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Hair strands? Change your shampoo. It is a well known fact that if you use the same shampoo for months or years it will make your hair lacklustre and sort of not nice looking.

I have three different shampoos which i change weekly and my hair is absolutely better for it.

Also, not using shampoo for a month gets the natural oils back in motion on your scalp which shampoo sometimes clogs up.

I've done it, and i have long hair. And the day that i washed it after a couple of weeks it came out shiny and soft and lovely. During that process you also have to massage your head, just to get all the crap out.

I do it about twice a year. My hair is thicker and healthier. Apart from those pesky grey things that keep sprouting!!!

The shampoos i use are Head and Shoulders, Pantene Pro and Johnsons baby shampoo. The baby one i use after the two week yuck villes no hair wash crap. But works a wonder. And smells good.

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and while we are on the subject of " hair " and lack of.....just to remind you all gentlemen that i hope you are all shaving " Downstairs " as well as it can be most off putting for a beautiful lady forced to come face to face with something that looks like " Stuart Granger "...........

Farang Jaidee x


This may sound crazy.......and many will skoff. If you buy a can of tuna in spring water...NOT BRINE.....mix it with plain yoghurt......and equal olive oil, about half a cup each......mix it and warm it.....then apply it and leave in for 30 min.....wrapped in a towel........Rinse...no soap......Try it.

YES - it worked wonders for me - though I had to leave it under the towel for 2 hours to get noticeable results. I did use strawberry yoghurt though.


Thanks for all the comments, most of which misunderstood my question smile.png

I am not going grey or concerned about the colour of my hair.

My hair is not falling out - I still have the same length of hair and in the same areas of my head as I had 40 years ago. I have not noticed any change in the amount of hair and do not see hair strands in the shower etc.

But it is the 'quality' of the hair strands on my head itself which concern me - and I appreciate the comments and advice in this thread as to how to improve the health of those strands.

Simon. You can't improve the health of your hair... it's dead !

You think maybe a reputable hair clinic just might offer better advice than on an open forum ?

At 56 don't you have more important issues to be concerned about ? just wondering.

Cheers..... Mal.


Guess most guys have let themselves go that much that they have to call others vain. Nothing wrong with not looking like the average over the hill foreigner.

Some nice clothes.. taking some pride in your looks its normal. It has nothing to do with vanity to look presentable.


Seriously....no need to ask anyone here for advice about such matters.

Use the Internet to learn about such matters while there are dozens of natural products and or known home remedies and or legitimate suppliers of products that will help you achieve what you want.

Once again the amazing internet can come to your aid.....amazing...lol



Thanks for all the comments, most of which misunderstood my question smile.png

I am not going grey or concerned about the colour of my hair.

My hair is not falling out - I still have the same length of hair and in the same areas of my head as I had 40 years ago. I have not noticed any change in the amount of hair and do not see hair strands in the shower etc.

But it is the 'quality' of the hair strands on my head itself which concern me - and I appreciate the comments and advice in this thread as to how to improve the health of those strands.

Simon. You can't improve the health of your hair... it's dead !

You think maybe a reputable hair clinic just might offer better advice than on an open forum ?

At 56 don't you have more important issues to be concerned about ? just wondering.

Cheers..... Mal.

Not entirely true my friend.

The same way that you can maintain your youth in other aspects of your health and well being you can also maintain the health of your hair.

Vitamins and mineral supplements have been proven to be part of what can slow down, at least, the degeneration of your hair and your scalp condition.

Numerous shampoos and hair care products are considered to be and or proven to be much better than many of the other available brands or types or formulas of hair cleansing products.

Regular Exercising has also proven to be a factor in the healthy maintenance of your hair and scalp condition as declining hormones and hormone levels and their rate of decline, as you grow older, are relative to and related to the mechanisms of protein synthesis, as your scalp and your hair are continually regenerated day by day as part of your well being....while the mechanisms involved concerning protein synthesis is the basis of what you are....that being a very complex organism ( machine so to speak ) that is based on continual protein synthesis and all that it entails.

Exercising and weight lifting stimulates protein synthesis while slowing down the natural decline in hormone levels that accompanies old age.

Deficiencies in the Essential Amino Acids, relative to protein synthesis, are also a critical factor involved in everyone's well being and longevity while any severe declines in the levels of the 21 essential amino acids that are provided by your body and or obtained from your diet are also a factor in the health of your hair and scalp condition that supports the regenerating of healthy hair on a routine basis....minute by minute, day by day.

Has nothing to do with luck or good fortune but often is related to genetics obtained from your parents and their parents before....but not the only factor amongst many factors.

Smokers and drinkers and those with bad diets considered to be very unhealthy with too much sugar and foods with too much chemicals additives, vitamin and or mineral deficiencies, absence or low levels of the essential amino acids, low hormone levels, lingering bacterial and or viral infections that never go away, lack of regular exercise, harsh chemical laden hair care products.... and, for some, too much sunlight...( of all things ) can be amongst the many factors that result in the decline of a healthy head of hair......... as we all grow older.



Thinning on top, you can see the scalp through what remains..........but, I don't try to disguise it.

Everywhere else have lots, but, totally grey, also don't disguise that either.

Most desperate thing I saw, besides the comb-over, otherwise known as a "bar-code", was a Chinese guy in Singapore who had the whole top of his head tattooed black.

Like comb-overs, the only one fooled, was himself.


The health forum is for people to ask questions and expect serious answers. If you want to goof around go elsewhere.


I agree, shave it and go bald, my GF likes it this way..biggrin.png

Which head are to talking about? Personally I like it when that gals 'go bald' too. Lol


Thinning on top, you can see the scalp through what remains..........but, I don't try to disguise it.

