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Animal Organization In Need


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I saw an animal that was badly hurt and was asking around for a place to call so that someone could come and get it. Nobody knew any places to call. Then I accidently found an advertiesment in an airline magazine for soidog. I emailed them and found out a lot of information. This is an organization made up of volunteers that have sterilized and vaccinated thousands of dogs and cats in the Phuket area over the past few years. They will come and pick up animals that are hurt and will treat them and then return them to the area that they come from. Vets donate their time but only get a minimal fee to cover their costs. In speaking with a gentleman named John I learned that the only funding they have is from over seas and very little from here and that they will probably have to close down by the end of the year. I think this is sad because we have so many strays in Thailand and nobody seems to want to help. I thought of this forum and decided to write and tell you about the problem. If we as expats could donate money to them or commit to a small monthly donation then maybe we can keep them going so that they can continue on. I think it's a worthwhile organization and hopefully this forum will help them out. You can get more information at www.soidog.org and from there you can contact John if you have any questions.

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I propose a fund be set up to pay any Thai national 100 Baht per carcus for these maingy curs. Phuket is over run with these fury menaces. Proof that God created more <deleted> then he did asses, some idiot is selling "100% pure pit bull pups" here. Just what we need. These animals are not benign, are a non native species and should be eliminated. The bark all night, cause fatal motorcycle accidents and have driven off native species here. Has any one noticed there are no birds on Phuket? There should be 100's of different tropical bird species here, shore wading birds, terns, egrets, herons. All of these ground nesing birds have been run off by these feral creatures. People who feed these beasts should be run off as well. There are no less then 3 different groups here claiming to having the best interest of these animals in mind. How about the best interest of the people who live here?


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"They will come and pick up animals that are hurt and will treat them and then return them to the area that they come from."

Let's see if I have this right. One of the dogooders picks up a sick or injured animal that probably got sick or injured because it's a stray with nobody to care for it, treats it, then returns it to the streets where nobody will care for it.

That sounds pretty lame to me.

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I propose a fund be set up to pay any Thai national 100 Baht per carcus for these maingy curs. Phuket is over run with these fury menaces. Proof that God created more <deleted> then he did asses, some idiot is selling "100% pure pit bull pups" here. Just what we need. These animals are not benign, are a non native species and should be eliminated. The bark all night, cause fatal motorcycle accidents and have driven off native species here. Has any one noticed there are no birds on Phuket? There should be 100's of different tropical bird species here, shore wading birds, terns, egrets, herons. All of these ground nesing birds have been run off by these feral creatures. People who feed these beasts should be run off as well. There are no less then 3 different groups here claiming to having the best interest of these animals in mind. How about the best interest of the people who live here?


I can't remember ever seeing a dog climbing a tree but I've seen plenty of Thai's with catapults :o

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"They will come and pick up animals that are hurt and will treat them and then return them to the area that they come from."

Let's see if I have this right. One of the dogooders picks up a sick or injured animal that probably got sick or injured because it's a stray with nobody to care for it, treats it, then returns it to the streets where nobody will care for it.

That sounds pretty lame to me.

Soi dogs don't just care for and treat sick dogs - they also neuter them (by the way, they also neuter healthy strays).

Its the neutering that is the most important part of their function and is definitely worth supporting. :o

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Long termers can help by educating short to medium term tourists that to take the cute puppy of the beach for a few weeks feed brush etc then up and leave them just causes problems.

Dog hasnt a clue why suddenly new teneats are throwing bricks at them.

Dog is no longer part of a local social group of dogs and gets torn to bits

Dog is surprised when old resturants that welcomed there paying short term customers/owners suddenly throw hot water at them.

Yes I have two dogs 7 yrs now think the world of them good alarm to.Yes they have both been chopped so as not to create more.

It was three however a do gooder told me it was cruel to have my dog tied up for two days with rope on a collar in the shade with food and water.(she had been chaseing chucks after jumping wall) and was restrained whilst a new row of bricks was placed on.Anyhow the do gooder (working at local animal clinic) untied whilst I was at work,dog chased chooks and is now dead (poisened) by angry Thai chicken owner.

Soi dogs are generally rats with bigger body that do cause accidents, kill native wildlife and in packs can intimidate tourists.They also pass on hookworm and carry tick typhu.Yuk

Whilst I hate to see the condition some are in the real problem sterilization needs to be adressed.

I would have more inclination to help local animal clinics if they wasnt staffed by tempory do gooders that are here for a few weeks,had a set schedule or programme on sterlizing,and basically where not so condecending to us. I have run clinics etc and have been called an a hole because I wouldnt give medical supplies for free to the animal clinic.My money will always go towards smile foundation or some other worthwile Human need.

Wake up the social and medical problems that are evident in LOS are far more important to help and assist with as they concern real people......

Just my humble opinion

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I'd rather donate money to the thousands of kids that can't afford a meal here in SE asia than a soi dog.

Why do people see this as an either/or thing? What kind of naive utilitarianism are they proposing?

Dogs welfare is interwoven with our own...their existence costs us time health and in the end, money.

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People first, animals second, there is no way you can think otherwise/

Yes there is .

Example, you walk down a soi and see a badly injured dog who has been hit by a motorbike and is suffering awfully but still alive and able to be helped. You see a kid malnurished (as usual) but otherwise fit and well . You can only help one ... which one do you help?

Answer is obviously the dog whose suffering is greater.

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