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Supreme Court declares US-wide right to same-sex marriage

Lite Beer

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No, I think it is the fringe element that has lost. I know quite a few very conservative people and most of them long ago quit caring much about this issue.

Republican evangelical conservative rightists have been in Africa for almost a dozen years because they did in fact throw in the towel some years ago on gay rights in the USA.

They decided some years ago to become the new plague in Africa to inflict their victims there.

Not only in Uganda either. The US evangelical anti-gay right is crawling all over Africa. Here's one of the many media pieces on the new horror published immediately after SCOTUS blew up the DOMA in 2013.

Foiled in the United States, Anti-Gay Evangelicals Spread Hate in Africa
Oscar-winning director Roger Ross Williams on his new documentary, "God Loves Uganda."
Tue Jul. 9, 2013

The Supreme Court's recent decisions on same-sex marriage were a sound rebuke to religious conservatives who have sought to demonize gay Americans and prevent them from sharing rights that their fellow citizens take for granted. But American evangelical groups, undaunted by their losses in America's culture wars, have been taking their messages—good and bad—to the multitudes of Africa.

This is the story that Academy Award-winning filmmaker Roger Ross Williams captures in God Loves Uganda, a documentary that premiered at Sundance in January and is now showing on the film festival circuit. It's an eye-opening and ultimately infuriating account of evangelicalism run amok.


Edited by Publicus to add date of news article.

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Marriage is not REQUIRED for anyone.

Of course there are pros and cons to the choice.

Now same sex couples nationwide have the same choices.

Yes there are gay divorces too. Duh.

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What about added categories?

On one or both sides of the equation:

males who become females

females who become males

males who became females, then reverted back to males

females who became males, then reverted back to females

I guess it comes down to: anyone can marry anyone else - the only limiting factor is age (of consent) and whether either couple is already married.

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The sick world just got sicker. Before you all get hot a flushed with my comment, remember in your eyes, it's an equal world, so you have had your say I can have mine. The only thing I want to know is, what are lot going to whinge about now. You have played the victim for so long now you are left with a void. A bit like the barking dog that finally caught up to the car, he didn't know what to do next. Being the poor bugger me drama queens most of you are, I'm sure you will find something.

Now you have had your big victory, are you going to support others asking for equal rights: like those involved in pedophilia, neophilia and bestiality or are you to conservative?

What a wonderful world!

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What about added categories?

On one or both sides of the equation:

males who become females

females who become males

males who became females, then reverted back to males

females who became males, then reverted back to females

I guess it comes down to: anyone can marry anyone else - the only limiting factor is age (of consent) and whether either couple is already married.

Pretty much.

Any two consenting adults can now legally marry everywhere and anywhere in the USA.

Fully legally recognized by both the federal government, their state governments, and all other state governments.

In practicality there will be some pockets of resistance of local governments to perform these marriages. But those efforts are doomed and rightly so.

(But not Thailand ...whistling.gif )

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The sick world just got sicker. Before you all get hot a flushed with my comment, remember in your eyes, it's an equal world, so you have had your say I can have mine. The only thing I want to know is, what are lot going to whinge about now. You have played the victim for so long now you are left with a void. A bit like the barking dog that finally caught up to the car, he didn't know what to do next. Being the poor bugger me drama queens most of you are, I'm sure you will find something.

Now you have had your big victory, are you going to support others asking for equal rights: like those involved in pedophilia, neophilia and bestiality or are you to conservative?

What a wonderful world!

You know, certainly not ALL who oppose marriage equality are bigots, but then again, a lot are. thumbsup.gif

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The sick world just got sicker. Before you all get hot a flushed with my comment, remember in your eyes, it's an equal world, so you have had your say I can have mine. The only thing I want to know is, what are lot going to whinge about now. You have played the victim for so long now you are left with a void. A bit like the barking dog that finally caught up to the car, he didn't know what to do next. Being the poor bugger me drama queens most of you are, I'm sure you will find something.

Now you have had your big victory, are you going to support others asking for equal rights: like those involved in pedophilia, neophilia and bestiality or are you to conservative?

What a wonderful world!

You know, certainly not ALL who oppose marriage equality are bigots, but then again, a lot are. thumbsup.gif

I kinda have a feeling that bigots of the old days said the same thing when they gave voting rights and equality after the civil war or voting rights to women.

There's criminal acts like exploiting the welfare of a child and there's discrimination. Bigots are blind to it.. willfully blind and think ignorance is bliss. But without progress masquerade would be living in a world where they bled him dry incase he had a fever.. because that was the wonderful world of the 1500's.

