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Thai army chief warns certain political group to back off student movement


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There is a group of posters on TVF that seem to relate every political issue to Thaksin. They accuse everyone with a different opinion than theirs of being a paid stooge of the evil one. But as this group grows smaller and smaller their claims become more and more outlandish, and it seems more and more likely that in fact they may be paid propagandists for the anti-Thaksin business group. Anyway, these days they don't even try to argue, or hide their agenda.

Two Minutes Hate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Within the book (1984), the purpose of the Two Minutes Hate is said to satisfy the citizens' subdued feelings of angst and hatred from leading such a wretched, controlled existence. By re-directing these subconscious feelings away from the Oceanian government and toward external enemies (which probably do not even exist), the Party minimizes subversive thought and behavior."

wretched, controlled existence - rice farming

the "enemy" - "elite"

the Party - PTP

You have either not read the book or are intentionally misinterpreting it.

I think it went over his head. The quote from Orwell was a bit too complex.

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"He didn't name.....saying only they are those who are unsatisfied with the government"

Shy1te that must be one hell of a list of people due for AA!

You are right the OP did not name any group but look who did.....Post No 2, quite possibly with inside information. real foot in mouth stuff, tell the world that your comrades are involved.

Then we have the usual "if you don't support the reds you are yellow" stupidity. Just because they follow dogma where there is no room for independent thought they seem to believe that everyone else must be the same.

Try coming out from under your red blanket and use some common sense and reason.... But no, I suppose its to warm and comfortable under there.

What the posts on here and many other topics does show is the freedom of speech that is allowed in this country. The hate posts on this topic alone would have the usual anti-everything few locked up for a long time in many countries.

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"He didn't name.....saying only they are those who are unsatisfied with the government"

Shy1te that must be one hell of a list of people due for AA!

You are right the OP did not name any group but look who did.....Post No 2, quite possibly with inside information. real foot in mouth stuff, tell the world that your comrades are involved.

Then we have the usual "if you don't support the reds you are yellow" stupidity. Just because they follow dogma where there is no room for independent thought they seem to believe that everyone else must be the same.

Try coming out from under your red blanket and use some common sense and reason.... But no, I suppose its to warm and comfortable under there.

What the posts on here and many other topics does show is the freedom of speech that is allowed in this country. The hate posts on this topic alone would have the usual anti-everything few locked up for a long time in many countries.

I hate to break it to you. This web site is not located in Thailand. That's probably for good reason.

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"He didn't name.....saying only they are those who are unsatisfied with the government"

Shy1te that must be one hell of a list of people due for AA!

You are right the OP did not name any group but look who did.....Post No 2, quite possibly with inside information. real foot in mouth stuff, tell the world that your comrades are involved.

Then we have the usual "if you don't support the reds you are yellow" stupidity. Just because they follow dogma where there is no room for independent thought they seem to believe that everyone else must be the same.

Try coming out from under your red blanket and use some common sense and reason.... But no, I suppose its to warm and comfortable under there.

What the posts on here and many other topics does show is the freedom of speech that is allowed in this country. The hate posts on this topic alone would have the usual anti-everything few locked up for a long time in many countries.

Come on, then - countries such as....?

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Well known that Thaksin pays all the troublemakers

Prove it !! Please provide specific details of the transactions of these students accounts that indicate Thaksins involvement.

So Thaksins also paying the Southern Islamic insurgents too then? As well as the bike racers in Bangkok?

The organisised drugs gangs?

The Rohingyan people smuggling gangs?

The fishermen who use slave labour?

Honest to Christ, it's posts like yours that make me wonder if people actually take the time to think, before opening their mouths.

You don't believe that there's also democrats who are hacked off with the Junta?

You don't think that many economists are also fed up with their bullshit!!

20000 posts and many years living in Thailand and your every bit as naive as day 1 week 1 visitors to the country!

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"He didn't name.....saying only they are those who are unsatisfied with the government"

Shy1te that must be one hell of a list of people due for AA!

You are right the OP did not name any group but look who did.....Post No 2, quite possibly with inside information. real foot in mouth stuff, tell the world that your comrades are involved.

Then we have the usual "if you don't support the reds you are yellow" stupidity. Just because they follow dogma where there is no room for independent thought they seem to believe that everyone else must be the same.

