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Thanks for helping me to decide whether or not to retire in Thailand. I'm spending two weeks here in July for the first time. Was Am looking for a place where my 2500/month retirement will go farthest, but that is safe and respect s rule of law. Guess I'll have to keep looking, unless my July visit changes my mind.

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You have two choices. Either, do what is required to reclaim the wife's land or do not. You knew the choices already, but instead chose to post on TV to moan, whine, despair and for what, to expect sympathy. Does wanting other people to feel sorry for you, make you feel better or bring closure. No one else's advice can help you. Do what you must or not.

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You have two choices. Either, do what is required to reclaim the wife's land or do not. You knew the choices already, but instead chose to post on TV to moan, whine, despair and for what, to expect sympathy. Does wanting other people to feel sorry for you, make you feel better or bring closure. No one else's advice can help you. Do what you must or not.

You seem like a nice chap!!!

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I'm a foreigner . We had the same problem, contacted the authorities, no bribes, no nothing, problemed solved. Excuse me maybe cold drinks.

Maybe its you or we don't live in the same Thailand. I'm also not one to give up on what I believe in. Like helping people.

You sound like you did because you couldn't get what you wanted the way you wanted it. So going through the motions of helping and sincerly helping not bailing out, better without you. Real men will replace you. Quickly.

Enjoy the pity party.

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weegee, I dont have an answer to your problem, sorry!

Why has this topic been stuck in this part of the forum?

It should be in general topics where far more members can offer help.

Mate I hope you & Wife can sort it out.coffee1.gif

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Slightly off topic, I'm not sure why the OP mentions he's a supporter of Prayut. Prayut has nothing to do with how they resolve land border disputes and, besides, in my opinion, neither he nor any of the myriad of dictators since 1932 have solved anything in this country. Come to think of it, other than the 30-baht health scheme and a very few beneficial programs for the lower classes, I can't think of a single beneficial thing any Thai government has done in the last 40+ years.

Op, I'm curious as to what year your wife acquired the property, whether she acquired a chanote deed then, and what steps she took to define and mark her boundary when she acquired the property. Your current problems might be due to some unintentional lapse in getting those issue straightened out in the first place. Also, you don't mention how long the neighboring owner has encroached upon your wife's land as Thailand, much like most western countries, has a version of adverse possession which can turn into legal ownership.

I can understand the frustration but I would think that it would be wise for you to at least go talk to a Thai lawyer about it. He/she might be able to help resolve the situation (presuming it's cost effective) or, alternatively, he/she might be able to explain why nothing can be done.

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In Korat province.

My MIL has a problem with some rice farms she owns.

She has been to the land office & they have told her nothing

can be done until the military go to that area to sort out the problems.

They are working in Pak Chong now and making their way through the province

how long this will take is just a guess, but it all being controlled by

the military.

She is sitting on 20 to 30 Million Baht of land, can not sell it until its cleared

by the Military. It seems in the old days they would buy land get a receipt

but no official paper work or land title.

Thainess at its best.facepalm.gif

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Mate listen carefully...... That village head who eve the idiot is, is only a fat little noodle munching prick. NOT LET HIM intimidate you in any way.... Tell you the truth if someone threatend my wife i will cave his head in. But I are 85kg ex champion boxer haha... And just the fact that he threatened a lady means he is a dog !

He is no leader and the police you do not even bother with there useless uncderstand. YOU take the solicitor report the threats to police ! ( keep all reports including the fat noodle eaters name.

Reclaim your rights his a <deleted> and they need a kicking.


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Horrible thing also is...when the FIL gave the land to my wife, he cut off some of her land and gave to the community to build a Temple on....it's not a small piece either, compared to blocks here...and made arrangement for an easment to allow her access to the property...That was the deal for the gift of land...

That road has now all but shrunk to nothing, as the """Boundry""" keeps shifting...

So in Theory...arent they taking Government land also?....

In cases like this i use a lawyer but not one in the same town, it never gets to court, a few threatening letters in the right direction usually solves things.

Followed by the bullets, Molotov cocktails, damaged vehicles and possibly threatened family members..........

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I'm a bit lost here.My experience over the years is that a few chaps come from the Land Office with new cement cone things , measure accurately disregarding any old ones and fat Poo Yai nit wits. Their .word goes I've found. They move ones placed by bribes from years ago and tell anyone who moans to .... off

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Since my neighbor wasn't interested in sharing the cost of my perimeter wall, I erected it 20 cm from the borderline, so when he wants a perimeter wall he has to build one by himself.

He removed the concrete boundary post. I called in the land department and asked to measure the land again.

They measured and put the concrete post at the exact same location, after which my neighbor destroyed it with a hammer.

Later he had his land measured, and the land department marked the destroyed stump as the place where his land ends. laugh.png

I have worked with Surveyors in NSW, Here is a suggestion for everyone on TV, measure 2 distances from your boundary peg about 90 degree away from the peg and put a permanent mark in the ground so you can recover the mark without having to call a surveyor back. ways to do the marks are if you are close to the concrete road with a 8ml concrete bit drill 2 holes in the road usually about a meter from the peg don't let the neighbour see or he might try to destroy the marks keep the measurements safe maybe dot them on your land plan, other ways is to nock 300ml x 30ml gal pipe onto the dirt below the surface of the land keep the measurements put them on your plan take pictures for reference later these marks last for decade's. or you could pull the concrete peg out hammer a galvanised pipe as described earlier about 400ml under the dirt and then replace the concrete peg back on top of the gal peg. what I have described is standard ways of locating boundary marks in Australia, I am currently having a house built in rice field area near San Kamphang.



