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Hispanic leaders want GOP field to condemn Trump's 'idiocy'

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In the USA there is freedom of speech. If the Hispanics do not like it and just come to Thailand and see what life is all about to coming into a country with out visa and just sneaking across the border. In Thailand you get no free medical or get put on social security. The poor people would change locations with you any time you would want! The man has a right to speak and maybe not give unwelcome aliens every thing and take away from the true citizens and tax payer and the people who have paid Social Security all there live to have it drained by a people who want every thing but give nothing!

Um, if a migrant crosses the border illegally from say Laos, Cambodia or Myanmar and start working, then the employer (Thai or foreign) can legalise their status once a year, usually around June.

They then get enrolled in a medical scheme and get access to labour protections. And they get an ID card which can allow them to open bank accounts etc and wire money home. And Thailand benefits from having a regularised migrant labour work force.

It is all very simple to do.

So a country, like Thailand, where you want them to see "what life is about" can put together a scheme like this, have it remain non political (especially given the Burmese are historical sworn enemies of the Thai's) and work to everyone's advantage.

Yet 'The Greatest Nation on Earth' can't figure it out.....

I don't know that you can get a work visa to have someone mow your lawn once a week, though. The laws in the US also apply to those who work, including wages, benefits and other conditions of employment, even if they are not citizens.

The situation in Thailand is quite different. Any children born to migrant workers in the US are US citizens, any born in Thailand are not citizens. Deportation from the US is a long legal process; in Thailand it's much less complicated.

In spite of what people might believe illegal immigrants are not eligible for welfare and/or free medical care -- other than emergency care which hospitals that receive federal funds must provide to everyone. Hospitals that do not take federal funds are free to turn anyone away who doesn't have money or insurance.

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In the USA there is freedom of speech. If the Hispanics do not like it and just come to Thailand and see what life is all about to coming into a country with out visa and just sneaking across the border. In Thailand you get no free medical or get put on social security. The poor people would change locations with you any time you would want! The man has a right to speak and maybe not give unwelcome aliens every thing and take away from the true citizens and tax payer and the people who have paid Social Security all there live to have it drained by a people who want every thing but give nothing!

Um, if a migrant crosses the border illegally from say Laos, Cambodia or Myanmar and start working, then the employer (Thai or foreign) can legalise their status once a year, usually around June.

They then get enrolled in a medical scheme and get access to labour protections. And they get an ID card which can allow them to open bank accounts etc and wire money home. And Thailand benefits from having a regularised migrant labour work force.

It is all very simple to do.

So a country, like Thailand, where you want them to see "what life is about" can put together a scheme like this, have it remain non political (especially given the Burmese are historical sworn enemies of the Thai's) and work to everyone's advantage.

Yet 'The Greatest Nation on Earth' can't figure it out.....

Okay, one year in bondage with no rights or guarantee that the employer will register the migrant certainly is a solution. But maybe that would also explain why so many migrants REFUSE to be registered.


In the USA there is freedom of speech. If the Hispanics do not like it and just come to Thailand and see what life is all about to coming into a country with out visa and just sneaking across the border. In Thailand you get no free medical or get put on social security. The poor people would change locations with you any time you would want! The man has a right to speak and maybe not give unwelcome aliens every thing and take away from the true citizens and tax payer and the people who have paid Social Security all there live to have it drained by a people who want every thing but give nothing!

Um, if a migrant crosses the border illegally from say Laos, Cambodia or Myanmar and start working, then the employer (Thai or foreign) can legalise their status once a year, usually around June.

They then get enrolled in a medical scheme and get access to labour protections. And they get an ID card which can allow them to open bank accounts etc and wire money home. And Thailand benefits from having a regularised migrant labour work force.

It is all very simple to do.

So a country, like Thailand, where you want them to see "what life is about" can put together a scheme like this, have it remain non political (especially given the Burmese are historical sworn enemies of the Thai's) and work to everyone's advantage.

Yet 'The Greatest Nation on Earth' can't figure it out.....

Okay, one year in bondage with no rights or guarantee that the employer will register the migrant certainly is a solution. But maybe that would also explain why so many migrants REFUSE to be registered.

I've never met one migrant worker who's refused to be registered. For them its the difference between getting or not getting healthcare. The difference between walking the streets freely or risk being deported on the spot.

No silly 4:1 ratio rule for issuing the visas. Even individuals can sponsor them.