Try coming out from under your red blanket and use some common sense and reason.... But no, I suppose its to warm and comfortable under there.

What the posts on here and many other topics does show is the freedom of speech that is allowed in this country. The hate posts on this topic alone would have the usual anti-everything few locked up for a long time in many countries.

Since when have you ever considered Mango Bob as being a credible source? ?

You also cannot compare a private forum to a country when it comes to freedom of speech either, and well you know it. TVF isn't monitored nor controlled by the Junta.

George seems to allow a greater degree of freedom, although newspaper articles written within the Kingdom can freely use the words dictator, and dictatorships to describe the current Junta, but it's not allowed here, says there IS a degree of censorship too.

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"He didn't name.....saying only they are those who are unsatisfied with the government"

Shy1te that must be one hell of a list of people due for AA!

You are right the OP did not name any group but look who did.....Post No 2, quite possibly with inside information. real foot in mouth stuff, tell the world that your comrades are involved.

Then we have the usual "if you don't support the reds you are yellow" stupidity. Just because they follow dogma where there is no room for independent thought they seem to believe that everyone else must be the same.

Try coming out from under your red blanket and use some common sense and reason.... But no, I suppose its to warm and comfortable under there.

What the posts on here and many other topics does show is the freedom of speech that is allowed in this country. The hate posts on this topic alone would have the usual anti-everything few locked up for a long time in many countries.

Robby for one I agree with you, I mean if I wrote what I write daily in North Korea, Sudan, Zimbabwe or IS controled area, I would be in jail. In the civilzed world however its called freedom of speech and is a human right, at present in Thailand its called tollerance at the mercy of a dictator.

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There is a group of posters on TVF that seem to relate every political issue to Thaksin. They accuse everyone with a different opinion than theirs of being a paid stooge of the evil one. But as this group grows smaller and smaller their claims become more and more outlandish, and it seems more and more likely that in fact they may be paid propagandists for the anti-Thaksin business group. Anyway, these days they don't even try to argue, or hide their agenda.

Two Minutes Hate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Within the book (1984), the purpose of the Two Minutes Hate is said to satisfy the citizens' subdued feelings of angst and hatred from leading such a wretched, controlled existence. By re-directing these subconscious feelings away from the Oceanian government and toward external enemies (which probably do not even exist), the Party minimizes subversive thought and behavior."

For those who haven't read the book, or don't understand it, in "1984" the leader of the absolute dictatorship controlling Oceania is Big Brother. In order to justify the repression necessary to maintain complete control the government demonizes (possibly fictitious) Emmanual Goldstein, the leader of the (also possibly fictitious) subversive brotherhood.

"1984" is one of the greats of English literature, if you haven't read it you should. However I advise against being seen with the book in public. Perhaps you could put it in a "Mein Kampf" book cover, I don't think that one has been banned.

The analogy here is almost perfect; a repressive government blaming all ills on Thaksin and his subversive redshirts. Simple-minded people who like simple answers to societies problems and who are eager to blame everything on a scapegoat are enthusiastically falling for this transparent tactic.

Edited by heybruce
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the fact is the Reds and Taksin have spent years and countless millions of dollars to further the Taksin grip on this country and to steal every possible baht from it (while killing scores of innocent children and publicly celebrating and condoning those killings). To think for a minute that they have suddenly given up on all that expense and effort is ludicrous.

I don't doubt for a minute that Taksin himself is behind this along with the reds.

Prior to the coup, the only students protesting were doing so against the Yingluck government.

Then the police were shooting them though.

your alias seems rather inappropriate ... you just pulled down your shorts and proved that you have no idea what these students were doing prior to May 22 2014 even though that has recently been pointed out in the news.

additionally, Thaksin, who is hardly a democrat (on that we probably agree), has been on the appeasement train and is very likely not behind any significant resistance activities at all.

IOW, Thaksin is out trying to save his own a$$, assets and his own future in Thailand... and he probably cares a great deal about what happens to Yingluck.... he has openly called for appeasement, and his main allies have echoed that position...

He hasn't been making waves and Thailand's democratic future, if there is one, won't pass through Thaksin.

