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Prostitution: Thailand's worst kept secret

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Prostitution: Thailand’s worst kept secret
By Saksith Saiyasombut & Siam Voices
By James Austin

BANGKOK: -- You could be forgiven for thinking if you were new to Thailand that prostitution was a market aimed solely at foreign tourists and fund-dumping expatriates. The garish lights, garish hook-ups, and garish whispers in the night have become iconic, a thing of holiday myths, books, films, and for many who don’t live here deceitfully representative of an entire culture. But Thailand’s lusty epithet of a land of salacious, often mendacious smiles, is a foreign concoction, and within these borders most citizens I think don’t taint themselves with that brush.

It’s said that about US$16 million from Vietnam War foreign soldiers’ pockets went towards the Thai sex industry, the catalyst of what gave Thailand its seedy image. But the industry, apropos tourism, is hardly even the tip of the iceberg.

A lot of women, and men, in Thailand sell sexual services for money. Siamese 50 satang brothels were popular in the early half of the 20th century, while the ragingly popular arb ob nuad (soapy massage) has been around since the 1940s. Only over the last few years has the full-body massage (no penetration) become extremely popular, with new houses of supposedly ill-repute opening and closing – as is often the case with the service orientated industry in Thailand – all over the country.

There’s also now what is referred to as the business of sidelines, which is young girls, supposedly of a more pure status, selling themselves online. It’s no secret; in this report by the Kinsey Institute, “90% of the [Thai] male participants had had sex with a prostitute and 74% had lost their virginity with a female sex worker.” It’s no secret, but Thais tend to be discreet about the matter. You should know that prostitution has been illegal in Thailand since 1960.

Full story: http://asiancorrespondent.com/133956/prostitution-thailands-worst-kept-secret/

-- Asian Correspondent 2015-07-03

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"It’s said that about US$16 million from Vietnam War foreign soldiers’ pockets went towards the Thai sex industry, the catalyst of what gave Thailand its seedy image. But the industry, apropos tourism, is hardly even the tip of the iceberg."

Thailand can thank the good old American GIs and vets for kick-starting its tourist industry. Thais were always busy copulating with "working" ladies long before the guys in khaki showed up.

What would Pattaya be without their help?

What would Thailand have had to attract tourists apart from a lot of sandy beaches, a few nice mountain areas in the north and a lot of crumbling ancient temples. Oh, and the elephants too.


Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.

People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.

But it's all about appearances and saving face.


Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.

People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.

But it's all about appearances and saving face.

yeah...maybe even 150% of tourists


They're are no prostitutes in Thailand but lots of ladies looking for husbands and willing to spend short time or long time with men to see if they are sexually compatible.


Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.

People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.

But it's all about appearances and saving face.

Sorry, I thought you meant 50% of losers.


They're are no prostitutes in Thailand but lots of ladies looking for husbands and willing to spend short time or long time with men to see if they are sexually compatible.

Indeed, at least 99% of them are waitresses, or hotel receptionists or work in massage parlors ... and they are more than happy to spend time with anyone, of any age, for a small (in the beginning) financial consideration.

Can't remember where I read it, it was a while ago, but something like 90% of the prostitution here in Thailand is nothing at all to do with foreigners, it's Thai on Thai in those very discreet places that no one admits exist but everyone knows where they are and that has been the way of Thailand for centuries.


Majority of these girls come from Issan, They work this for help their poor parent from Issan.... But Issan is not the PTP/Red Stronghold ?


Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.

People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.

But it's all about appearances and saving face.

Sorry, I thought you meant 50% of losers.

Are you one of the 99.99% of foreigners here that HASN'T been with a prostitute?



I'm new to Thailand, I didn't realize there was prostitution in this country ... it's illegal isn't it ? blink.png

Well steve, you've been a Thai Visa member for 8 years, I'd have thought you'd have got the message by now.whistling.gif


They're are no prostitutes in Thailand but lots of ladies looking for husbands and willing to spend short time or long time with men to see if they are sexually compatible.

You should be a Politician. clap2.gif


"It’s said that about US$16 million from Vietnam War foreign soldiers’ pockets went towards the Thai sex industry, the catalyst of what gave Thailand its seedy image. But the industry, apropos tourism, is hardly even the tip of the iceberg."

Thailand can thank the good old American GIs and vets for kick-starting its tourist industry. Thais were always busy copulating with "working" ladies long before the guys in khaki showed up.

What would Pattaya be without their help?

What would Thailand have had to attract tourists apart from a lot of sandy beaches, a few nice mountain areas in the north and a lot of crumbling ancient temples. Oh, and the elephants too.

Apparently a lot of people still believe in spending money at home.

I guess prostitution in farang land is one of the many facets of life many choose to ignore.

The Office for National Statistics [in Britain], which tracks changes in spending habits across the country, found miscreants spent an enormous £12.3 billion last year on illegal substances and sexual gratification. This was more than the amount spent on wine and beer in 2013, which was just under £11 billion, according to the ONS data.
How do you estimate the economic value of illegal activities? In the unexpectedly fascinating account of the new methodological parameters of GDP calculation,the ONS’s Joshua Abramsky and Steve Drew concede that “extensive data gaps have been filled with assumptions, recognising that this area of the economy [prostitution] is very difficult to measure”. But the survey data excludes male prostitutes, who amount to 42% of all UK sex workers.

"...excludes male prostitutes, who amount to 42% of all UK sex workers."

Probably excludes MPs expense account spending on dalliances too.

An estimated $40 Million a day is spent on prostitution in the United States.

365 days X $40 Million = $14.6 Billion a year in prostitution spending.


Majority of these girls come from Issan, They work this for help their poor parent from Issan.... But Issan is not the PTP/Red Stronghold ?

Care to explain, what ANY government EVER has done to change things like poverty in that region?

Oh...and congratulations: the topic is prostitution. but somehow "the reds" had to be brought into this, right!?

You are such a troll...and not even an entertaining one!


Warning for golfers!

1. Prostitution is illegal on and off the course.

2. Sleeping with a Thai hooker is a bit like playing a round of golf.

You're likely to come across a couple of balls that aren't your's.


What you call "worst kept secret" most call "general knowledge".

They are not all poor Isaan girls. Local freelance bar here in Pats I've met small business owners, hospital workers, secretaries etc that just want to get some easy extra cash. Thailand was never subject to Puritanical Colonizers, so perhaps their take on the whole thing isn't colored by Western obsession with "sin".


They're are no prostitutes in Thailand but lots of ladies looking for husbands and willing to spend short time or long time with men to see if they are sexually compatible.

More likely financially compatible. 'He farang, have money, I Thai people, not have. He must give to me' ...


You can call it anything you like, a secret it ain't.... I and many, many others knew about this ' secret '

like back in mid 70'... and even that it was known that Thailand was a fun place to be,

but do not fret Thailand, you have done extremely well on the backs of the local lasses

laying on their backs.....


The only thing I got out of this article was the devil's spawn called Inflation !! "" Siamese 50 satang brothels "" !!

Oddly enough that is still what the av Thai shorttime is worth.


That's a bold statement. Can you point us to any reliable sources to confirm this "fact"?

Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.
People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.
But it's all about appearances and saving face.

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