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Family shocked by UK suicide bomber's reported death in Iraq


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Family shocked by UK suicide bomber's reported death in Iraq

LONDON (AP) — Members of the family of a teenage British boy who reportedly killed himself in a suicide bombing in Iraq say they are devastated by his death.

The statement from the family of 17-year-old Talha Asmal was released by police at the family's request.

"Talha comes from a close-knit, hardworking, peace-loving and law-abiding British Muslim family," the statement read. "The entire family unreservedly condemns and abhors all acts of violence."

His family said he and a close friend had been recruited online and left Dewsbury in northern England in March to link up with the extremists.

They said his naive nature was exploited by unidentified people. The family said the Islamic State group commanders who ordered him to conduct a suicide attack were "too cowardly to do their own 'dirty' work."

If Asmal's death is confirmed, he would be the youngest known British suicide bomber to have died in the conflict.

Police said Monday they cannot confirm the boy's death, which was reported by a website associated with IS.

The website said Asmal detonated a vehicle laden with explosives in a suicide bombing Saturday. It carried photographs believed to show him before the attack.

It was claimed that Asmal's attack was one of seven carried out in the city of Beiji. Details are sketchy, but IS claimed the attacks led to "tens" of deaths and injuries.

Asmal is given the nom de guerre Abu Yusuf al-Britani on the website. Police say the family is convinced their son is the teen in the photograph.

Shahid Malik, a family friend and former legislator, said it is "disturbing" to see how relaxed Asmal appears to be in the photographs taken just before his suicide mission.

"He looks at peace," Malik said. "It's like he's ready to go and meet his maker. This is a clear indication of just how successful the evil (Islamic State) groomers have been in poisoning and brainwashing Talha and kids like him."

British officials say roughly 700 Britons have traveled to Syria and Iraq in support of extremists there.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-16

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"Peace loving law-abiding British muslim family"? That they may be but obviously this lad/idiot did not have the same way of thinking..

There is a very serious problems in parts of Yorkshire.

The hub of grooming gangs.

Other news from today.

Three sisters from Bradford are feared to have travelled to Syria with their nine children after going on a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.

The sisters and their children, aged between three and 15, were due back in the UK on Thursday, Khan Solicitors said on behalf of the family.

Ten are thought to have boarded a flight to Istanbul in Turkey on 9 June.

Lawyer Balaal Khan confirmed concerns about them "travelling to Syria". West Yorkshire Police is investigating.


According to the solicitors, it is thought the group travelled to Syria where a brother of the three sisters is understood to be fighting with extremists. It is feared they have met up with him.


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Willful ignorance and denial is a better description for the family members. They see it - they hear of it - they know about it... the talk circulates in their communities and Mosques. They know of the radicals and the radicalization.

Perhaps had they not chosen willful ignorance and denial and counseled their son sternly, perhaps had they made it clear that they would not tolerate hate speech in their community and Mosques towards Christians and infidels in general, perhaps if they had examined what they child was being taught at the Mosque and in any private Muslim school, perhaps had they monitored what indoctrinating websites their son was visiting - then perhaps their son would be alive today. But becoming and remaining willfully ignorant and bathing in self-denial parents gets what they get. Some Muslim parents in the U.K. get the worst.

I guess these parents didn't read or listen to the news about Syria and ISIS, and somehow knew nothing of such radical heinous acts by Muslims as British Army soldier, Fusilier Lee Rigby of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, who was attacked and killed - beheaded by Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale near the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, southeast London in 2013. They just never heard a thing I suppose... Wonder if their son did?

This willful ignorance and denial is nearly identical to Western Parents and their childrens' involvement in hard drugs. 'We didn't know"... he/she was so innocent, my son would never take drugs we taught him better.. yada yada yads.... and other useless crap.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Willful ignorance and denial is a better description for the family members. They see it - they hear of it - they know about it... the talk circulates in their communities and Mosques. They know of the radicals and the radicalization.

I do not believe it is wilful ignorance, I think that they know exactly what is going on. Of course, denial is a given.

