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NBC to Donald Trump: You're fired

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There's fear because there are fear-mongers like Beck, Hannity, and O'Reilly telling poorly informed listeners that the sky is falling down

O'Reilly has little in common with Beck or Hannity and his listeners are in the highly informed group. Actually, Hannity viewers do well too, although I don't understand why. He is not very honest about the information he presents.

Viewers of at least one show on Fox scored quite well -- The O’Reilly Factor, of whom 51 percent made it into the high knowledge group. That made it equal to National Public Radio -- a longtime target of conservative complaints about liberal media bias -- and only three percentage points behind Stewart’s own show, at 54 percent.


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Boy, you really are clueless when it comes to race relations or racial identification in America. When Mexicans are attacked in this way, all Hispanics are offended. Because in many ways, it is an attack against all Hispanics, legal or not. Trump is a joke, everyone knows this. Well, maybe except you.

And to further support my point....


Well, some guy on Fox News Latino, who was fired earlier from CNN for making anti-Semitic comments, said it, so it must be true. Silly, silly, silly. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/01/rick-sanchez-fired-from-c_n_747607.html

You really went out of your way to dig that one up...from 2010??? But it doesn't change the fact that you're wrong when you said "Cubans in Florida could care less about Mexicans in California." Do you ever admit that you're wrong? Or is it a face thing?

I see that you want to make this personal, instead of about the topic. But I'll not oblige. I didn't "dig that one up." I remembered the event. Were you an American who followed the news, you might remember the story, too. It was a hot topic. As for the divide b/w all the different hispanics, here is your boy Rick, from an earlier column: "Not all Hispanics are the same. In fact, when it comes to immigration, the differences are so great that I believe there's a Hispanic cultural divide in America, something that many don't realize and certainly don't report." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rick-sanchez/first-they-came-for-the-m_b_1232297.html


Aaaahhh... the ever so nice "but his views are so popular"- point!

Hitlers views were also very popular with the Germans in 1933- didn't make him particularly good "leader", did it?!

Trump is a moron and a dangerous one!

He has no policy except from right wing talking points- hollow, shallow, incoherent babble!

Everybody who only remotely thinks, that this guy would be a good President, should seriously seek professional help!


Aaaahhh... the ever so nice "but his views are so popular"- point!

Hitlers views were also very popular with the Germans in 1933- didn't make him particularly good "leader", did it?!

Trump is a moron and a dangerous one!

He has no policy except from right wing talking points- hollow, shallow, incoherent babble!

Everybody who only remotely thinks, that this guy would be a good President, should seriously seek professional help!

Harsh, but true. One thing Trump is good at is picking up PR points. He knows the American public...well, the few who are very much like "the mob" back in Roman times. He makes outlandish remarks that anyone with a dose of common sense would ignore, but it does get the head nod from the lowest common denominator. Trump's talking points? Here are but a few:

--Anti-immigration because immigrants are destroying the country.

--Get tough on China, Putin, and anyone else that doesn't listen to America.

--Say that he could solve Syria and the middle east problems, but won't say how.

--Say that he's filthy rich and can make America filthy rich.

--Say that America is in decline and only he can bring it back to its previous glory.

--Anti-Obama everything because Republicans just love that.

Yada, yada, yada. And some people actually buys this stuff.


Donald only wants to become the POTUS so he can tear down the Whire House and build another Trump Tower.

The man is not capable of any passion other than making money.

But I hope he stays through the Republican primaries for POTUS - he'll be a better test on the other Republican candidates than any Democrat can be.


There's another Bozo the clown who want to be president just so he can put it on his resume, just because he has lot of money doesn't mean you're a presidential material, I wouldn't let him run a 7/11 with the way he talks and carry himself with the ' Muck you, I can do and say what I want, I'm a billionaire........

