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Non Imm "O" from Australia

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For several years now i have returned to Brisbane to renew my visa, but find the consul closed.

Can i get one in Melbourne on presenting myself, or will i have apply postal via Canberra.

If anyone has experienced this i would appreciate any info.



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Upon what basis will the visa be applied upon?

If over 50 you could try one of the other honorary consulates in Adelaide, Hobart, Melbourne or Perth. The embassy and consulate in Sydney will will only do an OA visa.

If marriage you can get one at any location.

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Yes ! over 50 same as the last 4 visias.

Now Brisbane is closed you will have try one or more of the other Thai Hon consulates .

You may have difficulty if you are seeking a multi-entry NON O Visa based on being over 50.

You still have the option of applying for an O/A visa or a single entry NON-O which can then be used to secure an extension of stay in Thailand .

You will be that there are financial requirement associated with these option which must be met.

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First of all I'm so not an expert. The blokes above like NZ and Joe are. Here is my experience.

I tried for a non imm o/a in AU last year. Rejected as docs not bound. Despite there email it was not required. Canberra.

Anyway....go with flow. As was going back AU again ..... I decided to mail Brisbane for non imm o. Umm they closed. I have checked every other thai consulate web site. Also email emailed em all. Zero reply.

Melbourne states they do on their web site based on retirement. But they don't.

Here are the choices for Aussie. Get a non imm o/a from Canberra or sydney or go outside Thailand and get a non imm o . Or come to thai on whatever...prefer tourist and convert where you live. In my case bkk.

Again I'm a novice. I'm Currently on tourist visa. I'm still confused if I exit to say vientiane I would effectively have no visa. Can I then just apply for non imm o. ?

The mods must hate dills like me.

Patience is a virtue.

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If you are over 50 and can show evidence of having 800,000 Bht in a Thai bank or evidence (certified your Embassy) of an income of 65,000 Bht/month then a single entry NON O visa is easily obtained from Vientiane.

This visa is the key which allows application for an "extension of stay" based on retirement .

Ask here for more detail if interested..

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Thanks NZexpat. Without side tracking the opp. If say a non imm o is obtained in Vientiane as you suggest. When can the extension be applied for. As I understand it you need about 15 days left on your visa. I find this difficult as travelling so much, I'm never in bkk or Thailand for that length of time. That's why the oa was my preferred option.

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Thanks NZexpat. Without side tracking the opp. If say a non imm o is obtained in Vientiane as you suggest. When can the extension be applied for. As I understand it you need about 15 days left on your visa. I find this difficult as travelling so much, I'm never in bkk or Thailand for that length of time. That's why the oa was my preferred option.

The extension of stay can be applied for anytime during the last 30 days of the 90 day entry provided by the NON O visa. The extension process can be completed within one day.

If you wish to travel during the 90 day period of after the extension is obtained a re-entry permit is required.

An O/A visa can only be Thai Embassy/Official Consulate in your home country.

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Thanks NZexpat. Without side tracking the opp. If say a non imm o is obtained in Vientiane as you suggest. When can the extension be applied for. As I understand it you need about 15 days left on your visa. I find this difficult as travelling so much, I'm never in bkk or Thailand for that length of time. That's why the oa was my preferred option.

The 15 days remaining on your entry is only to apply for a conversion to a non immigrant visa at Bangkok immigration.

You can apply for the extension of stay up to 45 days early dependent upon the office you have use. You can apply on the last day of the 90 entry if you wanted to.

Once you have the 90 day entry from a non-o visa you can apply for a re-entry permit to keep the entry valid if you want to travel so you can apply for the extension near the end of the entry.

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Pending the appointment of the new Honorary Consul of Thailand for Queensland, the Royal Thai Embassy in Canberra will assume responsibility of all consular matters in Queensland. If you have any question, please contact the Royal Thai Embassy in Canberra directly at (02) 6206 0120 or 6206 0113 on Monday to Friday at 9.30 – 12.30 and 13.30 – 16.00 hrs.

