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Confederate flag sets off debate in 2016 Republican class

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While what you say is somewhat true, it isn't all true, typical of right wing cherry picking crap, concerning the 1800's and actually up to 1964 when Democrats stood up for what is right. The passage of the the Civil Rights of 1964 act ended the southern Democrats who fled immediately to the party they should have been in to start with, racist Republican. Pleas note I said "southern Democrats" who are all now Republicans, except for the intelligent, non racist ones. Nixon's "southern strategy" is well documented. Today's Republicans are as racist as they come and it is them that are trying to defend racism, hatred, and slavery if they could. They only hypocrites here are those that will stoop to anything to defend a symbol of racism, slavery and hatred.

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The Democrats will do anything to deflect attention from the train wreck that is the Clinton campaign.

Who needs distracting from a train wreck when there's a clown car to watch!



Publicus : "The 0.01 % of black Americans that are racist blacks."

0.01% ? Have you ever set foot in America? This is an absurd statement.


Thanks for sharing Rush Limbaugh's thoughts on the flag issue. Limbaugh is right about the liberal left conducting an assault on American traditions and institutions. There is nothing racist about his comments.

I see many of your posts where you quote Fox News, as well. You must be quite a fan of Fox News. Good for you, lol.

I didn't say there was anything racist about these comments.

I said "He's as racist as they come".


And the cherry picking goes on. George Wallace, Robert Byrd), all dead, were racists when southern Democrats were racist, ahem how long ago now? Doesn't mater today. Right wing strategy at work here, has nothing, zero, nada, zip to do with today or the justification for removing the symbol of hatred, racism and slavery from government property. Just more attempts to change the subject when they can't win an argument


The Confederate flag has already come down in one southern state and is coming down in some more of the southern states. Even Texass has exercised the right to NOT have it on their license plates. I have never in my life heard one single person say take down the American flag. What a delusional, right wing, teabagging, idiotic statement. If it is "the dream" of anybody it would be the right wing racists that would replace it with the Confederate flag. Damn, what a load of crap. Night Rider, we do all know what that means, correct?, perhaps you should try logic, facts and reality instead of attacking the person which is an old right wing trick used when their argument is zero. Also part of that old right wing trick of change the subject. The subject here is the Confederate battle flag and the racism, hatred and slavery it represents.

As a former Marine, I'm surprised you would align yourself with liberals over this flag issue. Liberals think it is their God given right to fly the American flag upside down, trample, and even urinate on it. As soon as the Confederate flag issue is resolved, they will go after the American flag.

Please stop your subscriptions to Mother Jones, the Nation, or any other left wing publications you have mailed to your home. Stop watching MSNBC. You can see what viewing their left wing propaganda has done to some of these posters. There are studies indicating people who view MSNBC once a day or more are experiencing brain shrinkage.

Consider joining the VFW or the Marine Corps League, to get your mind right. There is little chance of encountering a liberal in these organisations.


"South Carolina was the last state to fly the Confederate Stars and Bars battle flag from its Capitol dome."

Sorry not called the stars and bars. That is a different flag. This flag is the Battle flag and not the confederate flag, Called the southern cross. Which was only used by select units and not.

Its original meaning and intent was to show the unification of the 13 confederate states opposing a central government and had nothing at all to do with slavery. In fact many of the Northern generals had slaves or indentured servants.

It has been adopted by every red neck POS especially racist scum bags, but the flag itself shouldn't be blamed.

I think that is the problem not what it was intended for but what it represents today. No different than Swastika even though what that symbol meant was power based on the ancient symbol of Chaos spreading to all 4 directions.

Though I am a northerner and take no offense to a flag of any kind. Since many do and obvious nutjobs use it to show their hatred, it really shouldn't be flown at capital buildings.

Perhaps in a few generations when racial prejudice diminishes a little more, it can find its place back in the history books and museums.


"Nonsense. The Democrat Party owns the Confederate flag"

And Abraham Lincoln was a republican that forced the emancipation proclamation. That doesn't mean anything that the Republicans stand for today resembles the party of 150 years ago.

