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Caught in the act; advise on wifi surveillance cameras in Pattaya


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If I bought a motion sensor, I'd connect to something more suitable - an ultrasonic dog blaster.

I had done the same, years back - for cats, and it worked out great. A couple of 12v powered sensors from an old alarm system, each pointed in varied directions, covered various entrance angles.

Repelling the pests like this may cause less problems than confrontation with an angry thai owner.

True that..

Best to avoid confrontation with a pet owner at all times.

Almost as bad as telling a parent a child is unmannered.


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Maybe just an alarm that detect movements will do it, you can connect it to a siren horn so the dogs will run for their lifes when they hear it, together with the owners.

Edited by balo
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Many years ago, near to where I lived, a dog owner would let their dog take a crap on the side walk right in front of their shop house......everyday.

I would notice that someone, sooner or later, would step in the dog crap and leave a nice long trail of dog crap foot prints going in either direction on the side walk along with the aroma of fresh dog crap permeating the air.

One day, I saw the ( man ) with the dog.... a small dog, holding on to the leash while his dog was doing the doggy squat and crapping on the side walk in front of his shop house.

So I walked up and said in Thai: "Everyday your dog craps here and everyday someone steps in the crap".... while pointing out the remnants of yesterdays and the previous days doggy crap smeared around and all up and down the side walk and continued to say: "Why don't you take the dog around the side of the building, just 15 feet away and let the dog crap there instead of on the side walk.

Of course he had a blank look on his face as I can only surmise no other person had ever told him or suggested to him to do the alternative thing and consider the other people using the side walk for walking on ...not doggy crapping on.

Well, low and behold the next few days after that I noticed that there was dog crap along side the building and not on the side walk and even saw him one day holding on to the leash and the dog was doing the doggy squat along side the building....and the guy sort of smiled and acknowledged me looking at him as I walked by.

Problem solved....at least in that case

Meantime you do not want to be stepping in doggy crap as it is one of the most distinct and easily recognizable smells while it is a difficult smell to get rid of.


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Purchase Grant's Dog and Cat Repellant. Can be purchased online. Safe and effective. Other choices are:

  1. Post a Sign. This will display to the offender that you are aware of the problem, and that you are taking steps to at least show your neighbor that you do not approve of your yard being a dog toilet. “Please Curb Your Dog” is a good one. You can also add the name of a security company to show that your yard may be monitored (even if it really isn’t). Try to find a professionally made sign. Responses to “home-made” signs can be negative.
  2. Odors Dog’s Dislike. Citrus oil, white vinegar, moth balls, or ammonia can be used to deter dogs. You will just have to be careful with these as they are not plant or grass friendly when they dissolve. Generally speaking, dogs also dislike the smell of garlic, pepper, chili, and even a soapy spray has been known to discourage dogs. Slow release odor granules are also available to either garden centers or pet stores.
  3. Gate, or fence. A fully fenced property simply keeps out unwanted dogs.
  4. Change Fertilizer: If you are using an animal based fertilizer on your lawn, chances are that the dog is responding to these odors and is attracted to your yard because of the organic matter on your lawn. A dog’s sensory perception is so incredibly acute that it may be able to smell it for miles.
  5. Sprinklers: Chances are that the offending dog is turning up at the same time each day. Program your sprinkler system to be on during that time, or, if the lawn is already wet, this will also act as an effective deterrent.
  6. Motion Sensor: Motion activated sprinkler systems can be a great choice. The dog will trigger the sensors and surprise the dog pre-poop, and will imprint a bad memory for the animal to stay away.
  7. Rosemary: Dogs dislike rosemary and this is a reasonably fast growing and pleasant looking plant.
  8. Plant Barriers: Roses or any thorny or course plants (such as holly) could be considered, but this is more of a long-term plan.
  9. Commercial Repellants: Sprays are available from your favorite pet store, and can be sprayed on pathways or garden edges.
  10. Eucalyptus and Tea Tree Oil: Make up a solution of eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil and spray it around the perimeter of your garden. Dogs detest this smell, and this could be enough to keep the animal away from your home.

Lastly, if you know whose dog is doing the dirty, just scoop it up and put the present at the front door of its owner.

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It has been my experience that Veterinary Section (basement) Pattaya Public health building, Soi Buakhow and Pattaya City officials, City hall will follow up complaints about owned dogs running loose (unsupervised) and pooing in public streets. Warning will be given to the dog's owners. Take some photos as evidence.

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Wouldn't sprinkling some 20 Baht white vinegar deter the dogs from that area be a more cost effective solution?

I have tried the vinegar mixed with chili powder solution for two days and it does not work. This morning I woke up and found three fresh turds just outside my gate. The dog owners should count themselves lucky they weren't there.angry.png

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concerning a surveillance cam,

this subject is causing a lot of headage.

There are indoor and outdoor systems, if you use them 24h, many cams will work fine in europe,

but under tropical temperature, the cam is having an overheating problem,

and you will start with the experience, that tukkom is as good, as you can be shure, not to end up into a warranty scam.

