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Thai govt should bring banned politicians back to the fold


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Govt should bring banned politicians back to the fold


BANGKOK: -- THE NATIONAL Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)'s recent proposal to amend the interim charter strongly suggests that the government is likely to stay in power for another two years as the National Reform Council (NRC) is expected to reject the draft of the new charter.

The interim constitution stipulates that the NRC will be dissolved if it rejects the charter draft, but stay on if it approves the charter, though an amendment proposal states that the NRC would be dissolved regardless.

This move will obviously decrease the NRC's motive to approve the charter.

And by looking at the charter amendment proposals that were put forward by the Cabinet, the NRC and National Legislative Assembly (NLA), the charter drafters are facing a mission impossible to please everyone.

The charter drafters and the NRC disagree on the most fundamental questions regarding political reform such as do we want a strong and stable government with a strong checks-and-balance system or do we want a coalition government consisting of medium-sized parties to avoid a de-facto leader of the government?

So what exactly is the government planning to do in the next two years?

Its most challenging and vital task is to dissolve the colour-coded political rivalry.

One of their most plausible moves in response to this challenge would |be to amend the interim charter to pave the way for the return of the 111 and 109 formerly banned politicians to the official political arena under the name of the National Reform Assembly.

They were the core groups of politicians during the Thai Rak Thai and People's Party administration between 2001-2006 and 2007-2008 respectively.

The government and the country have much to gain from such a move.

First, it would provide an opportunity for members of the rival political factions to work together and hopefully forge harmony and friendship.

Furthermore, some of these politicians are still very influential in their respective constituencies and could help the government to control and monitor security affairs, especially in red shirt dominated areas.

Secondly, the politicians would be offered an alternative political future - an opportunity to distance themselves from the Shinawatra family. This would be another strategy to dissolve the Shinawatra's influence in politics.

Thirdly, many of these former politicians, including Somkid Jatusripitak, Pinit Jarusombat and Surakiart Sathirathai, were the "A-team" of the now-defunct Thai Rak Thai Party in its glory days.

These are highly capable individuals who are experts in their fields and have great managerial and political experience. Their accumulated capabilities can significantly contribute to the recovery and growth of the economy.

Electoral results over the past decade suggest that the only way to win the hearts and minds of rural Thais, who mostly live in the Northeast and North, is to improve their living standards through, for example, increased income, welfare and populist schemes.

This is the key challenge facing the government if it stays in power for the next two years. The economy and living standards have been deteriorating under Prayut's watch.

Therefore, the government should not only bring together rival politicians to promote reconciliation at a high level, the expected contribution these politicians would make would promote reconciliation at the grassroots level as well.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Govt-should-bring-banned-politicians-back-to-the-f-30262414.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-16

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And why is that? is there a shortage of crooked politicians around? dime a dozen they are,

The NCPO should be renamed to ' the council for short memory, '

and why, in this country they always call for ' forgive and forget ' with the people that

knowingly, did the most harm to this country out of greed and drive for power?

Why would any errant politician ever change their ways if they know that In a matter

of few years, all their misdeed and crimes against the people will be called up to

forgive and forget?......

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The problem is that it is not only the NCPO with the short memory for this. The Thai people as a whole seem to forget or "mai pan rai" to wrongdoings by gov officials and would vote again for a crooked politician of it benefited them somehow. It seems to be the norm here.

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One of their most plausible moves in response to this challenge would |be to amend the interim charter to pave the way for the return of the 111 and 109 formerly banned politicians to the official political arena under the name of the National Reform Assembly.

Who is this moron that forgiving the lowest of the low is 'most plausible'? The writer is hot to get Thaksin's acolytes back in a position of influence and power.

Of all the citizens of Thailand qualified to be MPs, these banned ones should be last on the list as they have proven to be corrupt rule breakers. Bringing them back would guarantee business as usual as it would prove that there is no lasting punishment.

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The problem is that it is not only the NCPO with the short memory for this. The Thai people as a whole seem to forget or "mai pan rai" to wrongdoings by gov officials and would vote again for a crooked politician of it benefited them somehow. It seems to be the norm here.

I don't believe an individual voting for a politician or political party for a perceived personal benefit is a condition limited to the Thai people. Most nationalities would vote for Lucifer if they thought they could feather their own nest....and often do.

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You can not simply undo what you have already done which is a characteristic of Thai administration.

