect in the back... when 'fleeing' you are NOT an imminent threat to anyone. Has it got to the point where non-threatening (i.e. running away/fleeing) suspects should expect to get shot in the back? Or is it that he didn't want to be apprehended? Of course he didn't want to get apprehended... or shot at... Mr. Martin's analysis of the situation was that Cpl. Casebolt was the aggressor and he acted non-aggressively according to his belief - he ran away. Anyway, he's lawyered-up so he'll have some help thinking (perhaps).

Mr. Martin is obviously a liar at least about the "moving downhill and slipped" The sidewalk area does seem petty darn flat! But it does appear that his left foot did slip as he planted it when he quickly moved from in front of Cpl. Casebolt into his periphery. (not to mention talking with a cigarette between his lips) Again, almost all smokers can and do, do this... which brings anything he says into question - just like Publicus' statements:

By Mr. Martin's acting on his interpretation of the situation he certainly did put himself in danger but I can't say that I would have acted any differently if I believed my friend was being unfairly manhandled. I can honestly say I see everyone's side in this incident - the locals, the teens, the other officers, but I cannot find a reasonable interpretation of Cpl. Casebolt's actions from the moment he arrived on scene.


For those who think some lean toward hyperbole I submit the latest news from the US regarding the fomenting of a racial war for a very specific agenda:


Sorry arjunadawn, I had to separate this from the rest of your post. I read the linked article and all I'm getting out of it is a story about an individual who, "had strong feelings against law enforcement after he lost custody of his son, now 12 or 13 years old" and "not being able to get a job and the legal system letting him down, (he) finally snapped". Which to me indicates, whether he was black or white, Mr. Boulware was a victim of some crappy life events and made a horrible, mentally unstable, decision to lash out.

So how does this relate to 'a racial war for a very specific agenda?". What am I missing?


People still trying to defend this guy when he himself has apologised.

Understanding a person's motivation for doing something does not equate to defending them. Mr. Martin clearly put himself in danger and escalated the situation with his actions, which most people would not choose to do. Understanding why he 'charged' at the cop adds perspective. His reactions seem consistent with someone who believes a friend is being victimized and I think there are many people who would react the same way and defy authority if they had the same belief. Of course upon reflection one would be sorry for escalating the situation but in the heat of the moment we do not always act in the most rational manner.


Please don't post responses inside the quoted text. Even though it is clear by the color difference that it is a response and not a part of the text, it does get confusing and it is technically a violation under forum rules.


For those who think some lean toward hyperbole I submit the latest news from the US regarding the fomenting of a racial war for a very specific agenda:


Sorry arjunadawn, I had to separate this from the rest of your post. I read the linked article and all I'm getting out of it is a story about an individual who, "had strong feelings against law enforcement after he lost custody of his son, now 12 or 13 years old" and "not being able to get a job and the legal system letting him down, (he) finally snapped". Which to me indicates, whether he was black or white, Mr. Boulware was a victim of some crappy life events and made a horrible, mentally unstable, decision to lash out.

So how does this relate to 'a racial war for a very specific agenda?". What am I missing?

Fair enough. He is not the spear on the tip of the pole of emerging civil disturbance, he is a reflection that such actions now appear permissible, passively condoned. So, whether it is a local Texas clergy calling for IS style attacks, or this clown, we have the obliteration of previous borders which existed around the civil society. A perfect example of the inducement... the condoning of such actions, is evidenced by a CNN anchor who refereed to his actions as "courageous and brave to open up on the police headquarters." This is among the narrative that is framing the escalation- it is everywhere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2uJwneHV5o

The agenda is invariably the transfer of power by coercion, power of government, outright militancy, and obliteration of institutions that are seen to represent traditional America. The tone of modern civil rights America is fraught with militancy and confrontation and agitation (this does not suggest there are not real issues). It is noteworthy and gleaned, that this president has waded into the middle of every race issue since he was elected.

NOTE: I dispute he was a victim of some crappy life events. He was alive! Period! That his life sucked or did not was as much a matter of how he processed it as how it was heaped upon him. It is the tendency of our compassion to be thwarted and co-opted and before we know it we extend to everyone some victim status. It is evident all throughout US society. Everyone is a victim because being a victim has special privileges. There is probably no better way to destroy the human gene pool and countless years of societal evolution that to reduce humans to intellectual and emotional beggars.