It is always noteworthy to parody or indict candidates, it is the American way. Likewise no valid rebuke of Trump would be complete without the context of the race he seeks to enter. He will be seeking to replace a communist agitator, trained by the likes of an American communist on the FBI's watch list, raised in Alinsky Rules for Radicals social revolution politics, groomed as nothing more than an invented term for Agriprop, Community Organizer, and slid into a Presidential Race without having done a single thing in his life. A clown can become a senator, this was proved by a Midwest politician at the same time. What has one done during their tenure in life? With Obama it has been agitation, racial agitation, and Wright-like militant theology perspectives.

Donald Trump may be called Bozo the clown but it is a category error of perception to suppose someone who craps $100 bills gives a damn about being a President. If Trump left the presidency, after 4-8 years, with the type of money presidents generally seem to accumulate after so much time, he would have to give away easily $8.8 billion dollars! How absurd. Whereas the presidency may have previously meant many archetypical dreams for all Americans today it is the battlefield where the social engineering, or re designing of America is shaped, and waged. This is hardly a place for any one to want to be as these battles are the primary concerns! Period! Nearly everything on the US table now takes on a tone of desperate effort. This is because America is desperately coming unglued. With billions of dollars, like him or not, I think it is a more logical perception that he actually believes he wants change.

For someone like me, utterly concinved America will not survive my life, I would actually and literally place a clown in that office to ensure some measure of stability rather than agiprop transformation. If one thinks anything more than clowns have been running the white house lately they are dreaming, or lying. This administration cannot be said to have really succeeded... at anything. Not one single thing that I know of. None.

I would prefer a Bozo billionaire like Trump in the White House any day rather than some Bozo billionaire like George Soros who works tirelessly to destroy nations around the world each and every single day or his life. Amazing how inverted priorities get when we just couch people in our own selective perceptions.



I am not a great follower of politics, and certainly not American politics.

However, for the sake of world peace, I would be extremely concerned if another Bush terrorist was elected to the White House.


There's fear because there are fear-mongers like Beck, Hannity, and O'Reilly telling poorly informed listeners that the sky is falling down

O'Reilly has little in common with Beck or Hannity and his listeners are in the highly informed group. Actually, Hannity viewers do well too, although I don't understand why. He is not very honest about the information he presents.

Viewers of at least one show on Fox scored quite well -- The O’Reilly Factor, of whom 51 percent made it into the high knowledge group. That made it equal to National Public Radio -- a longtime target of conservative complaints about liberal media bias -- and only three percentage points behind Stewart’s own show, at 54 percent.


Fair enough, but Pew's 'knowledge test' is not especially convincing: "The questions concern which party controls the House of Representatives, the current unemployment rate, the nation that Angela Merkel leads and which presidential candidate favors taxing higher-income Americans." http://www.people-press.org/2012/09/27/section-4-demographics-and-political-views-of-news-audiences/#political-knowledge

O'Reilly and the others would be constantly harping on 3 of those 4 questions. So it ends up as a test of 'paying attention' rather than a test of how well informed one is.


Aaaahhh... the ever so nice "but his views are so popular"- point!

Hitlers views were also very popular with the Germans in 1933- didn't make him particularly good "leader", did it?!

Trump is a moron and a dangerous one!

He has no policy except from right wing talking points- hollow, shallow, incoherent babble!

Everybody who only remotely thinks, that this guy would be a good President, should seriously seek professional help!

Back to school......

Hitler speeches were complete different

The problems with Jews and with Mexicans are complete different.

They Jews were blamed to be super rich bankster who rip of the poor Germans with their loans.

If you would compare Donald Trump with Mao it wouldn't be wronger than comparing him with Hitler.


Anyone who compares Trump with Hitler should not be telling other people to get professional help. rolleyes.gif

He's Biff Tannen, from Back to the Future II.


Boy, you really are clueless when it comes to race relations or racial identification in America. When Mexicans are attacked in this way, all Hispanics are offended. Because in many ways, it is an attack against all Hispanics, legal or not. Trump is a joke, everyone knows this. Well, maybe except you.

