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Israel report backs Gaza war actions


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I have only posted a snippet.

Suggest people listen to the entire audio clip.

I don't feel obligated to respond to every baiting question.

The clip speaks for itself.

Jim Molan was pro-Israel since 2009 when he commented the Goldstone report publicly without representing any authority...

Quote from link :


"I probably do not need to state for most readers that as a soldier who has run a war against an opponent not dissimilar to Hamas, facing problems perhaps similar to those faced by Israeli commanders, my sympathies tend to lie with the Israelis."

OP refers to an identical report of foreign military advisers who promptly support Israel before and after the 2014 Gaza war.

Again, another biased source...

Yes, a biased source indeed.

Not hard to do a spot of Google sleuthing to discover who Moran's paymasters are.
... the Lowy Institute and The Australian newspaper
The quiet benefactor: Lowy's close ties with Israel
And we all know who owns the Australian...same guy that owns Fox News...Rupert!
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Stupid argument. Who cares how many rockets were fired for a few weeks? Almost 200 and mortars rockets were fired in the proceeding months causing deaths, injuries, psychological trauma and property damage. Any nation would respond to these kind of cowardly terrorist attacks and Hamas has only themselves to blame.

Using your reasoning, the Palestinians have every right to respond to Israeli aggression upon Palestinian civilians. Far more deaths, far more injuries, and a whole lot more mental trauma is suffered by Palestinians due to Israeli actions.

That's one of the lessons a person learns, usually by 5 years old. If you pick a fight with someone stronger than you, you'll probably get hurt worse than the bigger guy. Same reason why Tibet is not actively fighting China's occupation of its country. It's resisting in other ways, but to try and toss bombs at the Chinese would only result in a heavy response from China's PLA.

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Stupid argument. Who cares how many rockets were fired for a few weeks? Almost 200 and mortars rockets were fired in the proceeding months causing deaths, injuries, psychological trauma and property damage. Any nation would respond to these kind of cowardly terrorist attacks and Hamas has only themselves to blame.

Using your reasoning, the Palestinians have every right to respond to Israeli aggression upon Palestinian civilians. Far more deaths, far more injuries, and a whole lot more mental trauma is suffered by Palestinians due to Israeli actions.

That's one of the lessons a person learns, usually by 5 years old. If you pick a fight with someone stronger than you, you'll probably get hurt worse than the bigger guy. Same reason why Tibet is not actively fighting China's occupation of its country. It's resisting in other ways, but to try and toss bombs at the Chinese would only result in a heavy response from China's PLA.

It depends whether you believe that might is always right, and that it's preferable to simply roll over and accept oppression.
I believe that evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
IMHO I believe that Palestinians would gain more by using non violent passive resistance like Gandhi and Martin Luther King especially in this age of instant social and international media. Simply flood cyberspace with images of the daily humiliations, beatings and murders they experience at the hands of the occupying Israelis.Shame Israel before the world.
Allow Israel to muddle along managing the conflict assuming the world will continue to turn a blind eye all the while painting itself into a corner of a one state solution, while Palestinians are winning the peace offensive.
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Some background on Israel's actions during the recent Gaza war:

From the audio clip, interview with retired Australian Major General Jim Molan :

SOPHIE MCNEILL: The conclusion your delegation drew was that Israel had met a reasonable international standard of observance of the laws of armed conflict.

JIM MOLAN: And in fact our conclusion was that they exceeded it quite dramatically.

SOPHIE MCNEILL: How did they exceed it dramatically?

JIM MOLAN: By the fact that they held off for as long as they could in the face of provocation, that represented war crimes in my view.

Israel’s air attacks were carefully planned and executed.

We’ve all seen reports about the amount of messaging they do, the amount of ringing to make sure civilians are out of the way.

As someone who has practically applied the laws of armed conflict in modern warfare, I was very impressed.

Thanks for the 'Molan declaration' !

But how can he advise and make declarations on a war that he has not been present or participated?

How can you?

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Some background on Israel's actions during the recent Gaza war:

From the audio clip, interview with retired Australian Major General Jim Molan :

SOPHIE MCNEILL: The conclusion your delegation drew was that Israel had met a reasonable international standard of observance of the laws of armed conflict.

JIM MOLAN: And in fact our conclusion was that they exceeded it quite dramatically.

SOPHIE MCNEILL: How did they exceed it dramatically?

JIM MOLAN: By the fact that they held off for as long as they could in the face of provocation, that represented war crimes in my view.

Israel’s air attacks were carefully planned and executed.

We’ve all seen reports about the amount of messaging they do, the amount of ringing to make sure civilians are out of the way.

As someone who has practically applied the laws of armed conflict in modern warfare, I was very impressed.

Thanks for the 'Molan declaration' !

But how can he advise and make declarations on a war that he has not been present or participated?

How can you?

And how can you?

It's a silly question. We are having a debate cum discussion, exchanging opinions, whereas Molan's opinions are designed to affect public opinion and thus government policy.

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Some background on Israel's actions during the recent Gaza war:

From the audio clip, interview with retired Australian Major General Jim Molan :

SOPHIE MCNEILL: The conclusion your delegation drew was that Israel had met a reasonable international standard of observance of the laws of armed conflict.

JIM MOLAN: And in fact our conclusion was that they exceeded it quite dramatically.

SOPHIE MCNEILL: How did they exceed it dramatically?

JIM MOLAN: By the fact that they held off for as long as they could in the face of provocation, that represented war crimes in my view.

Israel’s air attacks were carefully planned and executed.

We’ve all seen reports about the amount of messaging they do, the amount of ringing to make sure civilians are out of the way.

As someone who has practically applied the laws of armed conflict in modern warfare, I was very impressed.

Thanks for the 'Molan declaration' !

But how can he advise and make declarations on a war that he has not been present or participated?

How can you?

Good question, but the answer will be rated as 'off topic'...

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