You really think he "finally snapped?" Or is it more likely the environment for which is rage might be focused suddenly became permissive? Consider NYC and all the police there who are aghast that Blasio the militant leftist- and he is- setup the environment of permissiveness that had PA shooters come to NY to kill cops. When society folds its mores and removes its hedge of protection upon its own watchers, they become fair game and gates are opened.


Please don't post responses inside the quoted text. Even though it is clear by the color difference that it is a response and not a part of the text, it does get confusing and it is technically a violation under forum rules.

Ok Scott. Thanks for the heads up. I do find it very difficult and confusing to respond to individual points in a long post using the traditional method as one has to either quote the entire post then re-quote each point as you go; or quote small parts of the post multiple times; or the reader must constantly refer back the original long post to relate your thoughts to the original thoughts... I was trying to be pragmatic!!


Fair enough. He is not the spear on the tip of the pole of emerging civil disturbance, he is a reflection that such actions now appear permissible, passively condoned. So, whether it is a local Texas clergy calling for IS style attacks, or this clown, we have the obliteration of previous borders which existed around the civil society. A perfect example of the inducement... the condoning of such actions, is evidenced by a CNN anchor who refereed to his actions as "courageous and brave to open up on the police headquarters." This is among the narrative that is framing the escalation- it is everywhere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2uJwneHV5o

The agenda is invariably the transfer of power by coercion, power of government, outright militancy, and obliteration of institutions that are seen to represent traditional America. The tone of modern civil rights America is fraught with militancy and confrontation and agitation (this does not suggest there are not real issues). It is noteworthy and gleaned, that this president has waded into the middle of every race issue since he was elected.

NOTE: I dispute he was a victim of some crappy life events. He was alive! Period! That his life sucked or did not was as much a matter of how he processed it as how it was heaped upon him. It is the tendency of our compassion to be thwarted and co-opted and before we know it we extend to everyone some victim status. It is evident all throughout US society. Everyone is a victim because being a victim has special privileges. There is probably no better way to destroy the human gene pool and countless years of societal evolution that to reduce humans to intellectual and emotional beggars.

You really think he "finally snapped?" Or is it more likely the environment for which is rage might be focused suddenly became permissive? Consider NYC and all the police there who are aghast that Blasio the militant leftist- and he is- setup the environment of permissiveness that had PA shooters come to NY to kill cops. When society folds its mores and removes its hedge of protection upon its own watchers, they become fair game and gates are opened.

"So, whether it is a local Texas clergy calling for IS style attacks, or this clown, we have the obliteration of previous borders which existed around the civil society."

I agree here 100%.

"the condoning of such actions, is evidenced by a CNN anchor who refereed to his actions as "courageous and brave to open up on the police headquarters." Is insane, but understanding his motivations, not so much.

​In regards to your second paragraph, I would contend that the agendas of the extreme left AND the extreme right indulge in the same manipulations of the sheeple to attempt to transfer power through coercion, undermine the power of government, exercise outright militancy, and obliterate the institutions of traditional America.

I doubt you can dispute that he had some crappy life experiences without a definitive explanation of why he lost his kids and job. I do know that not everyone has experienced these events and that everyone will 'process' these setbacks differently. I, for one, do not see him as a 'victim' but as a perp. Up to the authorities to decide whether he needs mental health care or incarceration.

I strongly disagree that the environment in which he vented his rage has 'suddenly' become more permissive. His story and actions are common though-out history and are more indicative of the human condition than any pervasive change in individual reality. I would contend that society has become far LESS tolerant and much more conservative in its view of its outer fringes with the advent of instant communications and video, and surveillance of everything.

Its funny... I think you and I both see the same failings of society yet attribute different causes. I believe that the transgressions of gov't and authority over the last 60 or so years have lead to their losing the respect of the people and are causing the decline of traditional institutions, you seem to believe (I'm not speaking for you, just trying to understand...) that transgressions of the people themselves are causing this decline.


Agenda? Division in the US is being actively encouraged by the same people who brought you the Arab Spring, Hong Kong, the Purple (1&2), Cedar, Blue, Orange Revolutions, Red Shirts, Rose Revolution and other insidious revolutions under the color of democracy. As one point alone consider the Open Society/Tides foundations' pumping of monies into community organizers and paying people to protest in the US. These are the same groups behind every recent revolution in the world, excepting the second Egyptian revolution where the people flipped the middle finger at Obama, Soros, et al.






