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Thai-English actress 'Anna Reese' kills cop in car crash

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Probably a consequence of a "bought" driving license and habitual overtaking on the left.

Would explain the high speed smash onto a parked vehicle.

Goes with habitual outside lane hogging even on an empty road at 3 am in the morning i still come up against them and the total refusal to move left is unbelieveable

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Mai ow mai ow!???

you just killed someone <deleted>!

Like a spolit brat doesn't want to go to the police station - hmmm i wonder why?
Guess we will never know if this is all an act or not.,..


Look at the damage to the police car, how fast was she driving? Alcohol maybe, my bets on texting and talking on a cell phone. Involuntary manslaughter 5 years at least. Nice acting, must of learnt that in the USA.


The cynicism of so many posting here never ceases to amaze me. Add to that the fact the post is less than 3 hours old. It's like a bunch of (no pun intended, given the story) ambulance chasers, wanna-be judges, juries, and executioners. A pity there's nothing more to do than deride and opine on stories like this.

My condolences to the officer's family and friends. The lady too. Something she must live with the rest of her life no matter the facts or how characterized here.

Anna, known by her stage name “Anna Reese,” only suffered minor injuries. The actress stayed until the police arrived but then refused to be questioned, as she was “too traumatized.”

But she wasn't too traumatized to put on a sympathy act worthy of a Hollywood Oscar as the video camera filmed her amazing performance.


I am glad I drive a merc makes me feel alot safer unless it was a 10 ton truck that hit me whistling.gif

That's exactly what I thought, look how well the passenger cabin on the Merc held up.


I would normally not bother commenting on something like this but some of the stuff that has been written by my fellow concerned citizens is absolutely ridiculous and unkind.

Before you want to make a comment perhaps you could try a little self test in future.

1. Was i there?

2. Do I know the people involved?

3. Am I qualified to comment on the topic?

4. Do I have first hand experience of a situation like this?

Here is my feeling on the story; there is personal tragedy, a person died in a horrific traffic accident and another person will be left traumatized by the experience.

A family lost a loved one and it has been brutally televised, another family saw a loved one in distress which was brutally televised.

My comment would be to express sorry to the family for their loss of a loved one, my sincere hopes that the survivor can come to terms with the tragedy and that once all the facts have been found the right outcome takes place.

Hopefully the investigation and the outcome will be fair and that those that need to know will know, I doubt if it will be televised in the same way as it will be nowhere near as sensational.

Please show some self control.

I fully expect some well informed person/people to comeback with some Thai bashing nonsense which will be based on wild generalizations., for those I would suggest you move somewhere else and stop using my air.


Look at the damage to the police car, how fast was she driving? Alcohol maybe, my bets on texting and talking on a cell phone. Involuntary manslaughter 5 years at least. Nice acting, must of learnt that in the USA.

Another weary expert - which took longer, the informed opinion or typing this rubbish


Regardless of whether or not she was on her phone, drunk or whatever this is a clear case of causing death by dangerous driving. There is absolutely no doubt. The Police car was parked when she hit it. She was obviously driving way over the speed limit. She should be jailed for for it.

Can someone please tell me why so many of the posts here are to do with road use?

Could it possibly be that Thai people are often very bad drivers and usually too busy using their mobile phone to give a damn.

You take your life in your hands as soon as you step out of your front door here.

Thai driver = Careless Reckless killer.

RIP Mr Policeman. So very sad for his family.

You take your life in your hands..........................blah blah blah.

Option A. Move back to your home

Option B. (In case of option A you are not welcome) Move somewhere else

I think that covers it, please let me know if I missed anything.

Have a great day (indoors)


Clearly very traumatic. Very sad. Why all these immediate conclusions here on TV?

Poor girl even pissed her pants. No one (unless crazy folk) kills someone on purpose. Sad for the guy's family. Sad for her.


An Oscar performance by the lady if I’m not wrong. To do damage to a parked car like that she was flying. In another newspaper it states a witness said there was a big motor bike there at the same time and he believed they were racing and that the bike slowed down. Big car, big ego, and the belief that because they appear on TV they are untouchable. Just hope the bang her up as they would do anybody not in the limelight. Feel sorry for the cop’s family.!!!!!