Its only ever the employers who drag their feet. But that is a question of enforcement, not a silly migrant labour policy.

And another thing - the work permits and visa are for two years. Extendable.

The US could learn a thing or two. But that would be unthinkable listening to foreigners....


Finally there's a man that speaks up his mined and the truth, tell it the way it's really is,

Trump don't give a hoot for being PC madness (politically correct ) and a fake liberal just to

win votes, and yes, the Mexican in the US are a huge problem, on every imaginary level,

on the other hand, commerce will grind to a hold had not been for the Mexican's cheap labor....

Such ridiculous statements. Mexicans are a huge problem on every level? The extent to which Mexicans contribute to American society, and to its economy is vast. They contribute far more money than they take. Even a congressional budget study proved that. If you believe the hyperbole, you have been watching too much Fox news. Nearly all the illegal immigrants contribute cash they will never get back. Wake up please. America is a country of immigrants. There are millions of jobs Americans have no interest in doing. It reminds me of Thailand in a way. The Mexicans in the US are a bit like the Burmese here. They do work the locals do not want to do, and they do it better, with more sweat, less complaints, and more reliability than the locals. America would grind to a halt without immigrants. I have a real ax to grind against current immigration policy. When you make it ridiculously difficult for people from the third world to get work visas, you will have a lot of illegal immigration. The US is causing some of this problem.

And what despicable Donald said about the Mexicans is downright silly. He is a charicature of a man. How do you take a goon like that seriously? OK, he stold a lot of money, from unsuspecting partners over the years. A real accomplishment. It is much easier to become a billionaire if you have no concerns about the lines you cross in the process. He does not.

Well, the debate really needs to qualify itself. The issue is really illegals. Blurring the distinction has been a long term goal of illegal behavior apologists, but it is illegals- a population which every country on earth has a right, and does defend the host from. An argument could be made regarding the entire immigration policy regarding Latin America, but this is not my argument here. Immigration reform needs to take place but the issue with immigration of illegals is not that discussion. Illegal immigration (an oxymoron) is treason, plain and simple.

The US is causing a good deal more than some of this problem. The US is facilitating this problem in the same way government handouts instigate dependency. Give something for free... build it... and they will come. Well, that's the gist of my response to you. Illegals. Illegals absolutely take in more than they contribute. As one example, beside a single link provided, look at the Obama fast track poppycock whereby illegals then enabled to pay taxes... the stalking horse... would become taxpaying citizens. No person in their right mind believed this and of course it was not true. It amounted to a massive government redistribution of wealth into the hands of non Americans. Filing taxes for up to 5 years retro enabled all who never worked a day in the US to collect Earned Income Credit in the many thousands. Indeed, hundreds of billions are hemorrhaging because of illegals. Illegals most definitely are not coming to the US to take jobs significantly over the poverty line. By definition, these then would be the jobs Americans would presumably want. It is the jobs they do take where taxes are filed, but not paid. WIC, EIC, and other programs generously compensate for their poverty, which is in numerous cases, ostensibly, better than where they left. It is a net loss to Americans and a gain to illegals.



I will not belabor the issue with illegals and crime; it is indisputably epidemic and outrageously out of proportion to a given population, let alone an illegal population.










One can choose to ignore the data but one cannot effectively argue the data. Illegals are illegal are illegal. No nation can survive invasion, of any type. No equality in outcomes has ever resulted in a utopian society. No redistribution of wealth has ever achieved parity. Economic refugees has never been a legitimate reason to invade. American is strangled by stupidity, political correctness- the most insidious insult to rational faculties, and labeling and Balkanization. America has become a festering cesspool in the span of a few years. America has become "fundamentally transform[ed]."

You've just ignored 200 years of history. The US has always been about economic refugees. I'm sure they came for liberty as well, but liberty never put food on the table. People came for oppotunites and jobs.

As for Balkanisation. You've aways been a country of vastly different characteristics and motivations. Civil war even. Always have always will be. Just the illusion, perpetuated for the last 150 years or so of an anglo-protestant picture of the place, which never really existed apart from politically due to geremandering and patronage, is being chipped away at. And those who bask themselves in that light can't stand it.

Even up to the 1930s Dutch was still spoken in pockets of NY state. Wasn't german on the table as a national language at one point? Northern Maine speaking French as a second and sometimes first language. Spanish has always been a language of choice for generations.

