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Thai-English actress 'Anna Reese' kills cop in car crash

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Honestly, what's wrong with this country and it's people ? There's been an accident, and a mans been killed, and an unfortunate woman has been allowed to belittle herself and exacerbate this grim unfortunate situation all on camera to be lapped up by anyone and his dog......... What's wrong with this place ?

Seems you don't understand Thainess.

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Can't tell from the video if she is traumatised, drunk or thinks she is on the set of a lakorn.

Could be in shock . If you don't know the word, it's a physical thing that often follows a trauma. Either physical or emotional trauma can cause it.


Isn't it strange that the tests for drugs are concluded and negative but it will take 6 days for the alcohol test.. Surely that is back to front!

This is in reference to z42's post about the update.


I'm sure she has a spare 100,000B. That's the going rate for vehicular homicide of a police officer in Thailand right? Does she have to run off to Singapore before or after she pays?


That is an absolute and utter disgrace that police allowed her walk away from the scene of the accident. A police officer killed and a fellow police officer just lets her walk away from the accident, that is just bizarre.

How do alcohol tests conducted hours after the fact work exactly? I presume they just detect alcohol or not or can they discover how much of it was in her system?

She was just nipping out for a bite to eat at 3 in the morning? Lovely story, although it would appear that there is some truth to her story about a motorbike cutting in front of her


Here is my prediction for the outcome of this case. Hope I`m going to be proven wrong.

The woman has already mentioned she is sorry and willing to compensate the family, which between the lines means: setting the wheels in motion for buying herself out of trouble. The elusive phantom motorcyclist will never be found and all drug and alcohol tests will come back negative.

The woman`s story of the phantom motorbike taken in consideration as credible, will be found guilty of reckless driving, then fined, an undisclosed amount of money get out of jail free payment donated to the victim`s family, then case concluded and she goes on her merry way.

Personally, I would have preferred to see her lying flat out in the car and the police officer having walked away from it, but fate has it not to be the case. We will see, and again hope I`m wrong.


why am i reading this just watched a dococumentery about fashion industry.sad forum sad world,oh well there u go.

That is a great question, so important in fact, you made it your first posting in Thai Visa.

Since none of us can speak to that, we will leave it to you to divine the answer.

Looking forward to your next update.

Signed, "Sitting on the edge of my seat!"


Anyone who doubts the efficacy of money, power and influence.
Anyone who thinks you can not "shut it all down and make it go away."

Anyone who thinks this is a "Thai Thing"

Two words:

Bill Cosby.

One day, burning up the front page around the world, the next, at home with his feet up, eating a chocolate pudding.


I would normally not bother commenting on something like this but some of the stuff that has been written by my fellow concerned citizens is absolutely ridiculous and unkind.

Before you want to make a comment perhaps you could try a little self test in future.

1. Was i there?

2. Do I know the people involved?

3. Am I qualified to comment on the topic?

4. Do I have first hand experience of a situation like this?


Here is my feeling on the story; there is personal tragedy, a person died in a horrific traffic accident and another person will be left traumatized by the experience.

A family lost a loved one and it has been brutally televised, another family saw a loved one in distress which was brutally televised.

My comment would be to express sorry to the family for their loss of a loved one, my sincere hopes that the survivor can come to terms with the tragedy and that once all the facts have been found the right outcome takes place.

Hopefully the investigation and the outcome will be fair and that those that need to know will know, I doubt if it will be televised in the same way as it will be nowhere near as sensational.

Please show some self control.

I fully expect some well informed person/people to comeback with some Thai bashing nonsense which will be based on wild generalizations., for those I would suggest you move somewhere else and stop using my air.

Whilst you make some good points who do you think you are ? "Stop using my air" ??? Whose air ? You have title deeds ?

Move elsewhere ? Perhaps you should move to a deserted island so no one steals your precious air.

