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Weegee, I would like a straight clear Yes or No answer. Does your wife have a proper land title that looks like this from the day she took the ownership of land? http://www.samuiforsale.com/images/law/title-deed.gif

I hope he has. We have been in our house 1 year this month. A large plot of land devided into 3 smaller plots. Ours is in the middle . One side of us the new neigbours paid half for the dividing wall and it is spot on, the blokes from tesaban put red paint on two walls then the concrete posts in the ground. The other side of us once again two red lines were painted on the walls and concrete post put in a few days later. The plot is still empty but we have put in a small lawn and a dividing hedge. The red wall marks might disapear with time but the concrete post are there and the whole lot is on the legal docs as posted( no pun intended ) by sitti. Maybe we were just lucky but luck should have nothing to do with how much land is yours.

Put a Fence (wall) up tomorrow.....Trees and shrubs mean nothing and will be used to take your land...They will use the longest branch protruding into YOUR property to use as a mark....another favourite.

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Weegee, I would like a straight clear Yes or No answer. Does your wife have a proper land title that looks like this from the day she took the ownership of land? http://www.samuiforsale.com/images/law/title-deed.gif

Definitely YES!....She has a proper chanut.

You should fight this. I really would. At least you should consult with a few different attorneys who are highly experienced in this type of specific field and not associated with each other, and see what their opinions are. If what they are doing is clearly illegal, attorney would know how to fight this. Lately I have been hearing about many cases of people who illegally obtained lands are facing justice. Court ordered fine/jail time and confiscate lands.

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Thailand is a very strange place, you have only one choice to survive here.


you wont win, so dont even try... but the end game is that you won the war and lost some battles.

The war is you live in paradise and leave with a shirt on your back, anything extra is a bonus...

After 10 years living here i still get blown away by the oddities, yesterday for example.

My father in law dies, within 3 hours people turn up - i was shocked at so many people!
Then after a few hours more the entire garden is a professional syndicate of gamblers, there was about 4 games set up with a noodle vendors too!!! and about 100 people that ive never seen before...

I complained saying its disrespectful to gamble during someones funeral

Ofcourse im wrong!

The professional gamblers attend funerals, it is actually their full time jon and they get away with it because the police cannot bust them. And the funeral gets more persons attending!
The mind boggles!
Let it go! i did... and feel less stressed!

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Is it any different to all other country's round the world?

You be screwed up where ever you live.lol


hellstens is right.

No he is not. There is just no comparison...geez!! Been in court for 3 years , so I know..seen it with others etc...it's just complete and utter nonsense to even think they are even close..

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have you the chanut, check the measurements on it , then if its wrong go to the Ampur with your wife and point it out. dont take any sh.t the chanut is a legal document in Thailand,

The Amphur might be in the corrupt system...I would recommend you to go to the Land Office, they have all the right figures...thumbsup.gif

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I have had problems in Phuket and went to the Ombudsman, they helped without any problems and too many questions asked.

Just have your papers and proof ready and present it. Most areas have an Ombudsman ( DUMRONGTHAM CENTRE ).

I hope I spelled it right. Otherwise any Army Office will help your wife , she can speak and explain in Thai.


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have you the chanut, check the measurements on it , then if its wrong go to the Ampur with your wife and point it out. dont take any sh.t the chanut is a legal document in Thailand,

The Amphur might be in the corrupt system...I would recommend you to go to the Land Office, they have all the right figures...thumbsup.gif

Are you serious Thongkorn? Without labeling all Land Offices, a rating in the Bangkok Post earlier this year placed said department at the top of a long list for corruption. And, I have personally witnessed the said 'speeding up surveying cost' here in my own province. Must be careful, libel laws, even when it is the truth.

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Is it any different to all other country's round the world?

You be screwed up where ever you live.lol


hellstens is right.

No he is not. There is just no comparison...geez!! Been in court for 3 years , so I know..seen it with others etc...it's just complete and utter nonsense to even think they are even close..

Guess you know the difference between normal and legal behaviour.

Illegal behaviour in real estate issues is one of the most common disputes in Farang courts, including illegal administrative acts.

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Yes, but it happens in other countries too - - a logger crossed the line into my property and took a few trees - can't put them back up and pursuing him would have been expensive…

Even my state government in putting in a road - 2 different incidents where the govt caused me property damage, once blasting bringing down my foundation - though 4 houses in a row were damaged - houses shook, kids ran out of the house screaming - their army of lawyers insisted there was no blasting… and these were people i paid taxes too… $35,000 in damage to the foundation.

Stuff happens everywhere. Don't let it turn you into a hater… If you enjoy helping people wherever they be - keep at it. Don't let others bad behavior change you.

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I am sorry that the full realization of the lack of integrity in the Thai judicial system has been exposed through your dispute with a Thai neighbor...

Your trust in the system was unwarranted and misplaced...

Now that you see the light...you will notice more and more how truly corrupt everyday living is for a farang in Thailand...

You are here to provide currency to the Thai economy...and occasionally provide amusement in so-called legal disputes...

If you are to remain sane in your chosen lifestyle...you must come to grips with the everyday grind and corruption...

Feel your pain...and for myself...have moved on to greener pastures...happily...

