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Boko Haram guns down 97 people praying in mosques in Nigeria


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Boko Haram guns down 97 people praying in mosques in Nigeria

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) — Boko Haram extremists gunned down nearly 100 Muslims praying in mosques in a northeast Nigerian town during the holy month of Ramadan, a government official and a self-defense fighter said Thursday.

The attack Wednesday night on the town of Kukawa came the day after the Islamic extremist group attacked a village 35 kilometers (22 miles) away and killed another 48 men and boys, according to witnesses who counted the dead.

The people of Kukawa were in several mosques, praying ahead of breaking their daylong fast, when the extremists attacked. They killed 97 people, mainly men, said self-defense spokesman Abbas Gava and a senior government official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to give information to reporters.

Gava said his group's fighters in Kukawa said some militants also broke into people's homes, killing women and children as they prepared the evening meal.

Kukawa is 180 kilometers (110 miles) northeast of Maiduguri, the biggest city in northeast Nigeria and the birthplace of Boko Haram.

Nigeria's homegrown extremist group often defiles mosques where it believes clerics espouse too moderate a form of Islam. Wednesday's attack follows a directive from the Islamic State group for fighters to increase attacks during Ramadan. Boko Haram this year became the IS group's West African franchise.

On Tuesday night, the extremists invaded the village of Mussaram, ordered men and women to separate and then opened fire on the men and boys, witnesses said.

"A total of 48 males died on the spot while 17 others escaped with serious injuries," said Maidugu Bida, a self-defense official? based in nearby Monguno who helped bury the dead.

On Monday, two suicide bombers blew themselves up prematurely in a village outside Maiduguri just an hour before the arrival of Nigeria's Vice President Yemi Osinbanjo. He visited some of the hundreds of thousands of people displaced by the 5-year-old Islamic uprising that has killed more than 13,000 people and driven 1.5 million from their homes.

Some of those killed in attacks in the past month had only just returned to rebuild towns and villages recaptured this year from Boko Haram by a multinational army.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-03

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If you look at all the places around the world where a killings on a large scale is happening, you will find Muslims or Islam deeply involved and in all cases, are the main perpetrators, In the name of Allah, hundreds of thousands of people are being put to death and so many horrible ways, being enslaved, raped and treated like cattle... all of that in the name of Islam... I'm sure that who ever wrote the Quran, must be turning in his grave over and over again...

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Send in Israeli special forces - they would inflict some serious harm on BH.

My dad was a career man in the CIA and used to half-joke, whenever a serious undercover job needed to be done, he would say similar - about sending in the Israelis. Look what they did in Entebbe with the hostages there.

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Muslims will say, 'This is not islam ! ' but the problem is that they not go against it.

If someone draw a cartoon about Islam, or a police arrest a muslim, the whole city turn in protest by muslims often with violence, but if some muslims blow up people in a mosque, cut heads off rape woman and children kill tourists ..

no protest ...

If th other 98 % of muslims should clearly go against it and not except these things, IS or boko harram or taliban would be very isolated ..

why they don't do ? afraid ? or maybe most think yes this is islam ?

anyway in my point of view, if I look history, religion has done more bad than good, millions been killed, pity that people after more then 2000 year, this still not see ...

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Muslims will say, 'This is not islam ! ' but the problem is that they not go against it.

If someone draw a cartoon about Islam, or a police arrest a muslim, the whole city turn in protest by muslims often with violence, but if some muslims blow up people in a mosque, cut heads off rape woman and children kill tourists ..

no protest ...

If th other 98 % of muslims should clearly go against it and not except these things, IS or boko harram or taliban would be very isolated ..

why they don't do ? afraid ? or maybe most think yes this is islam ?

anyway in my point of view, if I look history, religion has done more bad than good, millions been killed, pity that people after more then 2000 year, this still not see ...

"Muslims will say, 'This is not islam ! ' but the problem is that they not go against it."

I am pretty sure, I know 97 people who would have gone against it- if they could!

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I am waiting for the same kind of mass protests from the Muslim community like we see when someone draws a picture of Mohamed.

My guess is we won't see it.

How much outrage , protests, burning of embassies would we see if it was a Christian or a Jew that killed even one Muslim in a Mosque?

Yet here I doubt we will see any global outcry against this.

Apparently in the religion of peace, it is ok to slaughter your own people.

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Muslims will say, 'This is not islam ! ' but the problem is that they not go against it.

If someone draw a cartoon about Islam, or a police arrest a muslim, the whole city turn in protest by muslims often with violence, but if some muslims blow up people in a mosque, cut heads off rape woman and children kill tourists ..

no protest ...

If th other 98 % of muslims should clearly go against it and not except these things, IS or boko harram or taliban would be very isolated ..

why they don't do ? afraid ? or maybe most think yes this is islam ?

anyway in my point of view, if I look history, religion has done more bad than good, millions been killed, pity that people after more then 2000 year, this still not see ...

Of course it's not Islam...they are killing Muslims in mosques. They are killing. They are crazy, primitive fools led astray by evil forked tongued political aspirants.

Don't use their claim of being Muslim to tarnish the vast majority of real Muslims.

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If you look at all the places around the world where a killings on a large scale is happening, you will find Muslims or Islam deeply involved and in all cases, are the main perpetrators, In the name of Allah, hundreds of thousands of people are being put to death and so many horrible ways, being enslaved, raped and treated like cattle... all of that in the name of Islam... I'm sure that who ever wrote the Quran, must be turning in his grave over and over again...

al-Insān al-Kāmil wrote the koran. al-Insān al-Kāmil is The Perfect Man, the islamic prophet. He wrote or transcribed from the word of Al Lah, through the angel Gabriel, the singularly perfect word of god, as is, unchanged, verbatim since the founding of the worlds. IMO, no one is turning over in any graves here accept the countless millions of victims.