Global precedent:






"15 minutes?" "Agenda?" Its hard to call a poster as having an agenda in the face of overwhelming manipulation of media and democratic institutions around the world.

Indeed, there is a reason Russia has now banned these NGOs, and NGOs were the first kicked out of Egypt and sent packing to their caves in Thailand. NGOs are now the stalking horse for corporate elitists seeking to strangle and control central banks around the world, leverage resources, and reduce populations to no more than commodities of work and consumption. For Thailand, this narrowly averted disaster traced right back to Chatham House. Agenda? Do homework.

I have to ask, in response to the first part of your post: How is all of that any different than what happened to the Shaw or in Nicaragua, or in Chili, Venezuela, or Afghanistan? The extreme radical right AND left use the same tactics... Why the outrage for one and not the other?

On the last point you have left me hungry for more information... Which NGO(s) were sen't packing to their caves in Thailand AND what does the think-tank have to do with it?

Other things I noticed... The Washington Post has a whole topic and article after article on Soros but a search of their site revealed very little information regarding the Koch brothers... If we are talking about media distortions and manipulations should we not identify if our sources have an institutional bias? I too am a fan of SOTT, but I am also VERY aware that every 'news' article they present has an agenda and take their reporting with the appropriate grain of salt.

"So, whether it is a local Texas clergy calling for IS style attacks, or this clown, we have the obliteration of previous borders which existed around the civil society."

I agree here 100%.

"the condoning of such actions, is evidenced by a CNN anchor who refereed to his actions as "courageous and brave to open up on the police headquarters." Is insane, but understanding his motivations, not so much.

​In regards to your second paragraph, I would contend that the agendas of the extreme left AND the extreme right indulge in the same manipulations of the sheeple to attempt to transfer power through coercion, undermine the power of government, exercise outright militancy, and obliterate the institutions of traditional America.

I doubt you can dispute that he had some crappy life experiences without a definitive explanation of why he lost his kids and job. I do know that not everyone has experienced these events and that everyone will 'process' these setbacks differently. I, for one, do not see him as a 'victim' but as a perp. Up to the authorities to decide whether he needs mental health care or incarceration.

I strongly disagree that the environment in which he vented his rage has 'suddenly' become more permissive. His story and actions are common though-out history and are more indicative of the human condition than any pervasive change in individual reality. I would contend that society has become far LESS tolerant and much more conservative in its view of its outer fringes with the advent of instant communications and video, and surveillance of everything.

Its funny... I think you and I both see the same failings of society yet attribute different causes. I believe that the transgressions of gov't and authority over the last 60 or so years have lead to their losing the respect of the people and are causing the decline of traditional institutions, you seem to believe (I'm not speaking for you, just trying to understand...) that transgressions of the people themselves are causing this decline.

I think you are very wise- not because we agree on certain things, but because you realize that many on these forums actually agree on certain obvious facts, yet reach different conclusions. IMO, there is great power in realizing this. I offer no man exception or mitigation for his actions because of his life events. I only occasionally meet others who's life was more f....d up then mine and I offer no man harm or injury. It is a choice. The handhold of victimization offers a ready and shallow crutch for which to blame others for our own inability to process life, irrespective of its injury to us. The more America becomes dumbed down the more this will present itself as pathology.

I do not disagree that agendas of the left or right frequently lead to the same end. I generally have no use for either as is currently defined in the West. However, it is the permissive, non judging, ethical relativity of the left that is fomenting dissent in the above regard. I am not a christian or religious in this regard at all but it remains apparent that what is being supplanted is the traditional judeochristian ethics that did indeed form the foundations for the US. The greater concern is what is taking the place of these previous fences around our personal and social worlds- behavior injunctions, ethic, values. I submit it is nihilism, nothing. Ignorance, concerted restructuring of the American education experience by Dewey social engineers, and the ever increasing category of protected peoples has virtually one remaining group who is left without victim status, and by extension, culpability for all other grievances- the white American male.

