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Push bike repairs close to Kad Suan Kaew Central


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I posted this topic sometime ago and now my brakes on my and my g/f's bike are in need of repair and well they are vital. I received only 2 replies and one was a long list of "Bike" repair shops. On calling some of them they either are big motorbike shops or have "quit" doing push bike repairs. I have run into some hole in the wall repair shops over time but they seem to open and close on a weekly basis. Sooo anything new or updated or suggestions. I would prefer a hole in the wall shop as they seem not to charge Gringo (Farang) prices. Close to Kad Suan Kaew would be a bonus for this 77 year old aging body but I still do bike. Also getting the name of a place that sells bike parts especially brakes would help as my best to date bike mechanic says he cannot find the parts (I think he is BSing me) I know there are some really smart TV members especially on electronics. For those keyboard warriors(Ye gads sometimes I think I am becoming one trying to stop) I already know the drill. At 77 your to old to be riding a bicycle its to dangerous blah blah blah. I have heard them all but if you care to repeat them have at it.

Edited by elgordo38
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Probably best to head up to Velocity, which is between Nim junction and Canal rd on the left. For a smaller place, I always liked Chaitawat in the old town, southeast ish though may have to wait longer. Do a quick search for either for numbers. Wouldn't bother being reamed or patronised by Jackie.

Oh, and don't listen to the dolts, 77 is nowt for a cyclist. ;)

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I use this shop on Thipanet road, https://www.google.co.th/maps/@18.777675,98.981035,3a,75y,264.39h,88.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_2ijHfM2a13gABQi60Y4wQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en-GB

South of "old city". Speaks decent English. His father also has a bike shop just to west of Chiang Mai gate, on inside of moat. Also recommended by others.

Edited by MESmith
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Top Gear has been sold and has moved a few doors down and renamed Moogs or something like that. Stuart, from Canada and his lovely Thai wife run the place and I highly recommend it.

I've heard that TCA is now only an importer/wholesaler but that might depend on the day.

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Top Gear has been sold and has moved a few doors down and renamed Moogs or something like that. Stuart, from Canada and his lovely Thai wife run the place and I highly recommend it.

I've heard that TCA is now only an importer/wholesaler but that might depend on the day.

"Mong" bikes

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