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I think I understand how you feel, OP. For sure, much is very unfair that goes on in Thailand and sometimes it is better to leave it. But, I think I recall there were similar disputes in our area and I heard that they were resolved at the government land office. There should be very specific cut and dried delineations on the paperwork as to where boundaries of people's land begin and end. I'd say, don't expect much, but at least see go to the land office and see if you can't find out more about what can be done, wait if necessary, think, be patient and do what you can if indeed doing anything proves to be the best route. Though it may be as you suspect, too much of a corrupt mafiosa mess to bother with, but I would look into it all a bit more. It may be a hassle, it may be you have to face more unpleasant realities, attitudes, etc. but it helps us all if people respond to these things especially if they are fairly easily fixable.

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Some times you just have to let things go in this country

All the pundits that claim getting a lawyer and appealing to the Amphur or Land Office are living in a fantasy land. There is only one rule of law in this country, he with the most money wins. Pure and simple

You can spend more than the land is worth with a useless Thai lawyer who will charge you to do absolutely nothing because those who have money will be his future clients and he is not about to loose future business for your sake

The judge that will hear your case won't do anything because he has his position because of those with money people

We all like the fact that we can pay our way out of a speeding ticket, or drunk driving, or not wearing a helmet but that low level of corruption permeates the whole society. Here in Thailand you can't even talk about it or the next thing you know you are being charged with defamation. And remember Thailand is one of the only countries in the world where the truth is not a defense against defamation

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Is it any different to all other country's round the world?

You be screwed up where ever you live.lol

Yes, I believe its very different.

Try that sh!te in Australia for example and you see how far you get.

This place is up there with the best of 'em!!!

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Some times you just have to let things go in this country

All the pundits that claim getting a lawyer and appealing to the Amphur or Land Office are living in a fantasy land. There is only one rule of law in this country, he with the most money wins. Pure and simple

You can spend more than the land is worth with a useless Thai lawyer who will charge you to do absolutely nothing because those who have money will be his future clients and he is not about to loose future business for your sake

The judge that will hear your case won't do anything because he has his position because of those with money people

We all like the fact that we can pay our way out of a speeding ticket, or drunk driving, or not wearing a helmet but that low level of corruption permeates the whole society. Here in Thailand you can't even talk about it or the next thing you know you are being charged with defamation. And remember Thailand is one of the only countries in the world where the truth is not a defense against defamation

Germany is another one (Paragraph 192 StGB)

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You have to be very cleared that the sub-District chief's position can be bought at just 2 million baht. During his tenure, he needs to recoup whatever "investment" he had put in. Anything that crosses his path means money. There is no external forces whatsoever to derail his decision whatsoever, its just money. Do your homework first, mate.

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Report them for corruption to a higher national authority

Yeah, right, that'll work....NOT.

Who is the highest authority? Prayuth, of course, and he took the country the same way the "officials" took the property....no permission needed.

The irony must be that the OP deserves what he got if he is a coup PM supporter and has no basis to complain.

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Is it any different to all other country's round the world?

You be screwed up where ever you live.lol


hellstens is right.

No, he isn't. I've lived in several countries, and whilst they all have their fair share of boundary or fence disputes, they are settled lawfully, usually without having to go to the expense of court or even a lawyer. The central government -national, state or provincial, depending on country) holds the land titles, local authorities have read-only but direct access to the databases and it is usually the local authority or council who you go to when you have a problem. In some countries you contact the central land titles' office and get an official copy of the title giving well indicated, accurate measurements which cannot be disputed and are then enforced if it becomes necessary by council officers backed up by police if required.

No other country in which I've lived has there been this kind of going's on, corruption by land officials, the lawyers potentially not 100% on your side or the possibility of being knocked off during the night with no proper police investigation because someone involved either has the right surname or has paid the local law enforcement officers off. In fact, in most countries civil service corruption on the tiniest, most insignificant level makes headline news and those responsible are treated very harshly by the courts. And rightly so. I'm not saying that there is no corruption in other countries, but nobody would dare to try to get away with anything so blatently provable like this in the majority of places I've visited, let alone lived in.

We live here as a retired farang couple who don't intend to return 'back home' for more than a yearly holiday to see family until we pop our clogs. The money we have invested, which funds our retirement, could be invested here with the local economy benefiting and with us paying income tax to the Thai government instead of the Australian government, but until something very serious is done about the corruption and correct surname syndrome, our money is staying put. We bring over 800,000 baht once a year, pay international airfares diect to airlines on our Australian or UK credit cards (direct payments to overseas companies, so no taxes collected there) and that 800,000 pretty much lasts us until the next time it is due to be transferred over to be put into the proof of funds account.

There are a lot people just like us - if you doubt that, then perhaps you don't move in the same circles as we do. The majority of married farang couples don't occupy their time sitting on barstools, particularly in the naughty parts of town. (Not saying there's anything wrong with that or criticising anyone who does, but the longer I'm here, the more of 'us' we come across.) There are also many single people and many more married to Thai's, and a lot of them could also be investing some (or more) or all of their money here.

I live in hope that one day people will wake up to the fact that Thailand is missing out on a lot of investment and taxes, but I'm not holding my breath.

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You have two choices. Either, do what is required to reclaim the wife's land or do not. You knew the choices already, but instead chose to post on TV to moan, whine, despair and for what, to expect sympathy. Does wanting other people to feel sorry for you, make you feel better or bring closure. No one else's advice can help you. Do what you must or not.

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