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Thai PM 'uncomfortable' with jailing of embattled student activists


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Seems that at this point he realizes it would be a bad idea to throw the book, or lack of a book, at the students.

What I think I can guess actually makes him uncomfortable is that his absolute authority posture doesn't look so airtight should he back down. Probably will stall for awhile and hope the situation diffuses and he can let them off once everyone has lost interest. But that could backfire as well, stalling may just as easily whip people up even more.

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The students outwitted the junta.

They knew they would be arrested.

Then they played their ace. They refused to apply for bail.

What would have blown over in hours has turned the spotlight firmly on the junta.

Just what they wanted

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Martyrs cannot be silenced. Creating martyrs is self-destructive.

The martyrs are being made almost every day...people are realizing this.

The coup started out so well, then went south faster than a swallow in November.

Cosmetic reforms, gerrymandering, an appointed government...they knew one primary principle--if people are comfortable, they will go along with almost anything...but they started creating martyrs using both new powers and the old "let's tag our enemies with the lese majestie thing" (which both sides always accuse each other of abusing, so I tend to believe it is, indeed, an abused statute).

Since PM Prayuth has Article 44, and is not using it to plug the biggest holes in the dam, I am assuming he did not realize his own friends and associates are also feeding at the trough.....it's not a matter of feeding, it is a matter which pigs are first in line.

IMHO, the feeding depends on the breeding. Pedigree pigs always seem to get more out of the trough than the common porker.

Edited by roamer
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The General can do what he wants. Once 30,000 students gp onto the streets he will be f...ked. Give it another year or two but they will come out on the end but for the time beining they can just fill their coffers.

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