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US decision on 2016 Cobra Gold welcomed
Marisa Chimprabha
Nophakhun Limsamarnphun
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- State Dept confirms military exercise will continue despite opposition to coup

THE government yesterday welcomed the US' decision to hold its annual Cobra Gold military exercise in Thailand next year, saying it is a "positive sign" that reflects the countries' long and close relationship.

"We regard it as a positive sign that shows that the US still gives importance to the security alliance with Thailand and the region," said PM's Office Minister Suwaphan Tanyuvardhana, who also supervises the National Intelligence Agency.

Senior US State Department official Scot Marciel told a congressional hearing on Thursday that the annual Cobra Gold exercise was important to the US and the region. The administration decided this week to go ahead with preparations for the 2016 edition.

"However the exercise would be scaled down again because of the political situation in Thailand," Marciel added.

The US scaled down the major multi-lateral training exercise, which has run since 1982, last year following the coup led by then Army chief General Prayut Chan-o-cha, who is now prime minister.

Marciel was one of three administration officials who testified on the state of democracy in Asia before the House subcommittee that oversees US foreign policy in the region. The officials expressed concern that the Prayut government has not established a clear timeline for a possible referendum on the new constitution.

"There are signs that parliamentary elections - once tentatively scheduled for fall 2015, then early 2016 - could slip even further. We are concerned that without a timely, transparent, and inclusive reform process, the Thai government will never enjoy the public buy-in necessary to build lasting institutions," the officials said in joint prepared testimony.

Meanwhile Panitan Wattanayagorn, an adviser to the defence minister, said that the US' decision to hold Cobra Gold again showed that it was separating its diplomatic approach to Thailand with military cooperation.

"I believe that the US will try to re-adjust its military ties with Thailand while still maintaining its pressure on the diplomatic ties because of Thai politics," said Panitan, who is a security expert.

'US wants meetings in 1 to 2 months'

Panitan believes that the US has shown a positive signal as it asked to move forward the preparatory meetings with the Thai military concerning the Cobra Gold exercise next year.

"I have learnt that the US wants to quicken the meetings to prepare for the exercise. They therefore will be held tentatively within one or two months. Normally the meetings are held later than that," he said.

He said next year the exercise would focus more on humanitarian issues, as well as assistance to migrants, notably Rohingya.

He added that the US may have decided to hold the military exercise because it wanted to send a signal to China about its role in Thailand and in the region. "The US also wishes to show that it is still giving importance to security matters in the region," he said.

Suwaphan, referring to US criticism over the Prayut government delaying the election, said that the poll date had to be changed to allow time for preparation of a referendum on the new charter.

"In the beginning, there was no issue about [holding] a referendum in the road map of the Prayut government. To organise a referendum, more enough time is required, so it affects the date of the election," he said.

The Election Commission has to print the draft charter and send copies to about 21 million households. After that the government has to make sure people understand the referendum procedures as well as content of the new charter.

The National Legislative Assembly will also deliberate amendments to the interim charter, which will allow the constitution drafters about a month to complete a review of recommendations from many sides before the draft is submitted to the National Reform Council

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/US-decision-on-2016-Cobra-Gold-welcomed-30262263.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-13

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"the US may have decided to hold the military exercise because it wanted to send a signal to China about its role in Thailand and in the region"

As highlighted this is not about who is right and wrong. It is not about democracy or coups. It is about money and agenda.

China use the handle of "reform" for their agenda. The west use the handle of "democracy" for theirs and the whole time Thailand is just a pawn on the chess board of global politics. This political tug of war is fascinating as neither can or will state their true intentions.

I see the Americans narrative has changed some what as well once they realized China was circling like a vulture. The frustration of not being able to state their true intentions translates as a confused double flip by America when Ambassador Kenney previously said "the United States and its close ally Thailand remain strong" This comment is in stark contrast to John Kerry on the 22nd of May, 2014. "This act (the coup) will have negative implications for the U.S.-Thai relationship"

22nd of May - No reaction from China. America's stance - "This act (the coup) will have negative implications for the U.S.-Thai relationship"

Reaction from China in May, June and July, 2014 stating they support Thai reform and will encourage Thai funding of THIER investment banks.