I was reading with some amusement, wow the countries that some of you expats come from must be happy you left...... when i see this silly comment, maybe your really the primeminister you seem to have the same mindset but I suspect your just a nobody with illusions of grandeur


no loss to the gene pool if it was a thai cop ( bearing in mind how they consider dead people ).

You back .. your second post certainly topped your first!

Please, enlighten us, why, exactly is it a good thing that a Thai Citizen, a police officer, was killed this way?

And really, i have only been living In the Kingdom for five years with a Thai wife and friends... Other here, much longer... we sit at your feet great teacher...

How do Thai People "consider dead people" that relates to this gentleman's horrid death?

I am curious, in this age of the internet, do we now have trolls, who have never visited the Kingdom or lived here, just stirring the pot?

The floor is yours... you have our full attention.


why am i reading this just watched a dococumentery about fashion industry.sad forum sad world,oh well there u go.

That is a great question, so important in fact, you made it your first posting in Thai Visa.

Since none of us can speak to that, we will leave it to you to divine the answer.

Looking forward to your next update.

Signed, "Sitting on the edge of my seat!"

You will love this,it is a doc called The True Cost about the fashion industry.If you are still a self rightious D head please reply.As you are the spokeperson for the whole site then watch the the doc and come back to me.Hope you are wearing cheap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"but then refused to be questioned, as she was “too traumatized.”

As compare to dead policeman? I think that he was beyond ' traumatized '

Traumatized must be the Thai translation for Miranda Rights, no need to speak without an attorney present.


no loss to the gene pool if it was a thai cop ( bearing in mind how they consider dead people ).

You back .. your second post certainly topped your first!

Please, enlighten us, why, exactly is it a good thing that a Thai Citizen, a police officer, was killed this way?

And really, i have only been living In the Kingdom for five years with a Thai wife and friends... Other here, much longer... we sit at your feet great teacher...

How do Thai People "consider dead people" that relates to this gentleman's horrid death?

I am curious, in this age of the internet, do we now have trolls, who have never visited the Kingdom or lived here, just stirring the pot?

The floor is yours... you have our full attention.

Ya gotta me here bro,as only bin hear tirtenn yeers,bit thin agin yer till hoose an anglofile,r u a shark watin ta pounce.well bro yer just lost,lurve tae heer back frtom yer


Really tragic news for the policeman, one thing in Thailand I will say is that 99% of taxis don't have seat belts and it's almost frowned upon when a passenger in another car. The huge death toll during songkran would probably be halved if there were stronger laws in the use of seat belts. All taxis tuck them under the back seats for fear of ruining there cheap vinyl car seats. It's absolutely ridiculous. People dying because not wearing seat belts. Rip.


This is already too predictable. Walks away from an accident which killed someone, "sorry, too traumatised to talk with the cops", strolls down to the police station over 10 hours later to answer questions (feel better now love?), tested for drugs and alcohol "it'll take a week for the results for alcohol" (seriously? What about drunk drivers getting blood tests with instant results?) , a motorbike cut me off, i want to help the family, I'm off to the temple.

The media will be all over her at his funeral, big sunglasses, lots of waiing, big envelope to the family and thats about all you will hear of it.


oh well, nice to see the resident TV "experts" are out in force as usual try to impress everyone with their wisdom and expertise at Googling

If you just pause for thought and maybe consider that some "TV experts" as you call them, simply use Google as a tool to back up a statement made, based on their own knowledge. If, for example, someone thinks a head on crash is when one vehicle rear ends another, why is that person going to simply believe a "TV expert", simply on his say so, that it is not!


My Thai wife just now watched the Video,

she beleaves she were really scare and worried what she did, no movie action,

but she also feel that she were druncan !!!!

and she will be courted, !


Some of her finest acting work right there.

She's full on steaming as well. MAI MAI MAI

it's madness to see anyone but the emergency services in and around the scene of the crash.


no loss to the gene pool if it was a thai cop ( bearing in mind how they consider dead people ).

You back .. your second post certainly topped your first!

