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Thai politics: It's an insecure regime that uses twisted logic to cage students


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It's an insecure regime that uses twisted logic to cage students


BANGKOK: -- ANY REGIME that arrests students who gather peacefully to call for liberty and democracy must be terribly insecure.

The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) put 14 university students, representing the Neo Democracy Movement (NDM), behind the bars on Friday. These youngsters could each face up to seven years in prison for allegedly violating the NCPO's ban on gatherings of five or more people as well as apparently committing sedition.

Three days after the students were arrested, dozens of people gathered to show their support for Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, who is also NCPO chief, offering him flowers and urging him to stay in power for another three years.

Clearly, the NCPO ban on gatherings does not apply to those who openly show their satisfaction with military rule.

Now the fight is not just against military dictatorship, but also against hypocrisy and twisted logic.

Consider the following:

The very people who tear up the constitution - which is the highest law in the land - and stage a coup are the very people who call on others to obey the law;

Then these people claim they are working towards democracy, yet they increasingly limit and criminalise any dissent against them and their regime;

Then its supporters speak up about students not being stopped from challenging and opposing military rule, yet there's not a word about the decision to arrest and detain peaceful student protesters.

The NCPO is now facing an interesting predicament - it claims it was set up to bring back democracy, yet it has so far failed and proved that its security rests not on legitimacy, but through the illusion of public consent gained by suppressing opposing views.

Some have indeed expressed support for the students, held night vigils and have been demanding that the 14 be released immediately and unconditionally. Also, it is speculated that a large number of people hate the Shinawatra siblings far too much to take a stand against Prayut's regime.

Many people have said they believe the students have been manipulated. However, while talking to several of the detainees, I realised that they are merely idealistic youths who have yet to get jaded by the cruel realities of life and years of repeated disappointments where democracy is concerned. Most of them are unmarried and don't have children or mortgages. They dream of a just, democratic, equitable Thailand and feel they have the right to fight for this dream, come what may.

The 14, comprised of seven Dao Din law students from Khon Kaen University and seven Bangkok-based students from different universities, believe that time has come to take a stand.

They are aware that as students, they have more social capital and will get sympathy from the general public.

Also, they have realised that |sometimes the best way to fight for freedom is to lose their own.

It's still unclear at this stage whether the detention of these students would lead to the demise of Prayut's administration.

After all, what can the court do when the detainees refuse to seek bail? Won't their continued incarceration serve as a magnet for more dissent?

People say these 14 have been arrested because - as the Thai saying goes - "you slaughter a chicken to set an example for the monkeys".

However, one can't help wonder if the powers-that-be have forgotten that we've evolved into humans and aren't monkeys any more.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Its-an-insecure-regime-that-uses-twisted-logic-to--30263481.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-01

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He may wish not to hear such cries for democracy , but increasingly they will come.

Leading to a situation that will define him.

It can go many ways .

Police and or soldiers refusing arrest or violence .

Or an ugly international incident.

Either way the clock is ticking and the genie is now out the bottle .

Social media awash .

It's only a matter of time

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He may wish not to hear such cries for democracy , but increasingly they will come.

Leading to a situation that will define him.

It can go many ways .

Police and or soldiers refusing arrest or violence .

Or an ugly international incident.

Either way the clock is ticking and the genie is now out the bottle .

Social media awash .

It's only a matter of time

Yes. This was always going to happen and now the wheels are turning. The Junta won't call elections for reasons we can not discuss. A flash point is inevitable.

Thai history repeating itself over and over (with an added twist this time)

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The logic may be seen by some as twisted but I'm sure within the corridors of power it's perfectly clear and simple and re-emphasises the junta will brook no opposition.

At least that's one aspect of how they operate that's perfectly transparent.

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The coup was always based on false premise and as each day passes director thainess is losing more support.

He was always going to fail and the longer he continues to act on the basis that he knows what is best, the harder he will fall.

