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US boy, 3, killed self with gun he found in mother's purse

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Boy oh boy oh boy! Someone definitely should never be allowed anywhere near a gun. I am sincerely convinced of that. The type of manic behaviour shown on this thread (I won't mention any names) is indicative of some sort of disorder, I'm sure.

If I see a silly graph one more time, or an illogical accusation of being ignorant, I think I'll have to go and open that bottle of Hong Thong.

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Your insults are hilariously off base. It only reinforces my perception of you being wrong about everything. I also grew up in the USA, hail from San Francisco. I am well acquainted with guns and was a sharp shooter in the Air Force. I grew up in a home with guns and I have several relatives in law enforcement.

You cherry pick NRA propaganda to post as fact and fail to hear, much less listen to anyone else's opinion or experience. You marginalized other nations, ethnicities and people to prop yourself up. It saddens me that Thais will perceive Americans are like you. You call people cowards and you bully your position. Of course you are a proud gun proponent, many insecure and inadequate gun zealots are. The bulk of Americans support reasonable gun control and the majority are disgusted by the tactics of the NRA, but as a constutionalist I support the 2nd amendment. But the NRA and gun zealots have taken things to the extreme. Opposing any and all restrictions and conditions, they are holding America hostage to the preaching and rants of zealots like yourself. Background checks, limits on gun shows, training requirements, meaningful assult weapon reductions, all supported by the majority of US citizens and all blocked by a few radical zealots and their politically connected association. The NRA was a respectable organization until it was radicalized and it is now a danger to the nation.

The NRA (There's that boogeyman again!) does not oppose any and all restrictions and conditions. And as a vet, you know the difference between a genuine "Assault Weapon" and the one's that Congress are trying to ban based on cosmetic features that have *zero* affect on functionality.

The term "Assault Weapon" is used to scare the ignorant. You know it and I know it.

Take a look at this 2 minute flash presentation on how the anti-gun groups have demonized rifles as "Assault Weapons" based on cosmetics, not functionality. The AR-15 fires one round per trigger pull, unlike real Assault Weapons that fire full-auto and in 3-round bursts.

Sadly, you've been propagandized by these groups. The facts are that rifles of all types kill less people annually than clubs and hammers, yet "Assault Weapons" are the big boogeyman amongst the gun-grabbers.

The reason an alleged majority are "disgusted" by the NRA is because the way the media portrays them, without giving them any air time or ink about the good things they have done such as teach gun safety, push legislation to enhance punishment for criminals that use a gun during the commission of a crime and other things.

The media just has to mention the acronym "NRA" and people have a negative reaction. This is not by mistake and the gun-grabbers, along with their enablers in the media have made this a priority.

Thankfully, 5 Million Americans are dues paying members of the NRA and millions more support them.

As for the flash presentation I mentioned, spend two minutes to educate yourself on how the media has demonized single shot rifles and they are now "Assault Weapons" in the eyes of the ignorant.


I bet you won't even bother....


Sadly, some so-called adults act like infants when their beliefs are challenged with facts and they resort to child-like behavior.

And still, not a single one you even bothered to attempt to explain the graph I posted that shows a spike in gun ownership and a reduction in crime.

Perhaps you were too busy thinking of your next witty response which wasn't witty at all but a sad commentary on your maturity level.

Facts, logic, research and the like will never change your stubborn opinions - you're right and you're going to prove it be belittling those that prove their point with facts, with logic and with research while you sit there wallowing in your smugness, thinking you are oh so clever.

Newsflash: You're not and you're far from it. You are just infantile, intellectually closed-minded people that do nothing but display utter ignorance and make complete fools of yourselves by trying to be clever and posting nonsense on a subject you know absolutely nothing about despite pages of facts, figures and research by well-respected researchers that have written books based on peer-reviewed research, have won prestigious awards in the field of criminal study and have testified before the Supreme Court of the US on the field of guns and crime.

These are the people that I am referencing and what is the response? A child-like one filled with ignorance and pathetic attempts at being clever that have failed miserably.

Like I said, you can research the subject so you actually know what you speak of instead of utterly embarrassing yourselves, or remain closed-mined and intellectually lazy.

By the responses on this thread, it's obvious which choice many of you made and will continue to make, not just on this subject, but many others.

In a way, I feel sad for many of you. It must be terrible to go thru life with such a closed mind while ignoring facts while everyone laughs at your stubbornness and ignorance.

OTOH, I feel that many of you are just plain ignorant and have no excuse for being so other than intellectual laziness. If that's your choice, fine. But be aware that you look like and are utter fools for behaving that way.

Despite the fact that may facts were presented to many of you, your minds remained closed tighter than a bank vault.

You're probably also the people that constantly bitch about Thailand as well because you refuse to adapt and adjust.