This really shouldn't be a democrat vs republican debate, or PC debate. This should be a wake up call for the 90% of Americans that have hidden racist prejudices. We think that elected an African American president or that the "N" word is now called the N word and banned on every single media outlet, that we are far from being racists. Racism is endemic in the US and sometimes those that are yelling at others for using racist language are the ones that secretly have prejudices.

I love Eastwood's movie Gran Torrino. What an offensive racist bigot he appeared to be, but his friendship went deeper and was really an honest and caring mentor and friend. Whereas his family were offended by his language made no attempts and befriending his Hmong neighbors.

I have an inlaw that hated the movie because he said so many racist things. Then every once in a while she goes off on tirades about immigrants from the US and how they are bleeding the country dry.


I do belong to the VFW, ah duh. Do you? You sir are an embarrassment to all Marines, if in fact you were one. BTW, VVAW leadership was in great part USMC NCO's. Yea some of us have more than one working brain cell, unlike racist, bigoted right wingers. I align myself with human beings, not racist, bigoted, right wing haters. I'm no liberal, I'm a left wing militant. Here we continue with the right wingnut attack on the individual because the right wing argument has no substance Here's a good read from an old SE Asia, China person. Oh, you won't like it. http://thiscantbehappening.net/print/2788 You need to stop watching faux (not the) news, reading all the bratbart, infowars etc. lies and get an education. Do try to stay on subject and try to come up with a logical reason governments should not take down the Confederate flag instead of personal attacks. Oh, I forgot, personal attacks are what the right wing does when it has no facts in it's argument.


"Most Americans have at least one relative who fought in the Civil War. Many families today have relatives who had fought on both sides."

I know that you are not educated but at least do some basic research before spouting off such ridiculous statements. You do know that most Americans are 3rd generation immigrants not 4-5th?

"will you be supporting the leftist movement to remove the American flag from all government buildings? "

I know that you probably freebase while watching Fox News but that is just a ridiculous statement.


The Rebel flag stuff is a political dagger in the heart to the R party swarm of right wing eccentric reactionaries who want to get in to the White House to turn back the clock.

Nonsense. The Democrat Party owns the Confederate flag. The Confederacy were Democrats. The heirs of the Confederacy were Democrats. The segregationists were all Democrats. The Confederacy was Democrats. Bill Clinton, George Wallace and Gore all used it to campaign with. What a bunch of hypocrites.
At the moment it is not the Democrats having problems with the flag but the Republicans.



This is utter nonsense. Freedom of Speech as outlined in the Constitution must be protected at all costs. Sorry but one tragic event should not destroy this important freedom. A crazed young man did this not a flag.


How does removing this from government buildings compromise your freedom of speech?

I hope that is not a serious question. It is more than just Govt buildings. It has been banned from many retail outlets and online as well. Free speech is just that "free speech". The right to express oneself. Personally I have never owned a Confederate flag not do I plan to but I respect the fact someone else can own one or use it on a t shirt or whatever.


This is utter nonsense. Freedom of Speech as outlined in the Constitution must be protected at all costs. Sorry but one tragic event should not destroy this important freedom. A crazed young man did this not a flag.

I agree but the obama regime has absolutely no respect for our Constitution and Bill of Rights. They despise our history, culture and fully intend to transform our nation into a socialist country. This won't stop with the current liberal crusade du jour against the Confederate flag; it is only the beginning. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and many more American heroes are all on their to-do list. Anyone who has had the pleasure of sitting in an American university knows what the left thinks about Western Civilization and European-Americans in general. Obama has also made it very clear which side he is on.

If you want to leave it on government buildings, you can. But then you'll have to allow LGBT and African American groups to hoist their flags too. Simple really :)


If you want to leave it on government buildings, you can. But then you'll have to allow LGBT and African American groups to hoist their flags too. Simple reall

The states can decide on their own. However, they should not be pressured by any group to infringe upon someone's right to freedom of expression.


If you want to leave it on government buildings, you can. But then you'll have to allow LGBT and African American groups to hoist their flags too. Simple reall

The states can decide on their own. However, they should not be pressured by any group to infringe upon someone's right to freedom of expression.

But they have to grant equal rights. Look for Oklahoma's ten commandments monument which they destroyed when the Pagans decided to put theirs up :)


If you want to leave it on government buildings, you can. But then you'll have to allow LGBT and African American groups to hoist their flags too. Simple reall

The states can decide on their own. However, they should not be pressured by any group to infringe upon someone's right to freedom of expression.

