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Bush: New gun limits not way to prevent shooting tragedies

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Bush: New gun limits not way to prevent shooting tragedies

HENDERSON, Nev. (AP) — New gun control measures are not the way to prevent mass killings such as the shooting deaths of nine people in a South Carolina church, Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said Saturday.

Bush, who plans to meet with black ministers in Charleston, South Carolina, on Monday, said identifying potentially violent people before they commit such crimes is a better approach than further restrictions on gun ownership.

"We as a society better figure out how we identify these folks long before they feel compelled to take up a gun and kill innocent people," the former Florida governor said at a town hall meeting.

Afterward, he told reporters gun control was an issue that should be sorted out at the state level.

"Rural areas are very different than big, teeming urban areas," he said.

The comments came less than a day after President Barack Obama eulogized one of the nine people shot to death June 17 at Emmanuel African Methodist Church in Charleston. During his remarks, Obama recalled episodes in Aurora, Colorado, and Newtown Connecticut, to again, suggest Americans seek tighter restrictions.

"For too long, we've been blind to the unique mayhem that gun violence inflicts upon this nation. Sporadically, our eyes are open," Obama said. "But I hope we also see the 30 precious lives cut short by gun violence in this country every single day."

Bush also told reporters that he was disappointed in both Supreme Court rulings from the last week that upheld President Obama's health care overhaul and legalized gay marriage nationwide.

He said he would repeal the health care law if elected, replacing it with high-deductible, low-premium catastrophic coverage.

As for gay marriage, Bush said he believes in traditional marriage between a man and a woman but indicated he wouldn't fight the court's ruling.

He said long-term loving relationships should be respected as well as a person's ability to express their religious beliefs.

Associated Press writer Thomas Beaumont in Des Moines, Iowa, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-29

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The big elephant in the room that most candidates and the mainstream media will not talk about is that most all of these nutcase shooters are on SRI drugs [ basically anti-depressants ] that say right on the insert that they can make you violent and even more so when coming off the drugs. A ridiculous number of Americans are on those drugs. The drug companies make billions off those drugs and the mainstream media gets lot's of advertising money from them.

And then there are the documented links between several of the shooters in recent decades like the unibomber and Sirhan - Sirhan who had connections to MK Ultra which is the division of the CIA that does mind control research. But that sounds to much like conspiracy theory talk so I won't go there.


Another Bush, another Dunce!

Did you live in Florida under Jeb Bush's governorship? Why do you say he is a dunce...as compared to what current leader? Name it, Boy.

Floridian who actually experienced JEB! Very simply 'JEB' on election signs. Get used to it folks, he will be the next president and just might be able to repair all the 'dunce' acts from Oboy.


Another Bush, another Dunce!

Did you live in Florida under Jeb Bush's governorship? Why do you say he is a dunce...as compared to what current leader? Name it, Boy.

Floridian who actually experienced JEB! Very simply 'JEB' on election signs. Get used to it folks, he will be the next president and just might be able to repair all the 'dunce' acts from Oboy.

Although I admittedly have no information to back this up I have to wonder if Jeb truly wants to be president or if it's just " OK Jeb, your turn to do your thing for the family". That's what Donald Trump suggested in an interview yesterday. Unless I discover skeletons in Trumps closest that could be used to compromise him [ like Hilary] I'm thinking Trump might actually be the best choice to try to undue some of the damage done to the country by previous administrations. He's a proven business man [ not a "community organizer" - ha ] and an excellent negotiator. And he has his own money [ 9 billion net ] thus far less likely to be owned by special interests or indirect donations from other countries [ like Hilary ] . But many would not vote for Trump because they don't like his hair style but will vote for Hilary because she is a women. What a world! Cheers.


Didn't take long for this thread to devolve. Better mental health is needed. Turn off the television for one.

Yes, absolutely turn off the luni-box for starters and yes mental health is a huge problem in the states now.


Well I'm guessing that this is the final word then. Deep thinker GWB knows all the answers.

Jen not George, Mr deep thinker.

His name is Jeb not Jen - Mr. deep thinker. Sorry, I try not to be sarcastic on these forums but couldn't resist that one!


Another Bush, another Dunce!

Did you live in Florida under Jeb Bush's governorship? Why do you say he is a dunce...as compared to what current leader? Name it, Boy.

Floridian who actually experienced JEB! Very simply 'JEB' on election signs. Get used to it folks, he will be the next president and just might be able to repair all the 'dunce' acts from Oboy.

If that's the best you can do,Bush after Bush after Bush,what a pathetically inadequate Reb.Party you have.


The power of the National Rifle Association is so dominant that no Republican dares to ignore its business interests.

In the USA it is unthinkable to repeat what happened in Australia where strict gun control was introduced in 1996.