The cynicism of so many posting here never ceases to amaze me. Add to that the fact the post is less than 3 hours old. It's like a bunch of (no pun intended, given the story) ambulance chasers, wanna-be judges, juries, and executioners. A pity there's nothing more to do than deride and opine on stories like this.

My condolences to the officer's family and friends. The lady too. Something she must live with the rest of her life no matter the facts or how characterized here.

"something she must live with" YEAH RIGHT, all forgotten in no time at all methinks.


Regardless of whether or not she was on her phone, drunk or whatever this is a clear case of causing death by dangerous driving. There is absolutely no doubt. The Police car was parked when she hit it. She was obviously driving way over the speed limit. She should be jailed for for it.

Can someone please tell me why so many of the posts here are to do with road use?

Could it possibly be that Thai people are often very bad drivers and usually too busy using their mobile phone to give a damn.

You take your life in your hands as soon as you step out of your front door here.

Thai driver = Careless Reckless killer.

RIP Mr Policeman. So very sad for his family.

You take your life in your hands..........................blah blah blah.

Option A. Move back to your home

Option B. (In case of option A you are not welcome) Move somewhere else

I think that covers it, please let me know if I missed anything.

Have a great day (indoors)

Option C your post is drivel?


Let's wait for the facts to come out before finger pointing shall we?

I think its a bit pointless don't you. Careless reckless speeding not looking. Whatever the cause she killed a policeman using her car. He is dead and was not to blame at all. His car was parked. She hit it. What more facts do you need than everything in the video and her attitude. Its not like she is just sitting somewhere quietly stunned by what happened, She is trying to blame the policeman for parking his car and siting in it. She is still too drunk to realise that she is totally to blame.

Wait for the facts..... unreal!

Well no. If every case was conclusion jumping affairs like so many are here on TV then we'd have a lot Of potentially innocent people behind bars. I hate high sos getting away with murders just as much As most people but even that video doesn't tell the whole story. Jai yen yen na.


Some really sick people on here. All they can do is use the death of another human being to show us how witty they think they are in mocking the behavior of the lady who without a doubt will most lightly never recover fully from this terrible tragedy. May the policeman RIP and prayers for the families concerned.


Just another paragraph of the same story.

The proper police proceadure was followed to the T. Anna needed to go home shower the shit off her and change clothes. sleep and sober up. Mom needs to call all the big people she knows.....Then to the police station Sat.


Regardless of whether or not she was on her phone, drunk or whatever this is a clear case of causing death by dangerous driving. There is absolutely no doubt. The Police car was parked when she hit it. She was obviously driving way over the speed limit. She should be jailed for for it.

Can someone please tell me why so many of the posts here are to do with road use?

Could it possibly be that Thai people are often very bad drivers and usually too busy using their mobile phone to give a damn.

You take your life in your hands as soon as you step out of your front door here.

Thai driver = Careless Reckless killer.

RIP Mr Policeman. So very sad for his family.

You take your life in your hands..........................blah blah blah.

Option A. Move back to your home

Option B. (In case of option A you are not welcome) Move somewhere else

I think that covers it, please let me know if I missed anything.

Have a great day (indoors)

Always one who,quotes this, let's see if one day it affects you or your loved ones, you will have the same opinion....


Regardless of whether or not she was on her phone, drunk or whatever this is a clear case of causing death by dangerous driving. There is absolutely no doubt. The Police car was parked when she hit it. She was obviously driving way over the speed limit. She should be jailed for for it.

Can someone please tell me why so many of the posts here are to do with road use?

Could it possibly be that Thai people are often very bad drivers and usually too busy using their mobile phone to give a damn.

You take your life in your hands as soon as you step out of your front door here.

Thai driver = Careless Reckless killer.

RIP Mr Policeman. So very sad for his family.

You take your life in your hands..........................blah blah blah.

Option A. Move back to your home

Option B. (In case of option A you are not welcome) Move somewhere else

I think that covers it, please let me know if I missed anything.

Have a great day (indoors)

Always one who,quotes this, let's see if one day it affects you or your loved ones, you will have the same opinion....