In the best case, you only had to change the power connector from time to time.

Speaking about a basic cam,

I had some good experience with d-link cams,

- but you need a seller, that will easy exchange your defect cams,

(main problem in Thailand !!!) and

- as long, as you don`t have at least 1.5 MB Internet UPLOAD (!),

forget about cellphone apps, and online monitoring in HD,

you will need a home storage system, on a webcam-simcard,

or on an operating pc.

Don`t take one of the old models with mjpeg stream, only H.264 is ok.

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Nice post there Keesters but guess what...

It has the usual non-deterrent that Thai's love & pretty much dares them to keep offending (because most of which know, "It'll never be me getting caught")...

NOT exceeding Bath (which most of these owners need, but that's another post),

i.e. NOT exceeding Bath 500.

I think someone needs to explain to people that it should read...


& this should apply to all sorts of DUMPING/GENERAL LITTERING due to the fact that MOST Thai's couldn't give a Sh1T about THEIR country or whether WE (outsiders) should care a 4xxx about!?!

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Wouldn't sprinkling some 20 Baht white vinegar deter the dogs from that area be a more cost effective solution?

I have tried the vinegar mixed with chili powder solution for two days and it does not work. This morning I woke up and found three fresh turds just outside my gate. The dog owners should count themselves lucky they weren't there.angry.png

Any success ? try the Eucalyptus spray around the edges ...

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Wouldn't sprinkling some 20 Baht white vinegar deter the dogs from that area be a more cost effective solution?

I have tried the vinegar mixed with chili powder solution for two days and it does not work. This morning I woke up and found three fresh turds just outside my gate. The dog owners should count themselves lucky they weren't there.angry.png

Any success ? try the Eucalyptus spray around the edges ...

I will try it but have not been able to buy it. Where did you buy yours?

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Wouldn't sprinkling some 20 Baht white vinegar deter the dogs from that area be a more cost effective solution?

I have tried the vinegar mixed with chili powder solution for two days and it does not work. This morning I woke up and found three fresh turds just outside my gate. The dog owners should count themselves lucky they weren't there.angry.png

Any success ? try the Eucalyptus spray around the edges ...

I will try it but have not been able to buy it. Where did you buy yours?

I would think Tesco or homepro may have it. Just don't spray it any plants you want to keep as it may kill the grass or plant it's sprayed on.

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get a dog and let it crap outside anywhere. go with the flow. your not in the nanny state where you were born. TIT

You have a good point. I've had dog crapping issues myself and there's not much you can do about it except clean it up as it's always soi dogs doing the crapping anyway..., or in the OP's case, why would he stand in it if he is aware it is always there?

If Thais are walking their dogs they probably prefer their dogs crapping in front of Farang's houses. Where else LOL. All the fuss foreigners make about what Thais consider minor issues or non-events just makes the resentment stronger and then they'll start getting a kick out of creating a scene.

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get a dog and let it crap outside anywhere. go with the flow. your not in the nanny state where you were born. TIT

You have a good point. I've had dog crapping issues myself and there's not much you can do about it except clean it up as it's always soi dogs doing the crapping anyway..., or in the OP's case, why would he stand in it if he is aware it is always there?

If Thais are walking their dogs they probably prefer their dogs crapping in front of Farang's houses. Where else LOL. All the fuss foreigners make about what Thais consider minor issues or non-events just makes the resentment stronger and then they'll start getting a kick out of creating a scene.

Good for you that you're willing to clean the turds of other people's dog - you're obviously a better person than I am. Also, good for you that you are at all times aware of where you're putting your feet - unfortunately I don't share your level of hyper awareness..coffee1.gif

FYI in my opinion I'm not making a big fuss of this (I haven't poisoned any dogs or angrily confronted and dog owners). I'm just trying to find a way to avoid having to step in and drive in dog turds on a regular basis.

The Thais and farang owners of the dog "culprits" are not walking their dogs - they are letting them run free. That's the whole problem.

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get a dog and let it crap outside anywhere. go with the flow. your not in the nanny state where you were born. TIT

You have a good point. I've had dog crapping issues myself and there's not much you can do about it except clean it up as it's always soi dogs doing the crapping anyway..., or in the OP's case, why would he stand in it if he is aware it is always there?

If Thais are walking their dogs they probably prefer their dogs crapping in front of Farang's houses. Where else LOL. All the fuss foreigners make about what Thais consider minor issues or non-events just makes the resentment stronger and then they'll start getting a kick out of creating a scene.

Good for you that you're willing to clean the turds of other people's dog - you're obviously a better person than I am. Also, good for you that you are at all times aware of where you're putting your feet - unfortunately I don't share your level of hyper awareness..coffee1.gif

FYI in my opinion I'm not making a big fuss of this (I haven't poisoned any dogs or angrily confronted and dog owners). I'm just trying to find a way to avoid having to step in and drive in dog turds on a regular basis.

