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Criticism from EU, UN: Prayut stands firm on jailing of students


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The new North Korea/China but without power, laughable realy.The daily mail is still blocked, why is the man so scared

Most blocks and all the system for blocking was made under the Shinawatra governments.

Where is your proof or do you make stuff up?

Interesting enough : by the end of september 2013 ( just in time before the amnestie bill was announced ), blocking of pornsites magically disappeared . Was yingluck trying to get the people hooked on porn so that they wouldn't protest (because they had their hand(s) full , or in Thai case half full) ?

By the time of the "take-over" , blocking came back with a vengeance. And it got only worse from there-on.

But of course. She was trying to get people hooked on porn so they wouldn't protest. How could we all have been so foolish as not to realise?

You do know that Yingluck is not in fact Thaksin's sister but Commander Zotan of the Fourth Sector in a cunning disguise? The truth is out there, folks...?

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Some of you would like to see another one Ukraine for sure. They're kids! How dare the government to arrest them! Huh, they're in legal age no?

And by the way dear EU should be busy torturing people for their Trans-atlantic overlords. I wonder where is UN loud statements about it?

Edited by istinspring
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Wow EU should put their away from other counties deals. With all respect to all the vocal critics if you don't like Thailand feel free to return back into your lawful and glorious EU.

A brilliant assessment and solution to the political differences between Thailand and the EU. One thing, though: What if you do like Thailand but not the current leadership? Should those people leave too or is it not possible to like Thailand unless you blindly champion every aspect of it?

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If some people are not agree with Thai law they can leave Thailand....

Some people call for democracy ok , but One of the principles of democracy is that all people must respect the laws

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Another post on criticising Thai politics/human rights/economics by outsiders . This time from the EU & UN for a change. Why does the EU stick to solving their own problems.

Prayut is right and should not listen to others meddling in Thai affairs . Like Nuland said f the EU.

Ehh Sorry mate but if you read the OP then you would understand that Thailand is a signatory to the International H/R laws and all it's conditions,

case in point, It is illegal to tried civilians in a military court when the civilian courts are functioning,

Now 14 Uni students "PEACFULLY" calling for their H/R to be restored are being charged with sedition, and incitement, is that justice?

Do you suggest that the breaking of contracts, agreements/ declarations that are supposed to be binding can be ignored as it suits a political agenda?

If so what's the point of having any international agreements/declarations at all if they are not enforced? Thailand wants the European countries to keep buying their seafood products, So unfortunately H/R are a toothless tiger, Unless these trade agreements can be tied with the H/R agreements, ie break the agreement, loose the contract.

Also the UN has been challenging the junta for over a year now regarding H/R violations, but you seem to think they should shut up,,, so what's the point of having a UN if they are just "meddling in Thailand's affairs"???

I would think the PM should stick with going after the real law breakers, people smuggler's murders, drug dealers, etc would be far more beneficial to Thailand rather than a few Uni students or journalist's cause he doesn't like their questions.

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Nowadays" the law is the law" procedure is just to keep the thais muzzeled who open their mouth and spread out their opinion ....

This government should better watch out all the thousands of problems and Thais not follow the law and risk life of others and their own! (well not care about their own life).....

Prayut risk nothing, just face other opinions! Ups nobody should have another opinion then he does!

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If some people are not agree with Thai law they can leave Thailand....

Some people call for democracy ok , but One of the principles of democracy is that all people must respect the laws

the laws of a Military Junta? Goebbels would have been proud of your compliance

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Some of you would like to see another one Ukraine for sure. They're kids! How dare the government to arrest them! Huh, they're in legal age no?

And by the way dear EU should be busy torturing people for their Trans-atlantic overlords. I wonder where is UN loud statements about it?

You're trying hard, dont you? :)

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Another post on criticising Thai politics/human rights/economics by outsiders . This time from the EU & UN for a change. Why does the EU stick to solving their own problems.

Prayut is right and should not listen to others meddling in Thai affairs . Like Nuland said f the EU.

Ehh Sorry mate but if you read the OP then you would understand that Thailand is a signatory to the International H/R laws and all it's conditions,

case in point, It is illegal to tried civilians in a military court when the civilian courts are functioning,

Now 14 Uni students "PEACFULLY" calling for their H/R to be restored are being charged with sedition, and incitement, is that justice?

Do you suggest that the breaking of contracts, agreements/ declarations that are supposed to be binding can be ignored as it suits a political agenda?

If so what's the point of having any international agreements/declarations at all if they are not enforced? Thailand wants the European countries to keep buying their seafood products, So unfortunately H/R are a toothless tiger, Unless these trade agreements can be tied with the H/R agreements, ie break the agreement, loose the contract.