If I am incorrect about the environment becoming more permissive to vent such rage than we should not see an increase in such actions, not particularly. It should be noted that this OP is not a watershed act, this is one more action in increasing aggression upon symbols of traditional America, authority, etc. On the one hand I get that people are angry but the cops are for the most part equally victims. Welcome to the Leviathan where such acts will increase and necessarily be allowed to grow out of control. Out of crisis comes the opportunity to pass legislation that would not otherwise be possible. Only government benefits from these acts, not the people, not the perps, not the police. Only government and in this instance it will be federal government. For this reason the increasing federalizing/militarizing of local police forces is a clear and present danger to society. Why would there be such an insidious effort to nationalize the police?

This mentality is only slightly less grievous then facilitating the crisis to begin with.

The people are always responsible. Always. Americans have become, generally, so out of touch with reality, with history, with the present, with the nature of government, the roles in civil society, self reliance, industry, and equality in opportunity rather than outcomes, that they are hardly aware the America of today is a gross caricature of East Germany a generation ago. Considering the societal mechanics of so many other countries is it really so far fetched that some believe Balkanizing America is the best means to ensure the continues self preservation of Big Government, their New World Order, Coporatocracy, and otherwise, managing sheep? Black Americans are doubly victimized in this narrative. The underlying assertion that they are always victims offends decency and reason. The presumption that White Americans are guilty for being born is diabolical. Previously a poster asserted this issue is closed. Perhaps this OP is, but this issue will escalate in a short amount of time daily proving I am correct.


When I was a teen/twenty-something I went and occasionally hosted quite a few parties that went on a bit too long and got a bit too loud. whistling.gif So, I have lots of experience with police stopping by to tell us to either be quiet or end the party. In the dozen or so instances that this happened, the police were always polite, patient and low key, which is the correct way to act when you want people to remain calm and follow your orders (which we always did).

Here is a clip of Cpl Casebolt arriving on the scene:


Polite? Patient? Low Key? The other officers in the vid in the OP seemed to act correctly, but not this cowboy.

I have to ask, in response to the first part of your post: How is all of that any different than what happened to the Shaw or in Nicaragua, or in Chili, Venezuela, or Afghanistan? The extreme radical right AND left use the same tactics... Why the outrage for one and not the other?

On the last point you have left me hungry for more information... Which NGO(s) were sen't packing to their caves in Thailand AND what does the think-tank have to do with it?

Other things I noticed... The Washington Post has a whole topic and article after article on Soros but a search of their site revealed very little information regarding the Koch brothers... If we are talking about media distortions and manipulations should we not identify if our sources have an institutional bias? I too am a fan of SOTT, but I am also VERY aware that every 'news' article they present has an agenda and take their reporting with the appropriate grain of salt.

I deleted my post for space.

Again, you are not incorrect, but the contrast you are reaching for does not address the issues I am addressing. Yes, I suppose I could look for examples on the right to offset criticism on the left, but that is not my point. Example: If I were to note Soros, Open Society, Tides, Chatham House, and others are fomenting color revolutions around the world with the aid and complicity of the US State Department why do I not equally note Koch brothers are doing this and that? Because that is not the topic of my concern, it is that simple. Besides the fact that they are not fomenting revolutions- I mean, smoking gun connections to revolutions or dubious expressions of democratic protest. I dont recall off hand but the Koch brothers, that formidable boogeyman of the right, contributes a marginal financial impact on Representative politics in the US, comparatively. If my assertion is correct that the US slide to the left is always 3 steps left, one step right, and that when the step to the right is taken, those in the other two steps protest a slide to the right, then there really exists no true democratic process any longer, only the savage warring upon the right.

American politics have been like this for a few generations now and since Clinton the slide to the left is more demonstrable. Does anyone really believe the Koch brothers would not be in shackles today if they were really the Emmanuel Goldstein the left declares they are? If it is permissible (sickening) to take monies from foreign governments why is it so abhorrent to spend money as American citizens trying to not envision a world you would have, but cling to the world that was while being insidiously subverted by progressive mechanics?

I do not indict the right but were we to have a discussion I am in many ways equally sick. The right in America wraps themselves, dearly, with god, and I am not that man, though I long for the world they left us (Miniver Cheevy). There has been no mechanism in this OP to indict the right for actions in other places, though I do. Perhaps in bedlam we could discuss this and you will find I think they are equally reprehensible.

