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Prayut says he does not care about US invitation

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Awwww bless theKnave . He tried bless him . wit and sarcasm is not one of your strong suites is it ? if only I could put that in a pill I'm sure it would cure one of his ailments . Talk to your Dr it may help you have a heart attack , cause cancer , the trots ....but it will cure your lack of wit

Flash! Science proves that tiny little gnats have Opinions! Tiny, little, opinions...

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Who cares about stupid US independence

Calling all U.S. bashers--jump on the bandwagon--whether your post is relevant or not!

As long as you have a/holes like NeverSure spouting their vitriolic gobs on here then don't expect anything else from non Americans.

I feel left out.


the US really need to pull their heads out of their ars*s, they have always thought they were something special when we all know the truth. The president along with a lot of their senators are hopeless, trying to tell everyone else what to do when they are the biggest losers and crims themselves but who really gives a sh*t. What they used to be and what they are now are two totally different things, if I were the general I wouldnt go either, bloody morons.

Wow. Such a case of small d*ck syndrome. Got it bad, eh? You tiny irrelevant country intolerable braggarts were last relevant about 1,000 years ago.

I love this, SHACK! That's USAF jargon for correct spot on. We celebrate because we are proud of our heritage. We dont need any other's country to give us permission.


Im proud and dont bash nations, only individuals that deserve it. Problem with TV members is that everybody loves to bash the US as a whole. As this thread is a prime example of it


Maybe both you and the general don't want to give a dam..... That's the day Americans celebrate kicking the asses of the King of England and his red coat soldiers and running them back to where they came from. It's Independence Day - free from being a British Colony.

That's a celebration of independence from intolerable Brits. That's the truth and the whole truth. That's all it's about.

We still celebrate being free from intolerable Brits and that's why we remember the 4th of July with fireworks and good American food. 330 million Americans will be remembering how ugly Brits are. True story.

And how well those same "Americans" then treated the liberated native Americans and slaves.

Will you be whistling Dixie, giving a rebel yell and doing an Irish jig too?

LOL. Buy you books and send you to school and you eat the covers.

It was Brits under the rule of the King of England as a British Colony who settled America. Anything you are accusing, you are accusing the British of.

The British Colony of Jamestown first brought slaves to the Colonies in the year of our lord sixteen hundred and nineteen. That's 1619 for the book challenged.

The colonists who we now call Americans kicked ass on the English King and his army and ran them all back to England. That didn't happen until 1776, or about 150 years later.

The British in the British colonies were slaughtering Indians long before anyone thought of The States.

Please get your facts and your mouth straight. Your unjustified prejudices are astounding.


Is the British school curriculum so corrupt they don't teach history?


Settle down, I'm an Aussie we like to bash the Yank.

This is about an invitation to a BBQ or Cocktail party, whatever.

He's not missing an invitation to speak at the G7.

America can be proud of it's history getting rid of oppressors, what happened after well we have our opinions.

The "Americans" who got rid of oppressors did their own oppressing - they forcibly took the land from the native Americans and used slaves. Later land was taken from Latin Americans.

The "Australians" did the same to the aboriginal people, and some were doing their best to exterminate them.

The British, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Belgians and Jonny come lately Germans were all colonialists. All have plenty of skeletons with the Belgian and German being especially harsh rulers.

One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.

This is an invitation to a national day party. Of course embassies invite important people - it's what they do. He is the PM - get over it.


Every 4th of July, I always don't give a dam.......

Maybe both you and the general don't want to give a dam..... That's the day Americans celebrate kicking the asses of the King of England and his red coat soldiers and running them back to where they came from. It's Independence Day - free from being a British Colony.

That's a celebration of independence from intolerable Brits. That's the truth and the whole truth. That's all it's about.

We still celebrate being free from intolerable Brits and that's why we remember the 4th of July with fireworks and good American food. 330 million Americans will be remembering how ugly Brits are. True story.

Not sure how this love fest got going, other than there are a lot of sensitive souls on this forum.

As an American, I can tell you that the vast majority of Americans who get a chance to celebrate Independence Day, do not give much thought to the American Revolution and the British. They are instead focused on a day off work; sleeping in; getting together with friends, having a "cookout", and watching the fireworks displays. Oh, and drinking cold, cold beer. Not that warm stuff. tongue.png


Maybe both you and the general don't want to give a dam..... That's the day Americans celebrate kicking the asses of the King of England and his red coat soldiers and running them back to where they came from. It's Independence Day - free from being a British Colony.

That's a celebration of independence from intolerable Brits. That's the truth and the whole truth. That's all it's about.

We still celebrate being free from intolerable Brits and that's why we remember the 4th of July with fireworks and good American food. 330 million Americans will be remembering how ugly Brits are. True story.

