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The US$9 billion man? Donald Trump set to announce 2016 plans


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He is a crime Lord. He absolutely refuses to do a real estate deal unless it crushes the guy across the table in the closing room. I was in real estate in NY many years ago and heard this directly from guys who did deals with him. He is ruthless and heartless. Dishonest to the very core. And the hair? What a superfreak. What a goon. What a lightweight. Other than his cash, does anyone take this circus clown seriously?

Yes, the people on the losing end of the deal have a unique and productive perspective. I was crushed, therefore... how absurd. In life there are losers and winners, however this is debatable because for many years now no one excels in American education and rises to the top of the class for merit, everyone gets a badge or atta boy for trying alone. In the real world, people are consumed in business. There is no altruism and the mere suggestion that there should be reflects an utter bankruptcy. Surely those who were loses to Trump did not intent to split their profits with him...

Years ago Trump lost everything and rebuilt the entire empire, alone! The only known crime Trump has committed is his hair!

Since the remainder of your pejoratives stem from a dysfunctional premise, I will not respond.

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He is a crime Lord. He absolutely refuses to do a real estate deal unless it crushes the guy across the table in the closing room. I was in real estate in NY many years ago and heard this directly from guys who did deals with him. He is ruthless and heartless. Dishonest to the very core. And the hair? What a superfreak. What a goon. What a lightweight. Other than his cash, does anyone take this circus clown seriously?

Yes, the people on the losing end of the deal have a unique and productive perspective. I was crushed, therefore... how absurd. In life there are losers and winners, however this is debatable because for many years now no one excels in American education and rises to the top of the class for merit, everyone gets a badge or atta boy for trying alone. In the real world, people are consumed in business. There is no altruism and the mere suggestion that there should be reflects an utter bankruptcy. Surely those who were loses to Trump did not intent to split their profits with him...

Years ago Trump lost everything and rebuilt the entire empire, alone! The only known crime Trump has committed is his hair!

Since the remainder of your pejoratives stem from a dysfunctional premise, I will not respond.

So you are now a mind reader. How can you possibly know what happened during the deal.

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He is a crime Lord. He absolutely refuses to do a real estate deal unless it crushes the guy across the table in the closing room. I was in real estate in NY many years ago and heard this directly from guys who did deals with him. He is ruthless and heartless. Dishonest to the very core. And the hair? What a superfreak. What a goon. What a lightweight. Other than his cash, does anyone take this circus clown seriously?

Yes, the people on the losing end of the deal have a unique and productive perspective. I was crushed, therefore... how absurd. In life there are losers and winners, however this is debatable because for many years now no one excels in American education and rises to the top of the class for merit, everyone gets a badge or atta boy for trying alone. In the real world, people are consumed in business. There is no altruism and the mere suggestion that there should be reflects an utter bankruptcy. Surely those who were loses to Trump did not intent to split their profits with him...

Years ago Trump lost everything and rebuilt the entire empire, alone! The only known crime Trump has committed is his hair!

Since the remainder of your pejoratives stem from a dysfunctional premise, I will not respond.

So you are now a mind reader. How can you possibly know what happened during the deal.

Are we children? Why would personal sarcasm be a first refuge- again?

I responded directly to the information contained in the passage proceeding. If someone lacks the informational skills to infer or deduct perhaps they should remain at the smaller table for dinner.

"...heard this directly from guys who did deals with him" is on a good day hearsay. "How can you possibly know what happened during the deal" is offered in response? Please... I will only bite this last time.

I responded directly to the pejorative addled diatribe before my post.

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*Deleted post edited out*

A number of right wingers continue to self-deport from the US and other English speaking countries to locales abroad to become very comfortable in places where democracy and diversity are far lesser values. Trump is one whacko who has so much money he can remain in the US to shout his whacko views from the rooftops and make national headlines doing it.

Trump sounding his siren is entirely an ego trip, the biggest arse in the clown car who's just an ordinary Republican in the contemporary Republican party for all the country to be aghast about and never to vote for.