I am sufficiently off topic now to get my knuckles wrapped by a mod. I would like to send you or post later the information you asked for. I have to review my sites to ensure they are appropriate to post here.

NOTE: I will include links here that clearly suggest what I am speaking of. It is widely known in institutional Thailand that Soros has been attacking Thailand for some time. Moreover, Soros' own declarations of the steps he takes to execute his take over of economy follow the very blueprint that Thailand has experiences, and nearly ever other color revolution. IMO, this all ties in neatly with the grave concerns of Soros money dumping into Ferguson, MO, BlackLivesMatter and other US entities. These are the exact mechanics of which modern war has been fought for over 20 years.



I think you are very wise- not because we agree on certain things, but because you realize that many on these forums actually agree on certain obvious facts, yet reach different conclusions. IMO, there is great power in realizing this. I offer no man exception or mitigation for his actions because of his life events. I only occasionally meet others who's life was more f....d up then mine and I offer no man harm or injury. It is a choice. The handhold of victimization offers a ready and shallow crutch for which to blame others for our own inability to process life, irrespective of its injury to us. The more America becomes dumbed down the more this will present itself as pathology.

I firmly believe that rational people with widely diverging viewpoints must indulge in dialogue. I have my viewpoints but they are not set in stone. I can be swayed... and I hope, do some swaying! The thing is there is no 'right answer' to these difficult issues and often, as the past has proven, the best intentions lead to unintended consequences which can be far worse than the original problem! If you cannot be flexible in your thinking you increase the potential for screw-ups exponentially.

Like anything else rampant victimization only serves to devalue the experiences of the truly victimized. That said I do believe there are those who underrate the effects institutional disenfranchisement and the long-term effects it can have on individuals and communities.


whistling.gif I'm not condoning or excusing this guy but it turns out he was under a lot of personal emotional stress that day and he just blew up due to his personal problems with his family and job.

As I said that's not an excuse, but it is apparently what actually happened.

Did you ever see that "B" movie called, "A Bad Day in the Valley".... which is based on a true story of a real person who lost his job, found out his wife was cheating on him, and was notified by his bank that they were closing out his bank account, all on the same day?

He got a shotgun, and went walking down a street in the San Fernando valley in California just randomly shooting every person he met.

Something similar happened to that cop.

you are excusing the cop

Old iron knickers....

Corporal Berzerker.Casebolt saving the fair city from juvenile delinquents by sending them off to run for their lives.

Looks too like he's got an iron shaft up his back.

Bring back Officer Krupke.


What is it with you that you hate law enforcement so much. With all the events going on in the world, it is mind boggling this incident was ever in the news. The liberal media and their moronic supporters jump on these incidents and make a big deal about nothing. Liberals must lead incredibly boring and uneventful lives.

OTT post concerning law enforcement due to sweeping broad all-inclusive assertions that confirm an absence of any judgement or ability to recognize obvious distinctions or to make elemental delineations.

I've stated many times in posts to various threads my agreement with Chief Richard Beary, president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, who for one recently said that "Ninety-eight percent of the time, police do the right thing."

The focus here is on the other 2% of the time, not anything like 100% of instances 100% of the time either way in 100% of all places everywhere.

There are always distinctions of time, place, circumstance.

And the "liberal media" decried by the far right is the mainstream media to mainstream America.

So I reiterate, who knows how many police throughout the country in X place and under Y circumstance are presently incompetent or no longer qualified to wear a police badge and, especially, to have a gun, because they are in need of psychological racial counseling and other professional psychiatric medical services, due to being overstressed, overwrought, OTT.

It's not a question of whether there are police in the US such as Corporal Casebolt, but how many and where? Police time bombs are going off regularly from coast to coast, in communities big and small, but always involving black Americans. How many more ticking police will detonate this month...this year? Next year??

This is an issue, a serious life and death issue, and it needs to be recognized and addressed asap.


Old iron knickers....

Corporal Berzerker.Casebolt saving the fair city from juvenile delinquents by sending them off to run for their lives.

Looks too like he's got an iron shaft up his back.

Bring back Officer Krupke.


What is it with you that you hate law enforcement so much. With all the events going on in the world, it is mind boggling this incident was ever in the news. The liberal media and their moronic supporters jump on these incidents and make a big deal about nothing. Liberals must lead incredibly boring and uneventful lives.

