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Another Pattaya Facebook clip showing assault involving British man emerges

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Well said, no matter where you are the same could happen be it Perth, WA or britain. America may be different, there you could be shot. Ive been drunk many times (but not shitfaced)and had no problem with the Thai people.

Manners makes the man, not abuse.

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Head hunting the drunks! Bloody cowards!

Read it a bit more, on the CCT it stated after he did the bump he turned around towards the Thai guy, now I bet he did not put his hands together to say sorry, KAP. Bet he mouthed off like normal pissed young Brits.

I am a scouser, if I was pissed and bumped into some one I would be the first to say Sorry Mate.


I remember pattaya used to be so laid back and safe. You could walk with 5 baht of gold on your neck. No problem just dont be too crazy. No

W its the land of scammers and thugs. Drugs....


Mr Thomas Moody, EX-employee of a security firm in Iran (if he ever was one in the first place). passifier.gif Clearly not a professional. A security firm I know of that works SEA mostly has a clear policy of no staff drinking outside of their homes when on leave. Otherwise instant sack and loss of very lucrative bonus.


They should close every bar in pattaya. Turn them into ice cream shops. No one gets into fights because they had too much ice cream...these bars serve alcohol then when their customers are good and drunk. Their staff beats them up...thats bullshit.


The guy "sticking something back in his pocket" is clearly putting the little "menu card" into his rear pocket.

Having watched the other videos a few times now, it is pretty clear who started the altercation and gee, guess what, it wasn't the Thais.

The other videos clearly shows the guy in the white shirt deliberately shouldering his way through the crowd in a typical "I'm tough so you'd better get out of my way attitude" that I see a lot of foreigners use when swaggering (not staggering) down Walking Street. Oh and look, sure enough he has a friend (the guy in the grey shirt). What a surprise. Oh wait, that's not a surprise. They are rarely ever that tough when they are alone but when they have a buddy or two to jump in and help them, suddenly they are King 5hit of Turd Island. (Used to see a lot of that in the army. Real tough guys when they've got buddies around them, real polite, even meek, when it's one-on-one.)

The guy in the white shirt shoulders aside a couple of Thais (and no, he isn't "staggering" and it obviously wasn't accidental) then as he passes a couple of street performers it looks like one of the guys he'd put his shoulder into (guy in the red "fro" wig) came back and kicked him in the butt (didn't knock him down).

White t-shirt turns around and his buddy (grey shirt) steps in front of him (looks like he was trying to stop him from doing anything). A bunch of Thais (male and female) intervene (probably because it looks like the two foreigners are trying to fight). Then the guy in the grey shirt starts throwing punches at different Thais (at least 3 punches attempted). Then the 2 foreigners walk off together.

The third video sees white t-shirt guy walking (in front of Farenheit) and red wig guy sees him and delivers a leg kick. Thai guy beside red-wig looks like he tries to hit him with a right-handed "backfist" but when I go frame-by-frame he appears to miss completely (and it's clear there is nothing in his right hand). As well, had he of connected, it would have been on the right side of white t-shirt guys face. The large welt on his face is on the left side (which is where he appears to hit the ground).Also I highly doubt the guy with the red shoes (who tried the backfist) would have stood around afterwards waiting for the police to arrive if he'd used some kind of weapon (you can see his red shoes still standing there at the end of the video).

Grey t-shirt guy can be seen standing behind white t-shirt guy as he's on the ground.

I've seen this EXACT same bull5hit happen on Walking Street dozens of times. Almost always white guys in their mid-late 20s. Always in groups of 2-3/4. I've also seen groups of Arabs do the same thing (usually further down WS though). They strut through the crowd trying to look all mean and "get in my way and I'll mess you up" attitudes.

I've spent hundreds and hundreds of nights on Walking Street and (often) been far drunker than this guy appears to have been and never once had a problem. He wasn't staggering in the least. He was purposely shouldering his way through the crowd. His attitude is obvious when you watch all 3 videos.

I've bumped into people by accident, it happens. WS can be a crowded, vibrant mass of humanity constantly moving (and stopping suddenly). A smile and a quick apology and everything is fine.

This guy ? Not even close. He was looking for trouble and he found it. Probably not the outcome he was expecting though.