I look forward to the first debate and to every debate debacle after it, the parts especially where he fires Jeb first then goes after the rest of 'em up there to expel all the pretenders and incompetents. laugh.png

Personally, I'm pulling for a Trump/Cruz ticket clap2.gif

Edited by Scott
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Love this one "If you had nearly doubled the national debt during just the last 7+ years and had that money to spend you'd be looking pretty good too. The problem is that some day someone else will have to reckon with it. Drunken sailor comes to mind."

Poster probably loved Reagan, who tripled national debt.

Circus that is known as Republican party has far too many clowns, could use some lion tamers. Or maybe get their own (un) reality show....

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This is truly very good, really super excellent.

The American people see the whole of the contemporary Republican Party.

It is the Republican Party Regressive Era (2000-?). It is on display again for all to see from now till 12 months from now, from which the Republican party will never recover. Not ever.

GOP = Gone Old Party.

It's going to be at least 8 years of GOP reign with control of both houses.

America will become strong again which is good for all. Hopefully all the damage inflicted by the failed Obama foreign policy can be quickly restored. The total screw up of the mid-east; the Russia rest; the pivot to asia etc. etc.

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Well, if he could run the country the way he runs his business empire, that could be a good thing. Then again.....

i beg your pardon! you think it would be a good thing if the United States would default on its debt as Donald Trump did several times defrauding his creditors? coffee1.gif


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He is a crime Lord. He absolutely refuses to do a real estate deal unless it crushes the guy across the table in the closing room. I was in real estate in NY many years ago and heard this directly from guys who did deals with him. He is ruthless and heartless. Dishonest to the very core. And the hair? What a superfreak. What a goon. What a lightweight. Other than his cash, does anyone take this circus clown seriously?

Yes, the people on the losing end of the deal have a unique and productive perspective. I was crushed, therefore... how absurd. In life there are losers and winners, however this is debatable because for many years now no one excels in American education and rises to the top of the class for merit, everyone gets a badge or atta boy for trying alone. In the real world, people are consumed in business. There is no altruism and the mere suggestion that there should be reflects an utter bankruptcy. Surely those who were loses to Trump did not intent to split their profits with him...

Years ago Trump lost everything and rebuilt the entire empire, alone! The only known crime Trump has committed is his hair!

Since the remainder of your pejoratives stem from a dysfunctional premise, I will not respond.

doing a little homework by googling "Donald Trump defaults" might change your mind.

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Well, if he could run the country the way he runs his business empire, that could be a good thing. Then again.....

I thought the majority of The Donald's businesses have gone bankrupt.

Not true. His business, not Trump have gone through legal chapter 11 bankruptcies which don't close or lose the businesses. Some of his casinos, but not Trump filed for bankruptcy. It's a legal way to restructure debt.

It actually shows some of his business acumen by protecting himself personally. Also, all of life's experiences are valuable. One gets wiser.

"But to those uninitiated in bankruptcy laws, four instances of corporate bankruptcy in a row can seem staggering. “To the ordinary person in the street, it may seem surprising, but certainly not to me,” said Reed Smith partner Michael Venditto, who has represented clients in high profile Chapter 11 cases, including bankrupt airline TWA. “Chapter 11 is how you reshape and restructure a company that has problems. It doesn’t indicate anything nefarious or even bad management." Forbes

Oh, so Trump as CEO enriches himself on the back of the banks and investors but can't keep the company afloat, and today bankruptcy is conveniently called restructuring.

I think you should say that to the Greeks, they aren't bankrupt they are only restructuring the country laugh.png

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This is truly very good, really super excellent.

The American people see the whole of the contemporary Republican Party.

It is the Republican Party Regressive Era (2000-?). It is on display again for all to see from now till 12 months from now, from which the Republican party will never recover. Not ever.

GOP = Gone Old Party.

It's going to be at least 8 years of GOP reign with control of both houses.

America will become strong again which is good for all. Hopefully all the damage inflicted by the failed Obama foreign policy can be quickly restored. The total screw up of the mid-east; the Russia rest; the pivot to asia etc. etc.

The Republican party is at a definite risk of losing its present majority control of the Senate.