I quote from a 2 year old article in The Guarduan :



Every country is unique, but Australia is more similar to the US than is, say, Japan or England. We have a frontier history and a strong gun culture. Each state and territory has its own gun laws, and in 1996 these varied widely between the jurisdictions. At that time Australia's firearm mortality rate per population was 2.6/100,000 – about one-quarter the US rate (pdf), according to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the US Center for Disease Control. Today the rate is under 1/100,000 – less than one-tenth the US rate (pdf). Those figures refer to all gun deaths – homicide, suicide and unintentional. If we focus on gun homicide rates, the US outstrips Australia 30-fold.




Another Bush, another Dunce!

Did you live in Florida under Jeb Bush's governorship? Why do you say he is a dunce...as compared to what current leader? Name it, Boy.

Floridian who actually experienced JEB! Very simply 'JEB' on election signs. Get used to it folks, he will be the next president and just might be able to repair all the 'dunce' acts from Oboy.

Although I admittedly have no information to back this up I have to wonder if Jeb truly wants to be president or if it's just " OK Jeb, your turn to do your thing for the family". That's what Donald Trump suggested in an interview yesterday. Unless I discover skeletons in Trumps closest that could be used to compromise him [ like Hilary] I'm thinking Trump might actually be the best choice to try to undue some of the damage done to the country by previous administrations. He's a proven business man [ not a "community organizer" - ha ] and an excellent negotiator. And he has his own money [ 9 billion net ] thus far less likely to be owned by special interests or indirect donations from other countries [ like Hilary ] . But many would not vote for Trump because they don't like his hair style but will vote for Hilary because she is a women. What a world! Cheers.

You don't actually think the Don is gunna use his own money.If there is a buck to be made,he'll be in on it,after all he is a businessman.


Another Bush, another Dunce!

Did you live in Florida under Jeb Bush's governorship? Why do you say he is a dunce...as compared to what current leader? Name it, Boy.

Floridian who actually experienced JEB! Very simply 'JEB' on election signs. Get used to it folks, he will be the next president and just might be able to repair all the 'dunce' acts from Oboy.

please dont say you think he,s bright...hes an utter vegetable runs in the genes..


The big elephant in the room that most candidates and the mainstream media will not talk about is that most all of these nutcase shooters are on SRI drugs [ basically anti-depressants ] that say right on the insert that they can make you violent and even more so when coming off the drugs. A ridiculous number of Americans are on those drugs. The drug companies make billions off those drugs and the mainstream media gets lot's of advertising money from them.

And then there are the documented links between several of the shooters in recent decades like the unibomber and Sirhan - Sirhan who had connections to MK Ultra which is the division of the CIA that does mind control research. But that sounds to much like conspiracy theory talk so I won't go there.

Miami; you are so right. JEB made concealed carry laws easier so decent law abiding folk could protect themselves... e.g. Miami. He also sorted out the Castle Domaine laws so that people could protect themselves without restrictions when someone was trying to kill them. Maybe JEB can help control the current violence killing all nationalities-ISIS. Go Gators.


Another Bush, another Dunce!

Did you live in Florida under Jeb Bush's governorship? Why do you say he is a dunce...as compared to what current leader? Name it, Boy.

Floridian who actually experienced JEB! Very simply 'JEB' on election signs. Get used to it folks, he will be the next president and just might be able to repair all the 'dunce' acts from Oboy.

No one sees that the USA is ruled like Europe 150 years ago in monarchies? Just the faces change sometimes to give the people the feeling they could change something. And well they can change minor things, but not the general direction the country is going......There is no chance that anyone other can be president.


Another Bush, another Dunce!

Did you live in Florida under Jeb Bush's governorship? Why do you say he is a dunce...as compared to what current leader? Name it, Boy.

Floridian who actually experienced JEB! Very simply 'JEB' on election signs. Get used to it folks, he will be the next president and just might be able to repair all the 'dunce' acts from Oboy.

please dont say you think he,s bright...hes an utter vegetable runs in the genes..

UMMM. You can't even write. Where did you get your education?


coffee1.gif A lot of these American bashing comments come from people who are from countries that were once Great. You should not detract from just about the only active country trying to help this world. We are spending our future families money on you.


coffee1.gif A lot of these American bashing comments come from people who are from countries that were once Great. You should not detract from just about the only active country trying to help this world. We are spending our future families money on you.

Sorry but I don't need the "help", actually most people don't like the help to go to heaven faster.


Another Bush, another Dunce!

Did you live in Florida under Jeb Bush's governorship? Why do you say he is a dunce...as compared to what current leader? Name it, Boy.

Floridian who actually experienced JEB! Very simply 'JEB' on election signs. Get used to it folks, he will be the next president and just might be able to repair all the 'dunce' acts from Oboy.

Although I admittedly have no information to back this up I have to wonder if Jeb truly wants to be president or if it's just " OK Jeb, your turn to do your thing for the family". That's what Donald Trump suggested in an interview yesterday. Unless I discover skeletons in Trumps closest that could be used to compromise him [ like Hilary] I'm thinking Trump might actually be the best choice to try to undue some of the damage done to the country by previous administrations. He's a proven business man [ not a "community organizer" - ha ] and an excellent negotiator. And he has his own money [ 9 billion net ] thus far less likely to be owned by special interests or indirect donations from other countries [ like Hilary ] . But many would not vote for Trump because they don't like his hair style but will vote for Hilary because she is a women. What a world! Cheers.

