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Rick Perry calls Charleston church shooting an 'accident'

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Rick Perry calls Charleston church shooting an 'accident'

Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry on Friday suggested the fatal shooting of nine black people at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, by a white male was a drug-induced “accident”.

The former Texas governor was asked about the mass shooting at Emanuel AME church during an interview with the conservative NewsmaxTV. Perry, who is running for president again after a failed bid in 2012, said he didn’t know if the tragedy was an “act of terror”, but acknowledged it was “a crime of hate”.

But Perry then pivoted to what he called the “real issue to be talked about” – drugs.

“It seems to me – again, without having all the details about this one – that these individuals have been medicated. And there may be a real issue in this country, from the standpoint of these drugs, and how they’re used,” Perry said.

Read More: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/19/rick-perry-charleston-church-shooting-accident

--The Guardian 2015-06-20

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I doubt it and I am not a fan. Read what he actually said, as opposed to the way it was presented. This is a very convoluted hit piece.

An accurate piece...the headline merely states what he said (bold emphasis mine to assist those that missed it the first reading)

" “This is the MO of this administration, any time there is an accident like this, the president is clear. He doesn’t like for Americans to have guns and so he uses every opportunity, this being another one, to basically go parrot that message,” Perry said.. "

Perry used the word "accident" to refer to the incident,

It may be a hit piece, and deservedly so.

If this gets traction, it will hurt his political aspirations a lot.


Perry's full comments are here at 13 minute mark


It's obvious he misspoke. Yes, he defends access to guns, but he calls the church killings a crime of hate.

Reached for comment, a Perry communications adviser wrote in an email that Perry clearly meant to say "incident" and not "accident." "When watching the entire interview, it's clear from the context of his comments that Governor Perry meant incident," said the adviser, Lexi Stemple http://www.businessinsider.com/rick-perry-misspoke-about-charleston-shooting-2015-6#ixzz3dZ6j3bbt

Perry's comments on drugs need to be put in context. The accused killer had a history of methamphetamine, cocaine and LSD use.

The behaviour of the accused is just so screwed up, especially in light of the fact that two of his black friends were interviewed and didn't call him a racist. It seems that the drug use had a role in making an obviously screwed up kid even crazier. I am not excusing the killing, but the accused does not seem to have been playing with a full deck.

This is just another senseless tragedy brought to us by the easy access to guns. After all, what is someone arrested for serious drug offenses being able to acquire a handgun?


Perry's supporters sympathize with the motives of Dylann Roof anyway. It won't affect his chances of failure as Perry appeals only to the 30% of the electorate (the mentally deficient minority). Unlike parliamentary systems, a candidate with only 30% support of the voters cannot win an election.


I would say he "accidentally" just shot himself in the foot. Well, one fewer candidates to choose from, that's good.


I agree with Ulysses G. that it was a hit piece and a sloppy one.

The "accident" comment can be found buried in the The Guardian article:

“This is the MO of this administration, any time there is an accident like this, the president is clear. He doesn’t like for Americans to have guns and so he uses every opportunity, this being another one, to basically go parrot that message,” Perry said.

He added that pushing gun control was a “knee-jerk reaction” that would do little to change gun violence “as long as evil and cowardice is alive in the world ...”

Obviously, the better word would have been "incident".

He's not wrong on Obama's news conference comments about this mass shooting. It was embarrassing to leverage this shooting into a political agenda.

To make matters worse, Obama also distorted, at best, the facts regarding mass violence happening in other advanced countries:

"But let’s be clear: At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

Chart of Top 10 Nations in the World for Mass Shootings - IJReview 19 June 2015

The USA comes after Norway, Finland, Slovakia, Israel and Switzerland based on mass shooting fatalities per 1,000,000, 2009-2013. All five countries are classified as having "Restrictive" firearms regulations, whereas the USA is classified as "Permissive".


Perry's full comments are here at 13 minute mark


It's obvious he misspoke. Yes, he defends access to guns, but he calls the church killings a crime of hate.

Reached for comment, a Perry communications adviser wrote in an email that Perry clearly meant to say "incident" and not "accident." "When watching the entire interview, it's clear from the context of his comments that Governor Perry meant incident," said the adviser, Lexi Stemple http://www.businessinsider.com/rick-perry-misspoke-about-charleston-shooting-2015-6#ixzz3dZ6j3bbt

Perry's comments on drugs need to be put in context. The accused killer had a history of methamphetamine, cocaine and LSD use.

The behaviour of the accused is just so screwed up, especially in light of the fact that two of his black friends were interviewed and didn't call him a racist. It seems that the drug use had a role in making an obviously screwed up kid even crazier. I am not excusing the killing, but the accused does not seem to have been playing with a full deck.

This is just another senseless tragedy brought to us by the easy access to guns. After all, what is someone arrested for serious drug offenses being able to acquire a handgun?

"After all, what is someone arrested for serious drug offenses being able to acquire a handgun?"

Apparently it is the end result of poor upbringing by a father that gave him, according to his uncle, the .45 as a birthday present. Was it unlawful acquisition or access? I guess we'll eventually find out.


I agree with Ulysses G. that it was a hit piece and a sloppy one.

The "accident" comment can be found buried in the The Guardian article:

This is the MO of this administration, any time there is an accident like this, the president is clear. He doesnt like for Americans to have guns and so he uses every opportunity, this being another one, to basically go parrot that message, Perry said.