Someone named Thomas, working in private security, in IRAN! What does this spell? Merc.

It spells alpha male with a huge ego and questionable common sense. No doubt when he was interviewed it was just a matter of seconds before he played the "me important, me tough guy, me work in IRAN security, me must be respected" card. I can only imagine the altercation that took place between the so called IRAN security guy and tout. Somehow I can't see him as being a "completely" innocent victim.

Disagree with you both. It spells idiot in any language


Well i try to avoid to go out anywhere in Pattaya that is not close to my car or the car park an it seems you have to wear something with you for selfdefending!

And nobody can tell me that there is any place that is secure here in Pattaya orThailand anymore...

Many years ago I wouldn't be worried to walk in the night in a a park in Bkk, now i am worried to walk on the street in evenings/nights...maybe soon in daytime.

I was living in SA, will we have the same insecure life here soon?



To the poster asking why his post removed, it was because this topic is not about Ladyboys and your second post asking about post removal was removed because rules do not allow discussion of moderator actions.


The guy "sticking something back in his pocket" is clearly putting the little "menu card" into his rear pocket.

Having watched the other videos a few times now, it is pretty clear who started the altercation and gee, guess what, it wasn't the Thais.

The other videos clearly shows the guy in the white shirt deliberately shouldering his way through the crowd in a typical "I'm tough so you'd better get out of my way attitude" that I see a lot of foreigners use when swaggering (not staggering) down Walking Street. Oh and look, sure enough he has a friend (the guy in the grey shirt). What a surprise. Oh wait, that's not a surprise. They are rarely ever that tough when they are alone but when they have a buddy or two to jump in and help them, suddenly they are King 5hit of Turd Island. (Used to see a lot of that in the army. Real tough guys when they've got buddies around them, real polite, even meek, when it's one-on-one.)

The guy in the white shirt shoulders aside a couple of Thais (and no, he isn't "staggering" and it obviously wasn't accidental) then as he passes a couple of street performers it looks like one of the guys he'd put his shoulder into (guy in the red "fro" wig) came back and kicked him in the butt (didn't knock him down).

White t-shirt turns around and his buddy (grey shirt) steps in front of him (looks like he was trying to stop him from doing anything). A bunch of Thais (male and female) intervene (probably because it looks like the two foreigners are trying to fight). Then the guy in the grey shirt starts throwing punches at different Thais (at least 3 punches attempted). Then the 2 foreigners walk off together.

The third video sees white t-shirt guy walking (in front of Farenheit) and red wig guy sees him and delivers a leg kick. Thai guy beside red-wig looks like he tries to hit him with a right-handed "backfist" but when I go frame-by-frame he appears to miss completely (and it's clear there is nothing in his right hand). As well, had he of connected, it would have been on the right side of white t-shirt guys face. The large welt on his face is on the left side (which is where he appears to hit the ground).Also I highly doubt the guy with the red shoes (who tried the backfist) would have stood around afterwards waiting for the police to arrive if he'd used some kind of weapon (you can see his red shoes still standing there at the end of the video).

Grey t-shirt guy can be seen standing behind white t-shirt guy as he's on the ground.

I've seen this EXACT same bull5hit happen on Walking Street dozens of times. Almost always white guys in their mid-late 20s. Always in groups of 2-3/4. I've also seen groups of Arabs do the same thing (usually further down WS though). They strut through the crowd trying to look all mean and "get in my way and I'll mess you up" attitudes.

I've spent hundreds and hundreds of nights on Walking Street and (often) been far drunker than this guy appears to have been and never once had a problem. He wasn't staggering in the least. He was purposely shouldering his way through the crowd. His attitude is obvious when you watch all 3 videos.

I've bumped into people by accident, it happens. WS can be a crowded, vibrant mass of humanity constantly moving (and stopping suddenly). A smile and a quick apology and everything is fine.

This guy ? Not even close. He was looking for trouble and he found it. Probably not the outcome he was expecting though.

Well said. I was thinking that surely I couldn't be the only one who saw what actually happened on the CCTV clips.


They will run for blocks to get a few kicks in !! I have seen in quite a few times. They wont even know what the story is or why the farang is getting shi# stompted. The second the bush telegraph goes off.......