Nothing but bitter old men in most cases. What's the excuse for the rest of you?


Quite a lot of the facts here are nonsense, point in fact:

Adult males in Switzerland are REQUIRED to own "Assault Weapons" and keep them in the home, so it's a fallacy that not many Europeans have guns at home.

First point is not true, and even if it were true it would not prove point 2 as the author claims. He is wrong there anyway.

"Gun politics in Switzerland are unique in Europe. The vast majority of men between the ages of 20 and 30 are conscripted into the militia and undergo military training, including weapons training. The personal weapons of the militia are kept at home as part of the military obligations. However, it is generally not permitted to keep army-issued ammunition (compatible ammunition purchased privately by the individual is still permitted); Switzerland thus has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the world.[1] In recent times a minority of political opposition has expressed a desire for tighter gun regulations.[2]A referendum in February 2011 rejected stricter gun control.[3]"

"Each soldier is required to keep his army-issued personal weapon (the 5.56×45mm SIG SG 550 (Assault rifle) for enlisted personnel and/or the 9×19mm SIG P220 semi-automatic pistol for officers, military police, medical and postal personnel) at home or (as of 2010) in the local armoury"


Completely different from your earlier statement.

Sadly, some so-called adults act like infants when their beliefs are challenged with facts and they resort to child-like behavior.

And still, not a single one you even bothered to attempt to explain the graph I posted that shows a spike in gun ownership and a reduction in crime.

Perhaps you were too busy thinking of your next witty response which wasn't witty at all but a sad commentary on your maturity level.

Facts, logic, research and the like will never change your stubborn opinions - you're right and you're going to prove it be belittling those that prove their point with facts, with logic and with research while you sit there wallowing in your smugness, thinking you are oh so clever.

Newsflash: You're not and you're far from it. You are just infantile, intellectually closed-minded people that do nothing but display utter ignorance and make complete fools of yourselves by trying to be clever and posting nonsense on a subject you know absolutely nothing about despite pages of facts, figures and research by well-respected researchers that have written books based on peer-reviewed research, have won prestigious awards in the field of criminal study and have testified before the Supreme Court of the US on the field of guns and crime.

These are the people that I am referencing and what is the response? A child-like one filled with ignorance and pathetic attempts at being clever that have failed miserably.

Like I said, you can research the subject so you actually know what you speak of instead of utterly embarrassing yourselves, or remain closed-mined and intellectually lazy.

By the responses on this thread, it's obvious which choice many of you made and will continue to make, not just on this subject, but many others.

In a way, I feel sad for many of you. It must be terrible to go thru life with such a closed mind while ignoring facts while everyone laughs at your stubbornness and ignorance.

OTOH, I feel that many of you are just plain ignorant and have no excuse for being so other than intellectual laziness. If that's your choice, fine. But be aware that you look like and are utter fools for behaving that way.

Despite the fact that may facts were presented to many of you, your minds remained closed tighter than a bank vault.

You're probably also the people that constantly bitch about Thailand as well because you refuse to adapt and adjust.

Nothing but bitter old men in most cases. What's the excuse for the rest of you?

You and your grapf are beginning to get annoying

Largest Gun Study Ever: More Guns, More Murder

But even if crime went down as gun ownership when up, is it because of rising gun ownership, are there any other dynamics that could affect a decline in crime?

Guns are not bad, on their own they make excellent paper weights

Idiots with guns are bad,


Sadly, some so-called adults act like infants when their beliefs are challenged with facts and they resort to child-like behavior.

And still, not a single one you even bothered to attempt to explain the graph I posted that shows a spike in gun ownership and a reduction in crime.

Perhaps you were too busy thinking of your next witty response which wasn't witty at all but a sad commentary on your maturity level.

Facts, logic, research and the like will never change your stubborn opinions - you're right and you're going to prove it be belittling those that prove their point with facts, with logic and with research while you sit there wallowing in your smugness, thinking you are oh so clever.

Newsflash: You're not and you're far from it. You are just infantile, intellectually closed-minded people that do nothing but display utter ignorance and make complete fools of yourselves by trying to be clever and posting nonsense on a subject you know absolutely nothing about despite pages of facts, figures and research by well-respected researchers that have written books based on peer-reviewed research, have won prestigious awards in the field of criminal study and have testified before the Supreme Court of the US on the field of guns and crime.

These are the people that I am referencing and what is the response? A child-like one filled with ignorance and pathetic attempts at being clever that have failed miserably.

Like I said, you can research the subject so you actually know what you speak of instead of utterly embarrassing yourselves, or remain closed-mined and intellectually lazy.

By the responses on this thread, it's obvious which choice many of you made and will continue to make, not just on this subject, but many others.

In a way, I feel sad for many of you. It must be terrible to go thru life with such a closed mind while ignoring facts while everyone laughs at your stubbornness and ignorance.