Your post is a sad, sad truth, ortherwise.

Edited by arjunadawn
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If you look at all the places around the world where a killings on a large scale is happening, you will find Muslims or Islam deeply involved and in all cases, are the main perpetrators, In the name of Allah, hundreds of thousands of people are being put to death and so many horrible ways, being enslaved, raped and treated like cattle... all of that in the name of Islam... I'm sure that who ever wrote the Quran, must be turning in his grave over and over again...

al-Insān al-Kāmil wrote the koran. al-Insān al-Kāmil is The Perfect Man, the islamic prophet. He wrote or transcribed from the word of Al Lah, through the angel Gabriel, the singularly perfect word of god, as is, unchanged, verbatim since the founding of the worlds. IMO, no one is turning over in any graves here accept the countless millions of victims.

Your post is a sad, sad truth, ortherwise.

I totally agree. They were killed for either being the wrong flavour of Islam (most IS & BH would be Sunni I believe), or being apostates (not adhering closely enough to the the inerrant word of Allah in the Quran.) A hint here is that the women were separated from the men before the men were killed. In IS or BH controlled areas men & women would not be allowed to pray together in the same unsegregated area. The Holy Quran out-does the Old Testament Bible at least 5 or 10 to one for really bloodthirsty and misogynist rules. Edited by The Deerhunter
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If you look at all the places around the world where a killings on a large scale is happening, you will find Muslims or Islam deeply involved and in all cases, are the main perpetrators, In the name of Allah, hundreds of thousands of people are being put to death and so many horrible ways, being enslaved, raped and treated like cattle... all of that in the name of Islam... I'm sure that who ever wrote the Quran, must be turning in his grave over and over again...

al-Insān al-Kāmil wrote the koran. al-Insān al-Kāmil is The Perfect Man, the islamic prophet. He wrote or transcribed from the word of Al Lah, through the angel Gabriel, the singularly perfect word of god, as is, unchanged, verbatim since the founding of the worlds. IMO, no one is turning over in any graves here accept the countless millions of victims.

Your post is a sad, sad truth, ortherwise.

I totally agree. They were killed for either being the wrong flavour of Islam (most IS & BH would be Sunni I believe), or being apostates (not adhering closely enough to the the inerrant word of Allah in the Quran.) A hint here is that the women were separated from the men before the men were killed. In IS or BH controlled areas men & women would not be allowed to pray together in the same unsegregated area. The Holy Quran out-does the Old Testament Bible at least 5 or 10 to one for really bloodthirsty and misogynist rules.

Yes, I would not read too much into women and men being originally in proximity as bad people can go into any mosque and find women and men inside praying, men out front, women in rear behind a screen or partition. So, nearly all mosques are separated inside. Nearly all the jihadists are sunni inasmuch as shia, while holding to many of the same ideals, do not see a caliphate as being legitimate as it is not descended from Ali, rather of man. Thus most shia terrorists are currently associated with a state sponsor, Iran, and are mostly working to further Iranian state policies related to shia, etc.

The koran out does the old testament in some foundational ways. The old testament represents a series of dispensations, for the christians particularly, whereby god came with new covenants over the ages of his prophets, generally each dispensing with the previous. Indeed, for christians this is seen most acutely with christ. Thus that which is read in the old testament for christians, in this regard, does take on the air of historical context rather than perpetual injunction to violence. For the jews the theology is a bit more complex but another element is then inserted for comparison- do the jews live out the torah injunctions in a way that poses threats to current world peace, imposing judiasm on others, and savaging innocents (I am not taking about Levant land politics). So, when distilled, the old testament and the koran are as not easily compared as they are contrasted. The koran is the eternal world of god, unambiguous, acted out through the perfect life of the prophet, and incumbent on all humans.

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Muslims will say, 'This is not islam ! ' but the problem is that they not go against it.

If someone draw a cartoon about Islam, or a police arrest a muslim, the whole city turn in protest by muslims often with violence, but if some muslims blow up people in a mosque, cut heads off rape woman and children kill tourists ..

no protest ...

If th other 98 % of muslims should clearly go against it and not except these things, IS or boko harram or taliban would be very isolated ..

why they don't do ? afraid ? or maybe most think yes this is islam ?

anyway in my point of view, if I look history, religion has done more bad than good, millions been killed, pity that people after more then 2000 year, this still not see ...

Yes, religion was created by man to serve the men who created it. Do not get God and religion mixed up.

This is not to suggest that I am an atheist, I was raised Catholic and although I have little to do with the church now, I still have those beliefs which shows what a good job the teachers did in that regards, :)

Interestingly enough, the Buddhist tradition has it's problems but is certainly the most peaceful of them.

I took the time to read the Koran, Quran and I was struck by the beauty of this book and the love of fellow man espoused in every page.

Yes, there are passages that make reference to killing infidels and glorifying those who participate in holy wars but that is not the general thrust of this book. There is also a generally patriarchal male control thread but nowhere does it indicate women are second class citizens.

The previous post is right, 98% of Islam accepts these atrocities which is tacit approval. Interestingly enough, Allah is probably the same God as Jehovah, the Jewish and Christian God. Anyway, that is my two bobs worth. :)

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