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Another Pattaya Facebook clip showing assault involving British man emerges

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These thugs are extremely annoying, just hope they ' collide ' with a sober security guy one day, who knows his job

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Sadly this happens all over the world where there are lots of people and too much drinking. It disgusts me whenever I see something like this, as violence is so unnecessary and just proves how ugly human beings can be. Often cowardly too. Never impressive to see what we consider to be adults degenerating to this. It is the same in Nana Soi 4 now, where you could walk peacefully up the road. Now all the parasitical types have all taken over the bars, the old adventurer type owners long since gone and now left with a street full of ugly people....tacky bars, greedy street vendors, ....massive change from twenty years ago, when it was a much safer place and more based on fun.... Sukhumvit is at night is just awash with Nigerian drug dealers, unattractive Eastern block hookers, the greedy who flock like flies to a carcass and the nice, generous peaceful spirit of the Thai's left somewhere in the gutter......sad to see, but it is what happens when commercialism, greed and mass tourism takes over, and the authorities do nothing to curb it...people wreck things...what was just fun becomes ugly......reminds me of the cities now back in UK, at bar closing time on a Friday night.....sadly this is now happening in many areas where once tourists felt safe...you have to be careful at night now and be aware there are some horrible people out there of all nationalities and do not think everyone who smiles is nice because they are not. This sort of thing could happen to any one at night and I have seen it too many times. The fun has long since left the building

I remember then.When The old Thermai was a place to go after the bars had closed .No hastle you could sit with a coca cola for a couple of hours.The freelancing girls were no problem and did not bother you if you only wanted to sit for a while.

The entrance to the front of Thermae was a public toilet..you just walked to the back and another door took yo into Thermaes.

Always entertaining there after 1.am,


Another example of why Thais often refer to Farang in a derisive manner.

Why is it that the most obnoxious lowlifes here in LOS often come from US/UK/AUS...


YES YES please something must be done about these monkeys... I tell you now there a hazard to Pattaya. The other day I was strolling thru a arcade close to IBAR and the 2 Arabs were trying get me in to some hole. I said NO GO.... The dirty rat started tailning me close and it got to a heated stand off.. He was taller a fat guts and nearly coupled with a broken jaw.

Little did he know I was a pro boxer and had 93 fights and friends with most Thai fighters.. But i swear I brushed it but the dog spat on the ground. I wanted to go back and cave his head in. ....... NO WORK PERMIT 100 and police let them stay HAHA

I will not forget the scum bag


The man who hit him had some thing in his hand and put it in his back pocket. This will really help increase the tourist trade. Not


When I saw the short 18 second mobile clip I thought the guy had not done much wrong, but on the pattayone page it shows some additional CCTV and this guy was acting a complete tool pushing people around and out of the way as he walked. He had it coming and cannot have many complaints.

Still can't work out how he got knocked out though


The man who hit him had some thing in his hand and put it in his back pocket. This will really help increase the tourist trade. Not


He wasn't holding anything in the hand he tried to hit the guy with and this will do NOTHING to decrease the tourist trade anymore than any other incident has, even when someone has died.


A lot of posts as to why the Brits are such a problem.

Being British and having lived in Jomtien for years I have to disagree, the bulk of my friends are also British and are nothing at all like this.

This guy was just an idiot looking for trouble, watch the CCTV. I have seen people from all nationalities act similar, idiots are not restricted to one nationality.

Incidentally Pattaya is not the hellhole protrayed by people who probably don't even live there. If you are a normal person and treat people with respect it is a great place to go out. In all my years going there I have not once had a problem. I am sure I am not the only one with this experience.

If you go looking for trouble you will find it, no matter where you are!


Thais need to grow up the tourism market will soon be gone

What tourism market.........


Im not a Brit. but can remember from years ago.40. Thai Yobs never dared go near the Intercity Crew or any other Football Firms. Australians were bloody lethal back then. Yanks had Shore Patrols that only beat their own Sailors for reasons know one understood. My Point. Dont mix with Piss Heads and expect Sympathy. Hurt Me not to wade in sometimes. It wont change till total hardmen scare the S..it out of em. Bring Back the Old Fashioned Bouncers and let the Cops toss about stopping Burks with No Tax and Hatsthumbsup.gif


Please be kind to Pattaya, we don't want people to stay away, or worse - head to the north.