OTOH, I feel that many of you are just plain ignorant and have no excuse for being so other than intellectual laziness. If that's your choice, fine. But be aware that you look like and are utter fools for behaving that way.

Despite the fact that may facts were presented to many of you, your minds remained closed tighter than a bank vault.

You're probably also the people that constantly bitch about Thailand as well because you refuse to adapt and adjust.

Nothing but bitter old men in most cases. What's the excuse for the rest of you?

You and your grapf are beginning to get annoying

Largest Gun Study Ever: More Guns, More Murder

But even if crime went down as gun ownership when up, is it because of rising gun ownership, are there any other dynamics that could affect a decline in crime?

Guns are not bad, on their own they make excellent paper weights

Idiots with guns are bad,

We get it.

You bevel you are intellectuality superior.

But we are the ones with peaceful and happy lives.

You are the insecure jackass with voices in your head .. which is fine .. really ... but add a gun to your paranoia .. and we worry not about criminals ...we worry about you.

The reason no one addresses your graph is because we know about lies, damn lies, and statistics.

You have completely missed our point. We want a world without guns.

The journey of 1,000 ,miles, begins with one step.


I can run from a knife. Others can run too. You dont usually get mass stabbing incidents.

Oz had a mass shooting many years ago. Tough gun laws brought in. People accepted it for the good of society instead of against it for some egotistical self centred reason.

Oz has never had a mass shooting since then. Go figure.

That is what can happen when people consider society as a whole instead of selfishness.

China has mass stabbing/slashing incidents.





These are just a few examples.

The Kunming Railway slashing attack last year left at least 33 dead and over 124 badly injured.

More inconvenient facts for the closed-minded and ignorant.


Sadly, some so-called adults act like infants when their beliefs are challenged with facts and they resort to child-like behavior.

And still, not a single one you even bothered to attempt to explain the graph I posted that shows a spike in gun ownership and a reduction in crime.

Perhaps you were too busy thinking of your next witty response which wasn't witty at all but a sad commentary on your maturity level.

Facts, logic, research and the like will never change your stubborn opinions - you're right and you're going to prove it be belittling those that prove their point with facts, with logic and with research while you sit there wallowing in your smugness, thinking you are oh so clever.

Newsflash: You're not and you're far from it. You are just infantile, intellectually closed-minded people that do nothing but display utter ignorance and make complete fools of yourselves by trying to be clever and posting nonsense on a subject you know absolutely nothing about despite pages of facts, figures and research by well-respected researchers that have written books based on peer-reviewed research, have won prestigious awards in the field of criminal study and have testified before the Supreme Court of the US on the field of guns and crime.

These are the people that I am referencing and what is the response? A child-like one filled with ignorance and pathetic attempts at being clever that have failed miserably.

Like I said, you can research the subject so you actually know what you speak of instead of utterly embarrassing yourselves, or remain closed-mined and intellectually lazy.

By the responses on this thread, it's obvious which choice many of you made and will continue to make, not just on this subject, but many others.

In a way, I feel sad for many of you. It must be terrible to go thru life with such a closed mind while ignoring facts while everyone laughs at your stubbornness and ignorance.

OTOH, I feel that many of you are just plain ignorant and have no excuse for being so other than intellectual laziness. If that's your choice, fine. But be aware that you look like and are utter fools for behaving that way.

Despite the fact that may facts were presented to many of you, your minds remained closed tighter than a bank vault.

You're probably also the people that constantly bitch about Thailand as well because you refuse to adapt and adjust.

Nothing but bitter old men in most cases. What's the excuse for the rest of you?

You know, you are strting to act like a cop.... as in YOU aske the questions here.

i have asked you if you are int eh USA or Thailand."

I have asked you, if you are in the Kingdom, if you have a gun.

i have asked you if you personally have ever been the vistim of vioent crime and used a handgun to stop it.

I have no interst in your canned plannned spam lafdden replies... i want the subject matter expert (you) to tell me where you are, if you are armed, and why.

I think you are the poster child for what rational people describe as a "gun nut."

just sayin'

So please, if you can not speak to this issue personally, spare us your tired and BS filled charts and graphs.


America still lives in the wild west. But 100 years ago normal parents knew how to keep guns away from young children.


I can run from a knife. Others can run too. You dont usually get mass stabbing incidents.

Oz had a mass shooting many years ago. Tough gun laws brought in. People accepted it for the good of society instead of against it for some egotistical self centred reason.

Oz has never had a mass shooting since then. Go figure.

That is what can happen when people consider society as a whole instead of selfishness.

China has mass stabbing/slashing incidents.





These are just a few examples.

The Kunming Railway slashing attack last year left at least 33 dead and over 124 badly injured.

More inconvenient facts for the closed-minded and ignorant.