It's going sideways for the Republicans now and in the election next year Republican majority control of the Senate could go south as quickly as it did for the Democratic party majority control last November.

It's a volatile electorate and very different electorates in prez election years and in mid term years. R's have six to eight vulnerable Republican senators running in Blue states while D's have maybe two senators vulnerable in swing states that can be expected to vote for HRC. (Bibi won't be on the ballot next year.) Add to that Rubio isn't running for the Senate again, Rand Paul can only do one or the other, R Sen Murkowski of Alaska may run as an Independent and the number of R senators in the ranks start to thin out to one extent or another.

R's will have to knock off 4 or 5 D senators up for re-election to mitigate expected R loses which is highly unlikely to occur, especially because twice as many R senators are up in this election than D senators. Which ever party comes out of this election with majority control of the Senate, it will be by one or two seats, and the the trend is that the D's have a better shot at it than the R's.

The cocktail lounge answers guy Trump can't get elected Senator from a state or governor of one, so what ever makes him think he should run for prez....talk about starting out with a cherry on top...

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The only GOP candidate who has not thrown her hat in the ring yet is word-salad ace Sarah Palin. Only then would the Republican clown car be fully loaded.

Could someone please rate these "clowns" from 1 to 20. My trouble with Trump is how can a man whose casino's went bankrupt twice be worth 9 BILLION dollars hmm. Me thinks he made money on this while shareholders took a bath. But I still like the Donald better than "Just call me Jeb". What is this guy's real name Jebadiah? He kind of reminds me of Jed Clampett with his "Ah Shucks" approach. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top of this herd. More than likely the guy with the deepest pockets will prevail. Its just to bad all this money wasted on politics is not used to help the poor and down trodden but then we are in a period when nobody wants to be their brothers keeper. Our brother is not in need according to the rich he is just a lazy no good bum.

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Well, if he could run the country the way he runs his business empire, that could be a good thing. Then again.....

I thought the majority of The Donald's businesses have gone bankrupt.

Not true. His business, not Trump have gone through legal chapter 11 bankruptcies which don't close or lose the businesses. Some of his casinos, but not Trump filed for bankruptcy. It's a legal way to restructure debt.

It actually shows some of his business acumen by protecting himself personally. Also, all of life's experiences are valuable. One gets wiser.

"But to those uninitiated in bankruptcy laws, four instances of corporate bankruptcy in a row can seem staggering. “To the ordinary person in the street, it may seem surprising, but certainly not to me,” said Reed Smith partner Michael Venditto, who has represented clients in high profile Chapter 11 cases, including bankrupt airline TWA. “Chapter 11 is how you reshape and restructure a company that has problems. It doesn’t indicate anything nefarious or even bad management." Forbes

You're quoting a bankruptcy lawyer.

But of course you knew that blink.png

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A number of right wingers continue to self-deport from the US and other English speaking countries to locales abroad to become very comfortable in places where democracy and diversity are far lesser values. Trump is one whacko who has so much money he can remain in the US to shout his whacko views from the rooftops and make national headlines doing it.

Trump sounding his siren is entirely an ego trip, the biggest arse in the clown car who's just an ordinary Republican in the contemporary Republican party for all the country to be aghast about and never to vote for.

I look forward to the first debate and to every debate debacle after it, the parts especially where he fires Jeb first then goes after the rest of 'em up there to expel all the pretenders and incompetents. laugh.png

Personally, I'm pulling for a Trump/Cruz ticket clap2.gif

I tend to think that Trump is only doing this as a publicity stunt. He knows he has no chance. And the job doesn't pay enough. But just running will give him an opportunity to pick-up loads of free PR. Priceless. The press will be falling all over themselves to get him in front of a mike. And if there's one thing The Donald likes to do is talk.

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OK, that's it.

If Trump becomes president, I'm leaving the country! crazy.gif


If Hillary wins, are you going back?

If she does not win the USA will truly go BACKWARDS with all 3 levers of government controlled by Republicans. It will be endless tax cuts for the rich and the take away of food stamps etc. for the poor. If you think blood has been shed on American streets in the past well if the Republicans control everything the blood becomes a river. The poor are so frustrated now it would not take much to set them off. The Republicans have learned to divide and conquer. The laborers hate the government workers because they think they have it to cushy. The Republican governors then move in with new laws restricting labors rights. Then they attack the government workers. Whats that old saying first they came for gypsies then they came for me or something like that.