Imagine if he had visited one of those infamous karaoke bars in the north and had been presented with a bill of 40,000 baht (or in the case of those Malaysians 100,000 baht )


The guy "sticking something back in his pocket" is clearly putting the little "menu card" into his rear pocket.

Having watched the other videos a few times now, it is pretty clear who started the altercation and gee, guess what, it wasn't the Thais.

The other videos clearly shows the guy in the white shirt deliberately shouldering his way through the crowd in a typical "I'm tough so you'd better get out of my way attitude" that I see a lot of foreigners use when swaggering (not staggering) down Walking Street. Oh and look, sure enough he has a friend (the guy in the grey shirt). What a surprise. Oh wait, that's not a surprise. They are rarely ever that tough when they are alone but when they have a buddy or two to jump in and help them, suddenly they are King 5hit of Turd Island. (Used to see a lot of that in the army. Real tough guys when they've got buddies around them, real polite, even meek, when it's one-on-one.)

The guy in the white shirt shoulders aside a couple of Thais (and no, he isn't "staggering" and it obviously wasn't accidental) then as he passes a couple of street performers it looks like one of the guys he'd put his shoulder into (guy in the red "fro" wig) came back and kicked him in the butt (didn't knock him down).

White t-shirt turns around and his buddy (grey shirt) steps in front of him (looks like he was trying to stop him from doing anything). A bunch of Thais (male and female) intervene (probably because it looks like the two foreigners are trying to fight). Then the guy in the grey shirt starts throwing punches at different Thais (at least 3 punches attempted). Then the 2 foreigners walk off together.

The third video sees white t-shirt guy walking (in front of Farenheit) and red wig guy sees him and delivers a leg kick. Thai guy beside red-wig looks like he tries to hit him with a right-handed "backfist" but when I go frame-by-frame he appears to miss completely (and it's clear there is nothing in his right hand). As well, had he of connected, it would have been on the right side of white t-shirt guys face. The large welt on his face is on the left side (which is where he appears to hit the ground).Also I highly doubt the guy with the red shoes (who tried the backfist) would have stood around afterwards waiting for the police to arrive if he'd used some kind of weapon (you can see his red shoes still standing there at the end of the video).

Grey t-shirt guy can be seen standing behind white t-shirt guy as he's on the ground.

I've seen this EXACT same bull5hit happen on Walking Street dozens of times. Almost always white guys in their mid-late 20s. Always in groups of 2-3/4. I've also seen groups of Arabs do the same thing (usually further down WS though). They strut through the crowd trying to look all mean and "get in my way and I'll mess you up" attitudes.

I've spent hundreds and hundreds of nights on Walking Street and (often) been far drunker than this guy appears to have been and never once had a problem. He wasn't staggering in the least. He was purposely shouldering his way through the crowd. His attitude is obvious when you watch all 3 videos.

I've bumped into people by accident, it happens. WS can be a crowded, vibrant mass of humanity constantly moving (and stopping suddenly). A smile and a quick apology and everything is fine.

This guy ? Not even close. He was looking for trouble and he found it. Probably not the outcome he was expecting though.

Absolutely spot on, funny how so many on here must have seen a different video!

All that numpty had to say was "sorry mate" and he would have woken up still being a handsome man, or not!


So, without having the facts, lets speculate from what we have.

A drunken white male (in the security business) staggers into a Thai tout, words are exchanged, fight ensues and instead of helping the victim some idiot videos it and posts to FB.

Unfortunately, this type of incident happens everywhere in the world, the only thing that is different about it is the location being already smeared.

I'm not sure about where you come from, but if it happened where I originated the drunk guy would be lucky if he got a hospital bed.

And that is from a supposed first class country.

Which side do you perceive is the victim the person should support instead of videoing the incident?

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