OTT post concerning law enforcement due to sweeping broad all-inclusive assertions that confirm an absence of any judgement or ability to recognize obvious distinctions or to make elemental delineations.

I've stated many times in posts to various threads my agreement with Chief Richard Beary, president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, who for one recently said that "Ninety-eight percent of the time, police do the right thing."

The focus here is on the other 2% of the time, not anything like 100% of instances 100% of the time either way in 100% of all places everywhere.

There are always distinctions of time, place, circumstance.

And the "liberal media" decried by the far right is the mainstream media to mainstream America.

So I reiterate, who knows how many police throughout the country in X place and under Y circumstance are presently incompetent or no longer qualified to wear a police badge and, especially, to have a gun, because they are in need of psychological racial counseling and other professional psychiatric medical services, due to being overstressed, overwrought, OTT.

It's not a question of whether there are police in the US such as Corporal Casebolt, but how many and where? Police time bombs are going off regularly from coast to coast, in communities big and small, but always involving black Americans. How many more ticking police will detonate this month...this year? Next year??

This is an issue, a serious life and death issue, and it needs to be recognized and addressed asap.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), the nation's largest group of police officials, has maintained that police use of force is rare. Citing data gathered by the Bureau of Justices Statistics in 2008, the IACP said less than 2% of the 40 million people who had contact with police reported the use of force or threatened use of force.

The public perception of police use of force is framed and influenced by the media depictions which present unrealistic and often outlandish representations of law enforcement and the policing profession.


I think you are very wise- not because we agree on certain things, but because you realize that many on these forums actually agree on certain obvious facts, yet reach different conclusions. IMO, there is great power in realizing this. I offer no man exception or mitigation for his actions because of his life events. I only occasionally meet others who's life was more f....d up then mine and I offer no man harm or injury. It is a choice. The handhold of victimization offers a ready and shallow crutch for which to blame others for our own inability to process life, irrespective of its injury to us. The more America becomes dumbed down the more this will present itself as pathology.

I firmly believe that rational people with widely diverging viewpoints must indulge in dialogue. I have my viewpoints but they are not set in stone. I can be swayed... and I hope, do some swaying! The thing is there is no 'right answer' to these difficult issues and often, as the past has proven, the best intentions lead to unintended consequences which can be far worse than the original problem! If you cannot be flexible in your thinking you increase the potential for screw-ups exponentially.

Like anything else rampant victimization only serves to devalue the experiences of the truly victimized. That said I do believe there are those who underrate the effects institutional disenfranchisement and the long-term effects it can have on individuals and communities.

"Like anything else rampant victimization only serves to devalue the experiences of the truly victimized. That said I do believe there are those who underrate the effects institutional disenfranchisement and the long-term effects it can have on individuals and communities."

​Who do you think is being victimised and by who???


Old iron knickers....

Corporal Berzerker.Casebolt saving the fair city from juvenile delinquents by sending them off to run for their lives.

Looks too like he's got an iron shaft up his back.

Bring back Officer Krupke.


What is it with you that you hate law enforcement so much. With all the events going on in the world, it is mind boggling this incident was ever in the news. The liberal media and their moronic supporters jump on these incidents and make a big deal about nothing. Liberals must lead incredibly boring and uneventful lives.

OTT post concerning law enforcement due to sweeping broad all-inclusive assertions that confirm an absence of any judgement or ability to recognize obvious distinctions or to make elemental delineations.

I've stated many times in posts to various threads my agreement with Chief Richard Beary, president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, who for one recently said that "Ninety-eight percent of the time, police do the right thing."

The focus here is on the other 2% of the time, not anything like 100% of instances 100% of the time either way in 100% of all places everywhere.

There are always distinctions of time, place, circumstance.

And the "liberal media" decried by the far right is the mainstream media to mainstream America.

So I reiterate, who knows how many police throughout the country in X place and under Y circumstance are presently incompetent or no longer qualified to wear a police badge and, especially, to have a gun, because they are in need of psychological racial counseling and other professional psychiatric medical services, due to being overstressed, overwrought, OTT.

It's not a question of whether there are police in the US such as Corporal Casebolt, but how many and where? Police time bombs are going off regularly from coast to coast, in communities big and small, but always involving black Americans. How many more ticking police will detonate this month...this year? Next year??

