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Phuket:- A 22-year-old Hong Kong tourist was arrested by Phuket police early Sunday after he allegedly filed a false complaint that his bag with a mobile phone and a Macbook computer had been stolen.

Phuket tourist police chief Pol Col Chusawat Chanrojanakit said Wong Wai Ki Warwick Taboc, who carries Hong Kong passport, was arrested at his hotel at 1:30 am.

He was charged with violating Article 173 of the Criminal Code by filing false complaint with an officer that a crime has taken place.

The tourist police team was informed by the 1155 tourist police call center that a Hong Kong tourist had filed a complaint with the Chalong police station that his valuables had been stolen and he was waiting for help from the tourist police at the police station.

The team rushed to the Chalong police station to interrogate the tourist for more information.

The Hong Kong man told the tourist police team that he arrived at the Phuket international airport at 4:45 pm on Saturday. He said he then took a taxi to have dinner at a foods shop whose name he did not know.

He said his bag was stolen while he was having dinner. He then took a taxi to file the complaint at the Chanlong police station. He claimed that he had only Bt200 cash left and he did not have a place to stay and had no travel accompany.

The team spotted that the man was carrying a handbag so the police officers asked for permission to check it. Police found a key card printed by the name of Rawai Palm Beach Resort.

So, police took him to the hotel and checked his room and found the phone and computer. Police also found the man's photo in the smartphone so he was arrested on suspicion that he made the false charge for claiming for insurance compensation.


More police rushing to the scene of a crime that has occurred.

I am concerned all their rushing around is going to cause an accident one day.

And another thing, where's the pic of the Chinese master criminal pointing at himself?

Its a sad day for Thai justice when the picture doesn't fit the crime.

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