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Prostitution: Thailand's worst kept secret

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If they ever ban prostitution in Thailand they would lose half of the single men as tourist. This is what attracts single and even married men to Thailand. Just

make sure the women are healthy and no HIV. And Thailand will forever be the tourist capital of the world for men. The land of a thousand smiles and thousands

of beautiful women!

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I'm new to Thailand, I didn't realize there was prostitution in this country ... it's illegal isn't it ? blink.png

so you can continue to sleep then....everything is ok



The west is just as delusional. Pick up any weekly or independent newspaper in the US, and you'll find prostitutes publicly advertising their services, often with full page ads. We just call them "escorts" instead, and pretend we are paying them for their time, rather than for the sex.


Why is the advert at the top right of this thread from Banggood.com? Are our administrators being cheeky?

Which advert you see depends on your browsing history, which websites you were visiting prior... 5555

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I have often said that I am sure that the vast majority of these girls didn't have dreams of growing up to be prostitutes. They do it because there is no other work for them that pays a living wage plus enough to help their families.

When I first came to Thailand I admit that I was like a kid in a candy store but soon enough that grew old. I wound up marrying a village girl who never worked the trade.

However, I tell you if I had met the right one in those circumstances I would not have let her past stand in the way.

When the Thais get a government that actually will help raise the economic circumstances of all the people not just the elite the Tourist trade may decline some. Just remember that prostitution is the oldest profession. Has always been with us and always will be. Should be legal.


Really who gives a rats arse. Prostitution is also alive and doing well in Australia. Seems to me it's like too many peopls are worried about what the next guy is doing. If it's not affecting you move the F%^& on. Let people live their own lives degenerate or not.



They're are no prostitutes in Thailand but lots of ladies looking for husbands and willing to spend short time or long time with men to see if they are sexually compatible.

Indeed, at least 99% of them are waitresses, or hotel receptionists or work in massage parlors ... and they are more than happy to spend time with anyone, of any age, for a small (in the beginning) financial consideration.

Can't remember where I read it, it was a while ago, but something like 90% of the prostitution here in Thailand is nothing at all to do with foreigners, it's Thai on Thai in those very discreet places that no one admits exist but everyone knows where they are and that has been the way of Thailand for centuries.

How right, go to one of the many Thai men only places around Bangkok and other cities and see how many ladies waiting to take care of you. I can name a few that have at least 400 ladies to choose from in each goldfish bowel. Farangs are just a small part of the business which is why farang bars get treated the way they do, small fry compared with the 'for' Thai bars.


They're are no prostitutes in Thailand but lots of ladies looking for husbands and willing to spend short time or long time with men to see if they are sexually compatible.

More likely financially compatible. 'He farang, have money, I Thai people, not have. He must give to me' ...

Both right, it's a mutual exchange, with test periods.


I'm new to Thailand, I didn't realize there was prostitution in this country ... it's illegal isn't it ? blink.png

so you can continue to sleep then....everything is ok


come on Vincent, wake up !!


I didn't know prostitution existed until my friend came over from China for a holiday.

Guy's a big cuddly Panda bear.

Usual bear meets chick in bar, they go to a short time hotel.... anyway says things were going well, screwed like animals. Cuddling up having a ciggy after the event he confesses "I know we've just met, but your incredible, literally the best girlfriend I've ever had".

Anyway to cut a long story short, this is were the mood turns sour. She tells him she's a prostitute and her body's not for free. Wants 2k baht and adds insult to the misunderstanding by telling him to go look up prostitute in the dictionary. A woman you pay for sex.

My friends a big guy and not one to take crap off a bitchy whore, he grabs his coat and in his final words before making a swift exit tells her "take care now, I think it's you that's misunderstood. I'm a Panda bear, look it up in the dictionary

Noun. A black and white bearlike animal native to China. Eats shoots and leaves.


The guy who wrote this has a great job.....just write what we already know so we can say "I knew that" and make ourselves happy...and he gets paidbiggrin.png


and 15 boys are imprisoned for peaceful protest.

How about imprisoning all Thai hookers?

Fair is fair, they both are breaking the law.

How does the justice department swing this one?


I'm new to Thailand, I didn't realize there was prostitution in this country ... it's illegal isn't it ? blink.png

so you can continue to sleep then....everything is ok


come on Vincent, wake up !!

what...what..!!!.i am here..!hit-the-fan.gif


i just pay for my girlfriends taxi!whistling.gif

I have done that met one ın Sodom on Sea and gıve her Taxı money, thınk she must lıve ın Bangkok as she saıd the fare was 2000 Bgigglem.gif .... Long way to go every day.

Same gırl called me sexy man so ı knew she dıd not lıe wai2.gif


I have often said that I am sure that the vast majority of these girls didn't have dreams of growing up to be prostitutes. They do it because there is no other work for them that pays a living wage plus enough to help their families.