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A number of right wingers continue to self-deport from the US and other English speaking countries to locales abroad to become very comfortable in places where democracy and diversity are far lesser values. Trump is one whacko who has so much money he can remain in the US to shout his whacko views from the rooftops and make national headlines doing it.

Trump sounding his siren is entirely an ego trip, the biggest arse in the clown car who's just an ordinary Republican in the contemporary Republican party for all the country to be aghast about and never to vote for.

I look forward to the first debate and to every debate debacle after it, the parts especially where he fires Jeb first then goes after the rest of 'em up there to expel all the pretenders and incompetents. laugh.png

Personally, I'm pulling for a Trump/Cruz ticket clap2.gif

I tend to think that Trump is only doing this as a publicity stunt. He knows he has no chance. And the job doesn't pay enough. But just running will give him an opportunity to pick-up loads of free PR. Priceless. The press will be falling all over themselves to get him in front of a mike. And if there's one thing The Donald likes to do is talk.

The Democratic National Committee in Washington practically endorsed Trump for the Republican presidential nomination in its press release about Trump's announcement, which is but one reason I'd noted in the post I'm pulling for a Trump/Cruz ticket.

Of course Trump has no prayer but neither does whomever the R party eventual nominees may be for prez/vp. Everyone here (and there) knows that. Trump's impotence in the race for prez is well known and recognized by even novices in politics...to include Trump Himself.

Trump is actually an old political warhorse with a mane to match. The south end of a northbound horse in fact. laugh.png

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A number of right wingers continue to self-deport from the US and other English speaking countries to locales abroad to become very comfortable in places where democracy and diversity are far lesser values. Trump is one whacko who has so much money he can remain in the US to shout his whacko views from the rooftops and make national headlines doing it.

Trump sounding his siren is entirely an ego trip, the biggest arse in the clown car who's just an ordinary Republican in the contemporary Republican party for all the country to be aghast about and never to vote for.

I look forward to the first debate and to every debate debacle after it, the parts especially where he fires Jeb first then goes after the rest of 'em up there to expel all the pretenders and incompetents. laugh.png

Personally, I'm pulling for a Trump/Cruz ticket clap2.gif

I tend to think that Trump is only doing this as a publicity stunt. He knows he has no chance. And the job doesn't pay enough. But just running will give him an opportunity to pick-up loads of free PR. Priceless. The press will be falling all over themselves to get him in front of a mike. And if there's one thing The Donald likes to do is talk.

The Democratic National Committee in Washington practically endorsed Trump for the Republican presidential nomination in its press release about Trump's announcement, which is but one reason I'd noted in the post I'm pulling for a Trump/Cruz ticket.

Of course Trump has no prayer but neither does whomever the R party eventual nominees may be for prez/vp. Everyone here (and there) knows that. Trump's impotence in the race for prez is well known and recognized by even novices in politics...to include Trump Himself.

Trump is actually an old political warhorse with a mane to match. The south end of a northbound horse in fact. laugh.png

A Trump/Santorum ticket would be even juicier. Between the two of them, they're guaranteed to say something outlandishly stupid pretty much on a daily basis.

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The longer he lasts in the race, the more support he gets, the better it is for Hillary Clinton.

In a race in which Hillary Clinton looks like the best option, everything is lost already......



Bush in Black

Bush in Black

Bush as female or Bush direct

America doesn't need enemies.....the own politicians make more damage than Soviet and China could do....

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Sir Donald speaks plainly...unobstructed by political correctness or worries about offending lobbyist....

He is not likely to succumb to big money bankers, financiers, or Wall Street...

He has a proven track record of successful business ventures...which of course requires negotiating powers...

His biggest draw back would be a dysfunctional Congress who may block his efforts should he be elected...

Wait and see...his straight talk no non-sense message will resonate with many US citizens disgruntled with the government...

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