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Jeb Bush seeks stronger steps against Putin, avoids specifics


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Ah yes stronger steps against Putin, a handy one to turn to now that they are not sure any longer about Iran and Syria.

After all they are both fighting the IS as the US is fighting the IS, so just who is the enemy, or the worst enemy. Must get real confusing when your enemies are helping to fight your enemy.

Yes safe to forget about the ME and turn to Putin as the one to attack.

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Putin's idea is to destabilize the existing world order because he wants to see it destroyed, which is why the tireless KGB Putin is the focus of EU and US sanctions. Prez Obama pointed out the past week Putin's economy in Russia is in the tank and continuing to slide toward the bottom of it.

Putin is a major player in the ME who is seeing his effectiveness there diminishing steadily and irreversibly. It had been said the road to Moscow goes through Damascus but now the West has drawn a large circle around Moscow/Damascus.

Putin is busy emptying his pockets in a losing cause to preserve his power and authority in Russia. He has very little time if any for ISIS, Assad, Iran, China, Brics or anything else. The EU and US have structured their sanctions to eat Putin's lunch through 2017 by which time if not before Putin will be the main dinner course. Connoisseurs should RSVP now cause the fire sale in Russia will offer virtually unlimited opportunity.

Brussels and Washington could shut down the Russian economy in 3 to 4 months by excluding it from the SWIFT electronic-cyber banking system in Belgium which does $6 Trillion of transactions daily, but Putin has made clear that would make him ballistic, so the longer road is being travelled instead.

Does JEB know what SWIFT is? I'd be surprised indeed if JEB had that level of global awareness much less Huckabee or Cruz, Paul, Walker, boy wonder Rubio or any of the rest of 'em. The R's trying to be prez are expert in only guns, god, grits, gravy, gays, gold, gripes.

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OMG!, Publicus, how wrong one can be?

I do not like Putin. He is KGB alright. And a thief. And a Mafia front man.

I hate everything he stands for inside Russia.

I may not like his politics outside Russia.

But I understand his consistency and successes there.

Not because he is a brainer.

But because his vis-a-vis in the White House is so stupid and inconsistent.

How can you say: "Putin's idea is to destabilize the existing world order because he wants to see it destroyed"?

American blunders in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya + + + are Putin's doing? Maybe Ukraine? - methinks, not.

Pushing EU into an economic and possibly military confrontation with Russia - is this another Putin's fault?

Maybe letting EU to be overrun by hordes of Muslims is Putin's fault too?

I hate to predict this but Putin will outperform White House in the World in Russia's foreign politics despite his failures inside Russia.

And this goes for the Obama's successor. Whoever it might be.

I repeat, not because he is better or smarter, but because White House is not consistent in serving interests of USA in their foreign policies.

I am afraid that chasing the World domination White House are losing their domestic stability and interests out of sight.

Edited by ABCer
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OMG!, Publicus, how wrong one can be?

I do not like Putin. He is KGB alright. And a thief. And a Mafia front man.

I hate everything he stands for inside Russia.

I may not like his politics outside Russia.

But I understand his consistency and successes there.

Not because he is a brainer.

But because his vis-a-vis in the White House is so stupid and inconsistent.

How can you say: "Putin's idea is to destabilize the existing world order because he wants to see it destroyed"?

American blunders in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya + + + are Putin's doing? Maybe Ukraine? - methinks, not.

Pushing EU into an economic and possibly military confrontation with Russia - is this another Putin's fault?

Maybe letting EU to be overrun by hordes of Muslims is Putin's fault too?

I hate to predict this but Putin will outperform White House in the World in Russia's foreign politics despite his failures inside Russia.

And this goes for the Obama's successor. Whoever it might be.

I repeat, not because he is better or smarter, but because White House is not consistent in serving interests of USA in their foreign policies.

I am afraid that chasing the World domination White House are losing their domestic stability and interests out of sight.

So what will happen when Putin's propaganda budget goes bust along with his other hard pressed budgets....

Putin's propagandists use the style the CCP Boyz in Beijing teach their loyal legions of half-yuans to use, so maybe the Boyz can cash up to keep Vlad in business so to speak as he goes bust. The world calls the CCP trolls the half-yuans, which are are also known as the "Fifty-Cent Party" for their prolific and profitable daily troll posts to various websites, a hundred a day being their minimum requirement of volume.

Putin's own internet trolls are known across the www as Sockpuppets.

The great failure of the classic debate style adopted by the CCP for their "50-Cent Party" ,of trying to turn the table, and for Putin's Sockpuppets is that the technique doesn't present a time frame. But then it's not supposed to present a time frame because that might require some actual knowledge that would lead to irresolvable contradictions in the particulars that are vaguely and broadly offered.

The posting style also includes as its central feature the focus on the United States rather than tout their own country, due to the fact there's nothing there at home for them to sell internationally.

Russia steps up propaganda push with online "Kremlin trolls"


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Just remember, Jeb was a signatory to PNAC, the Project for the New American Century. These were the wonderful people (Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, Rumsfeld, etc.) who came up with the brilliant idea of going to war against Iraq. All they needed was a 'Pearl Harbor' to implement their wrong-headed thesis; 9/11 foot the bill and we as a planet have paid for it ever since.

This man must not be allowed anywhere near the White House, except to take the public tour.

With one clear distinction:

Pearl Harbor was not conceived by Americans.

Nor were the attacks on the World Trade Center or the Pentagon.

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A president from the Republican party would need to appoint fringe marginals in his own party to cabinet positions and to the subcabinet positions of the Executive Branch. And there is a proliferation of fringe orbiters in the R party.

Prez Eisehhower had Evita Culp Hobby of the John Birch Society as his secretary of Health and Human Services (Health, Education and Welfare back then). Mrs Hobby spent the 1940s, 50s, 60s hysterically screaming about "creeping socialism" in the United States, and Ike had the warmonger John Foster Dulles as SecState in his cabinet, among other lunar modules from the extreme lunatic right of his time.

Nixon had the Watergate convicted felon John Mitchell as attorney general, fired another AG who wouldn't fire Watergate special prosecutors investigators etc etc....

Same for Reagan, same for the Presidents Bush...this wannabe Jeb Bush or any Republican would have the present day lunar modules in his Executive Branch, not to mention to any vacancies on SCOTUS. Can you see Mike Huckabee as Secretary of Education railing against science and same sex marriage etc etc, and Dr Ben Carson as secretary of Health and Human Services etc etc. Remember SecDef Rumsfeld, UN Ambassador John Bolton, Iraq Administrator Paul Brenner etc etc...

I can see it because all of us have seen it before or know of it and it ain't pretty.

Overall Culp was never in or affiliated with the John Birch Society.

"The ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is the necessary art." John Dulles (democrat) A diplomatic solution. Hardly a warmonger.

I'd say get your facts straight, but you've turned duplicitousness into an art form.

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Just remember, Jeb was a signatory to PNAC, the Project for the New American Century. These were the wonderful people (Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, Rumsfeld, etc.) who came up with the brilliant idea of going to war against Iraq. All they needed was a 'Pearl Harbor' to implement their wrong-headed thesis; 9/11 foot the bill and we as a planet have paid for it ever since.

This man must not be allowed anywhere near the White House, except to take the public tour.

With one clear distinction:

Pearl Harbor was not conceived by Americans.

Nor were the attacks on the World Trade Center or the Pentagon.

I am not going into this debate.

First, it is off topic.

Second, this is a great unresolved controversy.

Let me point out that my statement is a fact.

Your's is an opinion on a controversial event.

The two cannot compete or be compared.

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