In this case, what once was legal (turn up, get your teeth checked on Ellis island and off you go) for million of European pesants is now not so kosher for a bunch of slightly browner people who are willing to pick your fruit, wash your cars, and clean your houses and offices. It is all a matter of terminolgy.

Unless you make the US poorer than Mexico, no matter how big your walls are, they are going to keep coming. You might as well as face up to the reality of it, and be as flexible and nimble in this area as you can be in so many other areas of your society and economy, and stop pretending that this is a problem that needs to be fixed with stern of vitrolic words. Rather, view it as an opportunity to continue what has always made the US strong, the capacity to re-invent itself.


Such ridiculous statements. Mexicans are a huge problem on every level? The extent to which Mexicans contribute to American society, and to its economy is vast. They contribute far more money than they take. Even a congressional budget study proved that. If you believe the hyperbole, you have been watching too much Fox news. Nearly all the illegal immigrants contribute cash they will never get back. Wake up please. America is a country of immigrants. There are millions of jobs Americans have no interest in doing. It reminds me of Thailand in a way. The Mexicans in the US are a bit like the Burmese here. They do work the locals do not want to do, and they do it better, with more sweat, less complaints, and more reliability than the locals. America would grind to a halt without immigrants. I have a real ax to grind against current immigration policy. When you make it ridiculously difficult for people from the third world to get work visas, you will have a lot of illegal immigration. The US is causing some of this problem.

And what despicable Donald said about the Mexicans is downright silly. He is a charicature of a man. How do you take a goon like that seriously? OK, he stold a lot of money, from unsuspecting partners over the years. A real accomplishment. It is much easier to become a billionaire if you have no concerns about the lines you cross in the process. He does not.

You may have missed the part about illegal Mexican immigrants. If a person wants to come to America through legal immigration then good on them. It is "ridiculous" to support or encourage illegal immigration. The majority of people crossing America's borders illegally tend not to be the creme of the crop.

The incredibly important point you are missing here, and the area that is at the very crux of this debate, is that our immigration policy is completely broken. Completely. Nuclear scientists cannot get work visas, to work for multi-nationals in the US, due to the quota system, which is outdated, and inappropriate. We should be willing to take as many people as possible that fit your "cream of the crop" description. But, we can't due to a broken system. Illegal immigrants do a lot of the work that Americans won't. If the demand was not there, they would not risk their lives crossing the border. For a person like that to come to the US through legal immigration, is near impossible. Please read up on this very important subject, before repeating Fox news mottos. They are NOT based on truth, nor the reality on the ground.

Unauthorized immigrants comprise a major portion of the U.S. civilian labor force.
Close to 25 percent of farm workers, 19 percent of maintenance workers and 17 percent of construction workers were unauthorized immigrants in 2008.
And in 2008, 8 percent of births in the U.S. were children with unauthorized immigrant parents. 24 percent were from immigrants of any legal status.
That is who is already here. But one major question with immigration reform is how to deal with the porous border?
The Border Control's budget has been rising rapidly.
However, the reported number of annual apprehensions carried out by the Border Control has been decreasing steadily.
As a result, the cost per apprehension has skyrocketed from $238 per apprehension in 1990 to $10,431 per apprehension in 2011.
The number of immigrants held in Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facilities is on the rise, and was almost 450,000 people newly jailed in 2011 alone.
One issue is that it's become incredibly difficult for people to get residency in the United States, and even harder to become a naturalized citizen.
Until the early 1990s, less than 3 percent of petitions for naturalization were denied annually. Since then, denials have become much more common.
Petitions from people seeking to become naturalized citizens have been denied more often than ever in the past two decades, peaking in 2000.
The vast majority of people who obtain permanent residency — "green cards" — are relatives of U.S. citizens. Since at most 7 percent of green cards can legally come from a single country, it's difficult for skilled professionals with no ties to the U.S. to get permanent residency
As a result, the nation is having trouble getting high skilled workers into the U.S. The L-1B visa allows companies to bring people with "specialized knowledge" like engineers and programmers into the U.S. Denial rates have jumped since the 1990s.
Requests for Evidence, which delay the L-1B application process, have also become the norm when in the past they were the exception.
Suffering more than many other groups are specialists from India who see widespread visa petition denial because the nation produces a large volume of highly trained and educated specialists.
These stats show how hard it is to develop a working solution to unauthorized immigration.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/immigration-data-charts-reform-illegal-2013-1?op=1#ixzz3euFV3Ugy

I'll guarantee you there are no scientist or engineers coming across our southern border. What is coming across the border with laborers, and fruit pickers, are gang members and drugs.