This is an issue, a serious life and death issue, and it needs to be recognized and addressed asap.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), the nation's largest group of police officials, has maintained that police use of force is rare. Citing data gathered by the Bureau of Justices Statistics in 2008, the IACP said less than 2% of the 40 million people who had contact with police reported the use of force or threatened use of force.

The public perception of police use of force is framed and influenced by the media depictions which present unrealistic and often outlandish representations of law enforcement and the policing profession.

Yes, two percent as stated by IACP president Chief Richard Beary.

The post says less than two percent, Chief Beary always says two percent and data on 40 million Americans as gathered by the US Justice Department is on the face of it a very good number by which to gauge.

Chief Beary consistently says "Ninety-eight percent of the time police do the right thing." Yes, and I reiterate the focus of recent years is on the 2% of which Corporal Casebolt would be one among the many others we have had the tragedy to see in action and others who are ticking police time bombs who themselves will be self-detonating from this point forward.


When I was a teen/twenty-something I went and occasionally hosted quite a few parties that went on a bit too long and got a bit too loud. whistling.gif So, I have lots of experience with police stopping by to tell us to either be quiet or end the party. In the dozen or so instances that this happened, the police were always polite, patient and low key, which is the correct way to act when you want people to remain calm and follow your orders (which we always did).

Here is a clip of Cpl Casebolt arriving on the scene:


Polite? Patient? Low Key? The other officers in the vid in the OP seemed to act correctly, but not this cowboy.

I don't know what video you think you posted, but all that link shows is his slipping and making a rolling recovery as he follows other officers that are also running. It's from the original video that started this fiasco.

Did you have your links mistaken or were your comments about this cowboy a poor attempt at humor?

That video is only a narrow view of the events. Here is a local news report that has interviews with some of the residents who were there, including the kid that shot the video:


Do not think I'm defending Cpl Casebolt by posting these videos.

My opinion is that all three - Cpl Casebolt, Ms. Becton and Mr. Martin acted like a violent version of the Three Stooges, a comparison that really denigrates the seriousness of the event and their actions.

The difference is that Cpl Casebolt had the decency to resign and apologize and the other two lied to protect their you-know-whats.

Or did they lie because that's what their parents and other black adults told them to do?

Video on black mob violence at swimming pools by Colin Flaherty


Yeah the young girl was really out of hand.

How dare she sit on the grass where the officer told her to and not move, simply calling for her mamma then be tossed on her face and have knees buried into her.

Those young folk are so bad. ?


Do not think I'm defending Cpl Casebolt by posting these videos.

My opinion is that all three - Cpl Casebolt, Ms. Becton and Mr. Martin acted like a violent version of the Three Stooges, a comparison that really denigrates the seriousness of the event and their actions.

The difference is that Cpl Casebolt had the decency to resign and apologize and the other two lied to protect their you-know-whats.

Or did they lie because that's what their parents and other black adults told them to do?

Video on black mob violence at swimming pools by Colin Flaherty

We're discussing McKinney Texas and former Officer Casebolt who has become the poster boy of the unstable flying beserker cop.

I'd always take as a given there are black Americans who agree with you, however, they do not necessarily prove your thesis, especially when a great number of blacks and a majority of Americans would not agree with you.

The girl wanted to call her parents about her safety and well being but instead got thrown to the ground and practically sat on by a cop who escalated the situation by his action against the girl, then the out of the blue cop proceeded to further escalate the situation by drawing his gun on some unarmed young guys who dashed to the scene where the cop was OTT manhandling the girl.

Casebolt was a burnout in blue who quickly became lawyer'ed up then just as quickly fessed up.

I think it's good Casebolt will be allowed to retain his retirement and associated benefits for his past period of overall satisfactory service as a police officer. Additionally, Casebolt is a Navy veteran of something like ten years of honorable service so he deserves some respectful credit for that. The right wing that however continues to try to build a bogus case against the kids should finally listen to the people who say to give it up and accept the statement by Casebolt in McKinney Texas. Or is that just too tuff for the extreme right to do....


You forgot to throw in she was also half naked.

Don't forget the cop was half-baked.

I wouldn't be surprised to see her on the cover of several police magazines during the coming weeks and months, and I wouldn't be surprised if the police magazines had a record sales.


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