And how well those same "Americans" then treated the liberated native Americans and slaves.

Will you be whistling Dixie, giving a rebel yell and doing an Irish jig too?

LOL. Buy you books and send you to school and you eat the covers.

It was Brits under the rule of the King of England as a British Colony who settled America. Anything you are accusing, you are accusing the British of.

The British Colony of Jamestown first brought slaves to the Colonies in the year of our lord sixteen hundred and nineteen. That's 1619 for the book challenged.

The colonists who we now call Americans kicked ass on the English King and his army and ran them all back to England. That didn't happen until 1776, or about 150 years later.

The British in the British colonies were slaughtering Indians long before anyone thought of The States.

Please get your facts and your mouth straight. Your unjustified prejudices are astounding.


Is the British school curriculum so corrupt they don't teach history?

Yes, they do teach history - not the Hollywood apple pie version you so love.

There is no problem with European immigrants and their offspring, many of whom came from Britain and British stock obtaining their freedom from a very oppressive regime. All European regimes were oppressive.

It's your complete ignorance or indifference of how subsequent "free" American governments then dealt with native Americans. Or do you believe they were treated well? And when was slavery abolished in the US - around sixty years after Britain, and only because of the result of a bloody civil war.

Nothing wrong with my mouth Jimmie - but then I'm not a loud mouthed red necked bigot.

American history - yeah, right. As long as it sells films.


Maybe both you and the general don't want to give a dam..... That's the day Americans celebrate kicking the asses of the King of England and his red coat soldiers and running them back to where they came from. It's Independence Day - free from being a British Colony.

That's a celebration of independence from intolerable Brits. That's the truth and the whole truth. That's all it's about.

We still celebrate being free from intolerable Brits and that's why we remember the 4th of July with fireworks and good American food. 330 million Americans will be remembering how ugly Brits are. True story.

And how well those same "Americans" then treated the liberated native Americans and slaves.

Will you be whistling Dixie, giving a rebel yell and doing an Irish jig too?

LOL. Buy you books and send you to school and you eat the covers.

It was Brits under the rule of the King of England as a British Colony who settled America. Anything you are accusing, you are accusing the British of.

The British Colony of Jamestown first brought slaves to the Colonies in the year of our lord sixteen hundred and nineteen. That's 1619 for the book challenged.

The colonists who we now call Americans kicked ass on the English King and his army and ran them all back to England. That didn't happen until 1776, or about 150 years later.

The British in the British colonies were slaughtering Indians long before anyone thought of The States.

Please get your facts and your mouth straight. Your unjustified prejudices are astounding.


Is the British school curriculum so corrupt they don't teach history?

SHACK, again lol


Maybe both you and the general don't want to give a dam..... That's the day Americans celebrate kicking the asses of the King of England and his red coat soldiers and running them back to where they came from. It's Independence Day - free from being a British Colony.

That's a celebration of independence from intolerable Brits. That's the truth and the whole truth. That's all it's about.

We still celebrate being free from intolerable Brits and that's why we remember the 4th of July with fireworks and good American food. 330 million Americans will be remembering how ugly Brits are. True story.

And how well those same "Americans" then treated the liberated native Americans and slaves.

Will you be whistling Dixie, giving a rebel yell and doing an Irish jig too?

LOL. Buy you books and send you to school and you eat the covers.

It was Brits under the rule of the King of England as a British Colony who settled America. Anything you are accusing, you are accusing the British of.

The British Colony of Jamestown first brought slaves to the Colonies in the year of our lord sixteen hundred and nineteen. That's 1619 for the book challenged.

The colonists who we now call Americans kicked ass on the English King and his army and ran them all back to England. That didn't happen until 1776, or about 150 years later.

The British in the British colonies were slaughtering Indians long before anyone thought of The States.

Please get your facts and your mouth straight. Your unjustified prejudices are astounding.


Is the British school curriculum so corrupt they don't teach history?

Yes, they do teach history - not the Hollywood apple pie version you so love.

There is no problem with European immigrants and their offspring, many of whom came from Britain and British stock obtaining their freedom from a very oppressive regime. All European regimes were oppressive.

It's your complete ignorance or indifference of how subsequent "free" American governments then dealt with native Americans. Or do you believe they were treated well? And when was slavery abolished in the US - around sixty years after Britain, and only because of the result of a bloody civil war.

Nothing wrong with my mouth Jimmie - but then I'm not a loud mouthed red necked bigot.

American history - yeah, right. As long as it sells films.

YOUR statements are clouded in a version of history YOU think is correct.