Please, enlighten us, why, exactly is it a good thing that a Thai Citizen, a police officer, was killed this way?

And really, i have only been living In the Kingdom for five years with a Thai wife and friends... Other here, much longer... we sit at your feet great teacher...

How do Thai People "consider dead people" that relates to this gentleman's horrid death?

I am curious, in this age of the internet, do we now have trolls, who have never visited the Kingdom or lived here, just stirring the pot?

The floor is yours... you have our full attention.

Ya gotta me here bro,as only bin hear tirtenn yeers,bit thin agin yer till hoose an anglofile,r u a shark watin ta pounce.well bro yer just lost,lurve tae heer back frtom yer

You are apiece of work "Bro" ...

Let's part company here ...

I enjoy a battle of wits, but never dual with someone who is unarmed.

Good evening ...

Is it just me, or is that cologne you are wearing from the new Calvin Klein series, bat s>>t crazy?

OH Wait .. i get it...

The reason you have been here thirteen years and this is your first time ... ever .. on Thai Visa?

You got canned, created a new identity, and are back.

Well played sir, well played indeed!


Every day another accident - or more. Same story. Same 'This is Thailand' replies.

It is a shame people want to record and share the grief, no need for such film to dramatize the event. Lets just keep to the facts.

Everyone wants to point fingers and attribute blame. Rather than stand back and try to avoid such situations in the first place.

TiT - cars - even police cars, lorries and Coaches will stop in stupid places and even drive against the traffic.

TiT - People will drive too fast for the conditions.

TiT - Many road users are under the influence of alcohol.

TiT - Accidents like this will continue to happen every day until some big changes happen.

The choice is to make change happen or live/die with the current situation.

No surprise - no accident.

Wow! A Thai road expert. Incidentally, how long have you lived in the Kingdom and how many miles have you done on Thai roads?

Sorry? What point are you trying to make here?

Please attack me all you wish if it makes you feel better.

Cannot change the facts.

Police cars and lorries driving against the traffic? Nope, not seen that yet

Driving too fast for the conditions? See this in UK and Europe as well

Many road users under the influence of alcohol? Many? On what do you base this? Just you and your friends are not a representative sampling.

Accidents like this will continue to happen? Most accidents do not involve a vehicle ramming into the back of another stationary one.

Any other "facts" you would like to share based on your limited experience on Thai roads?

Seems like you're the one with the limited experience on Thai roads.

I've seen many lorries driving against the traffic.

It's easy to state the fact that many road users are under the influence of alcohol, simply read the news reports on the many accidents that happen across Thailand every day.

The types of accidents are wide and varied, and this one certainly wouldn't be the first and only one on that particular day of a vehicle being rear ended. Only a few days ago a guy in a Toyota rear ended a couple of motorbikes in Pattaya, killing one of the riders.

IMHO which is based on my personal experiences and through reading many media outlets, Caroljadzia is pretty much spot on!


I am at a loss, even here in Thailand, surely there should be an incident officer in charge to ensure scenes and acts as in the VT do not occur? The women is obviously in shock and traumatised, she should have been dealt with, secured and off to medical care with a Police officer/s in attendance, and breathalysed as soon as a doctor cleared her for it. The filming of all the details and such is disgraceful and disrespectful.

Yes looking at the damage she must have been travelling at some speed (without due care & attention) and hit the poor bloke square on while he was at a standstill and totally oblivious to the carnage and death about to unfold behind him

Shows how well engineered Mercs are for frontal impact and worryingly for Toyota saloon owners shows that your chance of survival if rear ended by a large vehicle at speed is probably not that good as it should be?

RIP to the officer, an awful incident, some of the comments are uncalled for really chaps...


Probably watching a Thai soap on her dash video while texting on one phone and talking to friends on another.

Add in a nice meal and a few white wines and what do you have?

She will never see a cell or conviction because Thai traffic police are on a par with Mr Bean.

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