These touts with their little cards and lists of descriptions are a pest though, they deliberately stand in your way and make you walk around them, somehow inciting issues.

Clear the street of them!

I vist Walking Street quite regularly and have never seen any of them acting as you describe above. In fact I most likely walk past a dozen of them 2 or 3 times a night when I am out, and for the most part have never been bothered.

It mostly comes down to being polite, a trait that many Brits visiting Thailand seem to be unable to do. Of course many can also not hold their alcohol either.

After a few too many, they think that they are still in the UK.

Please keep the hateful anti-British comments to yourself. Next time I hit the report button.

I am a Brit and dont drink but noBrainer does have a point


These touts with their little cards and lists of descriptions are a pest though, they deliberately stand in your way and make you walk around them, somehow inciting issues.

Clear the street of them!

I vist Walking Street quite regularly and have never seen any of them acting as you describe above. In fact I most likely walk past a dozen of them 2 or 3 times a night when I am out, and for the most part have never been bothered.

It mostly comes down to being polite, a trait that many Brits visiting Thailand seem to be unable to do. Of course many can also not hold their alcohol either.

After a few too many, they think that they are still in the UK.

Please keep the hateful anti-British comments to yourself. Next time I hit the report button.

Please keep the anti-Thai comments to yourself. Next time i hit the report button cheesy.gif


These touts with their little cards and lists of descriptions are a pest though, they deliberately stand in your way and make you walk around them, somehow inciting issues.

Clear the street of them!

I vist Walking Street quite regularly and have never seen any of them acting as you describe above. In fact I most likely walk past a dozen of them 2 or 3 times a night when I am out, and for the most part have never been bothered.

It mostly comes down to being polite, a trait that many Brits visiting Thailand seem to be unable to do. Of course many can also not hold their alcohol either.

After a few too many, they think that they are still in the UK.

Please keep the hateful anti-British comments to yourself. Next time I hit the report button.

I am a Brit and dont drink but noBrainer does have a point

If noBrainer has researched the behavior of tourists of different nationalities regarding their degree of politeness and tolerance to alcohol then he may have a point and could share that research with us. If on the other hand it's purely his opinion, which he's entitled to, and based purely on his dislike of any particular nationality, then he should drop the "er" of his avatar.


Please be kind to Pattaya, we don't want people to stay away, or worse - head to the north.

If you want people to be nice to Pattaya you have to clean your act up

I agree totally, have some friends here in America trying to sell me their condo in Pattaya, it was a hole years ago, and still is... It has only progressively gotten worse over the years.... It was the R&R place back in the day.... So what is there to be kind about? Just asking?cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifblink.png


I've seen it and also experience it the UK and once in a busy street in Athens, a guy playing the big man, he's had a few drinks and thinks he can take on the world (get out of my way I'm coming through) and it p*ssed me off being shoulder barged out of the way.

Sorry but he got what was expected in the situation, maybe he will have learnt a lesson.


The guy "sticking something back in his pocket" is clearly putting the little "menu card" into his rear pocket.

Having watched the other videos a few times now, it is pretty clear who started the altercation and gee, guess what, it wasn't the Thais.

The other videos clearly shows the guy in the white shirt deliberately shouldering his way through the crowd in a typical "I'm tough so you'd better get out of my way attitude" that I see a lot of foreigners use when swaggering (not staggering) down Walking Street. Oh and look, sure enough he has a friend (the guy in the grey shirt). What a surprise. Oh wait, that's not a surprise. They are rarely ever that tough when they are alone but when they have a buddy or two to jump in and help them, suddenly they are King 5hit of Turd Island. (Used to see a lot of that in the army. Real tough guys when they've got buddies around them, real polite, even meek, when it's one-on-one.)

The guy in the white shirt shoulders aside a couple of Thais (and no, he isn't "staggering" and it obviously wasn't accidental) then as he passes a couple of street performers it looks like one of the guys he'd put his shoulder into (guy in the red "fro" wig) came back and kicked him in the butt (didn't knock him down).