You clearly aren't an American. Anybody who has spent anytime there knows that "hispanic" is an artificial term held in disregard by many from south and central America. Hence, the emphasis on "Latino." And, yes, the different nationalities do not like each other. Often, they actively hate each other and bring national hatreds and rivalries into the US. Cubans and Mexicans do not like each other. They don't even speak the same type Spanish. And Mexicans can't stand central Americans, whom they hold as inferior. And I will not even begin to get into the racial hierarchies that exist within countries like Mexico, where whites of Spanish descent occupy the top and darker Mexicans inhabit the bottom, ending with the Indians, who a lot of Mexicans simply despise. Turn on Mexican television and just about any program will show you the racial reality of Mexico. To believe that there is some sort of "hispanic race" is laughable.

Clearly you've never been a target of racism or bigotry. Doesn't matter who it is targeted at, everyone then gets their backs up about it, regardless of the dynamics elsewhere.

But I'll let you go off and see how selective nationality bashing goes....


Anyone who compares Trump with Hitler should not be telling other people to get professional help. rolleyes.gif

He's Biff Tannen, from Back to the Future II.

That is more like it! clap2.gif


But I'll let you go off and see how selective nationality bashing goes....

Are you an American? I'm just wondering because the US has every race on the planet and most people aren't racist.

I can't imagine what this has to do with race as most Hispanics are Caucasian. Hispanic means having origins in Spain. Asians don't have problems in the US and neither do legal Hispanics. Hispanics have an advantage in melting into the US as they are Catholic, peaceful, and hard working. Their culture isn't that different. That's the ones who aren't criminals who I believe means most of them.

Why would it be that people understand Thailand and other countries having strict immigration laws, but not the US? Why would some on here who are British or Australian understand they don't want unregulated immigration into their home countries, but think the US should look the other way while millions of Hispanics rock on up without so much as a by your leave?

I'm in favor of enforcing immigration laws and making everyone get in line while getting vetted. I'm in favor of quotas. Right now there is not only no enforcement but there is willful enabling by government. Why is that? I don't like it.

You do realize that I can't move to Mexico or any other country South without jumping through hoops?


Gee,he's such a worldly person, he would be a real asset in White House; not main White house...... the little white house out the back!!


you don't even have to give this big mouth enough rope. He will hang himself with his tongue.

If one definition of a man is that he is big enough to apologize when he is wrong, then trump is a single cell organism at best.

what a piece of work but will be interesting to watch him crumble. Too bad failing won't shake his ego though


Boy, you really are clueless when it comes to race relations or racial identification in America. When Mexicans are attacked in this way, all Hispanics are offended. Because in many ways, it is an attack against all Hispanics, legal or not. Trump is a joke, everyone knows this. Well, maybe except you.

You clearly aren't an American. Anybody who has spent anytime there knows that "hispanic" is an artificial term held in disregard by many from south and central America. Hence, the emphasis on "Latino." And, yes, the different nationalities do not like each other. Often, they actively hate each other and bring national hatreds and rivalries into the US. Cubans and Mexicans do not like each other. They don't even speak the same type Spanish. And Mexicans can't stand central Americans, whom they hold as inferior. And I will not even begin to get into the racial hierarchies that exist within countries like Mexico, where whites of Spanish descent occupy the top and darker Mexicans inhabit the bottom, ending with the Indians, who a lot of Mexicans simply despise. Turn on Mexican television and just about any program will show you the racial reality of Mexico. To believe that there is some sort of "hispanic race" is laughable.

I agree. I am Latino. My family has lived in New Mexico since the conquistadores came up from Mexico. Because of the Spanish blood, my family has enjoyed a certain status and priviledge in the community. This is how it is everywhere on a micro level, jockeying for status through blood and associations. Need I point out the same here in LOS and China and virtually everywhere? But on a macro level, when ethnicity is attacked through such contemptible distorted stereotyping and vitriolic bigotry and hatred, they will stand united (but, of course, this is the point of polarization isn't it?).

