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Where is the raining season?


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Is it just here in my village, or is the raining season very dissapointing this year? I'm near Udon and there is hardly any rain.... I don't know how it was last year, but I remember three years ago it almost rained continuesly starting from half may. It's pretty worrying, the lake I live nearby has completely dried in the dry season and isn't filling up at all. It used to be huge with alot of fish and clams.

Edited by Udoth
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Even in Bangkok, it's bone dry. An overnight storm early on Monday morning and another smaller one the following night produced some incredible lightning, thousands of flashes within the hour or two the main part of the storm lasted, along with some localized flooding but apart from that, you could be forgiven for thinking it was still March or so as since then, the skies have been mostly clear and temperatures near 40 degrees C.

This is definitely the driest dry season I can remember in a while, although I haven't always been in Thailand during the dry season in previous years.

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Dry and hot as predicted for 2015 (except for the Bangkok oxens predictiing otherwise, must have been instructed cheesy.gif ).

Look at the terrible news from India.

In fact its not fun and makes one think,

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Dry and hot as predicted for 2015 (except for the Bangkok oxens predictiing otherwise, must have been instructed cheesy.gif ).

Look at the terrible news from India.

In fact its not fun and makes one think,

The Rainy Season packed its bags and went to visit its brother Climate Change. If this keeps up a good import product would be Camels. No not the cigarettes. If this keeps up they will be throwing confetti next year on Songkran. Oh well back to retirement. I am 77 and my best before date is in sight. We sure did not have all these problems when I was growing up and looking to enter the work force (we still had plenty of jobs then I could choose between jobs A,B,C or D and your employer called you by your first name now your a number and a swipe badge ) Ah life was good I met wife number 1 had a couple kids a house new car and a 50 acre recreation property to play country farmer on. I had a Ford 8N tractor with a bucket, backhoe and a plow. Then along came the computer and everything changed. People could reach out electronically and rob other people or steal their personal info. A whole world of information/corruption opened up some good some bad. One almost wants to say "stop the planet I want to get off" Hmm might make a good movie

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With the water low now is the time to do maintenance and cleaning. Deepen reservoirs clear

out canals, strengthen dams, etc.... etc.....Drought for now rain and flooding in the future. coffee1.gif

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Dry and hot as predicted for 2015 (except for the Bangkok oxens predictiing otherwise, must have been instructed cheesy.gif ).

Look at the terrible news from India.

In fact its not fun and makes one think,

The Rainy Season packed its bags and went to visit its brother Climate Change. If this keeps up a good import product would be Camels. No not the cigarettes. If this keeps up they will be throwing confetti next year on Songkran. Oh well back to retirement. I am 77 and my best before date is in sight. We sure did not have all these problems when I was growing up and looking to enter the work force (we still had plenty of jobs then I could choose between jobs A,B,C or D and your employer called you by your first name now your a number and a swipe badge ) Ah life was good I met wife number 1 had a couple kids a house new car and a 50 acre recreation property to play country farmer on. I had a Ford 8N tractor with a bucket, backhoe and a plow. Then along came the computer and everything changed. People could reach out electronically and rob other people or steal their personal info. A whole world of information/corruption opened up some good some bad. One almost wants to say "stop the planet I want to get off" Hmm might make a good movie

Love your comments, I've only been here six months, but have experienced the "Rainy seasons" elsewhere in the world, and so far here in Bang Na, I can honestly say " I love the light-shows late at night," as the old lady on TV used to say, "Where's the beef?"

I assume there have been previous threads of "Remember whens" on this forum, but I haven't seen them, and your comments bought that to mind, maybe we could do it again... Is that a stupid idea? for instance, I was working in an office in Dallas, TX, about ten years ago, and looked out the window... immediately the hair on the back of my neck just crawled, it was the same window the TV camera's were mounted showing Jackie Kennedy leaning toward the back of their Lincoln trying to help her mortally wounded husband. I watched that footage for the first time in the UK when I was 13 years old. I'm sure we've all got defining moments to share. Sorry, I veered off topic again...

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OP, not any different a bit south of you either here in central Isaan. Last week we had some good showers late at night a couple of times. But going on 5 days without a drop. It very overcast and strangely foggy extremely humid and hot, a bit of thunder and lightning but the clouds look very constipated, I don't think we'll get a drop again tonight. My wife keeps muttering, "Mother Nature is broken."

