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Texting student falls onto BTS Skytrain tracks


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ll she needed was the " dont get run over by a train as your'e obsessed with your phone" app and all would have been ok.

Probably worldwide but I get sick of folks everywhere heads buried in phones and its 99% drivel ost of the time, out at a restaurant "head in phone" whole families, not a word spoken between them

I don't know your age, but I think we are to old for this world now.

That is where I draw the line. I ask my wife to put her damn phone down or away when we are eating together. It can get to be a bit much. Granted I am of the generation that does not post crap on Facebook.

Great quote I heard recently in a movie. She asks:

What are you most afraid of?

He, being a little older, responds by saying:

That because the last thing in the world I want to do is tweet or update my Facebook status, the soul of youth will vomit me into the cesspool of the old and the worthless.

Edited by spidermike007
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It is sad to see how people walk around here with their smartphone. No eye for anything happening around them and just staring at that little screen in their hand, combined with walking very slow and hindering other people.

Maybe people should be educated a bit on how to behave with their phones: step to the side (to not block anyone), stop walking (to be able to concentrate on your phone), and then start texting.

(same for all countries by the way, this is not a Thai problem)

And when they walk into you be prepared for a stream of foul-mouthed invective although it was 100% their fault.

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i just this second popped down to the 7/11 only for a young girl walk staight into me while she was busy on her phone, good job it wasn't one of the motorbike taxis that love racing up and down our pavement.

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Perhaps this will prompt BTS to re-think their decision not to install Platform Screen Doors at all stations.

Yes, they should a few hundred millions baht to save the intellectually feeble to guarantee they continue to contribute to the societal gene pool so we have people to point and laugh at in the future.

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Its getting so bad I've taken to walking down the street with my arm extended like a football running back giving the stiff arm.

These young automatons are braindead zombies. No sympathy for any of 'em. Really rude behavior.

555! I do this too. It looks like I am just casually walking but my unsuspecting victims walk right into my shoulder which they don't know I have locked into place. I used to zigzag walking through the mall and I realized I was the only one paying attention and being courteous. Everyone else rudely walks with their head down in a straight line. Now I leave a wake of upturned shopping bags and the unobservant holding their newly bruised flanks. Then I look back and say "Oops, I guess neither of us were watching were we were going"

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I find a lot of young generation are carried away by their phones, texting at all times. In the middle east most accidents that are head on collision are the results of texting while driving, so many lives have been lost yet the same attitude continues without hesitation. There are a lot of signs with warning but to no avail. We only feel sorry when someone die or become life disabled, at the same time find them stupid enough not to be cautious. I saw one video clip when a lady walked straight to a swimming pool while texting, we just wonder how they get so carried away.

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think you misunderstand the problem. Irrelevant WHAT the BTS do, <deleted> with heads in phones will not see them anyway!!!

It's you that doesn't understand, regardless of whether those using their phones see the barriers or not, those barriers will prevent them from falling on to the track

Actually.. you dont understand....

These idiots will be driving cars, if they are not already and will be doing the same thing.... better off to let them have accidents alone than involve innocent people.... call its "self culling" if you like

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Later seen buying lottery tickets. Did anyone get the lucky number of the train?

You're right ! Couple of nights ago we past an accident involving a Double/ Tandem Truck that had hit a small sedan. Very fortunate ...no injuries!

Then I noticed my wife doing a "rubber neck" and, yep, she was after the number of the sedan...reckoned it could be a good number for the lottery.

Suppose I'll help her spend her winnings if she is right.

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ll she needed was the " dont get run over by a train as your'e obsessed with your phone" app and all would have been ok.

Probably worldwide but I get sick of folks everywhere heads buried in phones and its 99% drivel ost of the time, out at a restaurant "head in phone" whole families, not a word spoken between them

I don't know your age, but I think we are to old for this world now.

Kannot give your head a shake, from your comments you must be one of those freaking idiots that text while driving. I don't give a rat's ass if somebody gets injured while texting, they deserve it, but don't let innocent people get hurt because of some boneheads are not paying attention.

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"Texting Blindness" is what this is.

You see it everywhere whether it be on the footpath, train station, shopping centres and even while some people drive.

Obsession with mobile phones and "Line" in Thailand is so rampant that it is now a controlling factor in what some people do!

Amazing Thailand

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I do feel sorry for store owners. It is already tough enough to turn a profit, since Thailand is not exactly known for being very helpful in the retail shops.

The other day my faithful old watched finally quit for the last time.

Wlaked into a shop, both employees buried in the phone, asked for my brand .. they pointed at the other side of the shop.

Looked at the watch knowing they are in the 30,000 Baht range. (Please, it is my money, and the only piece of jewelery I own. .. I know a $5 watch tells the same time)

You know the rest of the story ... waited for help, never came, and I do not even know if they (cared) realized I walked out.

You go to Siam Paragon, and honestly, if you sent 85% of the staff home, it would not change the service at all. (All they need keep on is the cashiers, it seems the rest is up to the shoppers.

I guess I am sensative to retail service, my family owned a large department store in the US. For the moment you walked in, until the staff CARRIED YOUR BAG to the car, you were waited on a like royalty.

Now you are lucky if they will even look up to take your money on the way out the door.

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"Hey! Get off my lawn!"

Expressed in solidarity with all the posters on this thread who have nothing better to do than post about what a terrible trend this is.

And your solution is??

Mine is simple - use technology, don't be used by it. Technology is an adjunct to my life, it is NOT my life coffee1.gif

Try telling that to the younger generation. It's a losing battle...

Lost already, unfortunately. But the positive side of it (and we should always have a positive outlook) it makes the rest of us feel normal biggrin.png

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ll she needed was the " dont get run over by a train as your'e obsessed with your phone" app and all would have been ok.

Probably worldwide but I get sick of folks everywhere heads buried in phones and its 99% drivel ost of the time, out at a restaurant "head in phone" whole families, not a word spoken between them

I am not disagreeing with you but what makes you think they are not talking to one another? All in a conference call, with their neighbors as well? Oh, I see, you know they were not, you were listening in! Sneaky eh!

Edited by Jimbolai
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ll she needed was the " dont get run over by a train as your'e obsessed with your phone" app and all would have been ok.

Probably worldwide but I get sick of folks everywhere heads buried in phones and its 99% drivel ost of the time, out at a restaurant "head in phone" whole families, not a word spoken between them

I don't know your age, but I think we are to old for this world now.

Kannot give your head a shake, from your comments you must be one of those freaking idiots that text while driving. I don't give a rat's ass if somebody gets injured while texting, they deserve it, but don't let innocent people get hurt because of some boneheads are not paying attention.

Oh my, we are all holding to hear how you really feel about it.

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think you misunderstand the problem. Irrelevant WHAT the BTS do, <deleted> with heads in phones will not see them anyway!!!

It's you that doesn't understand, regardless of whether those using their phones see the barriers or not, those barriers will prevent them from falling on to the track

If the world (we) has to pay for security for idiots that walk around staring at their phones then I guess Crossy will have had his way. These people are asking for trouble and if they get it then that is their problem.

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It is sad to see how people walk around here with their smartphone. No eye for anything happening around them and just staring at that little screen in their hand, combined with walking very slow and hindering other people.

Maybe people should be educated a bit on how to behave with their phones: step to the side (to not block anyone), stop walking (to be able to concentrate on your phone), and then start texting.

(same for all countries by the way, this is not a Thai problem)

No, it should be more like "it is sad to see how people walk around here even without their smartphones"

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