Great. I dont live in china but will keep that in mind hahaha.

You mention no one has queriried your graph. I did. Read my posts for a change.i linked to a study proving u wrong.

But keep it up. Keep digging that hole. Its hilarious how u think u sre making a point but all u are doing is making our points for us.

Ahhh the gun toting mentality. ??


Sadly, some so-called adults act like infants when their beliefs are challenged with facts and they resort to child-like behavior.

And still, not a single one you even bothered to attempt to explain the graph I posted that shows a spike in gun ownership and a reduction in crime.

Perhaps you were too busy thinking of your next witty response which wasn't witty at all but a sad commentary on your maturity level.

Facts, logic, research and the like will never change your stubborn opinions - you're right and you're going to prove it be belittling those that prove their point with facts, with logic and with research while you sit there wallowing in your smugness, thinking you are oh so clever.

Newsflash: You're not and you're far from it. You are just infantile, intellectually closed-minded people that do nothing but display utter ignorance and make complete fools of yourselves by trying to be clever and posting nonsense on a subject you know absolutely nothing about despite pages of facts, figures and research by well-respected researchers that have written books based on peer-reviewed research, have won prestigious awards in the field of criminal study and have testified before the Supreme Court of the US on the field of guns and crime.

These are the people that I am referencing and what is the response? A child-like one filled with ignorance and pathetic attempts at being clever that have failed miserably.

Like I said, you can research the subject so you actually know what you speak of instead of utterly embarrassing yourselves, or remain closed-mined and intellectually lazy.

By the responses on this thread, it's obvious which choice many of you made and will continue to make, not just on this subject, but many others.

In a way, I feel sad for many of you. It must be terrible to go thru life with such a closed mind while ignoring facts while everyone laughs at your stubbornness and ignorance.

OTOH, I feel that many of you are just plain ignorant and have no excuse for being so other than intellectual laziness. If that's your choice, fine. But be aware that you look like and are utter fools for behaving that way.

Despite the fact that may facts were presented to many of you, your minds remained closed tighter than a bank vault.

You're probably also the people that constantly bitch about Thailand as well because you refuse to adapt and adjust.

Nothing but bitter old men in most cases. What's the excuse for the rest of you?

You know, you are strting to act like a cop.... as in YOU aske the questions here.

i have asked you if you are int eh USA or Thailand."

I have asked you, if you are in the Kingdom, if you have a gun.

i have asked you if you personally have ever been the vistim of vioent crime and used a handgun to stop it.

I have no interst in your canned plannned spam lafdden replies... i want the subject matter expert (you) to tell me where you are, if you are armed, and why.

I think you are the poster child for what rational people describe as a "gun nut."

just sayin'

So please, if you can not speak to this issue personally, spare us your tired and BS filled charts and graphs.

"You know, you are strting to act like a cop...."

Has he shoot a black kid in the back yet??? sad.png


And you are in California right now, acting as an NRA shill, and spouting Ad Hominem attacks to everyone who doesn't embrace the idea of killing children in the name of protecting small penises Self Defense.

Do you get paid to flood every topic on every message board with your nonsense, or are you just a recently convert?


I can run from a knife. Others can run too. You dont usually get mass stabbing incidents.

Oz had a mass shooting many years ago. Tough gun laws brought in. People accepted it for the good of society instead of against it for some egotistical self centred reason.

Oz has never had a mass shooting since then. Go figure.

That is what can happen when people consider society as a whole instead of selfishness.

China has mass stabbing/slashing incidents.





These are just a few examples.

The Kunming Railway slashing attack last year left at least 33 dead and over 124 badly injured.

More inconvenient facts for the closed-minded and ignorant.

how manny nutters where doing the slashing. How many would have been killed if they had guns?

That should keep u quiet for a while tesearching something to fot woth your delusions. Im sorry about that as i fo love a good laugh so keep going.


Oh PHP87 has determined that everyone in the USA should have a gun to shoot the blacks and other pesky non-whites who have invaded their country.

PHP87 never implied that but you already knew that. Why make this stuff up?

Why make this stuff up? Because many of you can't debate this subject due to your appalling ignorance, that's why.

FBI estimates that 3 million crimes are prevented each year in the US by law-abiding gun owners.

But the hoplophobes would rather see 3 million people victimized because of their ignorance regarding firearms.

I guess facts and logic won't work with your ilk, so I'll resort to name-calling which many of you seem to understand:

"Ohh, I'm scared of an inanimate object. It might just shoot me on its own!"

Bunch of cowards. I know women that shoot and they have more balls than many of you Aussie's, Brits and Europeans combined. You're nothing but subjects and not citizens that spent most of your lives in a nanny state and having people like Tony Martin imprisoned for defending his home against a thug that had been arrested 26 times and was just released on bail the night that Martin shot him in his own house that was burglarized at least 10 times before he finally said "Enough is enough"

In the US, he would be hailed as a hero. In the backwards UK, he was thrown in prison for defending himself in his own home, so save your pretentious preaching as it rings hollow and false.