Also the UN has been challenging the junta for over a year now regarding H/R violations, but you seem to think they should shut up,,, so what's the point of having a UN if they are just "meddling in Thailand's affairs"???

I would think the PM should stick with going after the real law breakers, people smuggler's murders, drug dealers, etc would be far more beneficial to Thailand rather than a few Uni students or journalist's cause he doesn't like their questions.

Allow me to counter your post if I may:

'But Thaksin...'

There. I think you will agree that well and truly settles the matter...

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Wow EU should put their away from other counties deals. With all respect to all the vocal critics if you don't like Thailand feel free to return back into your lawful and glorious EU.

A brilliant assessment and solution to the political differences between Thailand and the EU. One thing, though: What if you do like Thailand but not the current leadership? Should those people leave too or is it not possible to like Thailand unless you blindly champion every aspect of it?

I wonder how current leadership could restrict you from enjoying the Thailand? Different country - different rules, same as you assume that everyone who come into the EU should respect EU rules.

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If some people are not agree with Thai law they can leave Thailand....

Some people call for democracy ok , but One of the principles of democracy is that all people must respect the laws

the laws of a Military Junta? Goebbels would have been proud of your compliance

No just Thai law, Art 113 of criminal code attend to stir unrest.....

provision of NCPO for ban polical rally come from Emergency Decree on Public Adiminstration in Emergency Situation B.E. 2548 (created during Taksin regime...)

If you are not agree with Thai law you can leave for Red khmer style country (red khmers responsible of 1.7 Millions deaths)

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Wow EU should put their away from other counties deals. With all respect to all the vocal critics if you don't like Thailand feel free to return back into your lawful and glorious EU.

A brilliant assessment and solution to the political differences between Thailand and the EU. One thing, though: What if you do like Thailand but not the current leadership? Should those people leave too or is it not possible to like Thailand unless you blindly champion every aspect of it?

I wonder how current leadership could restrict you from enjoying the Thailand? Different country - different rules, same as you assume that everyone who come into the EU should respect EU rules.

1. I am but one person who the world does not revolve around. Whether or not the junta inconveniences me personally is pretty much immaterial in the grand scheme of things.

2. You like to talk about 'rules', but are you telling me that rules imposed by a non-elected clique have the same moral and legal authority as laws proposed, debated and passed by a parliament elected by plebiscite?

Don't give me 'But this is Thailand...' It doesn't matter what country it is.

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If some people are not agree with Thai law they can leave Thailand....

Some people call for democracy ok , but One of the principles of democracy is that all people must respect the laws

the laws of a Military Junta? Goebbels would have been proud of your compliance

No just Thai law, Art 113 of criminal code attend to stir unrest.....

provision of NCPO for ban polical rally come from Emergency Decree on Public Adiminstration in Emergency Situation B.E. 2548 (created during Taksin regime...)

If you are not agree with Thai law you can leave for Red khmer style country (red khmers responsible of 1.7 Millions deaths)

So why didn't you sling your hook when the previous government was in power, seeing as you didn't agree with their laws?

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If some people are not agree with Thai law they can leave Thailand....

Some people call for democracy ok , but One of the principles of democracy is that all people must respect the laws

the laws of a Military Junta? Goebbels would have been proud of your compliance

No just Thai law, Art 113 of criminal code attend to stir unrest.....

provision of NCPO for ban polical rally come from Emergency Decree on Public Adiminstration in Emergency Situation B.E. 2548 (created during Taksin regime...)

If you are not agree with Thai law you can leave for Red khmer style country (red khmers responsible of 1.7 Millions deaths)

So why didn't you sling your hook when the previous government was in power, seeing as you didn't agree with their laws?

I just give refenrence of law to Lannaguy who seem don't like Thai law.....

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Another post on criticising Thai politics/human rights/economics by outsiders . This time from the EU & UN for a change. Why does the EU stick to solving their own problems.

Prayut is right and should not listen to others meddling in Thai affairs . Like Nuland said f the EU.

If Thailand wants to trade with the rest of the world, receive billions in foreign investments and have yearly millions of tourists visit and spend their hard earned money, then sadly they had better listen and listen good !

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just give refenrence of law to Lannaguy who seem don't like Thai law.....

The present junta didn't like Thai law either, that's why they ignored it, had a coup and started writing their own. This country has countless examples of the where the law is

selectively applied, and all of it only emphasizes the fact that 'the law is only the law if it works in our favour'.

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The law is the law?


