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Phuket police hunt three foreigners for car break-in (Video)

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Phuket police hunt three foreigners for car break-in (Video)
Eakkapop Thongtub

The three men police believe are responsible for the break-in.

PHUKET: -- Police are currently looking for three foreigners who they believe broke into a vehicle parked at Tesco Lotus Thalang yesterday (June 21) stealing an iPhone, iPad mini and two bags.

At 5:30pm, police received a call from Tesco Lotus Thalang security who advised them that a car parked at the store had been broken into.

Lt Weechoti Meepop, an inspector from Thalang police, arrived at the scene and met with the vehicle owner, Phasuk Ohara, 43.

Ms Phasuk told police that she had gone to the store with her son and his friends, and at about 5:25pm an announcement was made for the owner of a veicle to go to the car park to check their car.

“It was my car that they announced so we went out to the car park to check. When we reached the car we found that the rear right passenger window had been cut out and an iPhone, iPad mini and two backpacks had been stolen,” said Ms Phasuk.

A witness told police that he took a video of the suspects while sitting in his vehicle with his wife.

He said, “Three foreigners got our of a dark grey car, we believe a fourth person was still in the car. The three men walked around the car park and were acting suspiciously.

“When they got to the victim̕s car they cut out the rear window, stole the items, got back into their car and drove away.

“We immediately contacted the store̕s security,” he said.

Lt Weechoti told reporters, “The suspects did not smash the window but cut it out like professionals. We are currently checking all CCTV in the area and on Thepkassattri Rd to find the suspects and the getaway vehicle.”

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-police-hunt-three-foreigners-for-car-break-in-video-52885.php

-- Phuket News 2015-06-22

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Im happy to see the police have all this time to track some petty thieves. When foreigners are getting robbed and murdered every day in their island every day....Rediculous!


Im happy to see the police have all this time to track some petty thieves. When foreigners are getting robbed and murdered every day in their island every day....Rediculous!

Don't think you would call it ridiculous if it was your car they broke into and stole your possessions wink.png


...I see nothing of what is mentioned ....in the 23 second video.....

...in the still photo they might very well be Thai mix....


...I see nothing of what is mentioned ....in the 23 second video.....

...in the still photo they might very well be Thai mix....

They look like Colombians, don't they?


Not enough video to convince me. AND ... anyone stupid enough to leave an iPhone and iPad in plain sight ... in a car ... in a parking lot ... well you know where I'm going with this. Not just in Thailand ... anywhere.


sad.png People should not tempt thieves by leaving valuables in plain sight.blink.png That being said, catch these boys on holiday and put them in jail for a few months. Deport them to never come back and notify their embassycoffee1.gif Tourist garbage.


Im happy to see the police have all this time to track some petty thieves. When foreigners are getting robbed and murdered every day in their island every day....Rediculous!

Congratulations ... you got that "ridiculous" comment ASAP !

Well done .. saved me from scrolling through the thread to find the first Farang Apologist.

Are you serious?

Yes, of course, why oh why would the POLICE investigate a CRIME?


Shouldn't be hard to find these three suspects, mind you i congratulate the cctv quality, shame it wasn't installed on Kho Tao........ I'd like to see the outcome of this one, as it smells a little fishy.......... Sounds like a bit of Farang bashing going on.......... I mean really, do these boys look like your average Krak heads robbing cars....?


Let the nationality debate begin ...

Latest police reports say they are from Kenya laugh.png

Unless they had a flight booked withing an hour best thing they could do is hand themselves in, plead guilty and hope for the best


The witness could make a video of them walking and said he saw them break in but no video of that.

Unless more proof comes, I'll stick to innocent until guilty proven.

But guess it had to be farangs because it was a professional break in. A Thai would have just smashed the window


Shouldn't be hard to find these three suspects, mind you i congratulate the cctv quality, shame it wasn't installed on Kho Tao........ I'd like to see the outcome of this one, as it smells a little fishy.......... Sounds like a bit of Farang bashing going on.......... I mean really, do these boys look like your average Krak heads robbing cars....?



I don't get it; The three men had been filmed just walking by;How did the person filming know they were going to break into a car. Or does the person filming just secretly sit in parking lots filming everyone who walks in? No film of them actually doing anything either. You would think the director would spend more time filming the incriminating evidence???

If they did do it, and there is more convincing evidence; I hope they get the book thrown at them....


I do honestly think too many brain dead ex pats comment on here. The guy taking the film says ''acting suspicious''. “When they got to the victim̕s car they cut out the rear window, stole the items, got back into their car and drove away. “We immediately contacted the store̕s security,” he said. So why no footage of them sticking their heads inside the gaping hole! Or carrying the stolen goods! The footage shows absolutely nothing that would stand out in connection with this crime. Has it been done to me on a Tesco Lotus car park? Yes. Do i think it was farang, ''privately Yes''. However if someone said three farang did it and i saw them and took a video and on inspecting this video he conveniently somehow neglected to show them doing it i would have my eyes firmly staring at him. And his kids who are suspiciously looking right at the falangs in the back ground.


I'd like to see a picture of the window supposedly cut through. I don't believe it. I sure the thick window film has kept the glass in a chunk and it just folded in when smashed.


...I see nothing of what is mentioned ....in the 23 second video.....

...in the still photo they might very well be Thai mix....

They look like Colombians, don't they?

With respect, very precise. How?


It sounds so frustrating that a person will give very important details of what he filmed and in his film we can only see 3 guys walking. Why doesn't he film them stealing the items or cutting the rear window? Why not film them carrying the stolen items? Except this part is cut out of the video then we can't believe what he said.


"When they got to the victim̕s car they cut out the rear window, stole the items, got back into their car and drove away."

This scene somehow seems to be missing from the thriller. In the video as is I cannot find anything suspicious, but I can see a get-away car about 0:21into the video...


It sounds so frustrating that a person will give very important details of what he filmed and in his film we can only see 3 guys walking. Why doesn't he film them stealing the items or cutting the rear window? Why not film them carrying the stolen items? Except this part is cut out of the video then we can't believe what he said.

It really is not important what 'we' (who are 'we' by the way?) believe.

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