And thankfully, my Father took up arms at a young age as an insurgent in Hungary to fight the Soviets in the Revolution of 1956, saving his wife (My Mother) and numerous other family members and also allowed them to escape the iron fist of communism.

I suppose many of you would have cowered and let the Soviet Army rape your wives, mothers and daughters and kill the male members of your family. All the while trying to rationalize and reason with them as they lined you up against a blood stained and pick-marked bullet riddled wall.

Like I said, I know women that have more balls than many of you combined. Some of you sound like the women that say it's better to be raped than to take the life of an attacker.

Many of you truly disgust me with your cowardice and fear or firearms along with your utter ignorance.

Like I said, either educate yourselves on the issue, or remain intellectually lazy. My guess is that most, if not all of you will choose the latter.

I think your mum just called you to get your hand off it and go eat your dinner before it gets hot ?


Difficult for me, European, to understand the gun culture ; from my point of view, for this, America is very crazy and completely psychotic , but l know it's very deep in the American way of thinking : the next baby killer or killed , in how many days, weeks or months ?


Sadly, some so-called adults act like infants when their beliefs are challenged with facts and they resort to child-like behavior.

And still, not a single one you even bothered to attempt to explain the graph I posted that shows a spike in gun ownership and a reduction in crime.

Perhaps you were too busy thinking of your next witty response which wasn't witty at all but a sad commentary on your maturity level.

Facts, logic, research and the like will never change your stubborn opinions - you're right and you're going to prove it be belittling those that prove their point with facts, with logic and with research while you sit there wallowing in your smugness, thinking you are oh so clever.

Newsflash: You're not and you're far from it. You are just infantile, intellectually closed-minded people that do nothing but display utter ignorance and make complete fools of yourselves by trying to be clever and posting nonsense on a subject you know absolutely nothing about despite pages of facts, figures and research by well-respected researchers that have written books based on peer-reviewed research, have won prestigious awards in the field of criminal study and have testified before the Supreme Court of the US on the field of guns and crime.

These are the people that I am referencing and what is the response? A child-like one filled with ignorance and pathetic attempts at being clever that have failed miserably.

Like I said, you can research the subject so you actually know what you speak of instead of utterly embarrassing yourselves, or remain closed-mined and intellectually lazy.

By the responses on this thread, it's obvious which choice many of you made and will continue to make, not just on this subject, but many others.

In a way, I feel sad for many of you. It must be terrible to go thru life with such a closed mind while ignoring facts while everyone laughs at your stubbornness and ignorance.

OTOH, I feel that many of you are just plain ignorant and have no excuse for being so other than intellectual laziness. If that's your choice, fine. But be aware that you look like and are utter fools for behaving that way.

Despite the fact that may facts were presented to many of you, your minds remained closed tighter than a bank vault.

You're probably also the people that constantly bitch about Thailand as well because you refuse to adapt and adjust.

Nothing but bitter old men in most cases. What's the excuse for the rest of you?

You and your grapf are beginning to get annoying

Largest Gun Study Ever: More Guns, More Murder

But even if crime went down as gun ownership when up, is it because of rising gun ownership, are there any other dynamics that could affect a decline in crime?

Guns are not bad, on their own they make excellent paper weights

Idiots with guns are bad,

We get it.

You bevel you are intellectuality superior.

But we are the ones with peaceful and happy lives.

You are the insecure jackass with voices in your head .. which is fine .. really ... but add a gun to your paranoia .. and we worry not about criminals ...we worry about you.

The reason no one addresses your graph is because we know about lies, damn lies, and statistics.

You have completely missed our point. We want a world without guns.

The journey of 1,000 ,miles, begins with one step.

Again, you can't address the fact that more guns has equaled less crime, so you dismiss it with some worn out cliche.

My graph is getting annoying because you can't come up with an answer that fits your narrative, so again, you simply dismiss it with a cliche.

Try that in school, a court of law or anywhere else where logic and proof applies and that shit won't fly. Not for a second despite your self-delusions.

You are either intellectually lazy, or ignorant. Perhaps both.

No, I'm not "insecure with voices in my head" but I do live in reality and reality says that there are people out there that wish to do others harm.

And I live a peaceful and happy life and much more so knowing that if the worst happened, I would be prepared.

How about you? Are you going to fumble with the phone and call 911 or whatever emergency number is in your country and wait for the police to show up?

In the meantime, you could end up dead by the time the police arrive, or you might even be put on hold.

