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Thai-English actress 'Anna Reese' kills cop in car crash

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Actress 'Anna Reese' kills cop in car crash
By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- Thai-English actress Anna Hamblaouris crashed her Mercedes into a parked police car killing the officer inside early this morning.

Police Sub. Lt. Noppadol Wongbandit, a 44-year-old inspector with the Suphanburi Police Department, was found dead with a cracked skull in the driver seat after the 28-year-old actress slammed into the rear end of his car, propelling the squad car into a tree along the road before it landed back on the motorway road in Bangkok's Prawet district.

Anna, known by her stage name “Anna Reese,” only suffered minor injuries. The actress stayed until the police arrived but then refused to be questioned, as she was “too traumatized.”

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/06/26/actress-anna-reese-kills-cop-car-crash

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-06-26
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Can't tell from the video if she is traumatised, drunk or thinks she is on the set of a lakorn.


Thats quite a performance put on by the young actress... And she was doing a fair speed when she hit the poor policeman, looks her car was written off so no chance to drive off, had to face the music. This will be big news for a while then it will disappear before we hear the end result like all of them do. My guess is a million to the cops family and a media frenzy at the funeral while she makes tamboon.


Forget traumatized, was she breathalyzed ?

Sounds like they are waiting for her to get over the 'trauma' first. They have already managed to keep it out of the news for 24hrs so hopefully she has 'recovered' a bit now.


We all know the routine.

An honest accident but a donation to,the family of the cop and no chance of a conviction.

One law for the rich...another for the poor.

This Is Thailand.


We all know the routine.

An honest accident but a donation to,the family of the cop and no chance of a conviction.

One law for the rich...another for the poor.

This Is Thailand.

It's the same law for the rich and the poor, the poor also have the right to compensate the victims to encourage more lenient sentencing, they're just not compassionate enough.


Driver education is a MUST for Thailand. Speed kills.

As a younger man, I did all the silly things, but a video of a study out of Monash University (Melbourne) changed my ways in one viewing.

It showed, with real cars and crash test dummies, the comparative damage from just 10kph increase in speed. It's shocking what a mere 10kph over the speed limit can do.

She must have been really hoofiing it for that sort of damage...she's lucky she's alive...a good solid car and probably a seat belt saved her.

As a celeb, she's going to be mortified at the footage showing her soiled pants.

I'm not sure her tears were fake, but I'm tending to think the crying over the body was for the cameras...she is a professional, after all.


RIP Police Dude

Nothing to see here, move on, send money to the coppers family and then back to work at Lakorn.......or flee to Sing like the Redbullshi_t geezer.

Ahhhhh Thainess..........................


That looks more like a head on collision. She must have been going over 140kph. Surprised she could walk. Hopefully a real investigation is done and the blame is put where it is suppose to. If it is truly an accident, then leave her be, but if she was talking on her phone, drunk driving, or speeding, throw the book at her.


We all know the routine.

An honest accident but a donation to,the family of the cop and no chance of a conviction.

One law for the rich...another for the poor.

This Is Thailand.

The specific quote is "One law for rich and poor alike" - I forget the exact wording that follows, but the original quote is in French anyway. The point being that rich and poor alike are forbidden from sleeping under bridges - but its only the poor that have to do so.

In this case, rich and poor alike can buy their way out of trouble, if they can raise the million baht or whatever that is required. Generally speaking, the poor cannot, and therefore suffer the consequences, while the rich evade justice



"but then refused to be questioned, as she was “too traumatized.”

As compare to dead policeman? I think that he was beyond ' traumatized '


The fact that she soiled herself and remains at the site, weeping and cradling the dead body of the police guy leads me to feel she is genuinely upset and traumatised by this incident.

Don't know her from Adam, but its obviously a tremendously sad incident.

Some of the TV posters might like show a bit more self respect and stop sniggering.


We all know the routine.

An honest accident but a donation to,the family of the cop and no chance of a conviction.

One law for the rich...another for the poor.

This Is Thailand.

But how many poor people get the chance to plough a Mercedes Benz into anything, let alone a parked police car? This is everywhere!


This is actually the routine Run to Singapore like the Heir to the Red Bull fortune did a runner. Vorayuth Yoovidhya, remember him . He killed a cop and ran to Singapore before they

could get their hands on him

Now hes in hiding hoping they will forget about it . I will not forget it and I suspect she will do the same Run from the authorities And to think that the Prime Minister has a real opportunity to show

just how Thailand is changing and request that Singapore hand him over to Thai Authorities. This is easy so why don't they do it ? Show they will not tolerate a cop killer


I would bet a months pay that she was quite drunk judging from her disgusting performance and ranting. I hope the do a breathalyzer or blood test.

Although even killing a cop in Thailand usually doesn't warrant accountability.


I give her the benefit of a doubt! But what is that bullenscheisse about not being questioned, because she was traumatized. At least test her for alcohol, for Chist's sake.


A timely reminder to us all to keep our side lights and seat belt on when stopped at the side of the road.

But when other drivers, incapacitated by weather or other factors, come up behind you, they can mistakenly assume you are moving with results like this.


A shame all around. RIP to the officer.

That said her Mercedes seems damaged certainly,

but his car crumpled like and accordion.

In my observations of Thai actresses, she is not acting,

but is truly distraught and freaking out of the mans death.

I have never seen ONE act this well on TV or films, so this looks real.

Sad all around.


After killing someone how many poor people can say no, no I'm too traumatized to go to the police station, then go on about their business? Hi-so privilege at its worse.


A timely reminder to us all to keep our side lights and seat belt on when stopped at the side of the road.

But when other drivers, incapacitated by weather or other factors, come up behind you, they can mistakenly assume you are moving with results like this.

Fair point. Depending on where you're stopped, it might be better to keep your vehicle in reverse gear to show white lights at the rear, or to use your hazard warning lights. If you're at risk of being shunted from the rear, you're as well keeping your handbrake on and your car in gear to minimise risk of injury and get full benefit of your crumple zones.

It's also a timely reminder of the risks of driving traumatised...



Another chance for the Malcontents to bash the better off. RIP Mr Policeman, they forgot You in their haste to mention the Red Bull Junkie.

She hit a stationery car, there was a witness who thought she was racing a motorbike, her behaviour is odd yet she has not been arrested or even detained by the looks of it despite it apparently being standard practice when there is a death involved. On top of that it is odd that it has taken so long for reports of this to make the press after the incident yesterday - not early hours of this morning as is reported.

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