11th of July. After reaction from China. America's stance - "the United States and its close ally Thailand remain strong"

Since witnessing strengthening relations between China and Thailand we see America desperately clinging onto Thailand as a strategic ally. They do not want to see their plan of circling China disappear. That has been their vision since the Vietnam war.

About Democracy??? Nahhhhhh. Business as usual.


"the US may have decided to hold the military exercise because it wanted to send a signal to China about its role in Thailand and in the region"

As highlighted this is not about who is right and wrong. It is not about democracy or coups. It is about money and agenda.

China use the handle of "reform" for their agenda. The west use the handle of "democracy" for theirs and the whole time Thailand is just a pawn on the chess board of global politics. This political tug of war is fascinating as neither can or will state their true intentions.

I see the Americans narrative has changed some what as well once they realized China was circling like a vulture. The frustration of not being able to state their true intentions translates as a confused double flip by America when Ambassador Kenney previously said "the United States and its close ally Thailand remain strong" This comment is in stark contrast to John Kerry on the 22nd of May, 2014. "This act (the coup) will have negative implications for the U.S.-Thai relationship"

22nd of May - No reaction from China. America's stance - "This act (the coup) will have negative implications for the U.S.-Thai relationship"

Reaction from China in May, June and July, 2014 stating they support Thai reform and will encourage Thai funding of THIER investment banks.

11th of July. After reaction from China. America's stance - "the United States and its close ally Thailand remain strong"

Since witnessing strengthening relations between China and Thailand we see America desperately clinging onto Thailand as a strategic ally. They do not want to see their plan of circling China disappear. That has been their vision since the Vietnam war.

About Democracy??? Nahhhhhh. Business as usual.

Look at Saudi Arabia.....right and wrong? democracy...worst dictatorship, almost as bad as North Korea, legal system as bad as North Korea, but best friend of USA.....

What Exactly Does It Mean That the U.S. Is Pivoting to Asia?

"In general, expect the United States to seek closer ties -- both militarily and economically -- in the years ahead with countries dotting the Pacific Rim. This is a win-win: For Washington, improving relations with established markets like Tokyo and Seoul and emerging ones like Jakarta and Manila presents tremendous opportunity, while for these countries the American presence acts as a check against growing Chinese power."



Smart move on Thailand's part to play one superpower against another IMHO.


The coup did have a negative relation and the us and thailand still have a strong relationship. ... these aren't mutually exclusive. .. this is shown by still having cobra gold but scaling back its scope and size. Every country has relationships with less than stellar countries.(including those in Europe)... political realities demand it.... china isn't a major factor in the us stance on thailand.(this isn't the south china sea) ... not much has changed... many us soldiers are still here all year round... not just cobra gold... most of this is just talk... to satisfy the talking heads



2. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Equatorial Guinea


So why is this dude now our number 2 buddy? just behind "the Democratic human rights beacon" Saudi Arabia -----Well, we made good friends with him after 9/11, for much the same reason ---because (SURPRISE!) his country has oil! Lots of oil! So we’re totally cool now. Condoleeza Rice called him “a good friend” and uh, judging by this picture, Obama seems pretty tight with him as well. In 2008, the US imported nearly $3 billion in petroleum products from Equatorial Guinea. Elected by the people??, 5 5 5 --of course not he came to power by killing one of his own family--He claims to be in regular contact with god, and can thus is allowed to randomly kill any person he wants.

The last State Department, reports--include “unlawful killings by security forces; government-sanctioned kidnappings; systematic torture of prisoners and detainees by security forces; life threatening conditions in prisons and detention facilities; impunity; arbitrary arrest, detention, and incommunicado detention.”