Obama and his broken immigration policies have made the U.S. border towns dangerous. Try sneaking into Mexico and see how you are treated. You won't be given a pathway to becoming a Mexican citizen. What will happen, is you will end up occupying a jail cell, eating corn tortillas and frijoles.


Finally there's a man that speaks up his mined and the truth, tell it the way it's really is,

Trump don't give a hoot for being PC madness (politically correct ) and a fake liberal just to

win votes, and yes, the Mexican in the US are a huge problem, on every imaginary level,

on the other hand, commerce will grind to a hold had not been for the Mexican's cheap labor....

Here's what Trump said:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."

You agree with and applaud that, adding, "yes, the Mexican in the US are a huge problem, on every imaginary level"

But then you go on to say:

"commerce will grind to a hold had not been for the Mexican's cheap labor...."

So, these criminals and rapists are willing to work hard for low paying thus essentially propping up the U.S. economy.

Do you even hear the cognitive dissonance rattling around in that brain of yours?



Nothing wrong with illegal Mexicans. They are taking jobs nobody wants. And they do pay taxes, every time they buy something or when they fill their tanks with gas. The income tax that they don't pay is insignificant considering the wages they receive. Those taxes are supposed to be deducted by the employers, anyway. We need to send home the illegal Canadians, who are taking the high paying Corporate jobs, and the Indians who have invaded the technology industry both of whom are shipping dollars out of the country in large amounts. The Latinos? By the time the are done paying for basics, there are few enough dollars left for exporting.

Yeah, let's have immigrants, but only if we can exploit the heck outta them.



Such ridiculous statements. Mexicans are a huge problem on every level? The extent to which Mexicans contribute to American society, and to its economy is vast. They contribute far more money than they take. Even a congressional budget study proved that. If you believe the hyperbole, you have been watching too much Fox news. Nearly all the illegal immigrants contribute cash they will never get back. Wake up please. America is a country of immigrants. There are millions of jobs Americans have no interest in doing. It reminds me of Thailand in a way. The Mexicans in the US are a bit like the Burmese here. They do work the locals do not want to do, and they do it better, with more sweat, less complaints, and more reliability than the locals. America would grind to a halt without immigrants. I have a real ax to grind against current immigration policy. When you make it ridiculously difficult for people from the third world to get work visas, you will have a lot of illegal immigration. The US is causing some of this problem.

And what despicable Donald said about the Mexicans is downright silly. He is a charicature of a man. How do you take a goon like that seriously? OK, he stold a lot of money, from unsuspecting partners over the years. A real accomplishment. It is much easier to become a billionaire if you have no concerns about the lines you cross in the process. He does not.

You may have missed the part about illegal Mexican immigrants. If a person wants to come to America through legal immigration then good on them. It is "ridiculous" to support or encourage illegal immigration. The majority of people crossing America's borders illegally tend not to be the creme of the crop.

The incredibly important point you are missing here, and the area that is at the very crux of this debate, is that our immigration policy is completely broken. Completely. Nuclear scientists cannot get work visas, to work for multi-nationals in the US, due to the quota system, which is outdated, and inappropriate. We should be willing to take as many people as possible that fit your "cream of the crop" description. But, we can't due to a broken system. Illegal immigrants do a lot of the work that Americans won't. If the demand was not there, they would not risk their lives crossing the border. For a person like that to come to the US through legal immigration, is near impossible. Please read up on this very important subject, before repeating Fox news mottos. They are NOT based on truth, nor the reality on the ground.

Unauthorized immigrants comprise a major portion of the U.S. civilian labor force.

Pew Research Hispanic Center

Close to 25 percent of farm workers, 19 percent of maintenance workers and 17 percent of construction workers were unauthorized immigrants in 2008.

Pew Research Hispanic Center

And in 2008, 8 percent of births in the U.S. were children with unauthorized immigrant parents. 24 percent were from immigrants of any legal status.

Pew Hispanic Research Center

That is who is already here. But one major question with immigration reform is how to deal with the porous border?

Jonathan Gibby/Getty Images

The Border Control's budget has been rising rapidly.