As for guns possibly saving me from harm, I have experienced it twice in my lifetime and a firearm likely saved me from an unpleasant fate both times as I have written about in a previous post.

You on the other hand live in a fantasy world were you think "it won't happen to me. Violent crime only happens to other people."

I guess all is just fine until it gets dark and the Morlocks come out, otherwise, your little utopia inside your little head is just fine.

I hope you never find yourself in a position where the last thing that goes thru your mind is "I wish I had a gun."

But it won't happen to you, right? Crime only happens to other people.

And your utopia of living in a world without guns will never happen as criminals will simply make guns and other weapons, while law-abiding citizens will be left with nothing to defend themselves against those that will prey on them.

Ask any criminal in any prison what he fears most and he will state a potential victim that is armed.

And if you feel so strongly about this issue, I invite you to post these placards around the exterior of your home:


I bet you won't and whether you realize it or not, you benefit from those that live around you that are armed because a criminal has no way of knowing which house has residents that are armed, and which houses don't.

So back up your convictions and post a few of these placards around the exterior of your home.

But I bet you don't have the balls to do so because it would make you more likely to become victimized.

Tell me, what would you do if you woke up one night and there were a pair or burglars coming up your stairs, seconds away from your bedroom with no time to lock the door?

Do you think they are going to stand around while you call 911?

Do you think that they will just take the valuables and not harm you or sexually assault your wife and/or daughter?

These are unpleasant facts of life and people like you deal with them by refusing to think about them.

Other people take precautions and take steps to protect themselves and their loves ones, unlike you which is both stupid and selfish along with cowardice.

Like I said, I hope you never find yourself in a position where you think "I wish I had a gun" but I bet you own at least one fire extinguisher.

So what's the difference between the two?

Nobody thinks a fire will strike their home, yet they prepare for such a scenario.

And many people think crime will not strike their home, yet they don't prepare for such a scenario.

That is just plain idiotic, ignorant thinking.


My apologies for the misunderstanding. It's 4:38 AM in California...


More childish insults. You don't know my schedule, so quit displaying your ignorance.

Again, typical of the gun grabbers - they can't construct a logical, reasonable thought to back their opinions so they resort to bumper stickers and cartoons and high school humor as that is as far as they have matured.

What do you expect from people that get their "news" from The Comedy Channel?


Oh PHP87 has determined that everyone in the USA should have a gun to shoot the blacks and other pesky non-whites who have invaded their country.

PHP87 never implied that but you already knew that. Why make this stuff up?

Why make this stuff up? Because many of you can't debate this subject due to your appalling ignorance, that's why.

FBI estimates that 3 million crimes are prevented each year in the US by law-abiding gun owners.

But the hoplophobes would rather see 3 million people victimized because of their ignorance regarding firearms.

I guess facts and logic won't work with your ilk, so I'll resort to name-calling which many of you seem to understand:

"Ohh, I'm scared of an inanimate object. It might just shoot me on its own!"

Bunch of cowards. I know women that shoot and they have more balls than many of you Aussie's, Brits and Europeans combined. You're nothing but subjects and not citizens that spent most of your lives in a nanny state and having people like Tony Martin imprisoned for defending his home against a thug that had been arrested 26 times and was just released on bail the night that Martin shot him in his own house that was burglarized at least 10 times before he finally said "Enough is enough"

In the US, he would be hailed as a hero. In the backwards UK, he was thrown in prison for defending himself in his own home, so save your pretentious preaching as it rings hollow and false.

And thankfully, my Father took up arms at a young age as an insurgent in Hungary to fight the Soviets in the Revolution of 1956, saving his wife (My Mother) and numerous other family members and also allowed them to escape the iron fist of communism.

I suppose many of you would have cowered and let the Soviet Army rape your wives, mothers and daughters and kill the male members of your family. All the while trying to rationalize and reason with them as they lined you up against a blood stained and pick-marked bullet riddled wall.

Like I said, I know women that have more balls than many of you combined. Some of you sound like the women that say it's better to be raped than to take the life of an attacker.

Many of you truly disgust me with your cowardice and fear or firearms along with your utter ignorance.

Like I said, either educate yourselves on the issue, or remain intellectually lazy. My guess is that most, if not all of you will choose the latter.

I think your mum just called you to get your hand off it and go eat your dinner before it gets hot ?

What's up with the personal insults and attacks Linky? You are getting hysterical over nothing. I'm sure this incident will haunt this mother for the rest of her life. There are around 90 million guns owners in America, that didn't leave their firearms laying around where their children had access to them the day this boy shot himself. She was one out of 90 million people.

Why do the anti-gun nuts get so hysterical over gun ownership in America? Personality, I don't care if there are some countries that don't allow their citizens to own a firearm. If you happen to live in one of those countries, and are happy without being able to protect yourself from fools who would harm you or your family in your own home then good on you.