On my Apache side the view is that the majority of "anglos" (and most of the Indians now) have lost their souls (humanity) and now roam the earth as ghosts (empty of heart, empathy, compassion) having succumbed to the obsession for money and power, creating distress and misery for the world of human beings and the planet itself. Not exactly the astute socio-economic insight, I know, but it does reflect an order of reality that once emphasized the basic respect and unity of all beings.

Ironically, it will probably require an alien (space not illegal, ha, I know what you were thinking) version of a blowhard bigot and threat to reunite us all as a single humanity. Oh, wait a minute, I think they already made that movie….


This is going to increase Trump's popularity. And the more the issue of immigration comes up, the worse it gets for Jeb Bush, who identified himself as "hispanic" on his voter registration. NBC just became Trump's best campaign advertisement.

Jumped in the polls from 2% to 12%.


I am not a great follower of politics, and certainly not American politics.

However, for the sake of world peace, I would be extremely concerned if another Bush terrorist was elected to the White House.

I have a question I have never asked before, may I? First, I was fully enthusiastic about Bush's for or against us policy, in the beginning. Over time, and seeing daily the bloodshed and destruction in the sunni triangle, I began to question the purpose for why we were there. I was there for money, so I did not wager my soul with pretense. But the West was ostensibly still buying this insertion into Iraq. So, my question for you, or really anyone who always soundly disagreed with the "Bush terrorist"

"What chain of events should have transpired in response to 9/11?"

Note: I ask this in the spirit of this OP still. The issue, hardly removed from public discourse, still continues to occupy US candidates and will.

Lastly, is it fair to assume then that had Bush been prevented from what courses of action he pursued there would be world peace? Because this really is the net input of your statement I would like to confirm this. I honestly would like some gut thoughts from someone with such a position. I am not measuring your political savvy, just your first glance gut thinking. Thank you.


What a stupid bored prick. With all that money all he wants is just more power. How about having some fun travelling the world, food, adventure, maybe even giving it away like the honourable Bill Gates?

No, greedy American Pig Trump MUST have more!!!


Anyone who compares Trump with Hitler should not be telling other people to get professional help. rolleyes.gif

He's Biff Tannen, from Back to the Future II.

That is more like it! clap2.gif

Anyone who compares anyone to Hitler lacks imagination.


"What chain of events should have transpired in response to 9/11?"

(1) Invade Saudi.

(2) Install democracy.

(3) Leave and watch it all go tits up.

Oh, hang on....


"What chain of events should have transpired in response to 9/11?"

(1) Invade Saudi.

(2) Install democracy.

(3) Leave and watch it all go tits up.

Oh, hang on....

Whoever is the next president will have to consider these very things. Indeed, I suspect during the debates these issues will be topically considered. It is my calculation that Trump may outwardly differ according to popular opinion but would follow a version of the neocon playbook, one which we likely agree will still not address the source of current problems. Thank you.


The GOP fear The Donald for one main reason, he has the war chest to run a campaign without relying on big-money donations from big business, foreign interests and wall street... He can spend as much or more than any other candidate without a dime in donations... Despite the views posted above his message does resonate with the average American that has seen their quality of life diminish under both mainstream parties... Anyone remember Ross Perot? Same, same, no different than The Donald... If Trump continues without getting laughed out of the race, he could split the GOP vote and hand the 2016 election to the Dems... It's obvious big-money opponents are already running a smear campaign against him, after all, he is such an easy target...

And THIS crazy sombitch is currently #2 in GOP polls! What the HELL are Republicans THINKING?!?!?

Maybe hoping for a protest vote? Every yank i talk to says America has gone to the dogs because of Obama, who was only voted in

on the PC card.

One guy even stated Obama will always be known as the limp dlck president

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