White t-shirt turns around and his buddy (grey shirt) steps in front of him (looks like he was trying to stop him from doing anything). A bunch of Thais (male and female) intervene (probably because it looks like the two foreigners are trying to fight). Then the guy in the grey shirt starts throwing punches at different Thais (at least 3 punches attempted). Then the 2 foreigners walk off together.

The third video sees white t-shirt guy walking (in front of Farenheit) and red wig guy sees him and delivers a leg kick. Thai guy beside red-wig looks like he tries to hit him with a right-handed "backfist" but when I go frame-by-frame he appears to miss completely (and it's clear there is nothing in his right hand). As well, had he of connected, it would have been on the right side of white t-shirt guys face. The large welt on his face is on the left side (which is where he appears to hit the ground).Also I highly doubt the guy with the red shoes (who tried the backfist) would have stood around afterwards waiting for the police to arrive if he'd used some kind of weapon (you can see his red shoes still standing there at the end of the video).

Grey t-shirt guy can be seen standing behind white t-shirt guy as he's on the ground.

I've seen this EXACT same bull5hit happen on Walking Street dozens of times. Almost always white guys in their mid-late 20s. Always in groups of 2-3/4. I've also seen groups of Arabs do the same thing (usually further down WS though). They strut through the crowd trying to look all mean and "get in my way and I'll mess you up" attitudes.

I've spent hundreds and hundreds of nights on Walking Street and (often) been far drunker than this guy appears to have been and never once had a problem. He wasn't staggering in the least. He was purposely shouldering his way through the crowd. His attitude is obvious when you watch all 3 videos.

I've bumped into people by accident, it happens. WS can be a crowded, vibrant mass of humanity constantly moving (and stopping suddenly). A smile and a quick apology and everything is fine.

This guy ? Not even close. He was looking for trouble and he found it. Probably not the outcome he was expecting though.

Sound comments Kerryd, as usual.

There is a guy in a red t-shirt, looks like shaven headed farang. He seems to start throwing punches before anyone else. Looks like he's with the guys in white and grey t-shirts. Possibly all work together?

I agree with you - much more swagger with attitude than stagger with booze.


Please be kind to Pattaya, we don't want people to stay away, or worse - head to the north.

If you want people to be nice to Pattaya you have to clean your act up

I agree totally, have some friends here in America trying to sell me their condo in Pattaya, it was a hole years ago, and still is... It has only progressively gotten worse over the years.... It was the R&R place back in the day.... So what is there to be kind about? Just asking?cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifblink.png

I first went there 25 years ago. You are right - it's changed a lot, and it ain't got better. Last visited two years ago - don't want to go back. Much nicer better places to take the family.


Head hunting the drunks! Bloody cowards!

Do you really think they would avoid a sober, abusive foreigner? They are just looking for any excuse to beat up a foreigner, no matter what his condition. Some of those Thai men can handle themselves very well.


Well i try to avoid to go out anywhere in Pattaya that is not close to my car or the car park an it seems you have to wear something with you for selfdefending!

And nobody can tell me that there is any place that is secure here in Pattaya orThailand anymore...

Many years ago I wouldn't be worried to walk in the night in a a park in Bkk, now i am worried to walk on the street in evenings/nights...maybe soon in daytime.

I was living in SA, will we have the same insecure life here soon?


Seems like you have already created that insecure life all by yourself.


These touts with their little cards and lists of descriptions are a pest though, they deliberately stand in your way and make you walk around them, somehow inciting issues.

Clear the street of them!

I vist Walking Street quite regularly and have never seen any of them acting as you describe above. In fact I most likely walk past a dozen of them 2 or 3 times a night when I am out, and for the most part have never been bothered.

It mostly comes down to being polite, a trait that many Brits visiting Thailand seem to be unable to do. Of course many can also not hold their alcohol either.

After a few too many, they think that they are still in the UK.

Please keep the hateful anti-British comments to yourself. Next time I hit the report button.