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...how is this possible...

Slightly off topic, but highly relevant. This has been reported within the last 24 hours.

Five charged with Syria-related terror offences


Boxing champion Anthony Small 'wanted to join IS'


350 children in north west - 63 aged under 12 - in danger of being brain-washed by extremists, according to the government’s anti-radicalisation programme figures

  • 350 children in the region have been flagged up as at risk since 2007
  • 63 were under 12
  • A sharp rise in referrals of all ages in the past three years

It is the first time such detailed figures for the government’s anti-radicalisation programme, Channel, have been reported.


It is a far greater problem in the UK than anyone either, realises or will admit.

Edited by JockPieandBeans
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Willful ignorance and denial is a better description for the family members. They see it - they hear of it - they know about it... the talk circulates in their communities and Mosques. They know of the radicals and the radicalization.

I do not believe it is wilful ignorance, I think that they know exactly what is going on. Of course, denial is a given.

One aspect of 'Willful Ignorance' is it could easily be 'Pretend Ignorance' --- willing to Pretend that you do not know. ''Kid yourself' is a mild form... Go about convincing yourself that what you see and hear does not really have the significance it actually does. Thus avoid facing facts.

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Willful ignorance and denial is a better description for the family members. They see it - they hear of it - they know about it... the talk circulates in their communities and Mosques. They know of the radicals and the radicalization.

I do not believe it is wilful ignorance, I think that they know exactly what is going on. Of course, denial is a given.

One aspect of 'Willful Ignorance' is it could easily be 'Pretend Ignorance' --- willing to Pretend that you do not know. ''Kid yourself' is a mild form... Go about convincing yourself that what you see and hear does not really have the significance it actually does. Thus avoid facing facts.

No argument from me.

Whether it be wilful, pretend, willing to pretend or kid yourself. It is now becoming very evident that is nothing more than BS.

Those with an ounce of common sense know exactly who are avoiding facts. thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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Enoch................how right you were............but we all knew it at the time,why don,t politicians listen and do-gooders emigrate whistling.gif

Politicians want to gain or retain their jobs by 'being all things to all people" - not offend anyone in order to get elected and reelected... And in the U.K. the politicians nurture extreme Political Correctness to a point that criticizing the Muslim invasion and the resultant cultural destruction is a subject that cannot be talked about in effective terminology or risk being prosecuted or labeled as a racist Nazi. The existing British culture is gagged and cannot complain effectively to their political leaders - who become defensive and deaf to the problems.

The U.K. cannot regain their culture and country until Political Correctness is defeated and hate speech laws are done away with...

A national problem cannot be fixed when the other side controls the words that can be used to describe the problem.

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Willful ignorance and denial is a better description for the family members. They see it - they hear of it - they know about it... the talk circulates in their communities and Mosques. They know of the radicals and the radicalization.

I do not believe it is wilful ignorance, I think that they know exactly what is going on. Of course, denial is a given.

One aspect of 'Willful Ignorance' is it could easily be 'Pretend Ignorance' --- willing to Pretend that you do not know. ''Kid yourself' is a mild form... Go about convincing yourself that what you see and hear does not really have the significance it actually does. Thus avoid facing facts.

No argument from me.

Whether it be wilful, pretend, willing to pretend or kid yourself. It is now becoming very evident that is nothing more than BS.

Those with an ounce of common sense know exactly who are avoiding facts. thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

Yes - absolutely ...and in the U.K. those who are avoiding the facts reside in Parliament and at 10 Downing Street.

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No argument from me.

Whether it be wilful, pretend, willing to pretend or kid yourself. It is now becoming very evident that is nothing more than BS.

Those with an ounce of common sense know exactly who are avoiding facts. thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

Yes - absolutely ...and in the U.K. those who are avoiding the facts reside in Parliament and at 10 Downing Street.


However, I get a feeling that this has began to swing in the other direction, particularly over the last 2 years.

It also might be true to say, that this has been forced by the sheer weight of evidence that has came to the fore over the last 2 years.