Dear PM, do you want me to start counting down all the times, places and incidents, where the law is NOT the law?

Starting by everyday things like wearing a helmet on a motorcycle, a seatbelt in a car, not driving through a red light...

...over political demonstrations by certain monks, where no one got arrested...

...up to the laws against prostitution, corrupt police men...

...and the list goes on!

Ridiculous a statement as it can get!

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The law is NOT the law in Thailand. Prostitution is illegal and so is riding a bike without helmet is illegal. The majority of the police force is breaking the law. The Ref Bull heir and many of the rich and famous get away with breaking the law all the time. There is hardly any real rule of law in Thailand, just the rule of money and connections.


And the rule of money and connections have lost the last 4 democratic elections.

As we can see, and have seen, this doesn't sit pretty with them.


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Khun PM some one paid these students to do this peaceful protest just to test you and junta laws. The people who paid these students to do this knew the E U

would complain and give these students there condemnation of Thai laws. Find out who paid them then release the students. After some time in the Thia jail system they will become more talkative. Thai law is Thai law and the are test the law.

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Khun PM some one paid these students to do this peaceful protest just to test you and junta laws. The people who paid these students to do this knew the E U

would complain and give these students there condemnation of Thai laws. Find out who paid them then release the students. After some time in the Thia jail system they will become more talkative. Thai law is Thai law and the are test the law.

The junta seem very sure Of this even claiming they know who. Why not publicly name and shame if that's the case?

Or is it that these really are malcontents and with good reason. Normal everything is the man in dubais doing you know.

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If the junta leader and his cronies cannot and will not stand for peaceful public dissent and protest from university students, how is the junta going to manage the referendum on the new constitution etc.?

For one, how will the junta organise public consultations and debate? Will the participants be able to air their views without fear of arrest, readjustment training and so on?

Or will any 'public consultation' simply be a farcical stage managed event with a foregone conclusion.

Not looking good is it, Prayut?

Wait till the other shoe drops

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The new North Korea/China but without power, laughable realy.The daily mail is still blocked, why is the man so scared

Most blocks and all the system for blocking was made under the Shinawatra governments.

The Junta abolished the 2007 Constitution which provided in part under Chapter 3, Part 7 "Freedom of Expression of Individual and Press, Article 45:

"A person shall enjoy the liberty to express his opinion, make speech, write, print, publisize, and make expression by other means."

However, the Junta did not abolish or change the Penal Code in effect currently and during the Yingluck regime. Under Chapter 2, "Offenses Against the Internal Security of the Kingdom," Section 116 states:

Whoever makes an appearance to the public by words, writings or any other means which is not an act within the purposes of the Constitution or for expressing an honest opinion or criticism in order

- to bring about a change in the laws of the Country or the government by the use of force or violence;

- to raise unrest and dissafection amongst the people in a manner likely to cause disturbance in the Country; or

- to cause the people to transgress the laws of the Country, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding seven years.

Thus, these students did NOT violate the Penal Code. It is for that reason they were not charged in the Administrative Criminal Court and instead are being charged under Military Court in accordance to the illegal NCPO Interim Charter and Directives. Prayut's "Rule of Law" has no relevance to any Rule of Law promulgated by the People of Thailand.

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I very much doubt that these students who protested have the first clue about what they were doing, they were more than likely goaded into it by an outside influence. I'm afraid they deserve everything that comes to them. Hard to hear but true. The law is the law and if you so publicly decide to break it then you should be ready to accept the consequences.

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Khun PM some one paid these students to do this peaceful protest just to test you and junta laws. The people who paid these students to do this knew the E U

would complain and give these students there condemnation of Thai laws. Find out who paid them then release the students. After some time in the Thia jail system they will become more talkative. Thai law is Thai law and the are test the law.

Costas? You have a new name, I see?!coffee1.gif

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Another post on criticising Thai politics/human rights/economics by outsiders . This time from the EU & UN for a change. Why does the EU stick to solving their own problems.

Prayut is right and should not listen to others meddling in Thai affairs . Like Nuland said f the EU.

Maybe because the country would be decimated if there were no farangs here. Think how many families would be starving. Thailand would be just like some of the African countries where people are starving to death everyday. The tourism $ and international business keeps this country afloat.

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Khun PM some one paid these students to do this peaceful protest just to test you and junta laws. The people who paid these students to do this knew the E U

would complain and give these students there condemnation of Thai laws. Find out who paid them then release the students. After some time in the Thia jail system they will become more talkative. Thai law is Thai law and the are test the law.

Costas? You have a new name, I see?!coffee1.gif

'Nobb' seems quite appropriate to me...

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