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Global Warming Has Reached Chiang Mai


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I don't remember June being that hot.

May is hot, yes, but it usually cools down by mid May when the first showers arrive. This year: April - super hot, May - super hot, June - super hot.

Analysis: global warming has arrived in Chiang Mai.

Prediction: we're all gonna die! (100% accurate)

Cheers, CM-Expat

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Certainly hot for the time of year and out here in Doi Saket, we keep on getting the threat of rain and then it blows over...isn't all this hot weather and lack of rain something to do with El Nino? Don't ask me why, I though El Nino was a Mexican restaurant until a while back huh.png

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I just checked the numbers for April and May.

April : Pretty much normal on average.

May : Whopping 2.2 degrees warmer than normal, and getting just half the rain of the usual amount for May.

Wouldn't surprise me if June is the same; while it does rain a lot now, it's not really sustained rain. (Noting that June shouldn't really get too much sustained rain, but perhaps a more than what we're getting: 20 minute showers instead of 1 hour showers. This just based on personal feeling though, which is very likely to be wrong.)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Certainly hot for the time of year and out here in Doi Saket, we keep on getting the threat of rain and then it blows over...isn't all this hot weather and lack of rain something to do with El Nino? Don't ask me why, I though El Nino was a Mexican restaurant until a while back huh.png

Yes it's been confirmed (by all Pacific rim countries) that we're in another El Nino year. Don't know why it took so long to confirm as certain agencies reported warmer (+1degree) ocean temps way back in Nov/Dec. My theory is that our planet has been super-heated (yes, just 1 degree C) by extreme solar activity in recent years, but hey, thats my theory.

Global warming ... is that still politically correct terminology?

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Have you seen the conjunction of heavenly bodies now in the northern sky? Now nearly at the moment of collision. These massive bodies are pulling the earthly water vapor away from T'land and causing cloudless skies, thus unmitigated and relentless heat.

And, as El Nino takes further effect on the vast Pacific Ocean more water vapor will be diverted away from T'land. Next year, and even more so for the coming decades, T'land must learn to live with much less water and much more heat.

Agree. Hot is here.

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My big clue is talking to the seeds guys. Northern Thailand produces huge amounts of seeds for the globe. The arugala doesn't sprout anymore. The cucumber seed is having to come ftom higher elevations. The seed companies are flipping out.

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Have you seen the conjunction of heavenly bodies now in the northern sky? Now nearly at the moment of collision. These massive bodies are pulling the earthly water vapor away from T'land and causing cloudless skies, thus unmitigated and relentless heat. And, as El Nino takes further effect on the vast Pacific Ocean more water vapor will be diverted away from T'land. Next year, and even more so for the coming decades, T'land must learn to live with much less water and much more heat. Agree. Hot is here.

Speaking of heavenly bodies.. I guess it's time to head into town..

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I drive a gecko powered tuktuk and by amazing coincidence for every +1 degree C the little reptiles manage 1 km per hour peddle power. Over the last couple of weeks I've managed over 40 km/hr several times down the Superhighway....clear evidence of global warming..

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Been testing my recycled palm oil blend in the truck and manage 140 kmph on the Hangdong road ...but only after midnight when everyones asleep. Tricky part is filtering out the crispy chicken and batter residue thru a series of toilet rolls, new ones. Syncrhonising traffic lights to an all green phase may assist in higher test speeds.

Seriously but...

Since a majority of Chiang Mai's water comes from the CM/Lamphun aquifer, (underground water) I wonder if anyone knows what the current reserves are or where test bore (30 + around the province) data is published? Without good rains the level must be dropping at an alarming rate and I assume bore holes will have to go deeper than ~50m.

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They laughed at Paul Ehrlich when he published The Population Bomb.

They laughed at Al Gore, for his disturbing movie, An Inconvenient Truth.

Now they're laughing at Pope Francis.

They like fracking. Drill Baby Drill, they say.

Nestle says clean drinking water is a "commodity", to be sold at a profit,

Not a human right. Want a drink? Pay up!

Somewhere, Malthus is laughing now.

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Scroll down to the Alamac http://www.wunderground.com/weather-forecast/TH/Chiang_Mai.html and you will see that actual temps are +4 degrees higher than past average. I have been monitoring this for a few weeks and we have been consistantly 4-5 degrees or more above past average. Not one day has come close to hit the average in the past two months.

To those who claim to have been getting some rain consider yourselves lucky. We live at Ragang & Kampangdin GPS 18.777503, 98.995427 - we have not been getting rain the past few weeks at all except for two days, once for a few hours and once for an hour or so.

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Read up (Google )on the methane extinction coming to an atmosphere near you. Probably won't kill your dead asses but say goodbye now to your children and anyone else under age 50. Human activity of the ever destructive kind won't in the end damage the planet. It has millions of years to recover and reinvent itself. Humans will be gone and along with it most of life as it exists today.

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Based on our AC usage it has gotten warmer the last two years. Last year during this quarter we had our highest electric bills ever. So far this year the bills for the first two months of the quarter are higher than last year and we expect this month's bill to be much higher than last year. We did not see that much variation the three years prior. Not many sample points but it seems like a trend at least in the short term.


Edited by grin
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Based on our AC usage it has gotten warmer the last two years. Last year during this quarter we had our highest electric bills ever. So far this year the bills for the first two months of the quarter are higher than last year and we expect this month's bill to be much higher than last year. We did not see that much variation the three years prior. Not many sample points but it seems like a trend at least in the short term.


You could be right but have you factored in the cost of electricity? Has it increased over the last 2 years?

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Yes it's been confirmed (by all Pacific rim countries) that we're in another El Nino year. Don't know why it took so long to confirm as certain agencies reported warmer (+1degree) ocean temps way back in Nov/Dec. My theory is that our planet has been super-heated (yes, just 1 degree C) by extreme solar activity in recent years, but hey, thats my theory.

Global warming ... is that still politically correct terminology?

An increased rate of El Niño years is exactly what global warming scenarios predict. Among other occurrences of extreme weather.

"Global warming" is a scientific term, not a political one.

Who cares what politicians think?

Cheers, CM-Expat

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Yes it's been confirmed (by all Pacific rim countries) that we're in another El Nino year. Don't know why it took so long to confirm as certain agencies reported warmer (+1degree) ocean temps way back in Nov/Dec. My theory is that our planet has been super-heated (yes, just 1 degree C) by extreme solar activity in recent years, but hey, thats my theory.

Global warming ... is that still politically correct terminology?

An increased rate of El Niño years is exactly what global warming scenarios predict. Among other occurrences of extreme weather.

"Global warming" is a scientific term, not a political one.

Who cares what politicians think?

Cheers, CM-Expat

You are both correct, and wrong ... "political correctness" has little or nothing to do with Politicians, rather its an ideological attempt to promote equality and tolerance, in most instances.

A portion of the scientific community first coined the 'warming' tag when mankind was thought to be the main perpetrator (remember that hole in the ozone layer?). Greed became a factor as Governments sought to rein in the suspected causes and place burdens (taxes) on industry and thus the taxpaying public. Other scientific studies have shown the long-term warming as a natural occurring phase and therefore the alternate tag is "global climate change".

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Been told this is driest season in 30 years! I wonder what caused it then? Or the time before that, or the time before.......you know what I mean.

Nothing new here.

You do realize that a human lifespan is less than an eye blink in geographic time right? Much like the stock market, climate doesn't happen in a nice straight line. Just think of the planet, on average, becoming a much more miserable place to live.

I suspect though as things continue the changes and extreme peril that air breathers will face will happen within this century.

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