He loses whether he takes action or not but that's what happens when you appoint yourself as the commander without having the necessary skills or ability.

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The frightening thing is he has a pathological desire to succeed and may well put down any mass uprising that could occur .

He looks like a black bean eater on your photo....

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The frightening thing is he has a pathological desire to succeed and may well put down any mass uprising that could occur .

He looks like a black bean eater on your photo....

I thought his expression suggests, I am in charge, I can fart whenever I wish!

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It is a cycle that repeats as the wealth and privilege that 100 families (?) enjoy as a given birthright is so great, that to lose it is too painful.

One only has to look at the democracy struggles in the 70's, 80's, 90's and noughties to see how this one is going to end. 200+ shot dead in the streets of Bangkok, an appointed prime minister who straddles the divide between the elite and the grassroots, a reluctant transition to a government by popular mandate, followed, a few years later, by a return to military rule.

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Same same but different again?

These youngsters could each face up to seven years in prison for allegedly violating the NCPO's ban on gatherings of five or more people-

…dozens of people gathered to show their support for Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha,-

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He may wish not to hear such cries for democracy , but increasingly they will come.

Leading to a situation that will define him.

It can go many ways .

Police and or soldiers refusing arrest or violence .

Or an ugly international incident.

Either way the clock is ticking and the genie is now out the bottle .

Social media awash .

It's only a matter of time

Yes. This was always going to happen and now the wheels are turning. The Junta won't call elections for reasons we can not discuss. A flash point is inevitable.

Thai history repeating itself over and over (with an added twist this time)


those reasons being they will not win any elections. its that simple, overthrow, calm it down then ask for democratic election. if they reelect yingylucky then they keep her, surely if the whole argument of buying votes is true the uproar against corruption was greater, sieze the day and take advantage at the time, don't wait until you've pissed off the general populace by demonstrationg your power hungry ways.

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No it is not twisted logic as you call it . It is simply Thai Law during the junta. These students wanted to test the law and the are under arrest. If the government does not make a example many more protesters will follow!

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No it is not twisted logic as you call it . It is simply Thai Law during the junta. These students wanted to test the law and the are under arrest. If the government does not make a example many more protesters will follow!

Let me guess. You supported the yellow shirts/PDRC when they wers out protesting right?

If yes you have immense double standards.

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The logic may be seen by some as twisted but I'm sure within the corridors of power it's perfectly clear and simple and re-emphasises the junta will brook no opposition.

At least that's one aspect of how they operate that's perfectly transparent.

I can't think of any other aspect of how they work that's transparent, can you? IMHO, the use of the word 'logic' when talking about anything Thai is an oxymoron!

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Type PRAVIT ROJANAPHRUK into a google search and some fascinating reading comes up in Wikipedia, although I have to say I can access it whilst here in Australia. After reading what he has done and said I can only commend his clarity of thought, sharp reflections on Thai culture and his courage. All is not lost in Thailand whilst people like him are around and I am sure there are many more like him.


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Type PRAVIT ROJANAPHRUK into a google search and some fascinating reading comes up in Wikipedia, although I have to say I can access it whilst here in Australia. After reading what he has done and said I can only commend his clarity of thought, sharp reflections on Thai culture and his courage. All is not lost in Thailand whilst people like him are around and I am sure there are many more like him.


Interesting indeed!

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The Eastern Tigers are showing their claws. Soon they will tear this sad nation apart and devour its entrails to protect their privileges.

No no no! Only Thaksin is guilty of EVER doing that. The old Thai establishment would never indulge in such abhorrent behavior......


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A very poignant article but a small point of order.

"what can the court do when the detainees refuse to seek bail?"

Bail is not an option in a military court.

They are refusing bail because they feel that doing so would legitimize the military court.

And being incarcerated pushes their agenda forward.

Thailand simply isn't ready for demonstrations. They grow out of control and end in death. Precisely the goal of the leaders of such demonstrations.

So it should not be too much of a shock when they simply aren't allowed.

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