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It is unusually dry, but there is also an unusual degree of mismatch between the traditional lunar calendar and the Gregorian one this year. The traditional lunar calendar conforms well to the seasons as it is specifically designed to do so for agricultural purposes, whereas this is not the case with the Gregorian calendar.

Visaka Bucha, which is always in the hot dry season (usually early to mid May) and is determined by the lunar calendar, occurred this year only on June 1st this year; last year it was on May 13. The Royal Ploughing Ceremony in Cambodia, held in accordance with the traditional Cambodian calendar on a date well preceding the expected start of the rains and rice planting, this year was on May 28 whereas it is usually early May.

"Khao Pansaa" (start of the Buddhist Lent, and based on lunar calendar and meant to coincide with the start of the serious rainy season) this year will not be until 31 July whereas it is usually not later than mid July.

In other words, everything this year is at least 2 weeks later than usual. If you will recall, the hot season likewise started a few weeks later than usual this year.

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I live south of Korat, in Chok chai.

We have been getting substantial thunder showers about four days a week for weeks now,

Family who live about 15 Km south of us have been bone dry.

Go figure!

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Was drier last year, at least in Chiang Mai where it didn't really start raining properly until mid-July.

At least in the North we've had the occasional bit of rain (be it not a lot) in May and now into June, last year there was no rain this time of year.

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Even in Bangkok, it's bone dry. An overnight storm early on Monday morning and another smaller one the following night produced some incredible lightning, thousands of flashes within the hour or two the main part of the storm lasted, along with some localized flooding but apart from that, you could be forgiven for thinking it was still March or so as since then, the skies have been mostly clear and temperatures near 40 degrees C.

This is definitely the driest dry season I can remember in a while, although I haven't always been in Thailand during the dry season in previous years.

Bangkok and clear sky?i somehow doubt it...

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It is unusually dry, but there is also an unusual degree of mismatch between the traditional lunar calendar and the Gregorian one this year. The traditional lunar calendar conforms well to the seasons as it is specifically designed to do so for agricultural purposes, whereas this is not the case with the Gregorian calendar.

Visaka Bucha, which is always in the hot dry season (usually early to mid May) and is determined by the lunar calendar, occurred this year only on June 1st this year; last year it was on May 13. The Royal Ploughing Ceremony in Cambodia, held in accordance with the traditional Cambodian calendar on a date well preceding the expected start of the rains and rice planting, this year was on May 28 whereas it is usually early May.

"Khao Pansaa" (start of the Buddhist Lent, and based on lunar calendar and meant to coincide with the start of the serious rainy season) this year will not be until 31 July whereas it is usually not later than mid July.

In other words, everything this year is at least 2 weeks later than usual. If you will recall, the hot season likewise started a few weeks later than usual this year.

It is very dry ,my wife uses the Thai lunar calender all the time she has said it shold be raining by now,but we have had nothing for 3 weeks now all the local maize crops are all but dead,and yesterday afternoon we had temperature of 42 c,something I have never seen in Thailand for the 2ed week in June

Khao Pensa is late this year, that is going to make the Loy Klartong festival, end of November,and it would not be the first time we have wadded in mud to float the Klartongs, can not see it this year.

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El Nino is strong this year. Expect hot dry weather and with little rain this year.



Unfortunately this El Nino can go on for more than one year. We would experience lower rain fall, there could be local floods in some areas and others bone dry and we will see above average temp. Food prices will go up be warned, similar to 1997/98.

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So far its the same as last year, a very dry rainy season. Thats why the dams are low and there is a drought. Hopefully some very wet months will occur before the rainy season ends.

Last year was also quite dry, I'll give you that. But this year seems both hotter and drier. While I could have been forgiven for thinking the rainy season was starting early with a major thunderstorm in Bangkok in mid-February, followed by one that cause quite a bit of localized flooding in late March (I was in Laos then and there was also some rain there, which, although it lasted for half the day was so light it barely wet the ground), since then and we're now almost mid-June, it's been much drier than one would expect for this time of year. Definitely drought conditions.

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