I would be equally affected regardless of what country I am in, I hope I could avoid senseless generalizations and accusations based on nothing other than thin air, or more like hot air - at what point are we qualified to assess the speed of the vehicles based on the damage, to judge the drivers capability based on other drivers, to assume that the car that was stopped was done so in a correct manner. We actually know nothing but love to jump in with both feet and somehow twist the stories into either a conspiracy theory or a Thailand bashing exercise. Get over it.


A timely reminder to us all to keep our side lights and seat belt on when stopped at the side of the road.

But when other drivers, incapacitated by weather or other factors, come up behind you, they can mistakenly assume you are moving with results like this.

Fair point. Depending on where you're stopped, it might be better to keep your vehicle in reverse gear to show white lights at the rear, or to use your hazard warning lights. If you're at risk of being shunted from the rear, you're as well keeping your handbrake on and your car in gear to minimise risk of injury and get full benefit of your crumple zones.

It's also a timely reminder of the risks of driving traumatised...


Eh?????????? surely better in no gear handbrake off so car can be shunted down the road a bit and absorbing some of that impact.

If you keep the car stationary then the crumple zones absorb the impact, rather than transferring the momentum direct to your body, and then, via your neck, to your head. In a case like this, the crumpling of the car takes time during which the victim's car will be accelerated and shunted forward. If there is no resistance other than the inertia of the car, the car will be accelerated much faster by the impact, resulting in severe whiplash injuries to the occupant.

It depends on whether you worry more about damage to the car or damage to your neck.

The damage to the occupant is caused by a rapid change in relative velocity between the car and its occupant - either with the car stopping suddenly .when it hits something, or accelerates dramatically when something hits it. A reasonably high headrest that would help the head accelerate with the rest of his body which would help reduce the risk of a broken neck.



I would normally not bother commenting on something like this but some of the stuff that has been written by my fellow concerned citizens is absolutely ridiculous and unkind.

Before you want to make a comment perhaps you could try a little self test in future.

1. Was i there?

2. Do I know the people involved?

3. Am I qualified to comment on the topic?

4. Do I have first hand experience of a situation like this?

Here is my feeling on the story; there is personal tragedy, a person died in a horrific traffic accident and another person will be left traumatized by the experience.

A family lost a loved one and it has been brutally televised, another family saw a loved one in distress which was brutally televised.

My comment would be to express sorry to the family for their loss of a loved one, my sincere hopes that the survivor can come to terms with the tragedy and that once all the facts have been found the right outcome takes place.

Hopefully the investigation and the outcome will be fair and that those that need to know will know, I doubt if it will be televised in the same way as it will be nowhere near as sensational.

Please show some self control.

I fully expect some well informed person/people to comeback with some Thai bashing nonsense which will be based on wild generalizations., for those I would suggest you move somewhere else and stop using my air.

I agree in full.

Some posters really don't know what they are talking about.

Based on the video and the wrecks, the speed could be between 40 and 80 Kms/hr

We don't know more facts then shown. So don't BS on facts you don't know about.

So please, be compassionated with all those involved including with the deceased.


The fact that she soiled herself and remains at the site, weeping and cradling the dead body of the police guy leads me to feel she is genuinely upset and traumatised by this incident.

Don't know her from Adam, but its obviously a tremendously sad incident.

Some of the TV posters might like show a bit more self respect and stop sniggering.

go and watch some of her lakorn performances and then come back and watch this video again and you will know why, yeah sure shes probably upset but shes either drunk or hamming it up too and she knows she needs to make a big deal of being sorry in front of the media as this is going to be huge...


That looks more like a head on collision. She must have been going over 140kph. Surprised she could walk. Hopefully a real investigation is done and the blame is put where it is suppose to. If it is truly an accident, then leave her be, but if she was talking on her phone, drunk driving, or speeding, throw the book at her.

I'm really intrigued to know how you come to that conclusion, especially when you consider it's the rear end of the police car that's crumpled beyond recognition!

Head-on collision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A head-on collision is a traffic collision where the front ends of two vehicles such as cars, trains, ships or planes hit each other in opposite directions, as opposed to a sidecollision or rear-end collision.

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