I think you need a reminder of a portion

The colonization of Australia and the oppression of its own native occupants

The use of a colonized nation for the selfish purpose of a penal colony

I guess YOU forget things

Disclaimer: this post is not directed to Britain but to the original poser Baerboxer and HIS comments alone


Actually you do realise that America was going to become the penal colony of choice ? Far too many was dieing before they got to Australia so the choice was made .... Funny how it became the most inprisoned nation on earth ? Guess it was just meant to happen ? andTheKnutsack are you still trying to be relevant ? Ohhhh dear


In fairness, Baerboxer concedes that most all major countries have been, or are, oppressors. He does seem to be a bit obsessed with Native American treatment, and he is right. However, in the context of the time period, the treatment of Indians was no better or worse than the treatment of indigenous peoples in the British, Dutch, Spanish, Belgian, or Portuguese colonies, to name a few. The difference being, of course, that the Americans resisted colonialism, and freed thenselves, where myriad colonies of European countries took a hundred or two years more to do the same.

The primary flaw in all these arguments is that the citizens of the countries are not homogeneous, and don't represent what their governments are up to.

I seldom take issue with criticism of my government's policies, but I do like to turn it around when some yob calls out all Americans for what they perceive as unjust in American foreign policy.

Then, it just becomes a shouting match.

By the way, I am a fan of Max Baer's boxing. Max Baer Jr., not so much, although Jethro was funny. Used to see Jr. at parties, and he was a slimeball.

But, I digress...


Actually you do realise that America was going to become the penal colony of choice ? Far too many was dieing before they got to Australia so the choice was made .... Funny how it became the most inprisoned nation on earth ? Guess it was just meant to happen ? andTheKnutsack are you still trying to be relevant ? Ohhhh dear

Buzz, buzz, buzz....splat!


Every 4th of July, I always play this on loop!

America hell yea!...and don't forget we get Ricky Bobby tooooo.....


YOUR statements are clouded in a version of history YOU think is correct.

I think you need a reminder of a portion

The colonization of Australia and the oppression of its own native occupants

The use of a colonized nation for the selfish purpose of a penal colony

I guess YOU forget things

Disclaimer: this post is not directed to Britain but to the original poser Baerboxer and HIS comments alone

You should try reading all of my posts. And linking them with joined up thought.

You will find I mentioned Australia and the colonization by other European former colonial powers.

Like your mate NeverSure (a good avatar) your eagerness to condemn any who dare comment differently to your star spangled sugar coated vision of a blemishless America obstructs your ability to read all the posts, comprehend what's been written and then comment sensibly,

Disclaimer: This post is not directed to America, Americans, or any of the Americans I know, have worked with, attended events with, and in many cases proud to call my friends. Just those who like to pretend and use any excuse to bash others.


In fairness, Baerboxer concedes that most all major countries have been, or are, oppressors. He does seem to be a bit obsessed with Native American treatment, and he is right. However, in the context of the time period, the treatment of Indians was no better or worse than the treatment of indigenous peoples in the British, Dutch, Spanish, Belgian, or Portuguese colonies, to name a few. The difference being, of course, that the Americans resisted colonialism, and freed thenselves, where myriad colonies of European countries took a hundred or two years more to do the same.

The primary flaw in all these arguments is that the citizens of the countries are not homogeneous, and don't represent what their governments are up to.

I seldom take issue with criticism of my government's policies, but I do like to turn it around when some yob calls out all Americans for what they perceive as unjust in American foreign policy.

Then, it just becomes a shouting match.

By the way, I am a fan of Max Baer's boxing. Max Baer Jr., not so much, although Jethro was funny. Used to see Jr. at parties, and he was a slimeball.

But, I digress...


The "first" world seems to have made a habit of oppressing people from less developed countries. Some like the Native American tribes, Aboriginal peoples of Australia, those in the Belgian condor suffered appallingly. And not all that long ago. The American colonists freed themselves, their Canadian neighbors didn't. Interesting social comparisons.

Governments govern in accordance with the worldviews of the people and public opinions of the times - within the framework of social acceptance; but of course try to shape that and get away with what they can.

Good to see another Max Baer fan. I like the humor and character he had as well as his great ability.


Who cares about stupid US independence

Calling all U.S. bashers--jump on the bandwagon--whether your post is relevant or not!

As long as you have a/holes like NeverSure spouting their vitriolic gobs on here then don't expect anything else from non Americans.

LOL. tongue.png


the US really need to pull their heads out of their ars*s, they have always thought they were something special when we all know the truth. The president along with a lot of their senators are hopeless, trying to tell everyone else what to do when they are the biggest losers and crims themselves but who really gives a sh*t. What they used to be and what they are now are two totally different things, if I were the general I wouldnt go either, bloody morons.

morons? ...only the most powerful and richest country in the world...far from being morons mate.