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Pending the appointment of the new Honorary Consul of Thailand for Queensland, the Royal Thai Embassy in Canberra will assume responsibility of all consular matters in Queensland. If you have any question, please contact the Royal Thai Embassy in Canberra directly at (02) 6206 0120 or 6206 0113 on Monday to Friday at 9.30 – 12.30 and 13.30 – 16.00 hrs.

That does not mean you cannot apply for a visa at one of the honorary consulates or the official consulate in Sydney.

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Agreed, I used to lodge my renewal annually at Brisbane but on my last visit in January 2015 there was a real estate for sale notice on the property so I guess that there are other issues besides the resignation of the previous HC. Most consulates will process the application. I have done my by post before now within Oz and received the renewal within 72 hours. Tip, provide a self addressed express post bag for the return on your passport, plus a please sign on receipt label..

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I am back in Brisbane and have contacted the Thai Embassy in Canberra inquiring if i can get a non imm 'O' for over 50's

in Melbourne, they sent me a reply telling me YES!

However Melbourne tells me that they cannot issue an over 50's non imm 'O' from that consul.

This gets confusing, however someone has told me that i can get one in KL on my way back. Has anyone done this.

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Not sure if the info you received is 100 %. however err on the hide of caution as a friend of mine received his o'50 visa in LA (USA) and was advised that he could get it renewed in Brisbane (where he was domiciled at the time of renewal) guess what, Brisbane rejected his application. So if I were you I would try and make the effort to get it in Oz, if that is possible and fits in with your plans. If you have the time mail your application and all the relevant documents to the ACT and use the express mail. Just to give you my experience, I mailed mine from far central Qld to Brisbane on the Tuesday and it was back at my PO on the Thursday. get all your stuff in order and a bank cheque, or company cheque and send it express next day delivery with the same return postage paid envelope so you get your passport back post haste.

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Not sure if the info you received is 100 %. however err on the hide of caution as a friend of mine received his o'50 visa in LA (USA) and was advised that he could get it renewed in Brisbane (where he was domiciled at the time of renewal) guess what, Brisbane rejected his application. So if I were you I would try and make the effort to get it in Oz, if that is possible and fits in with your plans. If you have the time mail your application and all the relevant documents to the ACT and use the express mail. Just to give you my experience, I mailed mine from far central Qld to Brisbane on the Tuesday and it was back at my PO on the Thursday. get all your stuff in order and a bank cheque, or company cheque and send it express next day delivery with the same return postage paid envelope so you get your passport back post haste.

Thanks Taffy, i will try through Canberra.

When Brisbane was 'up and running' i never had any problem, just had to return in 2 hours and there it was.

Edited by oldsailor35
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I am back in Brisbane and have contacted the Thai Embassy in Canberra inquiring if i can get a non imm 'O' for over 50's

in Melbourne, they sent me a reply telling me YES!

However Melbourne tells me that they cannot issue an over 50's non imm 'O' from that consul.

This gets confusing, however someone has told me that i can get one in KL on my way back. Has anyone done this.

I can tell you what the reply form the embassy will be. The answer will be no and they will advise you that you can get a OA visa from them.

Conflicting info from Melbourne it seems.

You would not even be able to get a single entry non-o in KL.

If you want a multiple entry non-o and can meet the financial requirements you could possibley get one in Penang.

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I can talk specifically about Melbourne . They will not issue a non imm o based on retirement. They will for other things like visit family etc.

Brisbane used to issue o based on retirement but are now closed. Canberra will only issue you O/A if it is based on retirement. Same for Sydney.

I have contacted all other consulates . They seem same as Melbourne. Answer no.

Seems to me that the options for AU folk is obtain a visa say tourist in AU then convert here. Or may suit some to just exit to nearby country/city, somewhere like Vientiane and obtain non imm o.

As the mods point out some consulates do them and some don't. For example I go to HCMC often. Smooth consulate but they don't issue non imm O based on retirement.

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Thanks for the update. Can a 1 year extension replace the need to re apply for a non imm "o" marriage visa?

An extension of stay based upon marriage will be for one year. Certainly no need for multiple entry non-o visa. Just get a single entry non-o visa and apply for he extension during the last 30 days of the 90 day entry from it.

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