The Thais and farang owners of the dog "culprits" are not walking their dogs - they are letting them run free. That's the whole problem.

It doesn't require "hyper awareness" to avoid stepping in dog shit, particularly when you know it's there.

Yes, I have cleaned up a fair bit of dog poo in my time living in SE Asia, both here and in the Philippines, where dog poo outside the front gate is quite common. Maybe foreigners get more than their share of dog poo outside their gates - I don't know. I remember about 15 years ago I used to get quite upset when fresh dog poo was deposited in front of my gate (in Manila) each and every morning... those were the days when I used to react the same way you do.

So what are your choices? The easiest solution is to just pick it up. Sure, it's unpleasant, but leaving it there to stink is the worse - and good luck getting someone else to pick it up.

Sooner or later you'll probably come to that conclusion too... you see, this problem is not peculiar to your front gate. In a country where Soi dogs have a free run on the streets - what are you going to do?

BTW, why do you think these dogs are owned?

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get a dog and let it crap outside anywhere. go with the flow. your not in the nanny state where you were born. TIT

You have a good point. I've had dog crapping issues myself and there's not much you can do about it except clean it up as it's always soi dogs doing the crapping anyway..., or in the OP's case, why would he stand in it if he is aware it is always there?

If Thais are walking their dogs they probably prefer their dogs crapping in front of Farang's houses. Where else LOL. All the fuss foreigners make about what Thais consider minor issues or non-events just makes the resentment stronger and then they'll start getting a kick out of creating a scene.

Good for you that you're willing to clean the turds of other people's dog - you're obviously a better person than I am. Also, good for you that you are at all times aware of where you're putting your feet - unfortunately I don't share your level of hyper awareness..coffee1.gif

FYI in my opinion I'm not making a big fuss of this (I haven't poisoned any dogs or angrily confronted and dog owners). I'm just trying to find a way to avoid having to step in and drive in dog turds on a regular basis.

The Thais and farang owners of the dog "culprits" are not walking their dogs - they are letting them run free. That's the whole problem.

It doesn't require "hyper awareness" to avoid stepping in dog shit, particularly when you know it's there.

Yes, I have cleaned up a fair bit of dog poo in my time living in SE Asia, both here and in the Philippines, where dog poo outside the front gate is quite common. Maybe foreigners get more than their share of dog poo outside their gates - I don't know. I remember about 15 years ago I used to get quite upset when fresh dog poo was deposited in front of my gate (in Manila) each and every morning... those were the days when I used to react the same way you do.

So what are your choices? The easiest solution is to just pick it up. Sure, it's unpleasant, but leaving it there to stink is the worse - and good luck getting someone else to pick it up.

Sooner or later you'll probably come to that conclusion too... you see, this problem is not peculiar to your front gate. In a country where Soi dogs have a free run on the streets - what are you going to do?

BTW, why do you think these dogs are owned?

-That's not going to happen. I'll not do the work for the lazy, useless dog owners.

-I doubt that very much...and I'm fully aware of the fact that I'm not alone in this "struggle".

-They are not stray dogs since I live in a walled-in community with only one entry/exit so any stray that tries to enter through the gate is either shooed away by the security guard or chased off by the "resident' dogs.

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-That's not going to happen. I'll not do the work for the lazy, useless dog owners.

-I doubt that very much...and I'm fully aware of the fact that I'm not alone in this "struggle".

-They are not stray dogs since I live in a walled-in community with only one entry/exit so any stray that tries to enter through the gate is either shooed away by the security guard or chased off by the "resident' dogs.

I think you missed the point. It's not about doing other peoples' work - it's about removing shit that won't go anywhere on its own. If you're happy to leave the poo outside the gate and risk standing in it or it stinking your house out, then of course, why not leave it there. It could even make your problem worse as it becomes the favourite dumping ground for all your neighbour's dogs.

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-That's not going to happen. I'll not do the work for the lazy, useless dog owners.

-I doubt that very much...and I'm fully aware of the fact that I'm not alone in this "struggle".

-They are not stray dogs since I live in a walled-in community with only one entry/exit so any stray that tries to enter through the gate is either shooed away by the security guard or chased off by the "resident' dogs.

I think you missed the point. It's not about doing other peoples' work - it's about removing shit that won't go anywhere on its own. If you're happy to leave the poo outside the gate and risk standing in it or it stinking your house out, then of course, why not leave it there. It could even make your problem worse as it becomes the favourite dumping ground for all your neighbour's dogs.

The point is I'm stepping in dog shit and want it to stop, and that's the only point. Since there seems to be no more advice coming except for the usual "if you don't like it, leave" BS I will ask the mods to close this thread.

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The point is I'm stepping in dog shit and want it to stop, and that's the only point. Since there seems to be no more advice coming except for the usual "if you don't like it, leave" BS I will ask the mods to close this thread.


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