Prayut not fussed about not being invited to US Embassy July 4 event
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- PRIME MINISTER General Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday said he did not care whether or not the US Embassy invites him to its Fourth of July celebrations in Bangkok this year.

"It's their business. It does not matter. If they invite me, I will [attend]. If they don't, I will not," he said.

Meanwhile, General Wilas Aroonsri, secretary-general to the prime minister, said Prayut had received an invitation. However, the prime minister would not be able to attend the event next Thursday as he would be heading for Tokyo for the Japan-Mekong Summit, scheduled for the following Saturday, July 4.

"That is why [he] will not be able to attend. It does not mean that they did not invite him," Wilas said.

The Nation contacted the US Embassy but an official said no information was available on the matter and refused to comment further.

Last year, no Thai generals were invited to the event because of their role in the May coup. Washington also downgraded Thai-US relations by cutting military aid.

Pramote Nakornthab, a former Thammasat University lecturer, on Thursday regaled his Facebook followers about a discussion he had with Patrick Murphy, the charge d'affaires of the embassy. Pramote said he asked Murphy three times whether the embassy had sent Prayut an invitation but Murphy did not answer clearly.

Murphy met with Pramote to apologise after the embassy wrote "Dr Pramote Nakornthab, Anti-Thaksin Activist" on his invitation for the Fourth of July celebrations, which will be held on July 2 at a Bangkok hotel.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Prayut-not-fussed-about-not-being-invited-to-US-Em-30263254.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-27


Frankly speaking, I am rather disappointed in the venom being spewed by both American and British bashers. Both countries have much to be proud of and both have had their share of historical mistakes. There is too much rancour and nastiness in today's World. As an American, I shall celebrate the 4th as usual, but I shall not be critical of other nations while doing it. Best wishes and cheers to you all.

I'm british and have some great yank mates and sure we take the piss out of each other but at the end of the day we are the closest of friends and our countries are the closest of allies. Enjoy your party and &^%$ all the haters.


You should try reading all of my posts. And linking them with joined up thought.

You will find I mentioned Australia and the colonization by other European former colonial powers.

Like your mate NeverSure (a good avatar) your eagerness to condemn any who dare comment differently to your star spangled sugar coated vision of a blemishless America obstructs your ability to read all the posts, comprehend what's been written and then comment sensibly,

Disclaimer: This post is not directed to America, Americans, or any of the Americans I know, have worked with, attended events with, and in many cases proud to call my friends. Just those who like to pretend and use any excuse to bash others.

This started about the general and an invitation to a 4th of July event. Not long after came the predictable America bashing.

For once I dug in my heels about whether the general would/should want to go, and the inevitable... I bit back at people who themselves have ancestors who ripped into indigenous people, had slaves, oppressive kings and so on. I've actually had fun and I'm not nearly as upset as I pretend. I just trading shit for shit because I get that too often on here.

I'm actually having a beer and laughing at the situation while being the stereotypical internet tough guy. smile.png



Prayut not fussed about not being invited to US Embassy July 4 event

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- PRIME MINISTER General Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday said he did not care whether or not the US Embassy invites him to its Fourth of July celebrations in Bangkok this year.

So what it gonna be.


US Embassy invites PM Prayut to Independence Day celebration


Whats the matter with everyone? He says if he's asked and available he will go. If he's not asked he won't. Sounds fairly logical to me.

I'm quite enjoying seeing China put US in its place over several issues eg, South China Seas, Human Rights. They are not the powerhouse they once were, and it's about time they realised it.

What happens on 4th July anyway?


the US really need to pull their heads out of their ars*s, they have always thought they were something special when we all know the truth. The president along with a lot of their senators are hopeless, trying to tell everyone else what to do when they are the biggest losers and crims themselves but who really gives a sh*t. What they used to be and what they are now are two totally different things, if I were the general I wouldnt go either, bloody morons.

Patience my friend. Patience.

just wait for the new "Iron Lady" Ms Hilary Then you will see a NEW foreign policy from our former secretary of state.


Every 4th of July, I always don't give a dam.......

Maybe both you and the general don't want to give a dam..... That's the day Americans celebrate kicking the asses of the King of England and his red coat soldiers and running them back to where they came from. It's Independence Day - free from being a British Colony.


and your great George Washington was what nationality ?

That's a celebration of independence from intolerable Brits. That's the truth and the whole truth. That's all it's about.

We still celebrate being free from intolerable Brits and that's why we remember the 4th of July with fireworks and good American food. 330 million Americans will be remembering how ugly Brits are. True story.

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