Walter Hickey/BI, Data from Border Control

However, the reported number of annual apprehensions carried out by the Border Control has been decreasing steadily.

Walter Hickey/BI, data from Border COntrol

As a result, the cost per apprehension has skyrocketed from $238 per apprehension in 1990 to $10,431 per apprehension in 2011.

Walter Hickey/BI, Data from Border Control

Border Control Budget, Apprehension

The number of immigrants held in Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facilities is on the rise, and was almost 450,000 people newly jailed in 2011 alone.

Walter Hickey/BI, Data from DHS

Data: DHS.gov

One issue is that it's become incredibly difficult for people to get residency in the United States, and even harder to become a naturalized citizen.

Flickr/SEIU International

Until the early 1990s, less than 3 percent of petitions for naturalization were denied annually. Since then, denials have become much more common.

Walter Hickey/BI, data from DHS

Petitions from people seeking to become naturalized citizens have been denied more often than ever in the past two decades, peaking in 2000.

Walter Hickey/BI, data from DHS

The vast majority of people who obtain permanent residency — "green cards" — are relatives of U.S. citizens. Since at most 7 percent of green cards can legally come from a single country, it's difficult for skilled professionals with no ties to the U.S. to get permanent residency

Walter Hickey/BI, data from DHS

As a result, the nation is having trouble getting high skilled workers into the U.S. The L-1B visa allows companies to bring people with "specialized knowledge" like engineers and programmers into the U.S. Denial rates have jumped since the 1990s.

National Foundation for American Policy

Requests for Evidence, which delay the L-1B application process, have also become the norm when in the past they were the exception.

National Foundation for American Policy

Suffering more than many other groups are specialists from India who see widespread visa petition denial because the nation produces a large volume of highly trained and educated specialists.

National Foundation for American Policy

These stats show how hard it is to develop a working solution to unauthorized immigration.


See a Fascinating Presentation Showing Why The GOP Has To Embrace Immigration Reform >

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/immigration-data-charts-reform-illegal-2013-1?op=1#ixzz3euFV3Ugy

I'll guarantee you there are no scientist or engineers coming across our southern border. What is coming across the border with laborers, and fruit pickers, are gang members and drugs.

Obama and his broken immigration policies have made the U.S. border towns dangerous. Try sneaking into Mexico and see how you are treated. You won't be given a pathway to becoming a Mexican citizen. What will happen, is you will end up occupying a jail cell, eating corn tortillas and frijoles.

Ever since 9/11 there is a xenophobia that has been creeping it's way into American Society. We used to be a very tolerant nation and we used to embrace our melting pot. We are looking more and more like Germany in the 30's, these days, with all the talk of a pure race BS.


Ted Cruz, said Trump is "terrific," ''brash" and "speaks the truth."

It is almost impossible to find anyone...anymore...anywhere...who speak plainly the truth about any subject...

Sir Donald is unencumbered by political correctness and therefore speaks his mind...

Those who bark the loudest...do not like the truth being exposed...

I heard just today...that Trump is now leading the Rep Primary Candidates...in the latest polling...

Guess everyone in America now gravitates to Idiots who speak the truth plainly...

Take our current President for example...Please take him!


Ted Cruz, said Trump is "terrific," ''brash" and "speaks the truth."

It is almost impossible to find anyone...anymore...anywhere...who speak plainly the truth about any subject...

Sir Donald is unencumbered by political correctness and therefore speaks his mind...

Those who bark the loudest...do not like the truth being exposed...

I heard just today...that Trump is now leading the Rep Primary Candidates...in the latest polling...

Guess everyone in America now gravitates to Idiots who speak the truth plainly...

Take our current President for example...Please take him!

quite interesting that the GOP equate not being PC with the right to be an <deleted>.

Ted Cruz, said Trump is "terrific," ''brash" and "speaks the truth."

It is almost impossible to find anyone...anymore...anywhere...who speak plainly the truth about any subject...

Sir Donald is unencumbered by political correctness and therefore speaks his mind...

Those who bark the loudest...do not like the truth being exposed...

I heard just today...that Trump is now leading the Rep Primary Candidates...in the latest polling...

Guess everyone in America now gravitates to Idiots who speak the truth plainly...

Take our current President for example...Please take him!

quite interesting that the GOP equate not being PC with the right to be an <deleted>.