The students were fighting injustice before May 22, 2014 and they are still fighting injustice and my guess is that they are perfectly confident in what they are doing based on their own resources. Same for Resistant Citizen, and a few other groups taking the junta to task.

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Red this, Yellow that, it's got nothing to do with that, the military are in power at this time in Thailand's history for a very good reason.

It's to protect the elite when the inevitable happens, I just can't understand why people keep going on about Red and Yellow, it's beyond that now, a huge event will occur soon, and the rich and powerful want to stay that way, they are the puppet masters and pull The Generals strings, it doesn't matter he is unusually wealthy, way beyond what is reasonable wealth, his brother too, not at this time, at this time he's needed, he controls the guns to keep certain people in certain positions of power as soon as he's not needed he will be thrown to the wolves.

Then the old generation of hand picked politicians will resume business as usual, a few sacrificial lambs here and there and some people think there is a crackdown on corruption, it's a joke, the biggest target was targeted for a reason, and we are forbidden to talk about it, very convenient laws Thailand have, you can't question certain things, so certain people remain totally untouchable, no matter what they do.

If anyone here thinks any past or present Politicians or Generals give a toss about the average Thai person, I think you're wrong, the corruption in Thailand is ingrained from the top to the bottom, only the poor suffer the most, the rich get richer, the poor remain poor, High ranking Police and Army Generals amass enormous wealth with nobody questioning them, everybody knows they're corrupt, but nobody questions that wealth, unless they're targeted by someone higher up the ladder they are free to do what they want, why do you think that is ? ( Control of the Guns ? )

You lot here can argue and slag each other off, it will make no difference, you have no say anyway, hey you have as much say as the Thai people now, that is no say at all, because like the average Thai person, you don't matter to the real players in this game, you are of no consequence.

In a few years you'll realise why this has happened at this time, but we can't talk about about it.

I just find it bemusing that supposedly intelligent Farang can't see what's going on and why it's going on at this time,, if you think all that's going on is for the happiness of the Thai people you are deluded, but yes , some Thai people will be happy, but just a few.


Edited by Banzai99
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That right General. Typical move don't blame it on students who wants to see elections and no more coups, blame it on the Red Shirts.

"blame it on the Red Shirts"

IMHO, both the yellow/Red thing has morphed into a Pro-democracy/Anti-democracy thing.

This article refers to the offending party as being a "certain political group"

When I think of a "group", I think of a dozen or so people."

What were previously known as the Red Shirts, are a huge segment of the pro-democracy side of things. Far removed from being a group...That would be akin to calling the Democrat Party a 'group' of people.

But one must recognize as well, this is a way of the anti-democrats attempts to denigrate their opposites......Calling a majority segment of the pro-democracy side "a group"

These students advocating Democratic practices would naturally be supported by the pro-democracy side.......To therefore tackle the entire majority side of the Thai electorate is a tall order.

Wow, how can you be so wrong. Have you ever been to Thailand ?.

I have been here 10 years and I know both red and non-red shirts. Few of the non-red-shirts are actually yellow shirts. They are just decent people sick of having everything stolen by politicians.

Red-shirts are more-or-less communists who think all the money should be gathered up and shared out amongst them. They have no clue - and no interest - in actual democracy. They think that if they can get elected, it means everything belongs to them and they can do whatever they want. I remember a story from a policeman after Pheu-Thai won : he was fed up with red-shirts, telling him they should not be prosecuted because they had won the election.

Non-red shirts always make a much more intelligent argument than any red-shirt I have met and are basically sick and tired of the old-style corrupt governments in Thailand. They understand democracy much more and they want it.

Everything I have experienced in real life is backed up by the comments I see on this forum. The problem in this world is that there is no cure for greed or stupid. I learnt long ago that there is no point arguing with an idiot.

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That right General. Typical move don't blame it on students who wants to see elections and no more coups, blame it on the Red Shirts.

Thai students should do for what they are there - to study,

and its full right of the army to catch this figures which want to use this students for their political fights !

They just gambling with the future and life of this students,

Catch them Gen. P.O.Ch. and set them behind bars !!

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Red this, Yellow that, it's got nothing to do with that, the military are in power at this time in Thailand's history for a very good reason.