Isn't it a pity that Thailand isn't swimming in oil------ then perhaps the sanctimonious USA--might put them back to the top of their best friends list--------


Sorry mods double posted--- computer blond---can you remove one----

One picture of America's 2nd best friend---while they tell Thailand off should be enough..........coffee1.gif


What Exactly Does It Mean That the U.S. Is Pivoting to Asia?

"In general, expect the United States to seek closer ties -- both militarily and economically -- in the years ahead with countries dotting the Pacific Rim. This is a win-win: For Washington, improving relations with established markets like Tokyo and Seoul and emerging ones like Jakarta and Manila presents tremendous opportunity, while for these countries the American presence acts as a check against growing Chinese power."



Smart move on Thailand's part to play one superpower against another IMHO.


You do know that the USA is spiralling into a military confrontation with China among others. Possibly withing the next 2 years.

You think Thailand will be in a smart position when they are expected to make the choice between the two????

I would say Thailand would be in a very unenviable position.


Equatorial guinea? A photo op doesn't mean much...thats standard.... 3 billion. .. to put things in perspective in 2014 the usa impoted petroleum products from equatorial guinea at a rate of 4000 barrels per day.... where as total imports were at 5041000 barrels per day.... or 0.08%... source www.eia.gov the us energy information agency.... the usa gets most of.its oil from ahem.... itself and canada.... im sure obama had to ask his aide "who is this guy again?"


I wouldn't say thailand is choosing between the usa and china. ... it would be choosing between it's ASEAN partners and the usa or china.... the 9 dash line can also close down the main maritime highway that thailand needs for imports and exports....


For all those that keep saying US policies are oil driven for home consumption here is a heads up. In 2012 under West Tx they found a new reserve, larger than all the worlds oil reserves put together. They can drill to it but are doing R&D to pressure it up to get it out. Last couple of years the US actually began exporting. Even with the oil price down, the oil companies 6 months ago started rigging up again, because they can save a couple of million dollars a rig now when they drill.

Is the US concerned with other oil producers, you bet. Their allies in Europe need a supply of energy. So yes world oil supply is important not just to them, but especially to its allies.


For all those that keep saying US policies are oil driven for home consumption here is a heads up. In 2012 under West Tx they found a new reserve, larger than all the worlds oil reserves put together. They can drill to it but are doing R&D to pressure it up to get it out. Last couple of years the US actually began exporting. Even with the oil price down, the oil companies 6 months ago started rigging up again, because they can save a couple of million dollars a rig now when they drill.

Is the US concerned with other oil producers, you bet. Their allies in Europe need a supply of energy. So yes world oil supply is important not just to them, but especially to its allies.

Some of their foreign policies ARE oil driven, people like you always read the wrong reasons. It is not to grab oil for its own use, but to control world oil and thus control the oil price. Also the use of the petrodollar is a must also for the US economy.

But their main objective is to stop their economy from tanking as well as their currency, because that would be the end of US society, it will go into meltdown.

So they must now also wrestle the economic power which has shifted from west to east over the past 20 years which is why they have created a pretex to a world war against the nations who now have the wealth and subsequently the power and more importantly the ability to end the USA as and when it wishes to.

The USA and the EU are doomed, and they need a world war as a way of hitting the reset button. Because they are on borrowed time and can not keep the situation as it is for much longer.


What Exactly Does It Mean That the U.S. Is Pivoting to Asia?

"In general, expect the United States to seek closer ties -- both militarily and economically -- in the years ahead with countries dotting the Pacific Rim. This is a win-win: For Washington, improving relations with established markets like Tokyo and Seoul and emerging ones like Jakarta and Manila presents tremendous opportunity, while for these countries the American presence acts as a check against growing Chinese power."



Smart move on Thailand's part to play one superpower against another IMHO.

Do you really think they are that shrewd?

I think they are simply opportunistic turning to whoever may give benefit at any given moment.