But they have to grant equal rights. Look for Oklahoma's ten commandments monument which they destroyed when the Pagans decided to put theirs up smile.png

That's ridiculous with that approach you could have a hundred flags. The states elect their legislators who decide or better yet have a referendum. It's how democracy works.


I do belong to the VFW, ah duh. Do you? You sir are an embarrassment to all Marines, if in fact you were one. BTW, VVAW leadership was in great part USMC NCO's. Yea some of us have more than one working brain cell, unlike racist, bigoted right wingers. I align myself with human beings, not racist, bigoted, right wing haters. I'm no liberal, I'm a left wing militant. Here we continue with the right wingnut attack on the individual because the right wing argument has no substance Here's a good read from an old SE Asia, China person. Oh, you won't like it. http://thiscantbehappening.net/print/2788 You need to stop watching faux (not the) news, reading all the bratbart, infowars etc. lies and get an education. Do try to stay on subject and try to come up with a logical reason governments should not take down the Confederate flag instead of personal attacks. Oh, I forgot, personal attacks are what the right wing does when it has no facts in it's argument.

"...try to come up with a logical reason governments should not take down the Confederate flag..."

I struggled through another of your rants but this particular comment struck me as being pertinent.

My question concerning this is...are there any reasons why the same government could not then begin banning books, music or movies that might be found offensive to some minority group?

How about the name for the Washington NFL team? Some obscure Indian tribe finds the name "Redskins" offensive. Should the government ban the use of that name by the football team?

"Gone with the Wind" Never to be shown again?

"Huckelberry Finn" Never in a public or school library?

If the residents of the state want flags to be taken down from government buildings, have a referendum and whoever wins the vote wins the war.

So tell us, where on this slippery slope do you apply the brakes and try to stop the avalanche of political correctness that is engulfing society?


United we stand divided we fall back into the super rich using prejudice etc. to sway the populace to vote for them or as in the case of Texas, flat out stealing elections using gerrymandering etc. to get their way at the expense of the rest of us.

It's past time to put the confederate flags in the museums and learn from the lessons of the past rather than offering up the confederate flag as a symbol for our youth to follow when they need a moral compass to lead them through troubled times. Yes, slavery and racism is immoral.


Yes, understandable you would struggle with logic, facts and reality. Whoa there, obscure Indian tribe, try nations. Your racial prejudice is showing big time Wasichu. BTW, I just finished watching GWtW again a few minutes ago. A damn good film and any human being can see the inhumanity in it and the falsehood of slaves that supported the south. Sorry southerners, you can't have those days again. Great acting and great film work for it's day. I first saw it as a young child when my dad took me to see while the baptist women's circle met in our house. The only ones trying to ban Huck Finn have been right wing wacko's. Good my comment struck you as pertinent, pay attention more often. I'm still waiting for logic, oh I forgot again, not in the right wing dictionary.


Publicus : "The 0.01 % of black Americans that are racist blacks."

0.01% ? Have you ever set foot in America? This is an absurd statement.

I can tell you I wasn't born in Kenya laugh.pngcheesy.gif

Or Alabama.

My Americanism and USA citizenship by birthright and life's experience get questioned by another Chump for Trump or some such. clap2.gif

Another self-deported right wing crackpot loser who has no issues? blink.png

Given some people here have serious right angle calculators, let me take this post to revise my estimate to 0.000001 percent of all blacks that are "racist blacks." wink.png


A protester shows a Confederate flag outside the home of a black family.


This is utter nonsense. Freedom of Speech as outlined in the Constitution must be protected at all costs. Sorry but one tragic event should not destroy this important freedom. A crazed young man did this not a flag.

I agree but the obama regime has absolutely no respect for our Constitution and Bill of Rights. They despise our history, culture and fully intend to transform our nation into a socialist country. This won't stop with the current liberal crusade du jour against the Confederate flag; it is only the beginning. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and many more American heroes are all on their to-do list. Anyone who has had the pleasure of sitting in an American university knows what the left thinks about Western Civilization and European-Americans in general. Obama has also made it very clear which side he is on.

Reactionary extremist right wing ideological and political spam.

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