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PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- A gunman opened fire on a block party in Philadelphia, leaving seven people injured, including a 2-year-old and a 10-year-old.

Philadelphia Police Lt. John Walker tells WCAU-TV ( http://bit.ly/1Lr1OrS ) the shooting happened around 10 p.m. Saturday in West Philadelphia. He says it looks like the gunman just randomly fired down the street and hit anyone in the way.

Walker says both children were taken to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in critical condition, and the toddler had a wound to the neck. He says the other victims ranged in age from 15 to 25 and were taken to another hospital in critical condition.

He says it was "just a terrible situation." No other information was immediately available.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-21

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This is the very block of the very street it happened on. 4100 block of Ogden St., W. Philly.

Don't go in there. The people tear the neighborhoods up, landlords abandon properties to unpaid taxes, and squatters try to occupy the empty and boarded up buildings. Many are missing all of the windows.

Don't be fooled into thinking this is typical of anything. This is a big inner city ghetto that has been destroyed by the occupants.


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Was it white on white, black on black or maybe green on humans crime?

Cannot see the clean cut decisiveness in naming'n blaming...

Perhaps the material is of no or little use to the bent media?

* this 'News' is to be followed by an article on "American blind eye"

Edited by ABCer
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Many here are acting surprised by all the latest news pieces. Don't be. None of these are new news. This goes on all the time. Detroit, the City of Brotherly Love, Cleveland, etc., are lawless cesspools abandoned by all but the most desperate, unimaginative, or screwed over people. However, it is not true that economic blight made them this, they made economic blight!

The numbers for black on black crime are far more staggering then even the numbers for black on white crime, for which most are unaware of because of a voluntary agreement by the US media not to discuss race except in the most obvious of issues. My push on this is not to make everything relative but to suggest it is currently being provoked for other reasons in the US, the coming election top among the reasons. Make people victimized, help them embrace their plight, promise them more stuff, free crap, other people's crap, and rally them toward this end.

Watch! It is going to be a long hot season in America.

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This is the very block of the very street it happened on. 4100 block of Ogden St., W. Philly.

Don't go in there. The people tear the neighborhoods up, landlords abandon properties to unpaid taxes, and squatters try to occupy the empty and boarded up buildings. Many are missing all of the windows.

Don't be fooled into thinking this is typical of anything. This is a big inner city ghetto that has been destroyed by the occupants.

Not typical of anything -?- when another lunatic opens fire on innocents? Hogwash. Horse hockey and bull feathers. "The first suspect is described as a man in his 20s with a beard and tattoos on one arm who wore a yellow T-shirt and blue jeans. The second suspect is described as a man who wore dark blue jeans and a black shirt." -- yes, they were very white guys randomly killing very black people. Very typical of the very lunatic right wing fringe. It was a Father''s Day block party, and the street was full of laughing people, not the droll Russia slum look-alike you posted. l have actually been there -- that's my home state and province. You are just speculating and spreading a voice calling for non-action.

I see the anti-gun lobby going to town via the press, and the NRA sitting tight -- this is all VERY typical.

It is a very typical very bad situation. Neither side can figure out how to keep guns out of the hands of bad people. Gun control, restricting semi-automatic weapons and magazine sizes is as bad a joke as saying the US needs no gun control and Iraq was justified....

Hold on kids, whichever idiot wins the next election will be sure to....keep us all distracted so we don't demand infrastructure, education reform, and living peacefully with other countries who have a different idea of governance. After all, there is no money in any of those issues for the military industrial complex.


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Nothing unusual about this in the City of Brotherly Love. Much of Philly is a ghetto and not a place anyone would want to be. The cops are on the take and seem to be in awe of the BIB here in Thailand. Several municipal court judges have recently been convicted of taking bribes to fix tickets and the Democratic machine still controls many of the neighborhoods. Philly, like many other East Coast big cities, is slowly dying as middle class people take flight to the Jersey suburbs. There may be a renaissance in center city but that is only because of the 10 year tax abatement that allows people to buy multi-million dollar condos and live there until the taxes get readjusted then they flee.

I have a house in South Jersey and spend part of the year there. I only go into the city to use the airport- other than that you take your life in your hands when you wander the streets. If you go there- beware.

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This is the very block of the very street it happened on. 4100 block of Ogden St., W. Philly.

Don't go in there. The people tear the neighborhoods up, landlords abandon properties to unpaid taxes, and squatters try to occupy the empty and boarded up buildings. Many are missing all of the windows.

Don't be fooled into thinking this is typical of anything. This is a big inner city ghetto that has been destroyed by the occupants.

"Don't be fooled into thinking this is typical of anything..."

So you're saying this is atypical and a rare occurrence??


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Till the Administration gets the Second ammendment banned this kind of non sense will continue! Some how some one thinks firearms are the trouble and by banning them crime will disappear. What utter nonsense.

People have been killing each other centuries. However once the population has been disarmed the current tyranical governement which ignores the Constitution spies on Americans and people all oveer the world will at last have removed the final object to impose Marshall law and change the face of America once and for all!

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