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Impeachment hearing: 248 former Thai MPs all wish to speak in their defense

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I must be missing something.

The 1997 constitution was changed in 2007.

That was legal apparently.

Then 248 MP tried to change it back.

That was illegal apparently.

Then the current lot tore up the entire constitution.

That was legal apparently.

My head is spinning.

Have I misunderstood?

Somebody set me straight.

Please! !!

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Given that they are being impeached for (amongst other things) using dubious methods to avoid an opposition filibuster, this does seem an apt reponse. I doubt the PTB will see it that way though.


So let's see if I understand this. These 240 people are charged with trying to unlawfully amend the constitution? Surely not? The current self-appointed PM and his loyal mates who have been given the plum jobs have destroyed that same constitution and are writing one of their own - how is that legal then? Being charged by the people who actually scrapped the constitution seems a bit of ironic and not at all politically motivated of course.

There is a great deal of logical merit to this argument, however...

The non-democratically, unelected military government are revising a previous constitution, written by another non-democratic, unelected military government.

But, When the elected MP's were sworn in, they promised to abide and not screw around with the constitution. Whoever wrote it/under whatever circumstances, because it was ratified by the highest office.

Therefore, the army are abiding by military government rules (previously under emergency powers) and are not in breach..

The 248 MP's on the other hand, were being lead by the nose, like pigs to a trough, and despite swearing to follow the rules; they set about changing them. And are technically guilty of being very naughty little piggies indeed.

Its not unlike treason - legally speaking.

Good luck with the legal defense chaps.


This logic is not unlike nonsense - nonsensically speaking.


After what these dirty cronies did under orders from their paying master before the decent people of Thailand took to the streets, I have zero respect for a single one of them. I hope they all do jail time.

I'm still wondering why nobody is being charged with abuse of power for the amnesty disgrace. Maybe that one will come next.

What happened to the noble principles of democracy which involve putting the people you represent and your country above yourself ?.

Red-shirt hypocrites should look to these people as the ultimate reason for the coup. But they won't because it doesn't suit them.

you seem to always be on the same train ... and never get off it...

why should people be impeached by the pawns of (yet another) military junta for simply trying to make the Senate more democratic?

Tip, the answer is in the question... coffee1.gif


How long does it take to say "I was only following orders." They could add "Thaksin would kick me out of the party if I didn't vote as told. I have a wife and children, and couldn't possible live on my MP salary alone."

What I am actually expecting is a filibuster meaningless raving about anything and everything, until eventually they are given a time limit. Then, there supporters can complain they weren't given a fair hearing. Who cares?

BTW there was nothing democratic about their attempt to turn the senate into a rubber stamp so that could get their amnesty approved.

BTW there was nothing democratic about their attempt to turn the senate into a rubber stamp so that could get their amnesty approved.


what a joker you are...

Did you even consider for a split nanosecond the "rubber-stamp" qualities the current NLA exhibits?

really, what a joker....


One collective crime; one collective defense. They can submit their individual testimony in written form to be filed in the 'round' file and never read. To have each of the accused give testimony in court would delay the proceedings by years and justice would not be served. This is part of a massive clean-up of corrupt politics, bureaucracy, police, mafia by the NCPO and it must be done to move the country towards being in a place were real democracy, that respects the rights of the minority, can exist. None of the accused has a different charge against them and therefore, couldn't have a different legal excuse for their illegal behavior. Since the NCPO has the power, they will not be allowed to delay the court's proceedings as they wish. Get over it.



Hmmmm... trying to amend the constitution was unlawful, but suspending it in a military coup is somehow ok. Then the coup-makers want to prosecute the elected officials who were going to amend the constitution while pushing through their own version. Is there a word for 'irony' in the Thai language?

Exceptionally well put. How the junta cheerleaders fail to see the irony of this is beyond me.


How long does it take to say "I was only following orders." They could add "Thaksin would kick me out of the party if I didn't vote as told. I have a wife and children, and couldn't possible live on my MP salary alone."

What I am actually expecting is a filibuster meaningless raving about anything and everything, until eventually they are given a time limit. Then, there supporters can complain they weren't given a fair hearing. Who cares?

BTW there was nothing democratic about their attempt to turn the senate into a rubber stamp so that could get their amnesty approved.

BTW there was nothing democratic about their attempt to turn the senate into a rubber stamp so that could get their amnesty approved.


what a joker you are...

Did you even consider for a split nanosecond the "rubber-stamp" qualities the current NLA exhibits?

really, what a joker....

But they aren't pretending to be democratic. See the difference? Perhaps not.


After what these dirty cronies did under orders from their paying master before the decent people of Thailand took to the streets, I have zero respect for a single one of them. I hope they all do jail time.

I'm still wondering why nobody is being charged with abuse of power for the amnesty disgrace. Maybe that one will come next.

What happened to the noble principles of democracy which involve putting the people you represent and your country above yourself ?.

Red-shirt hypocrites should look to these people as the ultimate reason for the coup. But they won't because it doesn't suit them.

you seem to always be on the same train ... and never get off it...

why should people be impeached by the pawns of (yet another) military junta for simply trying to make the Senate more democratic?

Tip, the answer is in the question... coffee1.gif

You make the assumption that a fully elected senate is 'more democratic'. Why, because that's the way it is in the US? Democracy works well in countries without a fully elected senate, or elected judges, or prosecutors, or police, or dogcatchers.

And then we have the standard of democracy here, with MPs accepting payment from a criminal to vote to his orders, and other criminals, cronies and family members being appointed via the party list. What could be wrong with allowing close family members of those people being allowed entry to the senate?

And this proposal is from a government trying to remove every check and balance, or at least starve them of funding. In the interests of democracy.


Funny how most people want the public to her them speak in there own defense. With 248 Thai politicians wanting to talk it should take three years for them to

hear them all. And all wish that the junta will be over by then and they can have a chance to buy there innocent verdict. So Thai politicians actions.


Funny how most people want the public to her them speak in there own defense. With 248 Thai politicians wanting to talk it should take three years for them to

hear them all. And all wish that the junta will be over by then and they can have a chance to buy there innocent verdict. So Thai politicians actions.

I am sure they would rather just grant themselves an amnesty for any past, present or future criminal acts, but unfortunately for them that is the sole preserve of the military.


let them all do it at 4am and see how fair they consider that.

Alternatively the court could say that it would be during the next working days hours, then hold the session at 4 am and rule that as the defendants didn't turn up it was too late to appeal.

They might understand that.


let them all do it at 4am and see how fair they consider that.

Alternatively the court could say that it would be during the next working days hours, then hold the session at 4 am and rule that as the defendants didn't turn up it was too late to appeal.

They might understand that.

Not even Parliment can extend Parlimentary session without alerting all MPs. As in the case back 31st October 2013, extra-ordinary lengthy session and the Dem MPs decided to walk out and not participate in the vote as they have a plan outside Parliment.


let them all do it at 4am and see how fair they consider that.

Alternatively the court could say that it would be during the next working days hours, then hold the session at 4 am and rule that as the defendants didn't turn up it was too late to appeal.

They might understand that.

Not even Parliment can extend Parlimentary session without alerting all MPs. As in the case back 31st October 2013, extra-ordinary lengthy session and the Dem MPs decided to walk out and not participate in the vote as they have a plan outside Parliment.

My apologies to you.

You are correct in that the Democrats did walk out after 19 hours but the original bill which was debated was modified and this was the bill that was sent to the Senate and turned down.

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