And that is an important distinction to make in this debate. Being direct and honest is outstanding. Disgusting Don just simply cannot help being an &lt;deleted&gt;. He wakes up in the morning, and he is an &lt;deleted&gt;. That is just who he is. He goes to bed as an &lt;deleted&gt;. It is in his DNA. Wait a minute, do cretans have DNA?


You may have missed the part about illegal Mexican immigrants. If a person wants to come to America through legal immigration then good on them. It is "ridiculous" to support or encourage illegal immigration. The majority of people crossing America's borders illegally tend not to be the creme of the crop.

"You may have missed the part about illegal Mexican immigrants Democrat voters."

Fixed it for you. Democrats and anyone else who will pander to them for votes love them.


Nothing wrong with illegal Mexicans.

There's nothing wrong with illegal...

How did we come to this? Do we believe in the rule of law, or do we believe in mob control?



It is a fabrication that Mexicans/Central Americans work for less. That may have been true in the 70s and 80s, but that has been a while. This same group does not condemn the illegals that go to the US, so their motives are suspect. You cannot have it both ways.


Freedom of speech comes at a price nowadays, and it shouldn't, so good on you trumpy say it as you see it

saying it as you see it reveals a lot of how you see it

Unfortunately Trump see it wrong, to say the least.



Ted Cruz, said Trump is "terrific," ''brash" and "speaks the truth."

It is almost impossible to find anyone...anymore...anywhere...who speak plainly the truth about any subject...

Sir Donald is unencumbered by political correctness and therefore speaks his mind...

Those who bark the loudest...do not like the truth being exposed...

I heard just today...that Trump is now leading the Rep Primary Candidates...in the latest polling...

Guess everyone in America now gravitates to Idiots who speak the truth plainly...

Take our current President for example...Please take him!

Sir Donald? Are we now kissing his ugly ass due to his wealth?

I prefer despicable Don

Disgusting donald

Tiny trump

Trump the terrible

Trash trump

Trump trash

Donald the destroyer

Trump loss is what occurs when you do a deal with this robber baron.


Keep running Trump. The mud you splatter is staining your buddies' shirts. ...and late-night talk show hosts love it.

It truly is a sad state of affairs when a populace relies on late-night TV comedians for their political "news"... What's the saying, stupid is as stupid does... coffee1.gif


Ted Cruz, said Trump is "terrific," ''brash" and "speaks the truth."

It is almost impossible to find anyone...anymore...anywhere...who speak plainly the truth about any subject...

Sir Donald is unencumbered by political correctness and therefore speaks his mind...

Those who bark the loudest...do not like the truth being exposed...

I heard just today...that Trump is now leading the Rep Primary Candidates...in the latest polling...

Guess everyone in America now gravitates to Idiots who speak the truth plainly...

Take our current President for example...Please take him!

The "latest polling" referenced in the post applies to Republicans likely to vote in the Republican party primaries or caucuses to decide who the nominee for president will be as chosen by voters of the Republican party.

The polling cited in the post does not refer to "everyone in America..." It refers to Republican voters in the Republican party only.

The leap from voters in the Republican party nationally, state by state Republicans, to "everyone in America" is erroneous. Trump could not win either the Republican party nomination or the presidency of the United States if he had a Trillion dollars or a whole brain...either or both.

Trump is a blistering idiot.


At least a few businesses are realizing that Trump the terrible is radioactive at this stage and are moving away from doing business with this swine.

actions to comments Univision announced it would no longer carry broadcasts of the Miss USA Pageant. In response, Trump indicated the matter would be handled by legal action, and followed through by filing a $500 million lawsuit against Univision. The complaint asserts that Univision is attempting to suppress Trump’s First Amendment rights by putting pressure on his business ventures. Several days later, NBC announced it would not air the Miss Universe or Miss USA pageant for the same reason. Afterwards, the multinational media company Grupo Televisa severed ties with Trump, as did Ora TV, a television network partly owned by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, who called Trump's comments on Mexicans "racist". Trump awarded exclusive rights to theReelz Channel to broadcast the Miss Universe and Miss USA Pageants. Macy's also announced it would phase out its Trump-branded merchandise. Serta, a mattress manufacturer, also decided to drop their business relationship with Trump. A brewery in Chicago, that had been selling beer to a bar in Trump Tower Chicago, announced that it would cease doing business with Trump because of his statements, and said they would rename the beer they had been selling to Trump's bar as 'Chinga Tu Pelo' (&lt;deleted&gt; Your Hair), in an apparent reference to Trump's horrific haircut.