Please keep the anti-Thai comments to yourself. Next time i hit the report button cheesy.gif

You dont like the truth then hit it by all means your self righteous and obviously the truth is not what you want. There is another forum where you kind of people can get together. I am sure you know of it so I wont waste time with giving you the information


booze sex and drugs a great cocktail for violence thailand has changed and people have realised that you have some thing they want it and some these people going to take it where as before they where like rabbits in the headlight polite smiling greatfull you went there to spend your money now they look on you with envey and think i want that also many tourist see them as subservient ie russian and others well they had enough and should be treated like its there country not as servant and maids respect gains respect


These touts with their little cards and lists of descriptions are a pest though, they deliberately stand in your way and make you walk around them, somehow inciting issues.

Clear the street of them!

I vist Walking Street quite regularly and have never seen any of them acting as you describe above. In fact I most likely walk past a dozen of them 2 or 3 times a night when I am out, and for the most part have never been bothered.

It mostly comes down to being polite, a trait that many Brits visiting Thailand seem to be unable to do. Of course many can also not hold their alcohol either.

After a few too many, they think that they are still in the UK.

They hold the card towards your face, for me, that is in the way.

Your anti-Brit post noted, along with your name.


Head hunting the drunks! Bloody cowards!

I completely disagree, the English man in the white barges past the thai promotional worker using his shoulder to make as much contact as possible, trying to act like a big man because he's full of drink, because he's quite a big lad probably thinks he's untouchable but as far as I'm concerned he got what he deserved, too many people like this from England, get drunk and think they're gangsters, well done to the thais.


Going the other way, I stepped on a similar sort of guys foot (young, macho, drunk, UK guy, probably a soldier) on a very crowded Sukhumvit sidewalk. I have never been shrieked and screamed at before or since, and I grew up in the hood. The guy screamed like he was one hair's breadth from murdering me on spot that if I ever stepped on his foot again he would "rip my ears off and tear my nose off of my face." Simply because I chuckled a bit, out of embarassment, before apologizing profusely stepping on his foot. I am pretty sure my chuckle was my big mistake that pushed him over the edge. So, no more mirth or laughing in public for me, never know who might haul off and hospitalize you for it. Had a near miss with that one, over nothing. The guy was quite muscle bound and somewhat taller than myself around 6 foot 3, he easily could have killed me with his bare hands.

That said, the bouncer/barker guys standing outside many of the Walking street bars are ticking time bombs. I remember standing in the doorway of a gogo I fully intended to enter about 3 years ago or so, I paused to peer in to see where my buddy was sitting before walking in. The door men started in immediately very aggressive and angry. "Why you look and not pay for drink!" They didn't care about the answer, in fact they really started to get feral and unhinged just because I tried to answer them. I got scared but because I found this bar to be very freindly and my buddy was inside my instinct was to walk inside hoping I'd be out of their jurisdiction there. When I tried to walk on in, I was grabbed and the lot of them, all six or so started shouting and making a commotion. Luckily, the manager, a Brit, saw what was happening, sort of knew me as an appreciative customer as did several of the ladies and he called the doormen off of me. He apologized, got me a free beer and that was that, I found my friend and enjoyed my time in there.

The doormen are one of the main if not the biggest dangers on walking street, but I wonder if wound up rent a cops and other macho types are not a close second.


You confront and attack Thai's at your own risk (not that I condone beating up basically harmless drunks like this).

No comment necessary on him getting so drunk he could no longer walk straight in a foreign country he really doesn't understand.


I vist Walking Street quite regularly and have never seen any of them acting as you describe above. In fact I most likely walk past a dozen of them 2 or 3 times a night when I am out, and for the most part have never been bothered.

It mostly comes down to being polite, a trait that many Brits visiting Thailand seem to be unable to do. Of course many can also not hold their alcohol either.

After a few too many, they think that they are still in the UK.

Please keep the hateful anti-British comments to yourself. Next time I hit the report button.

I am a Brit and dont drink but noBrainer does have a point

If noBrainer has researched the behavior of tourists of different nationalities regarding their degree of politeness and tolerance to alcohol then he may have a point and could share that research with us. If on the other hand it's purely his opinion, which he's entitled to, and based purely on his dislike of any particular nationality, then he should drop the "er" of his avatar.

I don't think the guy spends as much time on Walking St as he would like us to believe.

I can't figure out the nationality of 75% of the tourists there... had he said Soi Buakhao I could believe him. :D

Rude groups of tourists on WS come from a particular place which is not the West.

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