Rustbucket... you state as if it is a west verse east issue... a usa and europe vs. Asia.... it's far more complicated. ... each country has its own interests at heart... the rise of asian countries isn't bad for the usa... it increases trade.... what is bad is china trying to create an exclusive economic zone out of the south china sea (9 dash line)in direct conflict with UNCLOS and at the expense of ASEAN... the usa has one major interest. . The free flow of goods whether that be oil... fish... rice... or whatever... this I good for se asia and good for the west.... a world war... usa created a pretext? (what is that pretext?)... nobody wants that but the 9 dash line is ridiculous and a source of conflict created bynthe chinese and recognized by noone else.


Rustbucket... you state as if it is a west verse east issue... a usa and europe vs. Asia.... it's far more complicated. ... each country has its own interests at heart... the rise of asian countries isn't bad for the usa... it increases trade.... what is bad is china trying to create an exclusive economic zone out of the south china sea (9 dash line)in direct conflict with UNCLOS and at the expense of ASEAN... the usa has one major interest. . The free flow of goods whether that be oil... fish... rice... or whatever... this I good for se asia and good for the west.... a world war... usa created a pretext? (what is that pretext?)... nobody wants that but the 9 dash line is ridiculous and a source of conflict created bynthe chinese and recognized by noone else.

Absolute twoddle.

It is about the tanking Dollar and the equally tanking US economy and impending collapse.

You are right, it is very complicated and can not be conveyed in a single forum post which is why I actually own a forum and social network on this exact subject. So I consider myself quite well informed of all the ins and outs of the matter.

Oh... and the pretext..... That will be Ukraine among other pretexts such as the creation and arming of ISIS.


The dollar is tanking based on what measure? Exchange rates , treasury note demand, foreign currency reserves? The dollar has been trending up the last few years. .. not tanking. The us economy is doing well.... Ukraine. .. not sure how the usa created that conflict. Putin has nothing to.do.with that ... isis a world war.... thats a stretch... but back to.the dollar since that is an easily verifiable claim... can you show me a source that the dollar has been tanking the last few years?... soounds like alot conspiracy theory invest in gold stuff to me


Whatever the practical reason for Cobra Gold and allowing US military into Thailand for aiding human trafficking victims, one thing is made clear. Prayut can be made by the USA to react to US policies in a predictable manner. This is diplomatic power that is greater than any military power.

"Diplomacy is the art of saying nice doggie until you can find a rock." - Will Rogers


Whatever the practical reason for Cobra Gold and allowing US military into Thailand for aiding human trafficking victims, one thing is made clear. Prayut can be made by the USA to react to US policies in a predictable manner. This is diplomatic power that is greater than any military power.

"Diplomacy is the art of saying nice doggie until you can find a rock." - Will Rogers

?, ? and one more ?

USA Decision on Cobra Gold welcomed. Posters confused.


Obama lost support of Democratic Party back home. He's just a black republican.

No Democrats and Republicans are just two different flavors of the same. Some big show.......for the masses and some different sponsors.


Equatorial guinea? A photo op doesn't mean much...thats standard.... 3 billion. .. to put things in perspective in 2014 the usa impoted petroleum products from equatorial guinea at a rate of 4000 barrels per day.... where as total imports were at 5041000 barrels per day.... or 0.08%... source www.eia.gov the us energy information agency.... the usa gets most of.its oil from ahem.... itself and canada.... im sure obama had to ask his aide "who is this guy again?"

And once his aide told him--why Mr President this is a guy that, imprisons anyone who speeks out against him--& was never elected or allows anyone to in the country to vote-- Im sure thats when he said to the Aide thanks for the explanation----lets get a photo shot with him, the as same Condoleezza rice Rice did for the Bush admin.

Then we can issue a statement about how bad we feel the situation is in Thailand............

What your saying jdlancaster, is that they don't need any oil from him----but are still happy to overlook the current situation there.