You don't actually think the Don is gunna use his own money.If there is a buck to be made,he'll be in on it,after all he is a businessman.

Good point. I'm undecided about the Don, just started listening to his presidential bid yesterday. Maybe I'm just falling for "wishful thinking" like Hilary, Jeb or Barrack supporters do. It's a long way to the election.


The big elephant in the room that most candidates and the mainstream media will not talk about is that most all of these nutcase shooters are on SRI drugs [ basically anti-depressants ] that say right on the insert that they can make you violent and even more so when coming off the drugs. A ridiculous number of Americans are on those drugs. The drug companies make billions off those drugs and the mainstream media gets lot's of advertising money from them.

And then there are the documented links between several of the shooters in recent decades like the unibomber and Sirhan - Sirhan who had connections to MK Ultra which is the division of the CIA that does mind control research. But that sounds to much like conspiracy theory talk so I won't go there.

Miami; you are so right. JEB made concealed carry laws easier so decent law abiding folk could protect themselves... e.g. Miami. He also sorted out the Castle Domaine laws so that people could protect themselves without restrictions when someone was trying to kill them. Maybe JEB can help control the current violence killing all nationalities-ISIS. Go Gators.

Go Hurricanes! [ I'm an alumni ] I had a concealed carry permit that I really needed for my business. Nooo, no ...not drugs. ha!


Another Bush, another Dunce!

Did you live in Florida under Jeb Bush's governorship? Why do you say he is a dunce...as compared to what current leader? Name it, Boy.

Floridian who actually experienced JEB! Very simply 'JEB' on election signs. Get used to it folks, he will be the next president and just might be able to repair all the 'dunce' acts from Oboy.

No one sees that the USA is ruled like Europe 150 years ago in monarchies? Just the faces change sometimes to give the people the feeling they could change something. And well they can change minor things, but not the general direction the country is going......There is no chance that anyone other can be president.

Yes, I see that, been learning about it for years. But I like to think there is still hope.


No, Jeb isn't going to be President. If he makes it through the primaries where he's going to have to go full bore right wing, he'll be a dead duck in the general election. America will not make the Bush mistake 3 times. The last one was the worst in history. That's a tough one to overcome no matter who is sitting on the Supreme Court.

There is simply is not an electable candidate in the clown car bus.


Yes, because taking away guns is taking away freedom! But using government resources to spy on your citizenry to "identify potentially violent people" is not taking away freedom.

Actually, I can quite easily identify potentially violent people. Here's my survey.

1. Do you own or possess a gun?

If you answer "yes", then you're a potentially violent person.

Now it's true, even if you don't own a gun you can be a potentially violent person. But you're far less likely to do anything other than end up in the local clink after some punch-up at the bar.


I've got a good idea. Give everyone in the US a gun. Make it mandatory to own a gun and join the NRA. No problems then. They wouldn't be called massacres then - just an everyday event.

When I first saw that 38 people were killed in a shooting I didn't think Tunisia I thought USA - again.


American gun laws allow for the culling of American people , but they won't see that . What should happen is that families like the Bush family should not be allowed to breed any more , just look at what in breeding did to George , poor bugger was the laughing stock of the world . They should all be neutered or sterilised.


I've got a good idea. Give everyone in the US a gun. Make it mandatory to own a gun and join the NRA. No problems then. They wouldn't be called massacres then - just an everyday event.

When I first saw that 38 people were killed in a shooting I didn't think Tunisia I thought USA - again.

Here are some stats that may surprise you and the gun grabbers probably won't want to believe.

If you go to the official FBI website you will find that according to their own stats from 1992 until 2012 violent crime in the USA has declined by 49%. It has continued to decline and is over 50% now. One analyst believes it is now down by 61% since 1992.

Gun ownership has increased by about 400% since Obama took office.

The US states that have the highest gun ownership per capita have the lowest crime rates.

Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in Europe accept for Monaco which isn't really a country. Every man is required to serve in the military and is then required to take his full auto military machine gun home with him. They even have sold surplus ammo to civilians to keep in practice. It's part of the national defense strategy. I have confirmed this with several Swiss including a guy who rents from me. Who is going to break into a house if they know the owner has a machine gun? Point being, it's the mental health of the society that matters, not how many guns exist.

Although I haven't done any research to confirm this, I heard a very established talk show host say the other day that statistically Britain is actually a more violent society than the US is. Yes I know, more people die from gunshots in the US, but they are talking about violence in general.

OK, enough.


It is always good when a political candidate gives his/hers stance on an issue. It may change over time or when another view can yield more votes, but on the gun issue I don't think so.

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