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The sick world just got sicker. Before you all get hot a flushed with my comment, remember in your eyes, it's an equal world, so you have had your say I can have mine. The only thing I want to know is, what are lot going to whinge about now. You have played the victim for so long now you are left with a void. A bit like the barking dog that finally caught up to the car, he didn't know what to do next. Being the poor bugger me drama queens most of you are, I'm sure you will find something.

Now you have had your big victory, are you going to support others asking for equal rights: like those involved in pedophilia, neophilia and bestiality or are you to conservative?

What a wonderful world!

You know, certainly not ALL who oppose marriage equality are bigots, but then again, a lot are. thumbsup.gif

I kinda have a feeling that bigots of the old days said the same thing when they gave voting rights and equality after the civil war or voting rights to women.

There's criminal acts like exploiting the welfare of a child and there's discrimination. Bigots are blind to it.. willfully blind and think ignorance is bliss. But without progress masquerade would be living in a world where they bled him dry incase he had a fever.. because that was the wonderful world of the 1500's.

I'm happy to give him his say - it helps us to see how irrational, bigoted and filled with hatred he is.

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The sick world just got sicker. Before you all get hot a flushed with my comment, remember in your eyes, it's an equal world, so you have had your say I can have mine. The only thing I want to know is, what are lot going to whinge about now. You have played the victim for so long now you are left with a void. A bit like the barking dog that finally caught up to the car, he didn't know what to do next. Being the poor bugger me drama queens most of you are, I'm sure you will find something.

Now you have had your big victory, are you going to support others asking for equal rights: like those involved in pedophilia, neophilia and bestiality or are you to conservative?

What a wonderful world!

Clearly time for the older White emasculated male bigots to have their day in the sun....

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The sick world just got sicker. Before you all get hot a flushed with my comment, remember in your eyes, it's an equal world, so you have had your say I can have mine. The only thing I want to know is, what are lot going to whinge about now. You have played the victim for so long now you are left with a void. A bit like the barking dog that finally caught up to the car, he didn't know what to do next. Being the poor bugger me drama queens most of you are, I'm sure you will find something.

Now you have had your big victory, are you going to support others asking for equal rights: like those involved in pedophilia, neophilia and bestiality or are you to conservative?

What a wonderful world!

The irony. A whinge asking about whinging.


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What about added categories?

On one or both sides of the equation:

males who become females

females who become males

males who became females, then reverted back to males

females who became males, then reverted back to females

I guess it comes down to: anyone can marry anyone else - the only limiting factor is age (of consent) and whether either couple is already married.

Pretty much.

Any two consenting adults can now legally marry everywhere and anywhere in the USA.

Fully legally recognized by both the federal government, their state governments, and all other state governments.

In practicality there will be some pockets of resistance of local governments to perform these marriages. But those efforts are doomed and rightly so.

(But not Thailand ...whistling.gif )

So they have legalised incest? A brother can now marry his sister? A mother marry her son?

I guess this has made a lot of hillbillies and gays happy!!

Hope somebody checks the fine print.

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No they didn't.

All current other restrictions do apply. DUH!

Next ...

Sorry, but where is that written?

What if three or more consenting adults decide to get married? What is to stop them?

They have the same God given right to marry whomever they wish as a same sex couple does.

Following the reasoning of the Supreme Court, the number of grooms and brides should be immaterial.

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No they didn't.

All current other restrictions do apply. DUH!

Next ...

Sorry, but where is that written?

What if three or more consenting adults decide to get married? What is to stop them?

They have the same God given right to marry whomever they wish as a same sex couple does.

Following the reasoning of the Supreme Court, the number of grooms and brides should be immaterial.

U.S. Supreme Court and reasoning in the same sentence?

Just get five of them for your cause and they'll twist up the logic to justify it.

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What if three or more consenting adults decide to get married? What is to stop them?

They have the same God given right to marry whomever they wish as a same sex couple does.

Following the reasoning of the Supreme Court, the number of grooms and brides should be immaterial.

Indeed. The Supremes have opened a real Pandora;s Box. Anyone who wants to get married in any configuration is justified now. If they do not allow it, SCOTUS are hypocrites.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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No they didn't.

All current other restrictions do apply. DUH!

Next ...

Sorry, but where is that written?

What if three or more consenting adults decide to get married? What is to stop them?

They have the same God given right to marry whomever they wish as a same sex couple does.