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Don't start towing the Thai line "there's nothing that can be done about it" there is always something that can be done about it. If this is the village officials go to tambon head make it clear that if nothing is done you go to amphur office then provincial then Army and press. It's theft plain and simple and if the government officials are in on it let them face charges. Nothing will change until the T.I.T mentality of everyone living here changes.

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3 meters of land wide, but how long ?

It would be more helpful to know what location in Thailand without giving away the actual land location and how much land we are talking about for the trouble your wife will have to go to, also the size of her block, I think you would get more constructive information to have an idea of the value of the land for the fight that she might have to go through. In Sidney people call Surveyors and lawyers in over a 20ml dispute on boundaries usually costing $5000 to $15,000 if they can not sort it out between themselves, as both parties get a Surveyor and a lawyer each. it could be easier for her to sell out and then her property would be surveyed again.

Edited by Netease
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Mate listen carefully...... That village head who eve the idiot is, is only a fat little noodle munching prick. NOT LET HIM intimidate you in any way.... Tell you the truth if someone threatend my wife i will cave his head in. But I are 85kg ex champion boxer haha... And just the fact that he threatened a lady means he is a dog !

He is no leader and the police you do not even bother with there useless uncderstand. YOU take the solicitor report the threats to police ! ( keep all reports including the fat noodle eaters name.

Reclaim your rights his a <deleted> and they need a kicking.


IT is NOT the Village Head at all.....some seem to be mixing up the problem.

This needs to be understood by all....I get on good with him and so does my wife.

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You have two choices. Either, do what is required to reclaim the wife's land or do not. You knew the choices already, but instead chose to post on TV to moan, whine, despair and for what, to expect sympathy. Does wanting other people to feel sorry for you, make you feel better or bring closure. No one else's advice can help you. Do what you must or not.

I thought TV was somewhere we could post a problem we have and maybe someone has gone through it before or has knowledge about the problem could give constructive advice, I think you are out of line with your comments

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In Korat province.

My MIL has a problem with some rice farms she owns.

She has been to the land office & they have told her nothing

can be done until the military go to that area to sort out the problems.

They are working in Pak Chong now and making their way through the province

how long this will take is just a guess, but it all being controlled by

the military.

She is sitting on 20 to 30 Million Baht of land, can not sell it until its cleared

by the Military. It seems in the old days they would buy land get a receipt

but no official paper work or land title.

Thainess at its best.facepalm.gif

She may not own the land but allowed to use it if she doesn't have the Titles, it could probably belong to the government and she may have to buy it, I know their is a lot of land like this in Thailand

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Morning Fellas,

I have really appreciated all the comments both for and against, thanks.....Now i will take stock of this op, pick through it, and decide which is the best way to approach it for my wife....

Thanks again for all the input..



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In Korat province.

My MIL has a problem with some rice farms she owns.

She has been to the land office & they have told her nothing

can be done until the military go to that area to sort out the problems.

They are working in Pak Chong now and making their way through the province

how long this will take is just a guess, but it all being controlled by

the military.

She is sitting on 20 to 30 Million Baht of land, can not sell it until its cleared

by the Military. It seems in the old days they would buy land get a receipt

but no official paper work or land title.

Thainess at its best.facepalm.gif

She may not own the land but allowed to use it if she doesn't have the Titles, it could probably belong to the government and she may have to buy it, I know their is a lot of land like this in Thailand

I understand that but try & tell her, better off talking to the buffalo. Besides I am just a falang what would I know.facepalm.gif

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Been to the big smoke this morning. My decision is made.....I fight this to the end....Why?...comment made to me by someone, that my hunch was right.

This whole block of houses around here are all on wrong boundries.....WHY? you ask....well thanks to some info, now i know....It's probably to big for me to handle....But I will bring it to light and see if this reform they talk about is really happening......

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Thats where i will start....that gives me room to breath and get all the facts correlated....

See TVF does have it's good points....i picked up on a small and insignificant comment from a poster...and it led me down the path to what i know now....

Edited by weegee
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1) Youtube the whole thing showing documents and where the fence has encroached.

2) Send youtube link to all Thai news channels you can.

3) Hire lawyer from outside the area to represent you.

4) Release some birds at the temple.

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How did they get away with putting the fence up without survey.

Did you go halves in the survey with the neighbour mate.

Nope...nothing...one night the boundry pegs got changed....and she got death threats when she tried to do something to stop them...

This was all recorded and handed to Police in a report, about the incident....

And here she is now losing her land, with no recourse whatsoever....

As said before report it to anti-corruption provide them with all the evidence, you can post it to them once you have their address. Get your wife to write the envelope in Thai and any explanatory information too. It's time the village bully got his comeuppance. Anti-corruption investigators are very active under the current administration.

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Been to the big smoke this morning. My decision is made.....I fight this to the end....Why?...comment made to me by someone, that my hunch was right.

This whole block of houses around here are all on wrong boundries.....WHY? you ask....well thanks to some info, now i know....It's probably to big for me to handle....But I will bring it to light and see if this reform they talk about is really happening......

If you are indeed sincere in this, then applauds for you, sir. Too many just sit back and accept injustice in this country, which in the long run will lead to things never changing. I wish I could offer you any sort of assistance, but I'm afraid none of my skills are of any help in the matter at hand :) The biggest luck to you, however, and make sure to keep us posted.

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