It's to protect the elite when the inevitable happens, I just can't understand why people keep going on about Red and Yellow, it's beyond that now, a huge event will occur soon, and the rich and powerful want to stay that way, they are the puppet masters and pull The Generals strings, it doesn't matter he is unusually wealthy, way beyond what is reasonable wealth, his brother too, not at this time, at this time he's needed, he controls the guns to keep certain people in certain positions of power as soon as he's not needed he will be thrown to the wolves.

Then the old generation of hand picked politicians will resume business as usual, a few sacrificial lambs here and there and some people think there is a crackdown on corruption, it's a joke, the biggest target was targeted for a reason, and we are forbidden to talk about it, very convenient laws Thailand have, you can't question certain things, so certain people remain totally untouchable, no matter what they do.

If anyone here thinks any past or present Politicians or Generals give a toss about the average Thai person, I think you're wrong, the corruption in Thailand is ingrained from the top to the bottom, only the poor suffer the most, the rich get richer, the poor remain poor, High ranking Police and Army Generals amass enormous wealth with nobody questioning them, everybody knows they're corrupt, but nobody questions that wealth, unless they're targeted by someone higher up the ladder they are free to do what they want, why do you think that is ? ( Control of the Guns ? )

You lot here can argue and slag each other off, it will make no difference, you have no say anyway, hey you have as much say as the Thai people now, that is no say at all, because like the average Thai person, you don't matter to the real players in this game, you are of no consequence.

In a few years you'll realise why this has happened at this time, but we can't talk about about it.

I just find it bemusing that supposedly intelligent Farang can't see what's going on and why it's going on at this time,, if you think all that's going on is for the happiness of the Thai people you are deluded, but yes , some Thai people will be happy, but just a few.


It will not get idle within 1 year !

Developed countries also needed centuries to go the way to democracy;

Thailand is on the way, but will need also still the century counting !!

( as we say a real change needs 3 generations !! ))

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I see whats going on here , the enemy of my enemy is my friend works both ways. hmm thus if my enemy knows that anyone that talks about me is my enemy then they may be friends. hmmmmm

lets put a stop to this, no, no you naughty certain political group, do the backiong off or we will send you to correct thinking classes for political adversaries during these classes we shall stand in front of you and shout neeee! NEEE

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Red this, Yellow that, it's got nothing to do with that, the military are in power at this time in Thailand's history for a very good reason.

It's to protect the elite when the inevitable happens, I just can't understand why people keep going on about Red and Yellow, it's beyond that now, a huge event will occur soon, and the rich and powerful want to stay that way, they are the puppet masters and pull The Generals strings, it doesn't matter he is unusually wealthy, way beyond what is reasonable wealth, his brother too, not at this time, at this time he's needed, he controls the guns to keep certain people in certain positions of power as soon as he's not needed he will be thrown to the wolves.

Then the old generation of hand picked politicians will resume business as usual, a few sacrificial lambs here and there and some people think there is a crackdown on corruption, it's a joke, the biggest target was targeted for a reason, and we are forbidden to talk about it, very convenient laws Thailand have, you can't question certain things, so certain people remain totally untouchable, no matter what they do.

If anyone here thinks any past or present Politicians or Generals give a toss about the average Thai person, I think you're wrong, the corruption in Thailand is ingrained from the top to the bottom, only the poor suffer the most, the rich get richer, the poor remain poor, High ranking Police and Army Generals amass enormous wealth with nobody questioning them, everybody knows they're corrupt, but nobody questions that wealth, unless they're targeted by someone higher up the ladder they are free to do what they want, why do you think that is ? ( Control of the Guns ? )

You lot here can argue and slag each other off, it will make no difference, you have no say anyway, hey you have as much say as the Thai people now, that is no say at all, because like the average Thai person, you don't matter to the real players in this game, you are of no consequence.

In a few years you'll realise why this has happened at this time, but we can't talk about about it.

I just find it bemusing that supposedly intelligent Farang can't see what's going on and why it's going on at this time,, if you think all that's going on is for the happiness of the Thai people you are deluded, but yes , some Thai people will be happy, but just a few.


Absolutely nailed it.

We won't see any elections until the event happens.

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Students are easy to get worked up and in these countries you can buy votes, protestors whatever you want. Not to say that worthwhile change hasn't come from university movements but much easier to just buy them and pay them to protest much like the redshirts.

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