Difficult for me, European, to understand the gun culture ; from my point of view, for this, America is very crazy and completely psychotic , but l know it's very deep in the American way of thinking : the next baby killer or killed , in how many days, weeks or months ?

Owning a firearm wouldn't be so difficult for you to understand if you were living in some of the inner city areas in America, that are plagued with low life thugs. I can't respond to the rest of your post regarding the "next baby killer or killed, in how many days, weeks, or months." What does that mean?? OMG!


Difficult for me, European, to understand the gun culture ; from my point of view, for this, America is very crazy and completely psychotic , but l know it's very deep in the American way of thinking : the next baby killer or killed , in how many days, weeks or months ?

Owning a firearm wouldn't be so difficult for you to understand if you were living in some of the inner city areas in America, that are plagued with low life thugs. I can't respond to the rest of your post regarding the "next baby killer or killed, in how many days, weeks, or months." What does that mean?? OMG!

If you followed that logic, there would be much fewer guns.

Oh sweet jesus, I just used the word "logic" with a person who really believes "they" are coming to get him.

And the "they" changes every 15 minutes.


Yesterday I responded point by point using a fiddly tablet in order to do so, only to be told right at the end that I had exceeded the allowed number of quotes in a post and could not proceed. So, cutting a looooooong post short, the fact that myself and others are placed in a box of -"anti gun" even though my post was not coming from that position at all, should have been enough for me not to have even begun. Next time I'll save my battery for other uses.


Oh PHP87 has determined that everyone in the USA should have a gun to shoot the blacks and other pesky non-whites who have invaded their country.

PHP87 never implied that but you already knew that. Why make this stuff up?

Why make this stuff up? Because many of you can't debate this subject due to your appalling ignorance, that's why.

FBI estimates that 3 million crimes are prevented each year in the US by law-abiding gun owners.

But the hoplophobes would rather see 3 million people victimized because of their ignorance regarding firearms.

I guess facts and logic won't work with your ilk, so I'll resort to name-calling which many of you seem to understand:

"Ohh, I'm scared of an inanimate object. It might just shoot me on its own!"

Bunch of cowards. I know women that shoot and they have more balls than many of you Aussie's, Brits and Europeans combined. You're nothing but subjects and not citizens that spent most of your lives in a nanny state and having people like Tony Martin imprisoned for defending his home against a thug that had been arrested 26 times and was just released on bail the night that Martin shot him in his own house that was burglarized at least 10 times before he finally said "Enough is enough"
In the US, he would be hailed as a hero. In the backwards UK, he was thrown in prison for defending himself in his own home, so save your pretentious preaching as it rings hollow and false.

And thankfully, my Father took up arms at a young age as an insurgent in Hungary to fight the Soviets in the Revolution of 1956, saving his wife (My Mother) and numerous other family members and also allowed them to escape the iron fist of communism.

I suppose many of you would have cowered and let the Soviet Army rape your wives, mothers and daughters and kill the male members of your family. All the while trying to rationalize and reason with them as they lined you up against a blood stained and pick-marked bullet riddled wall.

Like I said, I know women that have more balls than many of you combined. Some of you sound like the women that say it's better to be raped than to take the life of an attacker.

Many of you truly disgust me with your cowardice and fear or firearms along with your utter ignorance.

Like I said, either educate yourselves on the issue, or remain intellectually lazy. My guess is that most, if not all of you will choose the latter.

I think your mum just called you to get your hand off it and go eat your dinner before it gets hot ?

What's up with the personal insults and attacks Linky? You are getting hysterical over nothing. I'm sure this incident will haunt this mother for the rest of her life. There are around 90 million guns owners in America, that didn't leave their firearms laying around where their children had access to them the day this boy shot himself. She was one out of 90 million people.

Why do the anti-gun nuts get so hysterical over gun ownership in America? Personality, I don't care if there are some countries that don't allow their citizens to own a firearm. If you happen to live in one of those countries, and are happy without being able to protect yourself from fools who would harm you or your family in your own home then good on you.

The rest of the developed world doesnt seem to have a problem with tough gun laws and live quite nicely. Do you really think people in Oz live in fear because they dont have guns?

Here is a not so secret secret. One of the concerns of Aussies visiting the land of the brave is that there are so many with guns and with that it is easy for some moron who loses face to go blasting away.

If you need to have every Tom, Dick and Harry to own guns to feel safe then thats a matter for your own insecurities.

Would you care to comment on the personal insults dished out by the other pro gun poster or is your didain only for anti gun posters.

My apologies for the misunderstanding. It's 4:38 AM in California...


More childish insults. You don't know my schedule, so quit displaying your ignorance.

Again, typical of the gun grabbers - they can't construct a logical, reasonable thought to back their opinions so they resort to bumper stickers and cartoons and high school humor as that is as far as they have matured.