Following the reasoning of the Supreme Court, the number of grooms and brides should be immaterial.

I find your post massively disingenuous.

I know you are not a stupid man and I know that you know that there is no City Hall Clerk in all the 50 states that will accept a marriage application of more than two persons.

OK, you are against this ruling. Fine. That's your right.

But that was just cheap and insulting to GLBT Americans who have been fighting to become first class U.S. citizens for so long.

Maybe try to do better. You LOST this one. Maybe be GRACIOUS about this and CONGRATULATE your fellow Americans on this major historic civil rights advance?

Now if there ever is a decades long lobbying movement to advance multiple person marriages constitutional protections, and that someday goes to the supreme court, well we'll cross that bridge if it ever comes. OK?

However, THIS topic has NOTHING to do with that and again, you already knew that. post-4641-1156693976.gif

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Not to forget, GLBT Americans and allies owe a HUGE debt of gratitude to the Abraham Lincoln of the American gay civil rights movement, President Barack Hussein Obama.

It's impossible to imagine this would have happened so quickly without his dedicated and inspired national leadership on GLBT civil rights issues.


Earlier cover the "The Advocate" a major gay politically oriented magazine. Obama is pictured on the LINCOLN memorial


Rainbow White House After the Historic Victory


At Niagara Falls. (U.S.-Canada border area)

Apt as CANADIANS showed the way to their slower southern neighbors. (We do try.)

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Now if there ever is a decades long lobbying movement to advance multiple person marriages constitutional protections, and that someday goes to the supreme court, well we'll cross that bridge if it ever comes. OK?

That is what it took to redefine the meaning of marriage, but the door is open now. There is no way that other definitions of marriage will not be allowed after this. I agree with you that this matter is basically settled. It is too late to stop gay marriage, but multiple person marriages are next and it will not be long.

“Now that we’ve defined that love and devotion and family isn’t driven by gender alone, why should it be limited to just two individuals?” he writes. “The most natural advance next for marriage lies in legalized polygamy—yet many of the same people who pressed for marriage equality for gay couples oppose it.”

DeBoer agrees with Chief Justice John Roberts that the reasoning in Obergefell v. Hodges could just as easily apply to polygamous marriages as gay marriages. He notes that now that child-rearing has been rejected as the rationale for marriage, traditional arguments against polygamy have been weakened.


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The supreme court previously ruled in a very similar way making denying interracial marriage unconstitutional.

Was that "redefining" marriage?

Now everyone who opposed that is recognized as a Grade A BIGOT.

Your specious right wing argument would more logically blame that earlier decision for the old slippery slope tired old line.

But that would be embarrassing and SHAMEFUL, wouldn't it , to associate in any way with opposition to that earlier historic decision?

If national polygamous marriage legality ever gets elevated someday into a major social issue, then why don't we discuss that for it's particular merits at that time, IF it happens?

Of course we know that issue has a past with the Mormons. They gave it up though.

Next ...

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Wow, the liberals got their wish. Now men can legally marry other men. It seems they may be successful in getting South Carolina to stop flying the Confederate flag as well.

What's next, not allowing people to smoke (unless it's marijuana), no more fast food, unable to say God in school, make gun ownership illegal, and ban saying Merry Christmas (use Happy Holidays instead).

The bubonic plague is like the common cold compared to liberalism.

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The supreme court previously ruled in a very similar way making denying interracial marriage unconstitutional.

The Supreme Court also said it was legal to own a human being in The Dred Scott Decision. Sometimes they get it very wrong.

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The supreme court previously ruled in a very similar way making denying interracial marriage unconstitutional.

Was that "redefining" marriage?

Now everyone who opposed that is recognized as a Grade A BIGOT.

Your specious right wing argument would more logically blame that earlier decision for the old slippery slope tired old line.

But that would be embarrassing and SHAMEFUL, wouldn't it , to associate in any way with opposition to that earlier historic decision?

If national polygamous marriage legality ever gets elevated someday into a major social issue, then why don't we discuss that for it's particular merits at that time, IF it happens?

Of course we know that issue has a past with the Mormons. They gave it up though.

Next ...

Calling opposition to gay marriage bigotry is unfounded. There is/was no oppression involved in opposing gay marriage, legally. Gays always had the same rights as straights. This ruling provides an additional right, maybe be some say clarifies, on marriage.

Whether this means people are evolving is being negated by the hate being foisted upon their opposition. As for being second-class citizens, that stopped quite some time ago. Only used for political activism now.

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