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Kbank problems or is it just me or just ridiculous?

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I called Kbank today about problems with both Cyber banking and Biznet (Biznet is the business version of online banking)

After getting rather frustrated after having tried to resolve the same problems for months I emailed them the problems as i knew nothing would get fixed, as a long term customer who has been with them since 1999 and only seen the service get worse.


I called this morning regarding long term ongoing problems with Biznet and Cyberbanking.

1: When you go to the Kbank English homepage and select Biznet it takes you to the Thai login page, previously it went to the English login page. All the boxes have Thai dialogue making it impossible for a non Thai reader to login or know what button to use to submit login. See attached images of screenshots It use to work till they "Upgraded" the website

2: When in Biznet and selecting Account/Statement Enquiry and the statement is over 1 page long and you click page 2 you get and error about double clicking, I have checked this on various Biznet accounts I manage and all result in the same error. The only way to see page 2 is to download the statement.

3: When you call Kbank the auto prompt says press the pound key, we are not in England and phones in Thailand do not have a pound key, please resolve this simple issue to have it say press the hash key, it’s the one that looks like this #

4: I have been trying to add an account to my Cyber banking for some months, the process on your website states, add it under “own accounts” and fax or email copies of documents to prove identity, which I did, after some months passing I enquired why it still had not been added and the staff stated that I had to go to the bank and fill in the form and show my passport to prove who I am, contradicting what you had on your website at the time of submission, I notice this has changed, but still my account isn’t added after attending two different branches some months apart and completing the process, you stated on the phone today you received the form on the 8th this month but not the passport copy (the branch had not submitted it to head office, yet it was provided to them, how long were you going to wait before asking for it? You have my number and email to contact me. What other sensitive information of mine and other customers have you lost/misplaced/sent to the wrong location?

Your banks QA and testing policy of systems leaves a lot to be desired if simple things like this cannot be detected during alpha and beta testing inhouse, what other more complex security flaws exist, I worked with IBM in Australia doing security for banks and insurance companies, so believe me when I tell you there will be more serious security holes in your system if such small issues exist.

Both the above problems have been reported several times by myself and the banks answer was “that’s just how it is now” which is not satisfactory, I will be taking this to the highest level in Kbank about your lack of security and process compliance, as a PCL and governed by the BOT you have to adhere to certain standards which appears to have not occurred.

Kbank EN Home page


clicking biznet in the dropdown takes you to the Thai login page with NO English option to change to


Biznet page 1 of a long statement


Clicking page 2 results in


Edited by JimSiam
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English phones don't have a £ key, but they do have a # key. It is quite commonly referred to as the pound key, not necessarily only in the UK.

Also worked with Telcos since 17yo, never heard it referred to as a pound key, must be us colonials are just too isolated.

Edited by JimSiam
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While you're at it, give the "ENG" a click (re. point 1.)

thai-bar.jpg Line-Bar.jpg eng-bar.jpg

Not the point, it use to work till they did an upgrade, now why should you have to double up on a function due to their web programmers missing a coding error, what more serious errors are there, that is more of a concern?

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English phones don't have a £ key, but they do have a # key. It is quite commonly referred to as the pound key, not necessarily only in the UK.

Also worked with Telcos since 17yo, never heard it referred to as a pound key, must be us colonials are just too isolated.

In North America the # sign is commonly referred to as the pound key. But outside North America the # sign is commonly referred to as the hash key. But in today's international word they are used interchangeably.

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Have you tried different browsers, like Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox?

Disable ALL your add-ons, just try it with a 'clean' browser.

For example I use Google Chrome with uBlock (https://www.ublock.org/) and Disconnect (https://disconnect.me/) and some websites just don't like that.

Then I start Internet Explorer (without any add-on) and then everything works so then i know it is a problem with one of my add-ons.

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Have you tried different browsers, like Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox?

Disable ALL your add-ons, just try it with a 'clean' browser.

For example I use Google Chrome with uBlock (https://www.ublock.org/) and Disconnect (https://disconnect.me/) and some websites just don't like that.

Then I start Internet Explorer (without any add-on) and then everything works so then i know it is a problem with one of my add-ons.

I know you are trying to be helpful, did you miss the part about me working for IBM and developing security systems for banks and insurance companies?

The bank rang about an hour ago after my email and logging the unresolved issues with the Ombudsman and have already started resolving them, squeaky wheels do get the oil here.

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1) I just use that link as a bookmark


2) Statement paging works perfectly fine for me, always was

3) Read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_sign

Did you get fired from IBM? biggrin.png

Thank you for your help.

No, I did not get fired, Left for a better job and because of too many smart <deleted> gigglem.gif

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