What do you expect from people that get their "news" from The Comedy Channel?

You say a lot but dont answer.

A poster asked if you live in Thailand and if so, do you own a gun.

Care to answer?


On John Lott and his 'graph' - a simple Google search turns up these gems on Wikipedia:


"In 2004, the National Academy of Sciences conducted a review of current research and data on firearms and violent crime, including Lott's work, and found "no credible evidence that the passage of right-to-carry laws decreases or increases violent crime."[

"The Associated Press reports that Prof. Lott's fellowship at the University of Chicago is funded by the Olin Foundation, which is 'associated with the Olin Corporation,' one of the nation's largest gun manufacturers. Maybe that's a coincidence, too. But it's also a fact."

"In January 2000, criminologist Otis Dudley Duncan questioned Lott's statistics because the NRA was not citing them."

"...work by several authors supporting Lott in a special 2001 issue of the Journal of Law and Economics had not been peer reviewed, Lott had paid the University of Chicago Press to publish the papers, and that papers with results opposite of Lott's had been blocked from publication in that issue"

"Lott created and used "Mary Rosh" as a sock puppet to defend his own works on Usenet and elsewhere. After investigative work by blogger Julian Sanchez, Lott admitted to use of the Mary Rosh persona.[61] Sanchez also pointed out that Lott, posing as Rosh, not only praised his own academic writing, but also called himself "the best professor I ever had"

It's clear TV has an overly zealous fan of John Lott and has been proclaiming his research as gospel. We can safely conclude that John Lott has little to zero credibility.

Why make this stuff up? Because many of you can't debate this subject due to your appalling ignorance, that's why.

FBI estimates that 3 million crimes are prevented each year in the US by law-abiding gun owners.

But the hoplophobes would rather see 3 million people victimized because of their ignorance regarding firearms.

I guess facts and logic won't work with your ilk, so I'll resort to name-calling which many of you seem to understand:

"Ohh, I'm scared of an inanimate object. It might just shoot me on its own!"

Bunch of cowards. I know women that shoot and they have more balls than many of you Aussie's, Brits and Europeans combined. You're nothing but subjects and not citizens that spent most of your lives in a nanny state and having people like Tony Martin imprisoned for defending his home against a thug that had been arrested 26 times and was just released on bail the night that Martin shot him in his own house that was burglarized at least 10 times before he finally said "Enough is enough"

In the US, he would be hailed as a hero. In the backwards UK, he was thrown in prison for defending himself in his own home, so save your pretentious preaching as it rings hollow and false.

And thankfully, my Father took up arms at a young age as an insurgent in Hungary to fight the Soviets in the Revolution of 1956, saving his wife (My Mother) and numerous other family members and also allowed them to escape the iron fist of communism.

I suppose many of you would have cowered and let the Soviet Army rape your wives, mothers and daughters and kill the male members of your family. All the while trying to rationalize and reason with them as they lined you up against a blood stained and pick-marked bullet riddled wall.

Like I said, I know women that have more balls than many of you combined. Some of you sound like the women that say it's better to be raped than to take the life of an attacker.

Many of you truly disgust me with your cowardice and fear or firearms along with your utter ignorance.

Like I said, either educate yourselves on the issue, or remain intellectually lazy. My guess is that most, if not all of you will choose the latter.

I think your mum just called you to get your hand off it and go eat your dinner before it gets hot ?

What's up with the personal insults and attacks Linky? You are getting hysterical over nothing. I'm sure this incident will haunt this mother for the rest of her life. There are around 90 million guns owners in America, that didn't leave their firearms laying around where their children had access to them the day this boy shot himself. She was one out of 90 million people.

Why do the anti-gun nuts get so hysterical over gun ownership in America? Personality, I don't care if there are some countries that don't allow their citizens to own a firearm. If you happen to live in one of those countries, and are happy without being able to protect yourself from fools who would harm you or your family in your own home then good on you.

The rest of the developed world doesnt seem to have a problem with tough gun laws and live quite nicely. Do you really think people in Oz live in fear because they dont have guns?

Here is a not so secret secret. One of the concerns of Aussies visiting the land of the brave is that there are so many with guns and with that it is easy for some moron who loses face to go blasting away.

If you need to have every Tom, Dick and Harry to own guns to feel safe then thats a matter for your own insecurities.

Would you care to comment on the personal insults dished out by the other pro gun poster or is your didain only for anti gun posters.

Don't be silly, Linky. You've been told already that Australia is an island, so it doesn't compare (how that "logic" came about, I can't imagine). You've also been told that Australia doesn't allow "Blacks" into the country (cheesy.gif ), so it doesn't have as many thugs (blink.png ).

So your bringing up pertinent points about Australia will just be ignored or screamed at maniacally.

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