The shackles have came off to a certain extent.

The genie will not be going back in the bottle.

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On the bbc news last night his mother complained of the "massive failure of the british government to stop her son getting to iraq" . She is obviously brainless as i was thinking what a massive failure of her parents not to know what their son was planning and to bring him up in a culture where he is able to kill people and hiself .

She has failed her son , not the government.


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On the bbc news last night his mother complained of the "massive failure of the british government to stop her son getting to iraq" . She is obviously brainless as i was thinking what a massive failure of her parents not to know what their son was planning and to bring him up in a culture where he is able to kill people and hiself .

She has failed her son , not the government.


I wouldn't be surprised if George Galloway was already on his way to advise her to take the British Government to the European Court of Human Rights court for damages.

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"Talha comes from a close-knit, hardworking, peace-loving and law-abiding British Muslim family," the statement read. "The entire family unreservedly condemns and abhors all acts of violence."

That definition is exactly the opposite of how muslims act in UK and Europe as a whole ... They are criminals, un-employed (dont want to work ...) and agressive to all non-muslims.

I celebrate this morons death - may there be many more to come

btw UK Citizens should blame his parents and Family and make them "pay" for their sons horrendous actions

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Seems pretty clear cut to me : a boy was raised in the Muslim way : brainwashed from birth that they are the one true faith and are superior to all the other infidels who are to be regarded as a lower species (all while, of course, growing up in a country Allah saw fit to give to these infidels). Then unsurprisingly when he reached natures fighting age he is easily persuaded to go and kill these infidels.

Now move to the BBC coverage of this story I watched last night : you would think this boy was the most honourable and noble of people who (by no fault of his own or his family) happened to get groomed by some unspecified evil man and that is why he did what he did. It could happen to anybody.

Not a single suggestion in the whole piece as to why these people end up pulling the string. This boy was portrayed as an innocent victim, not someone prepared to murder as many non-believers as possible for this notion of paradise he has been programmed to expect.

Nobody dare tell the truth about these people because the racist card is on the table before the first sentence is finished. The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one in the first place.

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Enoch................how right you were............but we all knew it at the time,why don,t politicians listen and do-gooders emigrate whistling.gif

PC Multicultural leftists have alas gradually infested local government so even the rule of law defers to Sharia now. A manager who worked for Leeds city council was fired a while back after being photographed at an EDL rally. This happened in his spare time but was apparently inconsistent with the values and aims of Leeds city Council. Meanwhile down the road you can see in Rotherham and Dewsbury what leftist council values have achieved.

It's possible the family are shocked and in mourning, it is equally possible they are handing out sweets to celebrate their martyr ascending to heaven.

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It's time the mullah's(moderates) in local UK mosques spoke out about islamic extremism and taught the correct things in their koran.Told them not to waste secular education,and not to waste too much time on religion too...............and lastly to integrate into UK society as best they can

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On the bbc news last night his mother complained of the "massive failure of the british government to stop her son getting to iraq" . She is obviously brainless as i was thinking what a massive failure of her parents not to know what their son was planning and to bring him up in a culture where he is able to kill people and hiself .

She has failed her son , not the government.


lock the useless pos women up. She is just as responsible and the mere fact she blames the government for her son's bs shows she has the same proclivity and resentment as her loser pos son.Why is that certain races, religions or cultures seem to accept absolutely no responsibility for anything?

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On the bbc news last night his mother complained of the "massive failure of the british government to stop her son getting to iraq" . She is obviously brainless as i was thinking what a massive failure of her parents not to know what their son was planning and to bring him up in a culture where he is able to kill people and hiself .

She has failed her son , not the government.


lock the useless pos women up. She is just as responsible and the mere fact she blames the government for her son's bs shows she has the same proclivity and resentment as her loser pos son.Why is that certain races, religions or cultures seem to accept absolutely no responsibility for anything?

It's a world wide trend to not accept responsibility for one's actions,always easier to blame others.And on a wider note there is less and less respect for others and little love out there too.The world has become very selfish.

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