OK not happy with that one jdlancaster ? try this guy because he just happens to have one of the largest gas reserves in the world.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, Turkmenistan


Turkmenistan, unsurprisingly, is another one of our awesome allies in the Global War on Terror! Because of the country’s proximity to Afghanistan, both the Bush and Obama administrations have been cozying up and sending the small nation lots and lots of moneys. And they also just so happen to have one of the largest gas reserves in the world.

It could be a really great situation for all involved, except that Berdimuhamedow’s regime has been criticized of the following human rights violations by the US State Department:

“…citizens’ inability to change their government; reports of torture and mistreatment of detainees; incommunicado and prolonged detention; arbitrary arrest and detention; denial of due process and fair trial; arbitrary interference with privacy, home, and correspondence; restrictions on freedom of speech, press, assembly, and association; restrictions on religious freedom, including continued harassment of religious minority group members; restrictions on freedom of movement for some citizens, including increased restrictions on those intending to study abroad; violence against women; and restrictions on free association of workers.

Anyway things are much worse in Thailand-------- coffee1.gif


"the US may have decided to hold the military exercise because it wanted to send a signal to China about its role in Thailand and in the region"

As highlighted this is not about who is right and wrong. It is not about democracy or coups. It is about money and agenda.

China use the handle of "reform" for their agenda. The west use the handle of "democracy" for theirs and the whole time Thailand is just a pawn on the chess board of global politics. This political tug of war is fascinating as neither can or will state their true intentions.

I see the Americans narrative has changed some what as well once they realized China was circling like a vulture. The frustration of not being able to state their true intentions translates as a confused double flip by America when Ambassador Kenney previously said "the United States and its close ally Thailand remain strong" This comment is in stark contrast to John Kerry on the 22nd of May, 2014. "This act (the coup) will have negative implications for the U.S.-Thai relationship"

22nd of May - No reaction from China. America's stance - "This act (the coup) will have negative implications for the U.S.-Thai relationship"

Reaction from China in May, June and July, 2014 stating they support Thai reform and will encourage Thai funding of THIER investment banks.

11th of July. After reaction from China. America's stance - "the United States and its close ally Thailand remain strong"

Since witnessing strengthening relations between China and Thailand we see America desperately clinging onto Thailand as a strategic ally. They do not want to see their plan of circling China disappear. That has been their vision since the Vietnam war.

About Democracy??? Nahhhhhh. Business as usual.

Get real. Thailand is not a strategic ally for China or for the US. Too small and unreliable.

Thailand is just a location on the chess board. They're not a player. Never have been.


"the US may have decided to hold the military exercise because it wanted to send a signal to China about its role in Thailand and in the region"

As highlighted this is not about who is right and wrong. It is not about democracy or coups. It is about money and agenda.

China use the handle of "reform" for their agenda. The west use the handle of "democracy" for theirs and the whole time Thailand is just a pawn on the chess board of global politics. This political tug of war is fascinating as neither can or will state their true intentions.

I see the Americans narrative has changed some what as well once they realized China was circling like a vulture. The frustration of not being able to state their true intentions translates as a confused double flip by America when Ambassador Kenney previously said "the United States and its close ally Thailand remain strong" This comment is in stark contrast to John Kerry on the 22nd of May, 2014. "This act (the coup) will have negative implications for the U.S.-Thai relationship"

22nd of May - No reaction from China. America's stance - "This act (the coup) will have negative implications for the U.S.-Thai relationship"

Reaction from China in May, June and July, 2014 stating they support Thai reform and will encourage Thai funding of THIER investment banks.

11th of July. After reaction from China. America's stance - "the United States and its close ally Thailand remain strong"

Since witnessing strengthening relations between China and Thailand we see America desperately clinging onto Thailand as a strategic ally. They do not want to see their plan of circling China disappear. That has been their vision since the Vietnam war.

About Democracy??? Nahhhhhh. Business as usual.