Not quite accurate. Yes, many Thai and especially Laos and Vietnamese girls do it because it pays the most money so they can help their families. However, an equal number of Thai girls, the ones that work in Bangkok, Pattaya and Patong, do it as a lifestyle choice. They enjoy the party life and getting paid while lying on their backs is the easiest way to support their partying lifestyle. Most Thais look for easy money with a minimum of work effort.


Next up in today's news: yesterday, a team of investigative journalists found that cattle and pigs have been mistreated and killed enmasse at Thai slaughterhouses throughout the country for over 50 years. The Buddhist country is reeling from the revelation that the whole country has been duped for decades by the meat industry. The prohibition on the killing of animals is central to the faith yet no one knew what they were eating and how far they had gone astray.

As part of his statement to the press, Truth and Transparency activist and political science professor Dr. Chalatkitty Nakornfongsaboo had this to say,

"We had long suspected that with the widespread availablity of beef and pork that something was afoot. But the businesses that have long profited from the sale of meat, many of them foreign owned, have deliberately and cleverly concealed from the public the source of these widely enjoyed meats. The slaughterhouses are installed far from the view of most of the general public and workers dare not reveal for whom they work or what they do for fear of shame, so it is not widely known the existence of these practices of killing pigs and cattle to produce the food Thai consumers, not to mention foreigners and tourists who while staying in the country have been unwittingly purchasing and using daily."

"The packaging for some of these meats is very colorful and festive aimed at appealing to innocent children and suggesting to adults that all is well and we should be happy to eat the meat. But now there is no question. Now we have extensive video footage of the reality of what has been happening behind our backs for decades."

"The practice of killing animals for our food must be reformed. We will request that the government, as a first step, pass regulations to scale down meat industry operations by requiring retailers to put various restrictions on the sale and marketing of these meats. First is that meat may only be bought at certain outlets during limited hours of 8 and 10 am and 5 and 7 pm. No labels or packaging may be displayed in shops for any meats sold. Retailers will be required to conceal meats behind aluminum panels. Any retailers violating these requirements after August 1st will be heavily fined at the discretion of the authorities. We shall be printing stickers to place on all meat packages showing the horrors of the meat industry and the dangers and health hazards posed by eating meat. The public needs to be made aware of what they are eating.There is nothing we can do about restaurants such as KFC or Mc Donald's so they will be able to operate as they always have. Thai restaurant owners and staff will be required to attend 2 weeks of classes regarding meat and then when they return they can decide."

"The public also badly needs guidance and direction and to be put back on the right path and renew their appreciation for more traditional Thai foods such as rice, fruit and wild greens. we can reclaim much of our country's true character and heritage by getting back to these basic foods and steering clear of the foreign influenced practice of eating ham and steak. We are confident that with this approach we can smoothly transition to a meatless Thailand within the next 9 months overcoming this very tragic misunderstanding that has gone on far too long."


I have often said that I am sure that the vast majority of these girls didn't have dreams of growing up to be prostitutes. They do it because there is no other work for them that pays a living wage plus enough to help their families.

Not quite accurate. Yes, many Thai and especially Laos and Vietnamese girls do it because it pays the most money so they can help their families. However, an equal number of Thai girls, the ones that work in Bangkok, Pattaya and Patong, do it as a lifestyle choice. They enjoy the party life and getting paid while lying on their backs is the easiest way to support their partying lifestyle. Most Thais look for easy money with a minimum of work effort.

I know a woman doctor and 2 nurses, all very attractive & sexy, who do it every weekend to "supplement" their income, and seem to enjoy themselves quite well as they do.


...of course...always some explanation...someone else's fault.....

Yep, my wife is adamant that Farang cause prostitution in her country - the old "if they didn't come to my country it wouldn't happen" line.

Trying to convince her otherwise is like speaking to a brick wall. And pointing out that it doesn't happen in Malaysia can be life threatening. tongue.png

Just curious what is the age gap between you and your wife?


I came here for the food.

Me too Nick , oh and a look in those nice gift shops along the way in Pattaya. Now I am informed prostitution is rife. Don't know what the place is coming to . At least the chap ( who looks very much like a girl ) in my local drinking establishment keeps telling me girls are bad, now I know why, all tarts damn it !


Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.

People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.

But it's all about appearances and saving face.

Sorry, I thought you meant 50% of losers.

I wonder if you would be so kind as to define "losers"?

"losers" = lonley souls looking for love, "gfe" with Thai prostitutes


I know quite a few massage and bar girls in Pattaya Beach.

From what they said it looks to me that many are doing sexual healing rather than sexual intercourse with Farangs.

Many Farangs are too drunk to f***, and many suffer from erectile dysfunction. Some get healed, some only yek yek when they come home.

Those who get finally healed are actually patients, and the girls who cure them doing a quasi medical job.


I see they have a new service now in the West called "Sugar Babies looking for Sugar Daddies" Could be an offshoot of Ashley Madison's service. Its possibly a more refined service than what happens here. Young girls who want money for education or a better lifestyle hook up with rich old guys. A lot say no sex is involved but if I were a rich Sugar Daddy I sure would want to get banged or a BJ or both for my buck. What happens between the sheets stays between the sheets along with DNA and other things.

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