Everywhere else have lots, but, totally grey, also don't disguise that either.

Most desperate thing I saw, besides the comb-over, otherwise known as a "bar-code", was a Chinese guy in Singapore who had the whole top of his head tattooed black.

Like comb-overs, the only one fooled, was himself.

A guy at our local hospital paints his scalp black and then does a comb over. I told my wife that was one of the most sincerely pathetic things I've ever seen. I really feel for the guy - wow, that much vanity! And he doesn't realized he looks like a freak.

I shaved my head last year. I was actually surprised that I could still feel follicles all over my head even where I thought I was balding. I enjoyed the feel after a had about 1/2 inch all over. Now I shave it down to a number 1 shave setting and let it grow until it starts feeling hot again. I should have done it years ago, and I'm not even bald. If I start balding, then I'll shave it. Maybe I should donate my hair to the pathetically vain dude at the hospital. Poor guy.

And am I off topic? No. I consider vanity to be a mental health issue, especially when it devolves to the point that a person has such low self-esteem that they think painting their head black will make them look as though they have hair. So the OP concern with his 'Hair Health' in my personal opinion is a possible compulsive disorder. He may want to talk to a professional about his self-esteem. I'm serious!


Just by accident I met someone yesterday with beautiful shiny hair, and - feeling pity for the o.p. - asked him what his secret was. Here's the answer: Put three strips of beef jerky into a 0.3l glass filled with warm coke and let it dissolve in the coke for three days, add half a teaspoon of salt, one tablespoon of olive oil, 20 grams of fresh Durian, half an onion, a shot glass full of white tequila, 1 small bamboo sprout, knife tip of black pepper, three small green chilis, 3 dried basil leaves, and two chicken feathers, put it all in a blender on highest rpm for two minutes until foamy and gulp it down in one go! This should be done twice daily for a period of 6 months.


I am seventy two years young blonde hair all my life still have a full head of hair, very fine hair one or two grey my gf tells me, have shampooed with head and shoulders daily for more years than I can remmember, err what was the question again.


Years ago I visited a leading hair specialist in London called https://www.philipkingsley.com/ His clients are celebs in London and new york

A healthy diet is essential and popping multi vitamins 3 days a week is good for your hair. He said that the most important meal of the day for the hair is breakfast and that it must consist of protein. He sells good quality shampoos etc and said that one should use a gentle shampoo like baby shampoo and dont put wax etc in your hair. Also, dont let the hair be exposed to sunlight. He has a book that is worth reading. Hope that helps


The health forum is for people to ask questions and expect serious answers. If you want to goof around go elsewhere.

Those who just lost their posting rights can't say I didn't warn you.

The health forum that it is a place where people expect serious answers to medical questions without being subject to ridicule. We have much less patience here than elsewhere.


Thanks to the Few who gave sensible replies, especially Patsycat.

From some of the comments posted, I can now understand why in Thailand there are so many foreigners of a certain age who look like they have just crawled out of a dustbin and care zilch for a neat and healthy appearance :)

Even so, I think I will pass on the shampoo recipe that requires a dash of sperm.


Since nobody is answering your question directly, I will share with you what has worked for me and a few friends. I am 48 and started thinning out badly about 10 years ago.

No magic is out there and if you are not up to surgery, then try what got my hair back to normal.

Take daily:

Biotin 5000 mcg. (Can only find 1000 mcg in Thailand)

Propecia 1 mg. ( or you can save $ by buying 5 mg finestaride in Thailand and cut into 4s)

Saw palmetto

Rx shampoo if you are wanting to do even more,

2% minoxidyl shampoo or 1% OTC

For temp thickening you can try romaine when going to bed at night, but be sure you don't have any skin allergies.

Very inexpensive and easy to incorporate with daily taking of vitamins.

Expect 2-3 months to start seeing good results. This is not an overnight wonder but a maintenance schedule (similar to your vitamin schedule) no extra effort,

Wish you the best

Wow. Sorry if my full page reply, complete with pictures, does not meet your "Since nobody is answering your question directly ..." criteria.

Sometimes I wonder about these postings anyway ... the person who started the inquiry rarely responds .. and pretty much never says thank you.

I like your input, and my try the Biotin along with the things i listed.

This was my first post (though I have been a member for years). I meant no disrespect if I overlooked any answers. Thanks for the response and feedback. I find biotin to really help with keeping the hair thicker. Many women use this for that reason.

By the way, regarding the pharmaceutical shampoo, it is actually called: KETOCONAZOLE SHAMPOO 2%

I shaved my head 8 years ago(for only a few months), as my hair got so thin it became hopeless.

Using these products, made a world of difference for me, and I hope it helps other guys out there who are in the same position (thinning hair).

Recently, I found this product and tried it a few times. It is essentially "Hair Make up" and has nothing to do with growing hair or fixing any problems. It is something I might put on once a month (when going out to a nice dinner with my wife), and want my hair to look better than usual (without looking fake).

Here is one of their Caboki commercials:



Damn!!! Transam knows about my finances...

I've seen this guy in Pattaya... many times!

Guy....... looks more like my grandma.


I went for Micro scalp pigmentation ( just made an account of it under "bald! ..." In that section )

I am more than satisfied, not to say amazed by the result as it does look natural even at very close range.

Of course I have dark hair but I guess the couloir can be matched

I have a crew cut now but much better than an egg cut


Hi Alyx, I just read your post. Very realistic results.

However, your post doesn't help me because I still have a good head of hair (just cut 3 cm off it yesterday). I appreciate the advice in this thread about thickening/adding body to my very fine hair.

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