The position of MP is one requiring absolute integrity and anyone suspended from their position for malfeasance should be banned from holding public office for life. Otherwise you are simply inviting history to repeat itself.

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Mr P's own little amnesty law!!

Very smart.

All political opponents charged with LM, so only the good people, who are all wearing yellow, will be included!!

And more importantly it will make sure that the charter is rejected, which will make it "legit" for the general to stay on for another couple of years!!

Edited by JOC
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Mr P's own little amnesty law!!

Very smart.

All political opponents charged with LM, so only the good people, who are all wearing yellow, will be included!!

And more importantly it will make sure that the charter is rejected, which will make it "legit" for the general to stay on for another couple of years!!

There are a total or 220 TRT and PPP politicians who will be affected by this, assuming still alive. AFAIK none have been charged with LM.

is it really necessary for you to repeat this totally inaccurate statement every time this subject arises?

Edited by halloween
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This is probably a reasonable move regarding the three named ex TRT members.These men were most capable in Thaksin's band.

Sadly they were also associated with the likes of Chalerm, Plodprasop and Surapong.

It may well benefit this government to 'bring them on board", as they seem to have distanced themselves from the rest of the tainted mob.

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I have lived in Thailand under two military regimes, a couple of Shin regimes, and even a Democrat regime for a short time and life for me has not changed one bit.

The average Thai would not have a clue who is in power and even if they did know would not care.

These arguments we have on TVF do not make a difference as to who is in power. All they do is keep the mods busy moderating our lame and pointless comments.

I suppose it keeps us out of the pool halls though. clap2.gif

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Thirdly, many of these former politicians, including Somkid Jatusripitak, Pinit Jarusombat and Surakiart Sathirathai, were the "A-team" of the now-defunct Thai Rak Thai Party in its glory days.

Most capable, doesn't matter, they, along with the rest of Thaksin's merry band of outlaws, were merely rubber stamps for the fugitive.

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what I don't get is the fact that they have spent the last year planning to introduce new rules about election candidate screening that will effectively exclude anyone found to have committed previous wrongdoings or have criminal convictions and now some genius is proposing this ?

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This is the key challenge facing the government if it stays in power for the next two years. The economy and living standards have been deteriorating under Prayut's watch.

Therefore, the government should not only bring together rival politicians to promote reconciliation at a high level, the expected contribution these politicians would make would promote reconciliation at the grassroots level as well.

Boy, I thought my American politics were screwed up, Another BUSH, Clinton enough is enough. The statement above stating that under Mr. Prayut's watch Thailand is worst off, bullshit.

1. Crackdown on corrupt police, great

2. Drunks off the road, great.

3. Issues of illegal businesses, blocking sidewalks, streets etc...

4. Drug enforcement increase.

5. Illegal workers and criminal tourist activities crackdown.

Blame him because juveniles drinking, shooting each other at universities, Yaba problem, minors drinking and driving motorbikes at age 8 on the road, teen pregnancies, taxi drivers mafia, what else can you blame on him when his attention should be on important issues as a PM. Do you the PM of UK takes time to deal with local issues, not. But, because the system here is broken from the top down into the local village leader he must deal with these issues until he purges those individuals who have caused the DETERIORATION of THAILAND. And bring back those responsible to reconcile, yea, nuts, they know the game they would be smarter and even set Thailand on a more backward path. Mr. Prayut's job has not been easy, but he has a positive, sincere direction for Thailand's future not the old school crooks. If they return, only in prison but that would waste money and cause problems. Like Al Capone, in prison but still had control.

It's a new world and Mr. Prayut is bringing Thailand into it. I hope with him and the Royal Princess, Thailand will succeed in the future on the world stage.

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Thai politics has always been a family affair breeding incompetence and corruption throughout the ranks of government.

Some years ago I was LMAO when the news reported a "NEW FACE" entering parliamentary politics. It was the nephew of a PM! HaHaHa.

Time now for new blood ... old family politicians guilty of corruption Bye-Bye ... FOREVER. Get your niece or nephew to run for office.

Hope the government gives opportunities for some genuinely qualified people not linked to the elite to get in to parliamentary government.

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As The World Turns...

It's so easy to start foaming at the mouth about Thaksin when anyone mentions 'banned politicians' but I guess those lamenting the suggestion that they be reinstated aren't au fait with Thai political history.

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