Equatorial guinea? A photo op doesn't mean much...thats standard.... 3 billion. .. to put things in perspective in 2014 the usa impoted petroleum products from equatorial guinea at a rate of 4000 barrels per day.... where as total imports were at 5041000 barrels per day.... or 0.08%... source www.eia.gov the us energy information agency.... the usa gets most of.its oil from ahem.... itself and canada.... im sure obama had to ask his aide "who is this guy again?"

And once his aide told him--why Mr President this is a guy that, imprisons anyone who speeks out against him--& was never elected or allows anyone to in the country to vote-- Im sure thats when he said to the Aide thanks for the explanation----lets get a photo shot with him, the as same Condoleezza rice Rice did for the Bush admin.

Then we can issue a statement about how bad we feel the situation is in Thailand............

What your saying jdlancaster, is that they don't need any oil from him----but are still happy to overlook the current situation there.


OK not happy with that one jdlancaster ? try this guy because he just happens to have one of the largest gas reserves in the world.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, Turkmenistan


Turkmenistan, unsurprisingly, is another one of our awesome allies in the Global War on Terror! Because of the country’s proximity to Afghanistan, both the Bush and Obama administrations have been cozying up and sending the small nation lots and lots of moneys. And they also just so happen to have one of the largest gas reserves in the world.

It could be a really great situation for all involved, except that Berdimuhamedow’s regime has been criticized of the following human rights violations by the US State Department:

“…citizens’ inability to change their government; reports of torture and mistreatment of detainees; incommunicado and prolonged detention; arbitrary arrest and detention; denial of due process and fair trial; arbitrary interference with privacy, home, and correspondence; restrictions on freedom of speech, press, assembly, and association; restrictions on religious freedom, including continued harassment of religious minority group members; restrictions on freedom of movement for some citizens, including increased restrictions on those intending to study abroad; violence against women; and restrictions on free association of workers.

Anyway things are much worse in Thailand-------- coffee1.gif

So you are surmising US Foreign Policy based on a photo op (It's diplomatic protocol). Obama has many with Putin and Xi Jinping, so I assume they must be best buds... they're even smiling... the audacity... Obama must support Communism, and Putin's trip into Ukraine. How many world leaders have photo ops? What do you suppose the US do? Invade? What are other countries doing to solve these right's abuses?

That said.... The state Department is responsible for implementing Obama's foreign policy.... and by your own admission they criticized Berdimuhamedow. So which is it? the US is cozying up based on photo ops..... or they are being criticized based on your statement from the state department


The dollar is tanking based on what measure? Exchange rates , treasury note demand, foreign currency reserves? The dollar has been trending up the last few years. .. not tanking. The us economy is doing well.... Ukraine. .. not sure how the usa created that conflict. Putin has nothing to.do.with that ... isis a world war.... thats a stretch... but back to.the dollar since that is an easily verifiable claim... can you show me a source that the dollar has been tanking the last few years?... soounds like alot conspiracy theory invest in gold stuff to me

Go back to sleep Mr America.

There is no point trying to explain it or open your eyes to what is happening with the USD, US economy and the US State Dept and the way it orchestrated the Ukraine crisis from start to finish. Because you are just not going to listen.

Just do some youtube searches and you will get plenty of info from USA Experts on the matter... It is no big secret, it is just down to your own blind view.

Meanwhile the US are about to put 5000 troops and battle equipment into Eastern European countries...



Yes I get it... those sneaky americans...the dollar exchange rate hasn't really gone up against the major currencies of the world.....the exchange counters just give me more money because its a western world conspiracy. .. america convinced putin to invade the Ukraine. ... again putin and obama... sneaky.... I saw a photo op with them together smiling. .. evidence they are working together.... and the usa is doing a scaled down cobra gold again because it is desperate to keep them as allies during the next world war that America and Europe are about to start because their economies are tanking. .. and they need to press the reset button... got it....

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