Who did the last amnesty? Some guy called Ronald something or other...

Did the Sky fall in? Ah, sorry, they were supposed to be the golden years for America weren't they?

Not for those of us that actually lived through that era...

Did the sky fall? I don't know, you tell us... When 100% of all new job creation in the last 15 years has gone to immigrants, who is paying the price for this flood of immigrants into the US?


This can has been kicked down the road ever since the Reagan amnesty... The borders have not been controlled and emigration has not been regulated or restricted... The corporatists want cheap labor and could not care less about native Americans...

Here are a few facts about illegal Mexicans in the US, which is just the tip of the iceberg when illegal immigrants from other countries are considered...



Keep running Trump. The mud you splatter is staining your buddies' shirts. ...and late-night talk show hosts love it.

It truly is a sad state of affairs when a populace relies on late-night TV comedians for their political "news"... What's the saying, stupid is as stupid does... coffee1.gif

Trump is running as a Republican in the Republican party for the nomination of the Republican party to try to be elected president. Trump will gain neither.

A certain particular public of the United States gets their political entertainment news and humor from television entertainers who are themselves politically oriented. Most Americans do not consider the "late-night" TV entertainers "news" entertainers to be professional journalists of any kind.

This erroneous grousing against the United States by trying to grab at anything or everything is OTT and it reflects on the chronic and strangely inventive complainers themselves.


Keep running Trump. The mud you splatter is staining your buddies' shirts. ...and late-night talk show hosts love it.

It truly is a sad state of affairs when a populace relies on late-night TV comedians for their political "news"... What's the saying, stupid is as stupid does... coffee1.gif

It is Ironic that you would make the "stupid is as stupid does" statement in a thread where we discus Trumps stupid doing.


Keep running Trump. The mud you splatter is staining your buddies' shirts. ...and late-night talk show hosts love it.

It truly is a sad state of affairs when a populace relies on late-night TV comedians for their political "news"... What's the saying, stupid is as stupid does... coffee1.gif

Trump is running as a Republican in the Republican party for the nomination of the Republican party to try to be elected president. Trump will gain neither.

A certain particular public of the United States gets their political entertainment news and humor from television entertainers who are themselves politically oriented. Most Americans do not consider the "late-night" TV entertainers "news" entertainers to be professional journalists of any kind.

This erroneous grousing against the United States by trying to grab at anything or everything is OTT and it reflects on the chronic and strangely inventive complainers themselves.

you mean FOX news?


Needs to say more about Mr. Trump?

It is bad that he do not need a Mexican visa to cross the border...and make business in Mexico....

He still sued for a 30 US millions scam with his real estate developments in Mexico's Baja California that never were built....

I was one of the scammed buyers.....



Keep running Trump. The mud you splatter is staining your buddies' shirts. ...and late-night talk show hosts love it.

It truly is a sad state of affairs when a populace relies on late-night TV comedians for their political "news"... What's the saying, stupid is as stupid does... coffee1.gif

Trump is running as a Republican in the Republican party for the nomination of the Republican party to try to be elected president. Trump will gain neither.

A certain particular public of the United States gets their political entertainment news and humor from television entertainers who are themselves politically oriented. Most Americans do not consider the "late-night" TV entertainers "news" entertainers to be professional journalists of any kind.

This erroneous grousing against the United States by trying to grab at anything or everything is OTT and it reflects on the chronic and strangely inventive complainers themselves.

Just as it does for the apologists for those attempting to destroy the US through illegal immigration, secret trade deals, destruction of the constitution and on and on and on... And anyone that dares to question the dialectic being force fed to the public via the MSM is branded as OTT or a complainer by folks like you...

Trump will not get the nomination as a republican... The real concern is which socialist will be the next POTUS, Hillary or Bernie...


Keep running Trump. The mud you splatter is staining your buddies' shirts. ...and late-night talk show hosts love it.

It truly is a sad state of affairs when a populace relies on late-night TV comedians for their political "news"... What's the saying, stupid is as stupid does... coffee1.gif

It is Ironic that you would make the "stupid is as stupid does" statement in a thread where we discus Trumps stupid doing.

There is a method to my madness, regardless of what the voices in my head say... wink.png

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