He added that pushing gun control was a knee-jerk reaction that would do little to change gun violence as long as evil and cowardice is alive in the world ...

Obviously, the better word would have been "incident".

When you read it in context, it seems likely that "incident" was the word he was actually looking for.


What I find more amazing than Perry's comment is how the usual bunch are struggling to find anyway possible to defend Perry, his gun toting ideals and seem to be forgetting that 9 US citizens were slaughtered in their place of worship (i guess the fact they were all black was just a coincidence rolleyes.gif ) It is no wonder this kind of thing happens in the states because if the comments we read on here are representative of the US mind-set the place is totally screwed.


Give 100 speeches a month and try not to mis-speak a single word.

I'm sure he meant to say "incident". I would have stuck to "tragedy" so there's less chance to get it wrong.

I'm not a fan, but this was just a common error.


Perry's supporters sympathize with the motives of Dylann Roof anyway.

Nonsense. Most of Perry's supporters are born again Christians. They are not going to "sympathize" with some white trash druggie shooting up a Christian church, no matter who is worshiping there.


Perry's supporters sympathize with the motives of Dylann Roof anyway.

Nonsense. Most of Perry's supporters are born again Christians. They are not going to "sympathize" with some white trash druggie shooting up a Christian church, no matter who is worshiping there.

And most of them are racists, so their tears will be fake.


Looks like Rick Perry's run for president is also an accident.

An accident and yet another incident.

Perry seems unable to remember what it is he's supposed to say or is trying to say.

Politicians do talk a lot so they occasionally flub. Perry flubs a lot period. He draws too much attention to his continuing fumbling and bumbling in his public speaking. He needs to go home and return to plowing cattle and waving his hat in the air. Putin would eat Perry alive and the Chinese would laff him out of the room. Pathetic.


What I find more amazing than Perry's comment is how the usual bunch are struggling to find anyway possible to defend Perry, his gun toting ideals and seem to be forgetting that 9 US citizens were slaughtered in their place of worship (i guess the fact they were all black was just a coincidence rolleyes.gif ) It is no wonder this kind of thing happens in the states because if the comments we read on here are representative of the US mind-set the place is totally screwed.

if the comments we read on here are representative of the US mind-set the place is totally screwed.

Comments defending Perry, Trump and all the rest of the right wing reactionaries are characteristic of the Republican party extreme far out marginal right, and of some Libertarian far out right wingers.

The comments are made by displaced Americans who chose to self-depart to societies abroad that are not diverse or less diverse and that are more traditional and resistant to popular democracy and socio-cultural change.

The Obama electoral coalition dominates US politics, culture, society, which is why these few hard core right wing burnouts self-deported to their self-exile of bitterness and extreme hostility toward the contemporary and evolving United States.

The consistently appalling and fiercely intemperate extreme comments you refer to are not the views of mainstream America, not at all, not in any way.

Trust me on this plse thx.


What do you think Putin and the Chinese have been doing to Obama, Clinton and Kerry fior the past 6+ years?

Same as the lunar far out and right wing tea party types have been trying to do all of which is based in their racialism.


Prez Obama already has his legacy and Perry has his destiny as a disaster who along with his entire Republican party are stuck behind the eight ball.


What do you think Putin and the Chinese have been doing to Obama, Clinton and Kerry fior the past 6+ years?

Same as the lunar far out and right wing tea party types have been trying to do all of which is based in their racialism.


Prez Obama already has his legacy and Perry has his destiny as a disaster who along with his entire Republican party are stuck behind the eight ball.

"Trust me on this plse thx."

You need to make this your signature. It won't work but it's better than the one you have now.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif


I doubt it and I am not a fan. Read what he actually said, as opposed to the way it was presented. This is a very convoluted hit piece.

Was he wearing his piece on his hip when he spoke? I think Texas has a open carry law.


I can see two accidents here.

One - the birth of that poor excuse for a young white man.

Two - Rick Perry running for a President.


Perry's supporters sympathize with the motives of Dylann Roof anyway.

Nonsense. Most of Perry's supporters are born again Christians. They are not going to "sympathize" with some white trash druggie shooting up a Christian church, no matter who is worshiping there.

Sad, but true. Keep in mind that southern Afro American churches have some of the most extreme views on social issues. As a whole, their membership is opposed to same sex marriage, and a woman's right to control her reproductive system. They are also very much in favour of law and order. The southern bible belt may harbor some horrible violent bigots, but its evangelical conservatives offer some of the most integrated churches in the USA, more integrated than on the west and east coasts. These evangelicals are also big believers in giving charity and support things like soup kitchens, meals on wheels etc. It may not be joy on bliss on other issues and there may even be conflict on social advancement, but the Perry type supporters are probably praying now for the deceased and are looking to blame this on a permissive society blah blah blah.

I'd expect supporters of other candidates to be more sympathetic. How does Donald Trump sound? He was just describing Mexicans emigres as rapists and criminals his week.


A man with a ranch called niggerhead ranch and up to 50 nigger heads hanging on the walls of his ranch may not want to talk about racism,

Perry did not own the ranch, there were no "niggerheads" and it was called that BEFORE he rented it. There was rock with the name, but Perry painted it over after leasing the property.


Perry did not own the ranch, there were no "niggerheads" and it was called that BEFORE he rented it. There was rock with the name, but Perry pained it over.

He didn't rent it, he leased the ranch, and he said he painted over the rock in the 80's but that was a lie.

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